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Teen in 'Waking Coma' After School Jab

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by sparksfley

I certainly don't know about their area. But here in California, they're trying to pass legislation in which they can vaccinate without parental knowledge or consent.

Reason # 16 million and 1 why we're so happy to not live in CA anymore...

Seriously, I would take my children out of school.

But in south Texas in a major college town I worked with a volunteer group that found out an elementary school was medicating a child for adhd without mom's consent. He had been diagnosed by the school counselor, who held no degree for it, no qualifications to diagnose anyone with anything. I can't believe this was a totally isolated incident.

The fact that it's illegal doesn't even slow them down. What would they do if it WAS legal?
edit on 16-11-2011 by Schkeptick because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 01:59 PM
I guess this thread only agrees with a thread I made yesterday about free flu shot vaccines being distributed to occupiers at Wall Street. I really hope the child is ok.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:07 PM
My 12yo daughters school sent letters home to say she had to have the hpv shot, her mum (my ex) was on her back trying to make her take it.
My daughter came to me and we sat down together and did some research on the net, no DOOM sites, just some proper research, and found so many many cases of young girls who have had these shots and fallen ill.
In the end my daughter made the desicion not to have the shots, which by the way is to prevent genital warts,
which MAY lead to cervical cancer.
My daughters desicion has had two positive out comes.
1st My daughter is free from all the crap they put in these shots.
2nd My ex does not speak to me any more

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:45 PM
I have/had HPV. When I was diagnosied with HPV there was no vaccines. I develpoed cervical cancer that came on fast went from stage 1 to stage 3 in two months. Had surgery which removed the disease from me permenatly. I have 3 girls ages 6-14 years old. Honestly would never want them to get the vaccine. There is too many risks on both sides.
Life is about choices, when their 18 years old they can decide if they want to get this done. I will not force a child to take an optional vaccine.
It is sad that the only way the government can control us, is when we are children in school. Forcing our youth to take vaccines that could be still given at age 25. Crazy how a group made of a majority of men decide womens fate.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:21 PM

The reasons people get seriously ill from Chicken Pox are if they either take Aspirin or Ibuprofen, or if they have a weakened immune system (e.g. Leukemia). The Chicken Pox vaccine doesn't always work and even when it does it only protects for a number of years, meaning we are then more likely to catch it as adults. The NHS in the UK advises against the Chicken Pox vaccine unless it's relating to weakened immune systems (this was the only reason the Chicken Pox vaccine was developed). They say it could increase the risk of Shingles in older people. Whereas the USA is more corrupt with a lot more Big Pharma lobbying going on, with the people subjected to all kinds of Chicken Pox scaremongering, leading to Big Pharma $ PROFIT $

If we catch Chicken Pox we have lifelong immunity. The best way forward is for the Chicken Pox vaccines to go in the bin and for us all to be allowed to catch Chicken Pox as children, thereby gaining natural lifelong immunity. Educate about Aspirin and Ibruprofen, even put warning signs on the boxes.

Originally posted by weirdguy
In 2006 I caught the chicken pox. I was 35 years old and I had never been sick or in hospital
before. I was covered from head to toe in those little blisters, yep even mr. winky.

At hospital I was placed into a bio hazard isolation unit, where the medical team wore those bio suits every
time they walked into the room. The room itself was ceiling to floor stainless steel as were all
the furniture, bed and fittings. They thought I had cow pox at first.

I spent 6 days in a critical condition in that little room. I thought I was a gonner for sure.
Once I had recovered which took about 5 weeks, I went to our family doctor and there was
a poster for chicken pox vacination in the waiting room. DOH!

Get your children vacinated and while your at it get yourselves done too.

edit on 16-11-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:35 PM
The next time You take some medison.
have a good look at the infomation.

Make have side effects!!!

oh yes they do test them.
BUT not all people have the same chemistre.
so any medication you take for the first time.
may Kill you, If you are lucky.
they NEVER tell you that.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:54 PM
My nephew's father went into a two-week coma after receiving a booster shot of the tetanus vaccine. His mother breaks out in hives after a booster shot.

First time my nephew got the vaccine, his leg swelled up and he was having trouble breathing. Guess who's not getting any more tetanus vaccine?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
My nephew's father went into a two-week coma after receiving a booster shot of the tetanus vaccine. His mother breaks out in hives after a booster shot.

First time my nephew got the vaccine, his leg swelled up and he was having trouble breathing. Guess who's not getting any more tetanus vaccine?

I'm sorry to hear this, it was the anti-tetanus vaccine that killed my sister, she was a healthy 8 year old, but it gave her a muscle-wasting disease, it was a slow decline, until eventually she couldn't get out of bed, and slowly rotted to her death. This is the danger of vaccinating a firstborn child, vaccinating the firstborn should be illegal as they have a different immune system to their siblings. Many firstborns go down with autoimmune diseases such as MS and Diabetes type 1 and allergies such as Asthma and Eczema. They are told "It's genetic", but what they don't tell you is that it's genetic only "IF YOU RECEIVE THE VACCINE"; the vaccine is the trigger.

If anyone is on the fence, the only thing I'd say is avoid vaccinating the firstborn, if you're not convinced, just take a look around at the people you know with autoimmune diseases and allergies, and see how many of them are firstborn. Their immune systems are too sensitive for them to receive vaccines, they end up creating antibodies to others parts of the vaccine that they were not meant to

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by buddha
The next time You take some medison.
have a good look at the infomation.

Make have side effects!!!

oh yes they do test them.
BUT not all people have the same chemistre.
so any medication you take for the first time.
may Kill you, If you are lucky.
they NEVER tell you that.

If they say 2% will have the side effect, it normally means over 50%, but people will think "Oh, I must be in the 2%"

Until they start independent safety testing, instead of internal, nothing that the Pharms produce can be trusted

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 06:53 PM
As a Nurse who has been both involved in administering a wind range of medication, including the odd vaccine, and receiving probably every vaccine known to man at some point I would still have my kids get this jab.

Every medication has side effects, some are quite nasty and many medications are not compatible with other medications all medication has a risk. What’s interesting is when you look at the evidence base for these vaccines that are not readily available to the general public, the benefits outweigh the risks. We read one story in the media and all of a sudden this is the vaccine is perceived as being “dangerous”, look at the epidemiological data and you will find that these cases are very rare. Sure some people might feel ill after the injection, some might have a pain around the injection site and yes in some very rare cases a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors could lead to a severe reaction. But that risk is too low to justify not receiving the vaccine.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:05 PM
i was watching on the news the other night some 3rd world country mothers were being given vaccinnes,not sure where but that is starting to think that these are the first people to be experimented on before it reaches the western populace....these people take these vaccines with welcoming arms ...

this whole vaccine thing leaves a horrid taste,im waiting for the "i am legend" type scenario to more vaccines for my kids...period.....

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:23 PM
Credo Mutwa (Via David Icke) Stated that Non-Vaccinated Children can see apparitions/spirits. It sounds far fetched, but does make sense. When people see ghosts we call them "Crazy"
Is it true that children have special abilities? What could Rid the world of that? Mass vaccinations???

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:26 PM
The worst decision a parent can ever make is to hand their child over to a stranger, be it the school, the government, or a doctor. So long as society thinks it is just dandy to give your kid to the government for them to put whatever junk inside their heads and now in their blood, this stuff will continue to occur (and probably get worse).

Some say handing your kid over is for individual education and individual health, I say it is for social indoctrination and social health, and to hell with the kid if they are the 1 in 10,000 who gets screwed up by the shot. So long as it benefits the machine (society as a whole) it is all they care about.

Modern society is a disease. It has become a beast with its own nature that could care less about the individual. Well, I am an individual, so to hell with that concept of society! There has got to be a better way than potentially sacrificing your kid so that mine won't get sick, or visa versa.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:02 AM

If we take the 'Science' at face value, then you're right! However, once we examine how the system works, we quickly become aware that the Pharms are funding the research, they are testing their own products or funding researchers to test. The researchers know that if they do not prove what they have been asked to prove i.e. product is safe and perfect, they will lose their funding. There are stories of demotions and laboratories being taken away for someone having proven vaccines are not safe. The 'research' is actually a form of marketing, and if something comes out wrong, it gets binned and people's careers are left in ruins.

Until independent bodies are set up for testing, that do not have revolving doors with big Pharma, we cannot trust ANY of their products, as quite often a product is deliberately causing damage to then get us onto more of their medications, increasing their profits further

Look at what Bayer did when not enough people ordered their HIV medication

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
As a Nurse who has been both involved in administering a wind range of medication, including the odd vaccine, and receiving probably every vaccine known to man at some point I would still have my kids get this jab.

Every medication has side effects, some are quite nasty and many medications are not compatible with other medications all medication has a risk. What’s interesting is when you look at the evidence base for these vaccines that are not readily available to the general public, the benefits outweigh the risks. We read one story in the media and all of a sudden this is the vaccine is perceived as being “dangerous”, look at the epidemiological data and you will find that these cases are very rare. Sure some people might feel ill after the injection, some might have a pain around the injection site and yes in some very rare cases a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors could lead to a severe reaction. But that risk is too low to justify not receiving the vaccine.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by hopenotfeariswhatweneed
i was watching on the news the other night some 3rd world country mothers were being given vaccinnes,not sure where but that is starting to think that these are the first people to be experimented on before it reaches the western populace....these people take these vaccines with welcoming arms ...

this whole vaccine thing leaves a horrid taste,im waiting for the "i am legend" type scenario to more vaccines for my kids...period.....

Normally it's either to sterilize or to give them HIV, but you never know what's UNICEF have up their sleeves
edit on 17-11-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:06 AM
According to UN documents, the plan is to eventually take our kids away from us around the age of 3. They'll have a big False Flag story as to why this needs to be done. They don't want us passing down information and religions, also they want us to be able to get straight back to work, as we work for them. Expect this within 20 or 30 years. It would be a lot easier to get away with this during a food crisis, world war or a (proper) pandemic.

If you told people 100 years ago that most women would work, they wouldn't have believed it, but the Bankers funded the Feminist movement, which in reality was a way of weakening the family unit and taxing twice as many people. They slowly chip away at our beliefs and shape us for their own benefit

Originally posted by HillbillyHippie1
The worst decision a parent can ever make is to hand their child over to a stranger, be it the school, the government, or a doctor. So long as society thinks it is just dandy to give your kid to the government for them to put whatever junk inside their heads and now in their blood, this stuff will continue to occur (and probably get worse).

Some say handing your kid over is for individual education and individual health, I say it is for social indoctrination and social health, and to hell with the kid if they are the 1 in 10,000 who gets screwed up by the shot. So long as it benefits the machine (society as a whole) it is all they care about.

Modern society is a disease. It has become a beast with its own nature that could care less about the individual. Well, I am an individual, so to hell with that concept of society! There has got to be a better way than potentially sacrificing your kid so that mine won't get sick, or visa versa.

edit on 17-11-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by Stargate64
Credo Mutwa (Via David Icke) Stated that Non-Vaccinated Children can see apparitions/spirits. It sounds far fetched, but does make sense. When people see ghosts we call them "Crazy"
Is it true that children have special abilities? What could Rid the world of that? Mass vaccinations???

There could well be something in this.

Notice in this EU poster with The Tower of Babel, the adults have block heads, but the baby still has a round head as they haven't been vaccinated/indoctrinated yet

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:52 AM
This is my local area, Wigton is about 13 mile from me, here is the story from the local paper:

The Cumbrian girl who sleeps 23 hours a day

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by jameshawkings
According to UN documents, the plan is to eventually take our kids away from us around the age of 3.

Post up the UN documents that state this.

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