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Sovereignty and the UFO

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posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:50 AM
Is willful ignorance about the UFO subject more political than sociological?

There's an interesting research paper below (published in a major academic journal) entitled 'Sovereignty and the UFO' which goes into more detail about UFO denial and a 'prohibition' on taking the subject seriously.

'Sovereignty and the UFO'

UFO denial appears to be as much political as sociological—more like Galileo’s ideas were political for the Catholic Church than like the once ridiculed theory of continental drift. In short, considerable work goes into ignoring UFOs, constituting them as objects only of ridicule and scorn. To that extent one may speak of a “UFO taboo,” a prohibition in the authoritative public sphere on taking UFOs seriously, or “thou shalt not try very hard to find out what UFOs are.”

PDF Link

edit on 13-11-2014 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by karl 12


This is a gun shot!

Because this is "THE SECTRET" of the secrets!
S&F, Karl.
edit on 18-2-2012 by Arken because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by karl 12

I take ufos more seriously than I do politicians.

There is actually a law concerning NASA, and what they can and can not make public. I believe it says something to the effect that they shall not share anything with the public that could be detrimental to national security.

edit on 18-2-2012 by ILikeStars because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 06:44 AM
The UFOs originally were (regardless of where you start counting) and always will be a national security item. It just happens that the secret thus required to sustain that position is buttressed by social mores (religion) and general anthropocentric views natural to humans. Throw in the excuse used by Science in general that it cannot accept popular views on UFOs because they aren't tidy scientific studies (let alone doing or willing to do experiments) and you have natural conditions for the current state of affairs.

I'll repeat that opening statement in plain language: UFOs would be acknowledged today if they were not a state secret. You can banter about "sovereignty" and the public mind, but government and Science have long shown their inclinations against UFOs. The media knows how the wind blows and greatly assists with sincerity in the formal declarations from on-high places that the emperor certainly does have clothes on and the average UFO report is nothing but a curiosity if that.

None of this is rocket science, but it is social science and political science (which includes military science). The bottom line explanation across those fields is simply one word: CONTROL. You can dress the explanation in any type of clothing you want, but it will always look to those that know something about the situation as a military uniform covering it up.

(I try to pound into peoples' heads one vital, important, if tangential, point to the recognition [or not] of UFOs being actual ET craft. UFOs--and now our triangles--are the most important development in human technology since the invention of the wheel and by implication, the greatest military weapon ever developed. For that reason alone, they will remain hidden until another country becomes a competitor on near equal terms.)
edit on 18-2-2012 by Aliensun because: spelling

edit on 18-2-2012 by Aliensun because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-2-2012 by Aliensun because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:57 AM
Superb heads up Karl, the seriousness of those UFO cases that contain high levels of strangeness involving objects entering and leaving various country's restricted military air space is in essence a very real and serious cause for concern;Those are the cases that the public never hear about and why this subject is treated with scorn, ridicule and character assassinations on anyone who dares putting those high strangeness cases in public viewing,look what happened to Dr James E MacDonald; Well done Karl for brining this to our attention;

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:11 AM
It has to do with who is really in control down here, and the real history of earth, which we're not supposed to be privy to.

But we're going to start remembering soon with the cme's and hence, they are trying to carefully bring out we are psi, but not spirit still, just AI materilalist machines, so when you get more memories, just see it as the earth's magnetic field library. Bunch of disinfo, that is trying to negate the very fact people will be remembering and also seeing more crafts.

Some things they cant hide, so they really try to control the info.

edit on 18-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 12:35 PM
Feels to me that it could also play the part of project bluebeam. Just for the matter that maybe all the astronauts are part of setting for the ET scenario to be played. my opinion of course but just something seems fishy about it all.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 01:37 PM
It's a good article, fair to the subject matter and definitely worth reading, despite the dense, boring and unfriendly writing style typical of such academic prose. The idea that even serious, scientifically minded people can't take UFOs seriously because it is upsetting to their anthropocentric world view is very persuasive.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 02:21 PM
i think the government just gave up on ufo's. they don't even deny them anymore, they just say it wasn't one of our planes, or it wasn't military etc.

there are just to many reports with credible and normal people witnessing them to pass them off as swamp gas or chinese lanterns without looking like complete idiots.

i think their official position is to ignore them publicly as long as they are not a threat and limit themselves to public displays.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by ILikeStars
reply to post by karl 12

I take ufos more seriously than I do politicians.

There is actually a law concerning NASA, and what they can and can not make public. I believe it says something to the effect that they shall not share anything with the public that could be detrimental to national security.

edit on 18-2-2012 by ILikeStars because: (no reason given)

Interesting, considering our security is supposed to be among the most advanced in all of the world.

The only reason to create that law is if something was discovered that would affect our entire planet in an unpleasant or worrisome way.

What are they afraid to tell us? Considering we are the majority, and they are the minority...we should have the right to know any information that could affect our future as a race, world, or nation.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by karl 12

Oh cool. I will definitely be reading that PDF file.

I've always said that we need to get rid of our anthropocentric views and realize we are just an infinitesimal part of it all.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23

The only reason to create that law is if something was discovered that would affect our entire planet in an unpleasant or worrisome way.

What are they afraid to tell us? Considering we are the majority, and they are the minority...we should have the right to know any information that could affect our future as a race, world, or nation.

Maybe they are telling us, but we are not really listening. Perhaps they are telling us, but not exactly in the way we would expect?

I learned about compound words early on in grammar school. How the syllables are words that were condensed and combined.

Are there flying saucers low to the ground, low to the horizon, yes or no?
Saucer low? Sure.
Disc low? Sure
Disc lo? sure.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23

Originally posted by ILikeStars
reply to post by karl 12

I take ufos more seriously than I do politicians.

There is actually a law concerning NASA, and what they can and can not make public. I believe it says something to the effect that they shall not share anything with the public that could be detrimental to national security.

edit on 18-2-2012 by ILikeStars because: (no reason given)

Interesting, considering our security is supposed to be among the most advanced in all of the world.

The only reason to create that law is if something was discovered that would affect our entire planet in an unpleasant or worrisome way.

What are they afraid to tell us? Considering we are the majority, and they are the minority...we should have the right to know any information that could affect our future as a race, world, or nation.

No, that law specifically relates to the US, and all countries have similar laws - most of them start in wartime with regards to spying and then are developed to make them more useful in peacetime. The security of the nation as a whole is considered more important than any citizen or group of citizens, or your supposed rights to information. After all, if the nation falls to some other power (external or internal) then there are no more citizens. Sometimes (often) it gets taken a little too far, especially over the last 50 years or so, and in the US it has been taken to extremes since 9/11.

Interesting find, OP, and I'll be giving the document more time later.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:16 PM
I've tried reading that paper, but I can't follow it in detail. To be honest it didn't seem like the author was saying much, but I might have missed a lot.

Can somebody post a summary for dummies?

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by karl 12

The real issue outlined in the biblical manuscripts is one of soveriegnty...
...the serpent like creature took soveriegnty from Adam and Eve...
...human history is essentially the consequence of this and the restoration of it.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by cloudyday
I've tried reading that paper, but I can't follow it in detail. To be honest it didn't seem like the author was saying much, but I might have missed a lot.

Can somebody post a summary for dummies?

Yeah, basically it's Aca-speak for, "Scientists should study UFOs instead of pretending they aren't there because they it upsets our comfy little apple cart ride (reality)."
edit on 20/2/2012 by objectman because: Clarity

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by objectman

Originally posted by cloudyday
I've tried reading that paper, but I can't follow it in detail. To be honest it didn't seem like the author was saying much, but I might have missed a lot.

Can somebody post a summary for dummies?

Yeah, basically it's Aca-speak for, "Scientists should study UFOs instead of pretending they aren't there because they it upsets our comfy little apple cart ride (reality)."
edit on 20/2/2012 by objectman because: Clarity

Thanks, that's what I thought they were saying, but the vocabulary was too technical for me to follow.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by karl 12

PhD Dr coen vermeren is one of the leading scientist in The Netherlands who discussed the whole topic of UFO's on the technical university of The Netherlands.. He now face resignation , the TU, states that studying this subject will harm the name of our university .. this news came from a credible dutch national news paper..

so the Sovereignty has been ridiculed from colleagues of this man ....

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by cloudyday

This is a great find karl 12! Thanks, I love it! I'm witting a book about this stuff....

Can somebody post a summary?

You got it! I'll give it a try. It really is a lot of words.

Traditional sources of power on Earth have always existed within a human cultural framework. "Anthropocentric [or human-centered] sovereignty seems necessary; after all, who else, besides humans, might rule?" Alien entities fundamentally violate this framework, AND these entities would be tremendously more powerful than us... Thus, why should States explore or legitimize a phenomena that challenges their earthly power? So even though our whole culture "knows about UFO," the culture generally doesn't confirm their likely ET-ness.

UFOs simply expose the limits of human power, and thus governments will refuse to acknowledge them; the "reason, we argue, lies in the triple threat that the UFO poses to modern rule, at once physical [technological], ontological [hierarchical], and metaphysical [spiritual]." As, "the UFO calls into question the state’s claim to protect its citizens, which it would be unwilling to admit. Because the threat is so grave, the only rational response is to ignore the UFO"
...But more so, the UFO threat is different than the physical threat because "the challenge it poses to the metaphysics of modern sovereignty, which are fundamentally anthropocentric [a human centered view]...before modern states can deal with threats to their physical and ontological security, they must first secure this metaphysic" problem. Modern "governmentality usually proceeds by making objects visible so they can be known and regularized, which in the UFO case would be self-subverting" to another entity.

THE SHORT: "From the standpoint of modern rule, therefore, the threat of the UFO is not unlike that of the Christian’s Second Coming, a potential materialization of the metaphysical. ...UFO skepticism is akin to denial in psychoanalysis: the sovereign represses the UFO out of fear of what it would reveal about itself," such as our tremendous limits! "There is therefore nothing for the sovereign to do but turn away its gaze from and ignore the UFO, and making no decision about it at all."

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by 0bserver1


It totally makes sense that Dr. Coen Vermeren would be asked to leave.... Universities are much like governments: they must preserve their authority! And a UFO walks right through our present understandings of the Universe like a grizzly bear through a spiders web!

Or as this paper says:

As unidentified object the UFO poses a threat of unknowability to science, upon which modern sovereignty depends. Of course, there are many things science does not know, like the cure for cancer, but its authority rests on the assumption that nothing in Nature is in principle unknowable. UFOs challenge modern science in two ways: (1) they appear random and unsystematic, making them difficult to grasp objectively; and (2) some appear to violate the laws of physics (like the 40g turns in the Belgian F-16 case). This does not mean that UFOs are in fact humanly unknowable, but they might be, and in that respect they haunt modern sovereignty with the possibility of epistemic failure.

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