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Hollow Earth Theory Using Cold Fusion as evidence of the possiblity.

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posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by tpaine1809

don't let the disinfo agents/people get you down. They attacked your thread right off the bat, but the theory is pretty sound in my opinion. First earth started out sunlike, it reached a level of high energy burst similar to supernova which split the earth-sun into two, and with time, rings formed, to create crust. Much of the salt water on the surface of earth is what is partially responsible for our electromagnetosphere, salt water is a great conductor of electricity, but one must ask, where is the electric spark/vortex energy coming from? It must be from the core, the center of the earth, the gravitational friction between the two suns. If we are on the inside, then, was Atlantis here or on the surface? And what is on the surface? I think people would change the way they think if they knew we were inside of a sphere, maybe there would be less pollution, oil drilling, and bombs.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by tpaine1809

You say no-one has a complete understanding of cold fusion, yet you go and base this entire theory on it?
Good grief this theory has nearly more holes in it than the Big Bang

You cant go spreading a theory around that is beyond modern science to prove, thats like me saying we're living inside jelly but only I can explain it because its a theory too advanced for science

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:03 AM
hey op, i like the fact that your going in a different direction to the hollow earth theory, rather then following the same generic pattern of trying to prove something that someone else has put out there. You have given a more dare i say it realistic view on the particular on the topic.

I for one really have no way of knowing other then the mainstream perception and comprehension.

But how about this for a theory, we are on the outside looking in rather then inside looking out?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:51 AM
shakes head.... being an electrical engineer and knowing that cold fusion has never been able to be reproduced in any lab i cant even beleave you think you have any idea of what you are talking about. Its sad to me when there are so many smart people on ATS that we have people like you that half understand afew topics and come up with some far out theory, it just brings the hole web site down a peg and who could really care what you look like one of the smartest guys in the world isnt that pritty you know stephen hawking shakes head again

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:27 PM
Their is a geothermal theory that we may have two iron cores that rotate around each other. one that is solid turning partially molten then cooling turning solid again.

But if one studies what S-waves and P-waves are you can determined that most of inner earth is solid but not all of it. The waves slow down at certain points and speed up when traveling though different ( density ) materials . Some areas these waves disappear all together.

But lets me give a free geo lesson here about the formation of the earth. ( primary focus on the inner bodies formations and earth )

We will skip the nebular theory and solar nebula basics and dive right into the earths formation.
1) Repeated collisions caused masses to coalesce into larger size bodies , called planetesimals, the inner planet bodies ( earth , mars , mercury ) are different from the outer (Neptune) . Not all clumps of solid masses were incorporated into huge masses. The rocky pieces that didn't and still remain in orbit we call meteorites. ( in fact some scientist use meteorites today to study our past and our inner core. Iron meteorites form at the time our core did and in some cases come from outer planets ie mars (SNC's) or asteroids.)

2) As more and more material was swept up by the planets , the high velocity impact of nebular debris caused the temperatures on the huge bodies to rise ( melting the materials). The earth was so hot at one point it will melt iron and other metals. once melted the irons and nickel and other dense mats sinkto the center. This process is called Chemical differentiation. The heavies sink and the lites surface.

When we drill we see a order/location of minerals , when looking at outcrops and seeing formation/sequences of rocks and minerals, even if the outcrop is over turn due to tectonic events. ( bowens reaction series even shows us the melting point and formation of new minerals.) this can be use to and apply to the layers of the earth and the minerals one can expect. I . E the crust of the earth is 70% silica , I may find iron but not as much as what is expect at the core.

The irons found on the crust is 1) either from meteorites at later events during our earths formation cooling process and/or didn't get the chance to sink to the center. 2) was in an other layer and though the earths tectonic force push upwards to the crust. 3) when we look at volcanoes or the mid-Atlantic ridge we find basalts which contain iron oxides.

3) Theirs tons of evidence to prove that we have a solid or molten core depending of the school of geo-ideology.
I like most people on this site wish that the earth may be hollow , to dream and wonder of an amazing race that might exist there. The wonders that we can just dream of ... but we have too much information to doubt this. You did had me at the Rodian idea but the cold fusion idea bro..??

Now need less to say the moon may be hollow

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by tpaine1809
This theory will be # on by most men. A man is not the originator of this idea. Hypathia was! She was killed because she tried to introduce this. Believe what you want I have my truth. She was the last living person with a brain that had access to the library at Alexandria. I will support her ideas over any modern scientist because she was more intelligent than all.

Hey I'm interested where you source your info on Hypathia. I don't watch many vids/tv for personal reasons (I am a voluntary mute atm lol) and I don't have sound on my net PC anyway. I saw of someone else on your other thread where they mentioned disbelief along the lines that your implying the stars and planets exist inside the earth, is this correct? I linked a page which explains this Concave earth world-view/cosmology of our own world and I'm curious if this is the same as your source's claim of hypathia's worldview

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

This hypothesis was first conceptualised in the Cellular Cosmogony of Cyrus R Teed, founder of the Koreshan Religion/Society established in 1886. He stated that the Earth is concave (curving upward), thus we are on the inside of a hollow Sphere. All of the stars and planets are illusions due to refraction of curving light in the atmosphere, of which itself is illusory in the general appearance of its shape. Only one half of the sun radiates light, it rotates on an axis at the centre of the hollow cell, and we only ever see a focalised projection of it through multiple layers of the atmosphere.

In 1981 Mostafa Abdelkader an Egyptian mathematician from Alexandria, revived and expanded upon Karl E Neupert's Geocosmos version of Cyrus' Ideas, from the year 1900. Unlike Cyrus' model which considers the heavenly bodies entirely as optical illusions, Neupert's model inverts the entire known cosmos into the concave model, stating that space shrinks / implodes via non-euclidean geometry, so as to fit an entire Copernican cosmos (C) into the comparatively finite boundary-envelope of the Geocosmos' (G) concave surface. In his paper that he submitted to the Australian science journal; Speculations in Science and Technology, in 1981 (which then gave a serious peer review of his full hypothesis in its 6th volume edition published in 1983), Abdelkader says:

“The enormous galaxies and other remote objects are mapped inside as microscopic objects, and our moon as by far the largest of the celestial objects, all of which revolve daily around the earth's axis. Straight rays of light are mapped as arcs of circles, so that all celestial phenomena appear to inside observers in G just as they do to outside observers in C. We next consider the hypothesis that, conversely, our actual universe is this finite G." (This idea entails the inversion of all known geo/astro physics.)

Abdelkader devised an equation that suggests the phenomena belonging to the perception of the sky-dome and horizon line, are subject to optical illusion, supporting his statement that Light bends in wide arcs through space, rather than travelling in straight paths. As such when we believe we are looking at a luminous astrological object perpendicular to our line of sight, what we are seeing actually lies on the other end of a bent ray of light. Thus ones line of sight is really pointing at nothing, and their eyes are receiving an image of something that is at a position in the sky elsewhere to the direction they are truly looking.

you'll notice this line of thinking doesn't eliminate the current incorporates it.... is it really stupid? or is it genius

In the October 1983 issue, Omni Magazine inquired with H.S.M. Coxter, a maths professor of the University of Toronto , as to whether or not there was any way to prove we aren't living inside a hollow earth. Coxter responded saying he couldn't think of any, and being an expert on inversion geometry went on to say:

“A rocket flight, an eclipse, a Foucault pendulum a Coriolis effect – any observation we can make on the outside of the earth has an exact duplicate version inside. There would be no way to tell which was the truth."

The article continued to relay: “Just as the geometry of space inverts, so do all the laws of physics. Toward the centre of a hollow Earth, light slows down and everything shrinks -- atoms, astronauts, spaceships, and measuring rods. Light travels in circular paths, producing some weird (but lawful) optical effects. Astronauts on the moon looked back on what they thought was a blue sphere in the distance. Actually it was the inside of the earth's shell, seen through sight lines that flared like the bell of a trumpet, producing the illusion of a sphere. The optical distortion is something like the wide angle view through a fish-eye lens”.

The German NASA astronaut & physicist - Werner Von Braun, speaks of this convex spherical illusion of our planet in the (inner) outer space of the concave Earth in one of his papers regarding optical illusions in space. He explains the process by which a “photograph of the Earth ball” ("Convex Earth") occurs, a potentially illusory perception of which our arbitrary physical senses have lead us to believe.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Spiratio

.............Hey i have this magic oil that will heal all you health issues.. no really.. trust me ...

but wait before you buy my oil buy a Spectroscope.
edit on 13-2-2012 by lordbayfin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by lordbayfin
reply to post by Spiratio

.............Hey i have this magic oil that will heal all you health issues.. no really.. trust me ...

but wait before you buy my oil buy a Spectroscope.
edit on 13-2-2012 by lordbayfin because: (no reason given)

lemme guess because the placebo effect wont work unless I accept the current mainstream.

Nice joke Im gonna use that

edit on 13-2-2012 by Spiratio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 01:26 PM
I just have A question, if we are on the inside how were spacecraft like Voyager 1 and 2 sent out and they sent back pictures of earth, well any spacecraft for that matter that has photographed planets ,stars.distant galaxies ect.? I have an open mind but not too open..and would like to hear your explanation for this . thanks and if you answered in one of your vids or something sorry i missed it just tell me which vid.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 12:47 PM
Is this thread still going, or have we finished convincing OP that he should take a science course before extrapolating theories of a grand illusion involving hollow planets and internal suns?

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

CNN!!!!????? REALLY! Why THE # are you even on here??????????? Go back to the dogs of brainwash. People like you on this site make me want to give up all hope of ever having a new way of civilization.
Sorry Mods. Delete if you have to.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

BTW. The original OP is DEAD. Supposed suicide on the 15th.

His facebook wall is shut off. But look through his friends list and click on the walls of his family, (the ones who have his picture as thiers) and read the comments on thier walls.

Here is his memorial service announcement:

But CNN didnt report it so I cant be sure

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