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ATS needs an age limit

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posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by vogon42

Originally posted by Rising Against

Age doesn't necessarily equate to maturity and/or Intelligence. .....................

With age comes WISDOM, not intelligence.
There is a difference. (as you get older you will understand this)

edit on 18-2-2012 by vogon42 because: (no reason given)

Let's ask Whitney if this is so. Oh, wait, we can't.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:53 AM
So, if the male brain does not mature (in what way, exactly?) until age 35, what age does the female brain mature?

By your logic, no males under age 35 should be allowed to post and should be monitored until ages 45 or 50 before they are allowed to contribute freely. Here is where I ask the question: how old are you?

I do not understand how you don't see your post as being close-minded. I do see by your smug sense of superiority that you have (presumably) reached an age that, to you, means you are wise.

Have you learned anything while visiting this website? You joined in 2011, when you were younger than you are today. You probably even posted a few times while you were younger than you are today. Does this give other people who are much older than you than you are today the right to speak to you as if you are a know-nothing whippersnapper? How do you feel when someone significantly older than you talks down to you because they believe their longer years on the planet have given them more insight into your mind than you yourself have?

All this to say: I disagree. I like to read content from people from all different demographics.

I like to see the world as it is from other viewpoints, not only as I see it from my own, limited, viewpoint.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by vogon42
ATS is a wonderful site, with lots of important discussions, however there are MANY times these threads are clouded by some inexperienced 20 something college student.

Well, unless you bother to take a look at every poster in a thread you are reading and they happen to post their birthdate... how are you really sure that you are dealing with a 20 something college student or high school attendee? I've seen plenty of posts from those who are infact over the ages you mention that while well spoken frankly come across as dinks who's brains have been replaced with the feathers from their pillows.

They think they are intelligent, but they have NO WISDOM. So they spew their spoon fed education out to those of us who have experience in the real world...which does nothing but cloud up the thread.

I believe if you are under the age of 18 you should not be allowed to post, just read and learn.
If you are under the age of 30 you should be limited and monitored on the posts you are allowed. (perhaps a limit of 5 posts per week)

Poppycock.. this site would be lacking without the postings of the likes of RA, Blackpoison, Misoir and others. Wisdom is not something that magically drops on your plate when you turn a certain age.

Have you ever engaged Misoir in a conversation about the current state of US government? If not you should.. he would humble you inside of 10 minutes with the knowledge of the history of how we got to the present sad state we find ourselves in. He's done it to me many times and while I may not agree with his view all the time, I have to respect his knowledge and wisdom that puts this 45 year old to shame. How about RA? I've the utmost respect for his intelligence as well as his wisdom. I've spoken to him many many times and frankly it's because of his intelligence and wisdom that comes through in one of his threads that I try as best I can to emulate him...thats right.... I said it... I admire him for his ability to not only learn but to teach and when I do a thread I can only hope that my threads and posts are half as well done as his.

Listen have TWO ears, and only ONE mouth. (hint you have more to learn than you have to say)

The quest for learning is not age specific nor is it something that has a definite ending. I can only hope to live to a ripe old age with the want and ability to educate myself in many things my constant companion until I take my last breath. If that knowledge comes from generations way younger than myself, so be it. Knowledge is power no matter were it comes from.

From the quote above, I take it then you have attained all the wisdom and knowledge the world has to offer and your ears have now fallen off therefore leaving your mouth left to educate the rest of us. I dare say if that is the case perhaps a thread better showing your wisdom and knowledge would be in order instead of one tearing down others? Just a thought.
edit on 18-2-2012 by MyMindIsMyOwn because: spelling

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Open2Truth

Well Mr Wilson, MOST people get wiser as the get older. I agree not ALL, but MOST.

The rate depends on how sheltered of a life you live, and how capable you are of learning from your mistakes.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by spaceg0at

we are the youth gone wild

that is a good song

Funny you would mention war and weed in your response. (funny to me a least) Since I spent considerable time in military uniform for the "war on drugs".

Weed is illegal because of political reasons, red tape, and government revenue.
I'd say most who grew up in the 60's and 70's are in favor of it being legal. It would also reduce crime, your not going to shoot someone over a bag of stuff you could just go buy at wal mart.

As far as the "dry" towns, counties etc. most if that is caused by religious (or overly religious ) people.
At least thats my view point living here in the bible belt of the US.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by ottobot

With just a quick google....I found this article. It claims male brain maturity at 30 rather than 35. 35 is what was told to me by an MSW a few years back.

A young woman reaches full maturity, in terms of brain development, between 21 and 22 years of age. A young man does not reach full maturity, in terms of brain development, until nearly 30 years of age.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by vogon42

I cannot agree with you. I personally like to know what people of all ages think; what their opinions are; maybe they are right; maybe they are wrong; but it is what they believe... and what a person believes tells a story of what they are about. I find people very interesting and I like to know how they think.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by MyMindIsMyOwn

I admire him for his ability to not only learn but to teach and when I do a thread I can only hope that my threads and posts are half as well done as his.

Perhaps that ^^ is the more important quality. The ability to not only learn but to teach....

A few on this rant have ranted back, finger-pointing and ridiculing the 'old' people. THAT is what we don't need. ...
reply to post by caladonea

I personally like to know what people of all ages think; what their opinions are; maybe they are right; maybe they are wrong; but it is what they believe... and what a person believes tells a story of what they are about. I find people very interesting and I like to know how they think.

Me, too, caladonea. That's one of the primary reasons I come here.... to find out how people think. I am keenly interested in hearing people's stories, and hearing what makes them tick....

There is no question that younger people often have very progressive and interesting, educating points of view; and that some older people are closed-minded and dismissive of anyone younger.

The issue I see on ATS is the younger people who are simply "parroting" someone else's bigotry or ignorance, rather than coming to their own conclusions. I have kids in their 20s, and I thoroughly enjoy talking with them and others their ages. However, if they are disrespectful or 'arrogant' and 'blaming' toward their parents' generation or even their 'grandparents' generation it does annoy me, just like any kind of 'lumping' or 'stereotyping.'


As far as maturity, wisdom, and knowledge being tied to age, perhaps there's a way we can have not an age limit, or an IQ limit, or an educational attainment limit...
but a measurement of the soul age of the poster.
I know people of all ages who seem to have much older souls than others (my daughter is one of them)....age 23. And I've known elderly people (and people in their 40s and 50s and 60s are not "elderly") who seem to lack an innate depth or wisdom.

I guess it would make for a better experience for me here on ATS, if people were more open to being asked, "Why do you think that?" and expanding on their thoughts, rather than just shutting down someone else without finding out why they think what they do, much less explaining where their own opinion came from and being open to reviewing it with new information.

edit on 18-2-2012 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by vogon42

That MSW might have been spot on to the neuroscience and brain-development research 'years ago.'...They're always finding out more. It's really cool to learn about, and hard to keep up.
One of my favorite topics.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by ottobot

So, if the male brain does not mature (in what way, exactly?) until age 35, what age does the female brain mature?

It has to do with the frontal lobe making its synaptic and neuron connections; it's the last part of the brain to do so. The frontal lobe is the center of judgment and critical thinking; which is why youths are often impulsive, spontaneous, short-sighted, and have a sense of immortality. (C'mon we've all been there if we've survived long enough and went through normal adolescence).

Certainly every person is unique; and some show more risky behavior than others. Nevertheless, as the young adult grows, their brain is still forming. (An analogy might be a new house being built...the final touches going on last...while they eventually may be modified or destroyed or repaired or replaced, the underlying structure will remain the same).

The scientists used to think that brain cells were not able to regenerate; once destroyed, they were gone forever. Now they know this is not true. The brain can and does heal, quite slowly, to be sure, but it happens. And if certain brain centers are completely destroyed, the brain can 'wire in' to other sections to resume the connections or compensate for the losses.

On the other hand, there are 'windows of opportunity' for the various aspects of brain development, at certain ages.
Beyond that age, there is little or no new 'learning' in those centers. The best analogy is 'language acquisition'. A newborn is capable of learning ANY language; but after a certain age, they no longer can hear or utter certain sounds that are not used in the language they are taught.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by vogon42

Congratulations! You definitely sound like a spoiled little brat."they have no wisdom" and who are you to say that may i ask? Some guy or girl who is old as dirt and thinks because he or she is old that he or she can say and make . Some advice, take your own advice. Shut your own mouth, and be surprised by how wise some of the younger members are. Look at Rising Against, Mentalistbee, etc, they are below 30, yet are immensely wise.

And just so you know, the person who is typing this is seventeen, and though i am not wise, or educated, or any of that, i know egotistical hypocrites when i see them

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:43 PM
I could just as easily argue that people over 35-40 or so have started to rapidly lose brain cells.

I could argue that with the rate of technology and the issues, there's simply no way that they can keep up with the reality of our society and truly understand a good many of the issues that face us today. I could argue that that, given this, there should be an age limit of 45 or 50.

If you need proof of concept, just look at the way Congress handles every issue like we still live in the 1980s and has no clue about current technology.

But, in reality, age is just a number. I know plenty of 40 year olds with less maturity and wisdom than some 15 year olds, and I know plenty of 60 year olds that understand the current issues and technology better than 20 year olds. Why? Because experience breeds wisdom, not a number.
edit on 18-2-2012 by AnIntellectualRedneck because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by vogon42
ATS is a wonderful site, with lots of important discussions, however there are MANY times these threads are clouded by some inexperienced 20 something college student.

I personally do not want to exclude anyone - - but I do wish they were required to list their age - - OR - - an age group.

Perhaps an age group "under 20" - - "21 to 31" - - etc.

I've talked to some 12 year olds that blew me away. They had more insight then a lot of people 4 times their age.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by vogon42

I dont know if anyone has noticed but the world is screwed, and all thanks to older generations.
Younger generations seem to be the only ones speaking out/doing anything, so were the only hope you got at the moment

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by TheCommentator
reply to post by vogon42

I dont know if anyone has noticed but the world is screwed, and all thanks to older generations.
Younger generations seem to be the only ones speaking out/doing anything, so were the only hope you got at the moment

Spoken like an Idealist.

Typical of the young.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by TheCommentator
reply to post by vogon42

I dont know if anyone has noticed but the world is screwed, and all thanks to older generations.
Younger generations seem to be the only ones speaking out/doing anything, so were the only hope you got at the moment

Spoken like an Idealist.

Typical of the young.
Well its a lot better then what the old are doing isnt it

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by TheCommentator

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by TheCommentator
reply to post by vogon42

I dont know if anyone has noticed but the world is screwed, and all thanks to older generations.
Younger generations seem to be the only ones speaking out/doing anything, so were the only hope you got at the moment

Spoken like an Idealist.

Typical of the young.
Well its a lot better then what the old are doing isnt it


And what would that be?

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by spy66
It would be quite interesting if ATS actually created a site with some kind of IQ bar to be able to enter.

If they did then a majority of members would be enraged and cause the equivalent of a riot.

Sure, if that requirement came in then I'd be in the tiny sliver of those with the highest IQs known so far but at the same time, I wouldn't wanna leave behind members who have much lower IQs but still have a lot more to bring to the table than those of us classed as "genius level".

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by TheCommentator

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by TheCommentator
reply to post by vogon42

I dont know if anyone has noticed but the world is screwed, and all thanks to older generations.
Younger generations seem to be the only ones speaking out/doing anything, so were the only hope you got at the moment

Spoken like an Idealist.

Typical of the young.
Well its a lot better then what the old are doing isnt it


And what would that be?

Speaking as a 28 year old, even I know that the ideals of some of the youth (only some, the majority are lunkheads that just wanna break things) are exactly the same as the hippies from the 60s who are insulted as in the case of the person you commented in response to.

Weird isn't it?

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by TheCommentator

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by TheCommentator
reply to post by vogon42

I dont know if anyone has noticed but the world is screwed, and all thanks to older generations.
Younger generations seem to be the only ones speaking out/doing anything, so were the only hope you got at the moment

Spoken like an Idealist.

Typical of the young.
Well its a lot better then what the old are doing isnt it


And what would that be?
Absoultley nothing

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