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Attacked by a spirit - what's next?

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by itsallmaya

They're both Buddhist. The mom is hard core. She and dad are retired and they visit the temple daily. Have a prayer room in the house. Put out food as offerings to Buddha, etc.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by fusion47

hmm, Asian, Spirits possession, seeing spirits, Let me guess are they Cambodian?

Just like Hati are known for Voodoo pratices. Cambodian "stereotype" are known for having 6th sense, spirits possession, supernatural ability, and practing black/white magic.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:05 PM
I am trying to learn myself what the differences are between spirits, manifestations, ghosts, apparitions, etc. Usually what I see that is extraordinary does not take on a solid shape. I refer to mine as manifestations, or apparitions, and sometimes just ghosts because mine are not solid. Mine are like thousands of miniscule specs of light that form into shapes. I have several stories, but the most striking one is that I saw an apparition with orange eyes and I found out 20 years later that my grandfather had also witnessed an apparition, but he said his had red eyes. In both my case and his, there was no lower body, or no feet. His was more of a grotesque figure though the way he described his.

Other family similarities is a breathing sound that mother heard when she was pregnant with me. Then when I turned 18 (the age she was when she was pregnant with me), I heard the breathing. I have more stories, but I think those in particular pertain to the lineage that you were asking about.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by fusion47
reply to post by eccentriclady

I'm almost as intrigued with her son's abilities as her own. They are far weaker, but they are present. Perhaps he's reluctant to embrace or develop them the way his mom has.

Paul works third shift in the pharmacy at a local hospital. Part of his nightly duties are to deliver medicines floor by floor, pushing around a cart of stuff. There's one particular hallway that's always creeped him out - the hallway with the cath lab. The hospital turns down lights in unused areas like this overnight, but he says there's something about this hallway that makes him more uncomfortable than others.

About a year ago, he called me about 11:30 pm freaking out. He said he was pushing his cart down the cath lab hallway and noticed there was a guy standing in the corner at the end of the hallway. Normally he'd say hello in passing, but something compelled him to greet the man upon seeing him all the way at the end of the hallway.

"Hi, how are you?" he asked. The man didn't respond. He was looking down at his hands. I asked what the man looked like, and he said he was a middle aged black man, shaved head, in a scrub top and black pants.

He said hello again as he pushed the cart down the hallway. Still no response. The man looked up from his hands and peered down the hallway....past Paul as if he wasn't there. In a blink the man vanished. Paul looked around the corner down another hallway and saw no one. He tried a couple doors at the end of the hallway. They were locked. The man was just gone.

The next morning, a hospital wide email went out notifying everyone that an employee had passed away late the night before. He was described as being a longtime worker assigned to the hospital's cath lab. I tried to convince Paul to go to the man's visitation at an area funeral home to see if it was open casket, and to see if it was the same man he saw in the hallway. He refused.


posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by PoorGrammar

Close! They're Laotian.

I visited Laos for the first this summer. I thought the southern US was very "churchy" but it doesn't have anything on Laos! That place is covered with temples, shrines, etc. I've never been anywhere like that....where religion is such a huge part of national identity and daily life.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by ghostwithorangeeyes


He was freaked out, too. There's more to this story than I mentioned earlier.

Paul took a ghost hunting class at a local community college the summer before the hospital thing happened. It was taught by a guy that had made a few appearances on one of those ghost hunting shows on tv. It was only a few weeks long, about 10 students.

They did a sensory deprivation experiment. Each student was taken into an empty classroom. The teacher taped ping pong balls over their closed eyes and then shined a lamp into the balls. He also played some white noise. The idea was that if you're completely relaxed and blind to the world outside you you're more perceptive of the paranormal. If you have any abilities, they're more prominent because of your newfound focus.

Because Paul works third shift and the class was early in the evening, he fell asleep in the back of the room as other students took their turns. None of the students had any sort of encounter as part of the experiment. Paul was the last to go.

The main classroom and the experiment classroom were connected by a walkie talkie thing.. After a few moments with the ping pong balls over his eyes, the lamp, and the white noise....Paul asked aloud who was in the room with him. The teacher replied over the walkie talkie that no one was there. Paul could sense someone and see a shadowy bit of movement. Like something was blocking the light shining into his eyelids.

"Come on, who's in here? he asked, pulling the ping pong balls off his eyes. A chair in the back of the room slid across the floor towards the wall.

The teacher barged in, and said "was it the man in the chair?". Pete didn't see anyone in the chair. The teacher explained that there was a man in civil war era clothes in the chair, peering across the room.

The hospital incident happened about 5 or 6 months later.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by fusion47

Thanks for posting that, friend. That is where I often see ghosts, in hospitals, where many people die. I was in for a fusion/fixation surgery in the winter of 2009. I was laying in bed watching TV, and talking to my room mate, a man about my own age. There was a wooden chair at the foot of the bed, and suddenly a man came in and sat down, smoking a cigarette. Now smoking was not allowed in the hospital, and neither of us smoked anyway. I raised up to look at this guy, and he saw that I could see him. "Where is my Ida?" he asked, over and over. Sat there smoking furiously. "Where is my Ida?" "Have you seen my Ida?"
Finally he got up and walked out. My room mate said, "Someone you know?" "No," I replied, "I think he was a ghost. Just then the nurse came in, sniffed the air, and did a hard target search of the room, looking for cigarettes. She swore one of us was smoking.

The next morning I was getting out, and asked the head nurse if I could talk to her for a minute, and I described the incident. She smiled and told me she, and many of the nurses and personnel had seen the man. She told me the man's wife had died there a few years ago, and he died the following day, having never regaining consciousness. They had been in a bad car wreck.

The men did not try to possess me.
He did not try to trick me.

All he wanted was his wife, and he was NOT a Demon.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:37 PM

My room mate said, "Someone you know?" "No," I replied, "I think he was a ghost. Just then the nurse came in, sniffed the air, and did a hard target search of the room, looking for cigarettes. She swore one of us was smoking.

So your roommate saw the man too? I wonder sometimes what lets some people see ghosts and other's not. Brain physiology? Something else?

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 05:36 PM

So your roommate saw the man too? I wonder sometimes what lets some people see ghosts and other's not. Brain physiology? Something else?

I too wonder at this. Yes, the other man who was in the room with me saw him too. In fact, at least three hospital personnel told me they had seen him. I have seen them for life, I was an adult before it came to me that everyone could not see them. This question was asked in here before, a few weeks ago, I think.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 11:25 PM
Ok, so new bit of weirdness here. This is a bit lengthy but worth the read...

Paul and I visited my hometown this weekend to visit my parents and see my sister's new house. It's a cute little older house, red, with a big yard. The previous owner was an old lady. Loved by all her neighbors. She gardened. It was a big thing to her. The yard has all sorts of flowers and bushes and trees. There are even two big greenhouses on the property. I think I heard someone say that she sold flowers and plants to the local community. Her son kept up the house and the yard for 3 years...from her passing until my sister and brother in law bought the house a couple weeks ago. We went out and spent the day yesterday and had a great time. But then tonight...

Tonight Paul and I drove my sister and niece back to her house. My sister led the way along the sidewalk to the back door with me carrying my niece behind her, and with Paul bringing up the rear. My sister and I went in the house but Paul remained outside. He was just looking around. Standing halfway down the sidewalk. Eventually he stepped inside for a brief moment, and then he and I left.

When we got back in the car he asked me to feel his arm. He had goosebumps. He said that when he got halfway down the sidewalk he had the feeling that something was out of the ordinary. A weird sensation, followed by slowly getting goosebumps on both arms and the hair on the back of his neck standing up.

"It's the old lady! Working in her yard!" I joked. Paul didn't laugh. He said it wasn't a bad energy he felt. He was compelled to stay on the sidewalk, not creeped out to the point of running inside the house. He said whatever it was, it was good. He didn't feel it when we were out at the house the day before, only now. It was dark outside and the feeling was in one particular spot on the sidewalk. (I think the old lady was working on a flower bush that my niece had torn apart the day before, and that Paul walked "through" her on the sidewalk because it was in the SAME spot). But this isn't the strangest part....

I suggested he call his mom to talk to her about it. He said "Mom I was just at my sister in law's new house and..."

His mom said "I know. The red one. It's old." She then went on to say that the spirit was the previous owner and that she was fine. She repeated "it's an old house. It's an old house. She's fine."

Now, Paul's mother has never met any of my family, nor visited any of their homes. She's never seen any pictures of this house and we've never talked about it to her. Somehow, over the phone, she saw the house. She even knew what color the walls inside were. And she said that the spirit Paul sensed was good.

What the hell? Is this a form of remote viewing do you think? Something that comes from connection of mother and son? Her descriptions were too exact to be good guesses. She KNEW.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 02:03 AM
S+f,and subscribed-very very interesting thread.I really envy your boyfriend's mother her abilities/gifts.Although i imagine that although it can be a great help in life,there can also be an unpleasant side to it.My husband is clairvoyant,he sees spirits,demons,angels,entities.Also when he meets a person,he reads them completely,and has never ever been wrong about anyone,in the 17 years we've been together.I am an empath myself,with very mild psychic ability.My son and i are extremely telepathic with each other,though.

I was overseeing his homework earlier this year,and he was battling to make the letter S tidily-they're big on tidy handwriting at his school,he's in 1st grade,btw.As i was bending over,my head next to his,i got a picture in my mind,of flowing water,darkish blue+black water,and a strange slippy-slidy physical feeling in my brain,very strange feeling.

When he was done with his homework i asked him,if he gets a funny feeling when he tries to write the letter S-and he looked up at me very surprised,and said Yes! Not wanting to put ideas into his head,i asked him if his head hurt when he tries to make that letter,and he said "No,its a funny slidy feeling,like water" I found that amazing,i actually saw in my mind,the water,and felt the weird icky slidy sensation physically,that he felt at that time.

Another time,i was outside the house,a distance away in the yard,and he was inside watching tv.I wanted to show him something and i knew he would'nt hear me if i called him normally,and as i just had a major telepathic episode with someone in America the night before,i decided to try and "call" my son this way.So i thought his name and pushed with my mind.2/3 minutes later,he comes outside,quite upset.He said to me:"Mommy when you called me,i got up,but then i felt very nauseous and dizzy and i fell down-and i called you(vocally)but you did'nt come!"

I felt so bad about that! i explained that i could'nt hear his voice all the way outside,and i did'nt even mention to him that i called him with my mind-i never did again,after that,i felt bad that although he "heard" me,it made him nauseous and dizzy,and he fell down.This happens with me and him a lot-i will think of a song,and he will start singing it,or think of a thing,and soon after he mentions it,and vice versa.I always know exactly how/what he's feeling-like i feel what's in his heart,and emotions,his way of reasoning/looking at a matter-what's going through his head.Sometimes i will say/ask him something and he'll laugh and say:"Mom!stop reading my mind!"

Once,when he was about 4,i was reading in my bedroom,on my cell,about the 11:11 thing,and stargates.He was in the lounge doing arts+crafts,and just as i finished reading,he came in with a little craft-thingy he made-he said:"Mommy i made you this,cus you should have this, to make you happy" i add a picture of what he made,while i was on the other side of the house,reading about 11's and stargates

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:33 PM
Wow. Interesting! I do believe that this sort of thing can run in families. I've suggested that Paul should talk with his mother more about her abilities and try to develop his own. He says he doesn't want to. He's afraid that if he opens himself up to it he won't be able to turn it off.

Another interesting story....I was driving from work to Paul's sister's house for a late dinner. His mom and dad were there too. Big family thing. I was unfamiliar with the area and got lost. Had to double back to try to find the right house. When I finally got there and walked in the door, his mom...who had been asleep in a chair, looked up and said "got lost?" I said yes. She smiled, nodded and went back to sleep.

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