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Why do Jews call themselves Jews?

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posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:57 PM
I just keeping finding more things to talk about,
Ashlar, there are 5.8 million jews, approx 1.7 percent of America's population, Israel, a country that easily fits in the state of new york, which has had more publicity than most countries in history. Let me point out why people should "Shed a tear" for Israel, a country that was given to a decimated nation, most probably out of sympathy. After 2000 yrs of wandering, we finally had a homeland, safe from those who seeked to destroy us. And still, people are trying to kill us in our own homeland. 9/11 was the first attack on US soil, this happens almost monthly in Israel, the most tragic attack was on Sbarros pizza, men women and children were killed, but what makes the news, "israelis blow up home housing terrorist, now family has nowhere to live" When the israelis killied the Sheik, a blind man in a wheelchair, he got sympathy, a man that had made hundreds of people blind, put hundreds of people in wheelchairs, and killed hundreds of people.
And by the way Ashlar, Jews run hollywood, the run washington and they run wall street, do you know why, because in judaism, education is probably the most important thing, Jews work hard to get where they are, they dont have a lucky break, if it werent for us jews, there wouldnt be much of a hollywood, much of washington, and certainly much of wall street

So howz about you "deny ignorance" and try to understand why the jews are where they are?

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:25 PM
an abbreviation of Jewish, however it could come from one Jew asking another over millinia "jew want some motza balls?" j/k Seriously go Israel ! go Brittian!, go USA!

[edit on 11-9-2004 by IntelRetard]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by _Ghostrider_
And by the way Ashlar, Jews run hollywood, the run washington and they run wall street, do you know why, because in judaism, education is probably the most important thing, Jews work hard to get where they are, they dont have a lucky break, if it werent for us jews, there wouldnt be much of a hollywood, much of washington, and certainly much of wall street

So howz about you "deny ignorance" and try to understand why the jews are where they are?

i agree with you 100%

yes the jews have reached an impressive zenith of power, however "they gathethered every coin from an ocean of blood and tears" (this quote is from "the protocols of the learned elders of zion")

i agree with your other posts as well, and i admire your honesty in your latest post, (you dont try to conceal the jewish position in america)

although the jews have earned the right to rule through their demonstration of their superior ability to do so, the gentile will resist jewish rule, by strength of his instinct

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 06:04 AM
You cant conceal jewish power, you cant conceal any power, because everything in the world is about the richest, smartest and most influencial. Its just a shame that they picked up the coins from the blood and tears of their own nation.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 08:20 AM
Hey Ghostrider and others on this thread:

First, let�s get something straight: modern Israelis are NOT related by blood to the ancient Israelites.

Here is what the "Jewish Encyclopaedia" has to say on the subject (as a rounded overview from their own publishers)

"It is a common assumption, ineradicable even in the face of so much evidence to the contrary, that "Jews" today constitute a "race, a homogeneous entity" that is easily should be clear that in the course of their formation as a people and a nation they had already assimilated a variety of racial strains from people moving into the general area they once occupied. This had taken place by interbreeding and then by conversion to Judaism of a considerable number of non-semitic communities. . . .Thus, the diversity of the racial and genetic attributes of various Jewish colonies of today renders any unified racial classification of them a contradiction in terms.

The Israelites (whatever you consider their ancient makeup, which was fluid to say the least) are today virtually extinct, their blood lines mixed into the general population into which they were forcibly scattered abroad after Rome destroyed Palestine in AD 138 for the 2nd time (the first was in AD 66-72).

Now about the word "Jew" (Yehud):

The generic term used today as �Jew� (Persian: Yehud) derives from the so-called mixed amphyctiony of Yehudah (Judah), which is derived from the Hebrew word: Yahad (�community of tribes�) which ultimately derives from the Heb. Word YAD (�hand�):

Thus a �yahad� is a �holding of hands� (i.e. a community of tribes) and Yehudah was originally a conglomeration of several dozen non-related nomadic �tribelets� (see below).

Today there are no longer any pure descendants of Yehudah alive

The Yehudites are for all intents and purposes, extinct. What exists today of Yehudites (Sephardim, fallashim etc. ) are racially mixed descendants of these ancient tribal clans.

And today�s modern-day Israelis are of mixed European (non Semitic) Ashkenazi (Turko Ukrainian=European) descent for the most part ---and are �non Semitic�----they have more of a "land claim" to the area around present day Kiev in the Ukraine (that is, if you base any of their specious Zionist claims purely on bloodline lineage) than they would have any legitimate claim to the West bank or Gaza, or the land of "Israel" generally as it appears on the modern western map today.

Only "Jews" who are descended from the so-called "Sephardim" (scattered all over the middle east, e.g. Yemen) and from the Ethiopian Fallashas would have any tangible blood connexion to claiming that part of the world at all based on blood lines, and only tentatively at best --------considering 3,000 years of Sefardi and Fallasha miscegenation (interbreeding) with the goyim (non Jews).

In point of fact, over 90% of Modern Israelis are NOT related by blood AT ALL to ANY of the varoius Israelitish clans (whether you count 10 or 12 or 16�see the Song of Deborah in Judges chapter 5) that were in existence possibly as early as 3,000 years ago, and any argument supporting such land claims based on race or blood lines is fallacious.

People tend to use the word "Jew" very loosely today, especially in "dumbed down America" and most people do NOT know the origin of the word, nor do they understand that 90% of people who call themselves "Jews" today (some 12 million persons, just a few less than the total number of Kurds in the world) are descended from 9th century AD (non Semitic) Ashkenazim "converts" in present day Kiev (Ukraine) formerly the kingdom of Khazaria---hemmed in as they were with Byzantine Christians fighting to the West and militant Muslims fighting from the East, the King of Khazaria (renamed himself �Joseph�) converted to Judaeism in 780 AD (from solar paganism) because he wanted to steer a "Bava Metzia" ("middle gate") between two warring entities.

For more than 200 years Khazaria was a prospperous "middle man" kingdom in negotiating trade (and war weapons, slaves etc.) between the two warring Empires until "Christian" Moscow, tired of having a middle man selling weapons and materiel to both sides, came swooping down in the year 1003 AD and destroyed Khazaria, sending 1 million NON SEMITIC OFTEN BLUE EYED Jewish converts westward in the direction of present day Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Hungary, Estonia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, England and other places in Russia.

Even most Modern Day "Jews" are often under the delusion that they are somehow blood-related to the Israelite clans...and are therefore "chosen by their God (YHWH) " in some magical way---which they are not.

This is nothing but nationalist-racist propaganda, a la Adopf Hitler who thought the German Aryans were "the chosen-Master Race".

The physical remnants of the so-called �Israelites� are called Sephardim (from the Hebrew for Spain: Sefard) and had been wandering abroad since before Rome again destroyed the province of "Palestina" in 136-138 AD (during the 2nd Revolt against Rome under Shimeon Bar Kosiba ("Bar Kokhba") which also failed.

It is estimated that 900,000 Palestinian born "Israelite descendants" were annhialiated between the two Wars of Rebellion against Rome (AD 70 and AD 136), virtually exterminating any "Israelite" blood-descendants.

One could say that anything closely related to "Israelite blood" in any one group of people today is virtually absent today: gone, extinct---yet ironically the population that shows the GREATEST GENETIC AFFINITY to the ancient "Israelite" blood (if you read the modern Genetic Medical journals this year) is....hang on to your hats.....the present day Palestinian population !!

Maybe the modern day Israelis should think about that one (or read some of the latest modern Genetic Research journals now coming out in print!!)

Today, less than 1 Million persons (less than 10% of world Jewry) are comprised of "Sefardi and Fallasha (Ethiopian) Jews" --two groups who might still have some traces of the ancient "semitic" blood traceable back to the Israelites (like all Arabs, descended from Abraham as one of the descendants of "Shem") , have been so intermixed by "breeding with the goyim" for the past 3,000 years, that the "Jew" today is no longer a "race", but merely a �religion. �

The modern day Israeli is "non Semitic" if you were to do blood scans and genetic tracing as some have done, to their horror when the results came back. Few of these stories however ever get published without being pulled from the shelves

And even a full blooded the "Israelite" was also not racial pure. David's grandmother "Ruth" was a Moabitess... and the Torah specifically states in words placed into the Mouth of Moses (in late fake-Mosaic Hebrew however) :


The tribal clan chief ("king") David was a member of this mixed blood confederation of Judah, with all of his own Moabite blood mixed in, and thus according to the torah could not even call himself an Israelite !!

Digging further back into the oral clan history, Abraham purportedly said,

A Wandering Syrian ready to starve was my Father: a Cannanite was my mother (i.e. two gentile, blood groups/nations) testifying that the whole nation "of Israel" was comprised of foreign blood elements, and "there was nothing special about their bloodline" despite all the racist rhetoric you hear from "Jewish" and "non Jewish" Zionists today...

Curiously, name of the (Tribes of) "Judah" does not even occur in the oldest writings in the Old Testament (e.g. the Song of Deborah) but seems to have been a large "fake tribe" which was later made up of smaller, less politically powerful tribelets.

And its "fake" origin is also "made up" in the Bible to account for its political dominance after the fall of the 10 northern tribes in 721-701 BC when Assyria attacked Palestine and annexed the Northern Kingdom.

Read WHO WROTE THE BIBLE by Elliot Friedman for a layman's backgrounder on the subject of: HISTORY CAN BE MADE UP...IF YOU KNOW HOW...

The so-called "Old Testament" (Hebrew Scriptures) was not even set into recognisable form until the time of Ezra in 480 BC long after the events it purports to relate, and long after the "tribal confederation" of Yehudah had established dominance in Palestine (they survived the Assyrian attacks to continue on politically until 587 BC when Babylon destroyed them and exiled anyone who worked in metals or who could write and foster a counter revolution).

As the saying goes, the "Winners" generally end up writing the "history" as "history" shows...and they usually wind up by writing history in "their favour.."

Now, take a look at the very word : "Judah" which derives etymologically from the Heb. "Yehudah" (the legendary "4th son of Yakkov") but actually refers to MORE THAN ONE TRIBELET in ancient times: the name derives from "Yad" meaning "hand" and the cognate "Yahad" meaning "tribal joining of hands" i.e. an amphyctiony or tribal "confederation".

The Greek word "Iudaioi" ("judeans") from which we derive "Jew" from today, is the translated equivalent of Yehudah---i.e. the many tiny unrelated tribelets that comprised Yehudah.

Even Michah 5:2 says "Bethlechem-Ephratha, you who are not the least among all the tribelets ("clans") of Judah... " so the tribe of Judah was not ONE tribe but many. And Zechariah and others in the OT refer to the "clans" of Yehudah.


Kalebites (in the territory around Hebron; Josh. 14:13-15; Judg. 1:20), Kenites (in the area around Arad; Judg. 1:16), Kennizzites (in the environs of Debir; Josh. 15:15-19; Judg. 1:11-15), Jerahmeelites, and Othnielites.


If you read the so-called SONG OF DEBORAH in Judges chapter 5:14-19 you will notice something rather strange: THE TRIBE OF JUDAH (YEHUDAH) IS COMPLETELY MISSING FROM THE LIST OF 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL! (so is the tribe of Gad and the tribe of Levi)

The tribes mentioned are: Benjamin, Issachar, Zebulun, Reuben, Asher, Dan, Naphtali, & Ephraim---FOLLOWED BY FOUR UNKNOWN TRIBES (presumably to keep the astrological number 12 in tact):

9. GILEAD (not one of the "big" 12 in the Torah, unless related to GAD)
10. MACHIR ( ??)
11. BARAK (??)
12. MEROZ (??)

So much for the so called 12 Tribes.

If you read the Book of Revelation, see chapter 12 (first written during the 1st Jewish Revolt against Rome in AD 67-68, and later re-written at least once in 96 AD ) you'll notice Manasseh mentioned as a full tribe and the Tribe of DAN completely missing altogether...

It is clear the ancient writers did not have a clear idea of their true history, but were trying to force the magic number 12 on the tradition by whatever means necessary (12 being astrologically significant, and related to an ancient prophecy that Abraham's sons would be as the Constellations of Heaven...notice how Ishmael--legendary father of the Arabs--- also has 12 sons...)

Even as far back as the time of David on, the confederation of Judah had incorporated considerable numbers of gentile, non-Israelites, leading to an alternation between pro-Canaanite, non-Yahwist religious policies on the part of some kings and the reversal of such policies in periodic religious reforms.

Adding to that was the fact that Palestine had been run over so many times by older, larger, more sophisticated Gentile nations (Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Syria, Rome) whose soldiers and inhabitants were imported into the land and married into the local population, further eroding any sense of tribal unity based on bloodline.

Witness the so-called Samaritan Schism in the north after 420 BC. which was based on blood differences as well as ritual separateness (i.e. Mount Gerazim verses Mount Moriah, see the Gospel of John chapter 3)

So not only is the ancient Israelite amphyctionies non-identifiable with any accuracy, even more so are those who call themselves their "descendants" and therefore have some kind of "divine right" to the land of Israel.

Whatever National Borders the Community of Nations gave to the Nation of Israel in 1948 (following an understandable worldwide sympathy of the after effects of the German Holocaust) should NEVER be regarded as something that has anything to do with made up Divine Promises in Israelite folklore (i.e. the so called "bible"--).

Modern day illegal settlement building and other forms of illegal and immoral land-grabbing in "Israel" (e.g. permanently moving perimeter walls deeper and deeper into the West Bank on some phony notion of national security) with the lame excuse that they are doing this because "GOD gave us this land" purportedly based on some phony racial links to the "Israelites" (who made up most of their "glorious and divine" history 1000 years after the events they relate---to judge from the evidence of modern archaeology) has no place in the modern world and will only perpetuate the slaughter of innocent lives which is now seemingly out of control in the region.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 01:08 PM
Again, Ashlar proves my point. He thinks the Jews control the world.

Anyways, yes it is sad, a terrorist kills a bunch of Jews, no news. Israel kills a terrorist, Israel evil, lets go kill some Jews.

Just so sad, being Jewish is a curse in most places. You want Job? CONVERT! You want loan? CONVERT! You want your land back? To bad, the terrorists claimed it about 10 years ago, to bad if you had it claimed for the past 2000-4000 years.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Just so sad, being Jewish is a curse in most places. You want Job? CONVERT! You want loan? CONVERT! You want your land back? To bad, the terrorists claimed it about 10 years ago, to bad if you had it claimed for the past 2000-4000 years.


posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 06:58 PM
Oy Vey

Ashlar, bubby, if the jews really controlled the world and were really determined to take over and make everyone bow before our jewishy yummyness and if this were true and your point of view and everything you state accurate, how is it the evil zionist jews haven't tracked you down and disposed of you by now?

This is an anonymous sight it's not like anyone here knows you, but these evil jews who control the world and have no compunction about killing non believers I would think would have the where with all to track you down.

Now, don't give me the old "killing me would prove there is a conspiracy" because these wiley jews could certainly make it look like a suicide or an accident, because they're evil and they're jews.

The reason is sadly there is no conspiracy, there is no zionist movement. We really don't want to be bothered. That's a lie, this whole post has been started to distract your from the tunnel we've been digging under your house...Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

And may I state that while I am a truly open minded individual I really think there should be a distinction between jews born and raised in America and Israelis.

I know some israelis, some of them are pretty nice, but every single one of them is completely bonkers. Blood Lust is a subtle way of putting it. They are just as excited about killing palestinians as palestinians are excited about killing israeli jews.

I myself wouldn't step foot in israel, they've got bugs over there as big as ponies.

Besides nobody wanted the damn strip of land until it was carved up and turned into israel in the first place.

Anyway, Ashlar, stay where you are, put down the bagel, you shall be picked up for re-jewification within the hour.

Everything is double plus good!


posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 07:46 PM
spiderj, i dont think that the jews have reached that level yet.

I do however agree with _ghostrider_ who put it that american jews control hollywood (& media), wall street, and washington (scroll up to read _ghostrider_'s post, he is jewish also)

the american jews use their power (especially the media) to push on to the americans a fiercly pro-zionist agenda

and dont even think about saying the jews dont run hollywood. i know jewish names, and i read the credits.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 08:19 PM
To be fair i was slightly sarcastic, but they dont "control" all these positions, they are high acomplishers. Amadeus, Im not sure how much you know about Jewish History, but being Jewish, being brought up in an orthodox home and gone to a jewish school, i can tell you right now you are missing a few hundred years of information, you cant only use the points that support you point of view. Im sure you are all aware of the 12 tribes of Israel? if your not, have a read through it. The difference between Ashkenazi jews and Sephardi is their views on the Torah. My family is Ashkenzi, i can trace my family back to the Spanish inquisition. How they got to spain, they were expelled from a few other places. once expelled from spain, they moved to north africa, or some to eastern europe, like my great great great grandmother. Unless your jewish, what i am about to say if hard to fathom. I am going to israel for 1 month on nov 15th. i am 16 and i am going with the school, no parents. Judaism is more than just a religion, and i agree that it is far from a bloodline. But when a jew can meet a jew from anywhere in the world and somehow have some connection. i was in the states in Jan this year (i travel alot) i went on a cruise in the carribean, and i befriended one kid, after spending 3 days with him, i asked him if he is jewish, he replied "yes, i thought you were jewish." This freaked me out, Jews seem to have some unfathomable connection. In Israel, where majority of people are Jewish, you feel at home. There some sense of welcomeness.
And No one did want Israel until it was given to the Jews, one of the smallest countries in the world, has some of the most publicity, all bad publicity.
And by the way Ashlar, you do realize that the Mosad is watching you!

Am Yisroel Chai - Shanah Tovah (Happy new year)

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 10:02 PM
The reason there are so many jews in hollywood is because for centuries one of the only places a jew could work was in the theatre at least in Europe anyway.

Being in the theatre in the seventeen hundreds was not considered glamorous and was actually looked down upon. So the jews started working and running theatres over generations theire children worked in theatre etc. etc.

It's not our fault film turned everything around. The jews were in hollywood per se, before hollywood was even around.

That's why there are so many jews in the entertainment industry, it's literally in our blood.

There are also very powerful non-jews in the entertainment industry like Sumner Redstone, Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner to name a few.

Plus there are a hell of a lot more christians in high ranking government positions than jews, we just lobby well.

Anyone in power will push there agenda, like the christrian right pushes theirs. I personally don't believe in this zionist conspiracy thing, it just seems silly, Jews tend to be pretty smart, they would know it's a shoddy plan.

If your plan is to rule the world you are doomed to fail from go, especially today. It's a no win situation and I believe Jews are smart enough to know this.

Trust me, we're happy making movies, buying and selling real estate and doing your accounting.

And if we've got the country wired why did I pay so much in taxes this year...woof that hurt!


posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 08:20 AM
Hi Ghostrider:

Yak Yak Yak.....your ignorance of even basic European history is nothing short of appalling (like so many young people on this thread) !

Sorry, but it is YOUR pseudo-history (i.e. the fake history you've been fed all these years) that you are confused about.

The Spanish Inquisition was LONG AFTER THE FORCED CONVERSION OF YOUR GOYIM ANCESTORS TO RABBINIC JUDAIESM IN THE 9th and 10th CENTURIES AD in Khazaria---i.e. out of the area around the Ukraine----before the "Ashkenazim" empire of Khazaria were decimated by the Muscovites in AD 1003 and spread literally all over Europe (especially eastern Europe: Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Wallachia-Poland, Hungary,. Czechoslovakia etc. and even further west into the German lands).

You are descended from Goyim-Gentile Converts to Judaiesm, not Israelite descendants, my friend. So get over it already.

All those years of indoctrination....tsk tsk tsk...and there are so many dis-informed individuals just like you on this thread, it's starting to get silly...

Read: THE THIRTEENTH TRIEBE by KOESTLER (himself an Ashkenaz)

You might pick up a few facts about your ancestors' hijacking another culture as their own in a vain attempt to "re-write history". But facts are not so easily re-written.

Sorry to be the one to tell you that you've been fed Zionist lies and half truths since you were bar-mitzpha'd and even before---you probably were told (and maybe even believe!) that "Moses" wrote the Torah (wrong: it was written and re-written in late post Exilic Hebrew, and Deuteronomy was written after BC 580 by the same circle that wrote the book of Jeremiah--in whatever contradictory versions you care to read or examine whether it be the Hebrew "vorlage" underlay to the LXX, or the late and heavilly doctored Masoretic "received" text from the 9th century AD, or the Dead Sea Scroll version or the Pe#ta, or the Targums or the Samaritan Pentateuch) or that Elijah flew up to "heaven" in a firey chariot or that Joshua commanded the Sun AND THE MOON to stand still so he could finish a stupid battle....and a hundred other myths and zionist propganda fabrications in the socalled Hebrew Scriptures that common people belief without questioning even basic facts.

You really must learn to read around your subject a little before you babble on like that, repeating such zionist dribble.

If you (an Ashkenaz) think for a minute that you are in any way shape or form blood related to the ancient Israelites (and no there were NOT 12 tribes----read the text itself of Judges chapter 5 for a taste of your socalled list of tribes with JUDAH missing), then you have rocks in your head.

And you're even more naive than I had imagined.

If you went to college, I'd tell my parents (if I were you) to get their money back.

Do you even DARE to take a genetic blood "screen-test"? the Ashkenazim that do dare to take a genetic scan are miserably shocked to find out that they are genetically marked as Ukranian (European goyim) and NOT related to the Israelite-Arabic-Semitic blood groups.

Yet the PALESTINIANS are much closer to the ancient "Israelite" blood groups than any Ashkenaz.

Have you NEVER heard of the Khazarian conversion (AD 780 to AD 1000) at the region around Kiev? Didn't your Hebrew school teach you about Khazaria? Why are they so ashamed to find out they CONVERTED to Judaeism from paganism? Do they really think the JEWS are a RACE?

Well...think again.

Did you NOT know that these TURKO UKRAINIANS were goyim gentile "pagan" phallus worshippers who ONLY converted to the Bava Metzia of 9th century AD Rabinnic Judaeism in order to find a middle path between two warring nations (and to supply arms and material to both sides) e.g. the Byzantine Christians on the WEST and the militant Islamic expansionist Muslims on the EAST: the king od Khazaria converted himself and his court (bringing in Rebbes from Cordova and other places) to Judaeism because he was convinced that he had found the religion which lay at the base of BOTH Christianity AND Islam...

It was a POLITICAL move----more than a religious one, and as they say, so goes the Court, so goes the People...

The physical Israelite descendants are for the most part extinct thanks to Israel losing all their wars to powerful goyim neighbours on both sides ---e.g. ...Egypt...Assyria....Babylon....Persia....Greece...Syria...and finally Rome---all of whom deported the local "Israelitish tribelets" into foreign goyim lands (where they mixed in with the goyim host nations) and IMPORTED their own goyim people into Palestine further eroding any genetically coherent blood group from which any modern descendant might emerge.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 08:49 AM
wow impressive post. An excellent and enlightening read.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 10:39 AM
Amadeus; thank you for your insight!
Altoght I have for some time now suspected the zionists to be fake (thanks to a TV documentary wich looked into the zionists past; they was created by british and russian christians, aparently. This is all I remember from the documentary

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 10:47 AM
And as this is the 'conspiracies in religions' thread I'll just add that the zionists are a true consiracy-made religion. Its sole purpose to the english and russian funders was to recreate Israel as a state (this is also from the documentary mentioned).

And so we have a real conspiracy (zionist) and it worked. Too bad the palestinians did not know about them. The middle-east would have been a happier place without the zion-invaders.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Well, why do they?

Judea. Judeans. Jews.

There are entire countries that have vowed to kill every last Jew.

So you think what exactly? They if they refer to themselves as judeans or hebrews only, then people won't make up lies about them?

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Amadeus
Hey Ghostrider and others on this thread:

First, let�s get something straight: modern Israelis are NOT related by blood to the ancient Israelites.

They certainly are descended from them. But most isrealis native to the levant are more closely related to the palestinians in the region than to the recent jewish emigres. And the palestinains are more closely related to those natives than to the other arabs in the region. But what does that matter anyway? The claim to isreal isn't based on have X amount of a genetic componet from the natives to the land, its based on a UN mandate and the Balfour Declaration and the Rules of War.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 04:23 PM
Well, if they changed their names to say, Allahnites, the damn Middle East would probably stop killing their women and children in terrorist attacks.

But no, they would have to change their name, and then lie like a republican and spin the lies into facts so people will stop trying to kill them. Hell, should hier Bush&Co, with their help the Jews would be worshipped, like Bush&Co.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
and spin the lies into facts so people will stop trying to kill them.

Why should anyone want to kill a person merely because they are jewish?

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 11:53 PM
Look, As far as I'm concerned, Lech Lehizdayen! all of you! My grandfather spent 5 years in the worst place in recorded history because he was jewish.

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