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Honor the Life Giver: Women

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posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by BLKMJK

Originally posted by Sahabi
reply to post by BLKMJK

Hello BLKMJK and may Peace be with you. I'm glad you enjoyed the op, and thank you for the nice compliment. Have a nice weekend.

You have a nice weekend as well. I was taken aback by how some members just jumped all over you. I could not help but think of how wonderful and heroic my wife of 20 years is after reading your post. She is my anchor and I would be nothing without her. Women should be held in high esteem instead of belittled and made to feel inferior. Keep writing and do not let people bring you down if they do not get it.

We're all equals... both women and men. But both also should be able to stand up for themselves.

You sound weak.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

My friend you do not know women, and all that you wrote...Well its true some days, but only some days.
A few minutes with any women and you can see that little fact.

As for mother nature, and the magic that is Gaia.... Dam do you have no clue.
And even among the mystical and mythological interpretations and stories out there. Well everybody knows that Gaia or mother earth is the daughter of Chaos.

I mean sure you can say she is our mother, but when she ain't trying to kill you, she is trying to mangle you. Spend some time by yourself in the woods and away from the box you call life, and you will get to know mother nature and all the magical things that bring life about a little better.

Nah the female gender is far from perfect or some mystical magical thing, if anything there prone to being more narcissistic, egotistical, materialistic, power and control centric, and off-course subversive by nature then the male gender is.

Sry bro but if women ruled the world things would not be much better, both males and females are human, all to human. And as such prone to do all that humans do faults and all, both the good and the bad. And really that is life so get used to it.

Besides the whole men rule the world is a fallacy and just a plain lie.

Men don't rule the world, they just happen to take responsibility for the things that women do not want to take responsibility for, or even look at. And everybody knows why that is, it's the most obvious thing to be seen it does kind of stick out, if you look.

And even if they were not all human faults and all, well that would only just bring to the table other problems. But that is a whole nother story.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Annee

Actually Annee no genders are really needed, and this whole thing is just a game everybody plays.

But maybe you should stick to your drudge boys and gaggle of manboy idiots.

I am afraid if you actually met a real man, you would be scared sh itless.

Eye see you, and your so...predictably feminine. Don't you have some milk to sour, or do all you bitter feminists who are always playing controlling games hang around strange places trying to sour others milk.

Or are you just another bored housewife's, looking for attention.

edit on 14-1-2012 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by absolutely
reply to post by Starchild23

well yea use is abuse, any use become absolute use so abuse

but no i dont go nor look nor any to one


Maybe to get any real resolution and absolution you should talk to yourself. You know only those who talk to themselves want to be understood, and only those who don't want to be understood talk to others.

Originally posted by Starchild23

I apologize, but you continue to make no sense. I'm not sure you can even read my posts.

whatever one do is by definition never what another did, so im definitely sure that u never write.

If I was drinking something I would of spilled it on my screen by now. You do have a habit with the words, and once in a while you do bring the lol'z.

But still it is always interesting when you by chance happen to grace us with your wisdom in all the threads you are in.

edit on 14-1-2012 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:25 PM


posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:49 PM


posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

I'm not sure the point of your post besides trying to ruffle some feathers so....

Zzzzz, let me know when the bun in the oven is done and then make me a sandwich...please and thank you.

Look, I love my mother and sisters and would give my life to defend most women...except those who are asking to be honoured. If your asking to be honoured and are discounting who I am then your life is in your own hands now.

edit on 14-1-2012 by Phayte because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

You got it it mixed up.

The woman is the helper of the man; not because I'm a misogynist, or the Bible is misogynistic, but because that is how the creator established things.

The male and the female follow a particular archetypal dynamic. The male precedes and provides the seed - the raw potentiality, which the feminine takes and gives expression to.

The latter - the manifestation "helps", by bringing into focus the blueprint and prototype of the former - the masculine.

Understand deeply what I'm saying. This is the metaphysical doctrine underlying the Bible.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Sahabi
Women are the Earths from which life springs forth. Within the oceanic waters of her womb creation occurs. A multitude of potential humans manifests as eggs in her ovaries without ever knowing a man. When an egg receives the Breath of Life, it begins to build a temple (head/mind/body). A fetus draws its essential energy directly from a woman through the naval life-support cord. The woman provides all of the energy, resources, protection, and time to construct a new being, therefore the offspring are forever indebted to her.

To the Temple Body, the Earth, the Moon, the Queen... we owe thankfulness and gratitude unto her. The carriers of the womb should be cherished, honored, and respected. Men should be humble to even deserve equal status to her. Men should be a women's helper and partner, not her controller or dominant.


Well damn! What the hell have I been doing all these years? Time to join a feminists group!

On a more serious note.... We GET IT. You give birth, therefor you are the gods of earth and men should bow before your greatness. Can we move on please? I'm tired of hearing this crap!

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni

Originally posted by BLKMJK

Originally posted by Sahabi
reply to post by BLKMJK

Hello BLKMJK and may Peace be with you. I'm glad you enjoyed the op, and thank you for the nice compliment. Have a nice weekend.

You have a nice weekend as well. I was taken aback by how some members just jumped all over you. I could not help but think of how wonderful and heroic my wife of 20 years is after reading your post. She is my anchor and I would be nothing without her. Women should be held in high esteem instead of belittled and made to feel inferior. Keep writing and do not let people bring you down if they do not get it.

We're all equals... both women and men. But both also should be able to stand up for themselves.

You sound weak.

I could care less as I was speaking to her not you. I may sound weak but your obviously ARE weak. Have a nice night.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:13 AM
I am married to a wonderful woman, who serves me, and I serve her.
Its not about equality, its about LOVE
That first post is about hate, I pity the person who posted that comment. Thats just really really sad, no doubt somebody has caused her a lot of pain.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 05:07 AM
Female bodies are carriers, not givers of life. It's not like women put DNA together themselves for nine months. No human can create the DNA let alone the human spirit which they often don't even seem to understand or control very well. How many women have there been that didn't even know their bodies carried new life only after many months? No, I don't think women should be honored as life-givers, it was something else that created DNA.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
Maybe to get any real resolution and absolution you should talk to yourself. You know only those who talk to themselves want to be understood, and only those who don't want to be understood talk to others.

this is ur invention about talking and self, what u invent is not what i invent or anyother one inventions

that is how only truth is absolutely objective while lies become also existing out of subjective inventions powers

so im not concerned with ur inventions, when i invent better concepts to justify subjective free rights constancy

self is what conscious objectively realize not the reverse that conscious must convince to stay still, this is ur mind about others while u dont act responsable of those means to urself

urself is meant as being of nature while u refuse to admit then that nature is then beyond free

u insist to use logics while u clearly dont act logical at all that is why u end using the reverse of logics facts, logics sense is only to more freedom not the reverse nor anything else

as for talking u prove here too that u mean its reverse, talking is a fact result from else or others existence while self by definition is never else nor another

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 05:39 AM


posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 05:54 AM

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 06:00 AM


posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

THey spread aids and are responsible for overpopulation. Honor? They are just humankind's downfall.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by caladonea

THere is true evil behind the scenes vying for out attention and working with our ego's to create opposition. But there is no evil person.

The hell there ain't! Monsters are real, and they walk the Earth, rather than hiding under your bed or in your closet. I've seen 'em, and I've gone toe-to-toe with 'em. They DO exist! Evil people look just like you or I, which is probably where you're making your mistake. just because they look like us doesn't mean they ARE like us.

We are Light and Love.

Not me. I'm flesh and bone.

And we are Family, beloved family.

You can claim the whole lot if you like, but they're not all MY family. The entire human race need not expect a Christmas card from me every year.

One thing, when we get to the other side with memories our only regret will be that we let people down,and this will be the hard ones, the prodigal sons and daughter,s the mother who killed her infant overhwelmed with trauma, stress, abuse, and possibly mental illness, who was the 6 year old praying to God each night for help. And we lived next door, thought she was so odd, shy and withdrawn but didn't realize, we should have brought light and strength to her.

My ass. YOU give "light" to her. I'll give legal action to her. Let's see which has the stronger arm.

No one is evil.

I hope you continue to lead a sheltered life, and always believe that, I really do.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by FreshNugget

as long as men act proud in meaning existing objectively they prove being inferior to inferiority they point about women they know

what u know put u immediately on another dimension of being true, when being true is the first condition before being existing right

women mean their pride relatively so always outside of objective existence which belong to absolute reference fact

so undirectly women dont kill what is essentially superior since never in touch with physically nor in means, while that is all what men do

women rights are the women that are constant from meaning objectively rights miseries
men rights are men that are constant from meaning subjectively freedom rights out of all objective existence knowledge

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 06:22 AM


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