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The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy

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posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 04:29 PM
State violence against any populous protest movements inspires a more violent less passive semi-civilian sector to respond to the government attack on those more peaceful. This is the case the world over. When the peaceful protest is met with this level of state violence the inevitable consequence is to call forward a more aggressive and more radical elements that then step up and clobber the state with equal or escalated violence. Just look at Libya and now Syria as modern examples of this.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 05:20 PM
And Occupy hasn't slowed down one bit.

Lupe Fiasco

"Don't stop until they let the truth in"

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 05:59 PM
Suggest you read this article on just what they're planning - passing legislation that allows Army to Detain Civilians is anyone stopping this #???? This will be done without charges being made and no trial.

Looks like the UK will be making similar plans

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 06:01 PM
"This is happening right now – IN AMERICA! A law that is designed to specifically bypass Constitutional protections and one that will undoubtedly be used against the American people to further advance and expand the national police state.

Once signed into law the President (or anyone of his minions within the Justice Department or Homeland Security acting on his behalf) can issue orders to arrest, detain and imprison an American citizen in the United States without due process. Since most terror arrests fall into the realm of national security, and therefore are secret, no evidence would ever need to be presented for the permanent detainment (and who knows what else) of an American imprisoned under this law."

You will see those Camps filling up fast then!!!

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 07:50 PM
This whole OWS violence thing reminds me of the gladiator arenas depicted in books and movies, I don't believe the hits on the videos match the indignation expressed. The violence seems to have a certain visceral appeal and the, although tame, actions by the police seem to somewhat satisfy that need. Just look at all the videos on full contact shopping in the last few days.

I think the violence in video games, books and movies just make us somewhat numb. I mean, although G rated, just look at how much time people spend throwing birds at things.

I haven't seen such gratuitous violence since the raw satellite feeds from the start of the Iraq war and so many of those were wide shots with closeup details only after the bodies were removed.

Wouldn't war/police action be more real if the soldiers/police wore helmet cameras that streamed live on the net and/or even PPV.

We're already training a new generation to operate remote killing machines, sort of the ultimate first person shooter games. I expect technology just to get better at it.

So, I believe a lot of people are enjoying watching the OWSers being beat, sprayed, shot and arrested, totally detached, while anticipating an escalation in the violence.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

how does a lobbyist group smear another group? lobbyists work on bills. Not social movements. And if a congress person listens to a small group of individuals over the crying load majority, he's a retard and should be kicked out.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 07:53 PM

TextGive me a shout when you hold a Federal regulator position or win a Pullitzer prize.
edit on 26-11-2011 by Americanist because:

reply to post by Americanist

Thanks for the introduction to William Black, what a relief to know there are people like him around!
And Chris Hedges. I wish I could have read your deleted words. Why not put them in separate
posts? Anyway, thanks for steering me and my friends to Professor Black.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
It's too bad that police actions are being used to bring sympathy to this movement that can't seem to gain more support any other way.

When you can't focus on the good things because there are so few, when there is little else, you take the bad, the isolated and instigated incidents and portray them in ways that benefit the cause, gain sympathy and support where otherwise there would be little or none.

They want violence and anger, and will not relent in their efforts to make it happen.


IMO you hit the nail on the head with this one.

I read where an OWS supporter said that their plan was to provoke violence through nonviolent means. To me, the "provoking violence" part negates the "nonviolent means" part. If their agenda is instigating violence AGAINST them, in order to elicit sympathy, outrage, etc., then they are not a nonviolent movement. Period.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
It's too bad that police actions are being used to bring sympathy to this movement that can't seem to gain more support any other way.

When you can't focus on the good things because there are so few, when there is little else, you take the bad, the isolated and instigated incidents and portray them in ways that benefit the cause, gain sympathy and support where otherwise there would be little or none.

They want violence and anger, and will not relent in their efforts to make it happen.


IMO you hit the nail on the head with this one.

I read where an OWS supporter said that their plan was to provoke violence through nonviolent means. To me, the "provoking violence" part negates the "nonviolent means" part. If their agenda is instigating violence AGAINST them, in order to elicit sympathy, outrage, etc., then they are not a nonviolent movement. Period.

What's worst out of these choices? OWS? USS Liberty? Or the Gulf of Tonkin incident? 34 crew members killed. 60k + US soldiers killed. No one getting killed? Toughie... I'll let other people make the call.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 08:12 PM
The Occupy evictions were not unexpected and the fact that many cities are more or less evicting at about the same time is implicit proof that there was internal discussion amongst local authorities (likely federal as well but without direct sources I won't make that blatant assertion). The fact that many cities are using "Health and Sanitation" as the default reason for eviction indicates that they were concerned about impinging upon the right to protest directly and needed to figure out a way to make themselves look like 'not a bad guy' and in favour of the public et cetera.

Oakland was using the water supply to their City Hall and one day it was just turned off...the first day I was there, oddly enough...and I called it then...Health concerns will be the reason for the dismantling of the first incarnation of Occupy...

Little do they know that this isn't going away....and while I would love to be more involved with Occupy at this time, Congressional Legislation being proposed at this time is more than alarming and requires more attention...indeed, Occupy the financial aspects of our society is missing some major points...such as legislation becoming law without the populations approval or even knowledge. We vote based on perception of character...and the voted behave on consensus of their clique...

Much fish to fry, rhetorically speaking...people need to learn about this as well as protest...but learning these things should be priority number one. Otherwise, the same old #e will continue...

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 09:12 PM
Reading posts of people vilifying about the people at the OWS camp sites need to ATTEND a site before constructing their opinions. STOP letting the articles online/news (mainstream or not) construct a negative opinion about these people, do it YOURSELF. Geez

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:00 PM
None of this surprises me, we all knew our media was sensored, we all knew our goverment is corrupt, all this does is prove that we have been correct from the jump.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:09 PM
Ok I'm too sick of hearing of cops beating peaceful protesters. Back in the day people would not have stood for this. People have become more and more pussified. IMHO the time for peace is over. People need to start spraying bullets at these pigs. They take an oath supposedly to serve and protect the constitution. BS... The only thing the police serve is corporatism. P.O.L.I.C.E. Powers Of Lucifer In Control Everywhere. Isn't this the truth? The only way now to let them know that we the people mean business, is to start putting some bullets in their heads. A warning to police and the rest of corporate government, YOU CAN SEND ALL THE TROOPS YOU WISH, HOWEVER BEWARE THAT BEHIND EVERY SINGLE BLADE OF GRASS IS A PISSED OFF AMERICAN WITH A RIFLE. Ladies and gentlement the time for peace was over waaaayyyyy back in the day, shame on us for taking so long to take real action. As far as I'm concerned, whatever happens in the coming future and we do nothing, we deserve is... Quote "they whom give up essential liberties in exchange for temporary security deserve neither".

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Enemyc0mbatant

C'mon... It's not that bad when chain link/ barbwire fence isn't involved.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:14 PM
You know,.....I start to think that we all want the same things like liberty,justice,fairness,freedom,etc.

And then???

I read threads like this.
It seems that within the first few posts there is ALWAYS some douche bag along with his/her merry, star happy followers who make it well known that they are not interested in such ideas and are more than comfortable living in their current comfortable bubble.

It works EVERYTIME!!!

I could start a thread about the evils of child prostitution rings and there would be some A-hole who disagreed with me. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!?!?! Are they even real?????
I still can't wrap my head around how people don't see the importance of what is going on here and fully support it.

No one is saying you have to get your fat lazy ass up off the couch and even lift so much as ONE of those greasy, fat little sausage fingers of yours. All you have to do is show your support.
HELL, you don't even have to do that.
Just sit back and watch T.V with your fat wife and your fat kids, eat McDonalds and keep your ignorant ass mouth shut so the rest of us can build you a better future.

You are in the minority and if you don't embrace the change that we are bringing NOW then you are going to wake up one day to find yourself living in a brave new world with which you are painfully ill equipped to deal with and adapt to.

Think about it and get back to me.
edit on 26-11-2011 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by TheMur
None of this surprises me, we all knew our media was sensored, we all knew our goverment is corrupt, all this does is prove that we have been correct from the jump.

AMEN! Same thing goes to our education/text books being filtered. How nice is it to be able to filter everything and have people consider it as the truth, beautiful huh. -_-

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by TheMur
None of this surprises me, we all knew our media was sensored, we all knew our goverment is corrupt, all this does is prove that we have been correct from the jump.

If by censored and corrupt you mean owned... Sure, both bought and paid for long before some of us were born.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Screwed

Their priests, their pride, their filters won't perceive wrongdoing, so why not resort to some Cheetos loving? Might as well be fat and merry this time of year.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock

Much fish to fry, rhetorically speaking...people need to learn about this as well as protest...but learning these things should be priority number one. Otherwise, the same old #e will continue...

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:52 PM
Is this stuff still called propaganda or is there a new PC term?

Seriously, this is the third very slanted pro OWS/ anti police article I've read coming out of the UK.

"Unparallelled police brutality". Yeah, right. Compared to almost any other country in the world, these spacktards are being treated with kid gloves here in the states. Ohhh... someone got peppersprayed!!!!! STFU and be thankful you're not in China, Germany, Austria, Russia, Ukraine, or virtually any country in Africa or the Middle East, or you'd taste some real pain. If you weren't shot outright.

"In Soviet Russia, police protest you... with a bullet in the neck."

When the author recites his twisted civics lesson, i.e. an Executive Branch Department is first accountable to a Committee Chair in the House, then to the Chief Executive/CINC, my eyes crossed, but I managed to finish this piece of unwashed tripe.

Is there some truth that our elected representatives are looking out for Number One from the day they file their election papers? Sure, without a doubt.

Is there some truth that DHS and other Federal agencies with law enforcement and homeland defense responsibilities are looking at the OWS with a suspicious eye? Damn, I surely hope so.

Is this author just one more dim-witted hack writing a thinly-veiled effort to cast the OWS kids and their puppet masters as the vanguard in the glorious and valiant struggle of the oppressed proletariat against the fat-cats and the oligarchs, as strains of the Internationale waft in the October breeze? Well, yup, yup, gawrsh, what took ya so long to figger it out, Comrade?

This article does nothing more than remind us that Reds can screw their tinfoil hats on waaaay too tight as easily as the Michigan Militia. Let's not forget that they are both quite dangerous.

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