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*Full and Complete* E.T. Disclosure Just Weeks Away! (MUST Read)

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posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:02 PM
Interesting fiction to read, but of course lacking any sort of collaboration or naming names... well, it is just like any other disclosure imminent threads.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Vandalour
reply to post by Aqualung2012

I found the sound clip you mention, but nothing about ufo´s and aliens..
What am I doing wrong, could you please give me a direct link, I want to hear this.

its not SOS528hr2 file.. as you write, thats about mindcontrol
edit on 8-11-2011 by Vandalour because: (no reason given)

my mistake, it was ((((29:25))))), not 9:25 here is the link again

Speaking of strange broadcast mentioned in OP

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:05 PM
This whole story is more fishy than a can of starkist.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by eddiemaiden_80
reply to post by Aqualung2012

Sounds like you have just miss-mashed various sources of info into a story already told many, many times before.

It seems that way, perhaps, but it simply is not. This is not MY story. The OP is just a retelling of THIS story, which is relayed from a primary source.

Skip to 29:25 for the original story

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013

b. Why would any race of beings advanced enough to master interstellar travel even consider "negotiating" with us? There could be an infinite amount of other intelligent life forms out there, some benevolent, some malevolent, and some maybe so far ahead that we wouldnt even interest them. Every culture has tales of "flying things" "strange lights in the sky" and "gods that descended from the heavens." It could be as simple as trying to negotiate with a colony of ants that are invading your kitchen, metaphorically speaking.

I agree with you but I must add that if some people on Earth are capable of recognizing the rights of "lesser" species it is possible that some would respect the rights of Humans. I also believe that there may be more than one species with their own different agendas. They don't need to ask for permission to destroy or save us but some might just ask before interfering.

c. Just as there have been high powered whistle blowers that speak of sinister dealings between ET's and mankind, there have also been high powered and well respected men and women who claim that world powers are running out of enemies, and the next majotr war will be one of an intergalactic theme.

This is very dangerous. If they revealed themselves some would embrace them as God, some would cry Apocalypse, some would denounce NWO holograms or something like that. Personally, I want them to be real, but I am not willing to let go of reason.

Just to clarify, I don't believe in anything the OP posted.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:10 PM
I'm not buying this anymore I've heard this to many times , You probably mean that Santa is coming with some weird looking elves?

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:15 PM
If a highly advanced civilization was here, why would they need our permission to abduct people?

Or it because our radar messes around with their craft and in their technical prowess couldnt figure out how to over come it, so they need promises not to be blasted out of the sky?

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:18 PM
Once again, one of the pitfalls of ATS responses... More opinions and skeptics. Everybody on this forum "knows more" than another person, or has "more information" than another. It only takes reading the first few responses to see the lack of support members of this forum even have for alternative news. Sure, the entire thread may be B.S. but it was written in a very well formatted post, and though there's no links, it is constructed very well. Who cares if you don't believe it, this website isn't here for your personal justification, you want that #, how bout leaving your house from time to time and go stargazing or something.

On another note, the entire story does seem to have points that make sense. I think all the UFO/Alien preparation video and informative guidelines we've been seeing in the media lately and on government websites lead to a means of preparing the masses for disclosure. They sure have been talking about it for quite sometime. I can only recall disclosure discussions being serious since late 2009, as well as the constant programs on the documentary channels increasing since then as well. Everybody here is so damn impatient and just believes every prediction should occur within the specific guidelines, not giving any overlap for what is a well deserved wait.

Honestly if you're such a skeptic in this forum you choose to try to debunk and discredit every UFO post you read, I don't think u deserve static proof of a damn thing. Its basically a similar ideology to having faith in GOD. If you don't believe, you don't believe. Nobody is put here to personally please your curiosities. I am appreciative of this thread and look forward to more concrete evidence to be displayed, instead of empty argument towards this member to take time out of his day to share an interesting post.

edit on 8-11-2011 by MgMuzik because: typo

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:19 PM
PLEASE allow me to clarify some things here.

1) I agree with many of you on the fact that this is NOT empirical whatsoever.

2) I PERSONALLY believe the information given. I simply wanted to share it with ATS, I do not expect you to believe it.

3) I believe that the "workings" with the governments of the world (by the ETs) are something of a sham. I understand that ETs have ultimate control, that they don't NEED contracts, treaties, etc.

4) I would assert that the only reason that something of a contractual nature would even EXIST between ETs and world government would be in order to keep the Elite in a feeling of "partnership." This is a completely paper thin and superficial little condolence to keep the government from harming us further in light of the ETs inevitable approach.

5) Bill Cooper died for telling this very same story. Naturally I would be very reluctant to point out specific individuals involved with this report.

That said, I truly appreciate everyone's comments, rebuttals, contributions, and input in general. However, some ATS members have displayed a VERY disgraceful show of disrespect, closed mindedness, and overall ignorance.

I thought we were supposed to Deny that stuff.

Thanks again, and please, before commenting on my OP, visit the link here Speaking of Strange with Joshua P Warren, Skip to 29:25 for the report in question

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:22 PM
Sorry dude i will never trust my government to disclose that ets are real. I'd rather have a benevolent et to disclose they're real, to the people
edit on 8-11-2011 by sam_inc because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by MgMuzik

I appreciate that approach very much, and you are correct.

Now, I have the link, and I'm really trying to get people to LISTEN to it and see my recounting of it is true to what I heard. The Podcast of the report in question

***Skip to 29:25 for Mobius' account***

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:23 PM
You have got to be kidding me, right? These claims are made every year or so and nothing ever gets announced. Another all hype thread.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:24 PM
I don't buy it. I am of the opinion that all abductions where humans are not treated civilly are done by our own military that has that technology, who want to put forward the idea that ETs are evil. Check out most of your recent ET movies. It's all the same.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:25 PM
and now I am forced to go back over and read 15 pages of what will most likely be idiotic bantering over why this is or isn't true; instead of logical, informative debating. Seriously, some responses should be removed for the sake of principle alone. At times I feel I'm reading chats of high school children gossip over who had sex with who at so and so's party...

edit on 8-11-2011 by MgMuzik because: typo

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Aqualung2012

I am 50/50 on channeled messages. Sometimes I think I can believe them, and the rest of the time, I think they are made up for whatever reason (*cough*Blossom Goodchild*cough*). But this is a channeled message from yesterday, from "Wanderer of the Skies". I found it to be the most interesting channeled message I've read. Especially read the third and fourth paragraph. I like how every channeled message I read, no matter who made it, claims Obama is really a good guy. After he came out and said, "Osama Bin Laden is dead!" Well... I don't trust him. Anyway, personal opinions aside, here it is:
We wish to address faith with you. For most of you, faith is all you have. You have not seen us, not communicated with us, have no real knowledge of our existence outside of these messages. You have not been taken aboard our craft, have no real way of knowing whether any of the messages that have come through, be they from the Federation or from spiritual sources, or otherwise, are anything other than the imagination of those who write the words down on paper. Yet, you accept them because your heart tells you that they ring of the truth you have been denied from other sources. This is faith. It is no less powerful for you than it is for any one of a religious persuasion. And in that sense, you must always stay vigilant about what is heard from us and from those who would purport to be us and also from those who rightfully criticize these words as outsiders.

You have taken on faith your task to move forward into the new age of existence. Either you will be proven right in the coming year or so, or you will have to re-evaluate everything that you are. Either way, you have woken up to a reality beyond your wildest imagination. A world not filled with static things, but of movable energies that coexist with your very existence. This is the true nature of reality and you must “sort it out” for yourselves.

We stand firm in our position that everything we have told you is real and is of the truth. You must accept what you can and discern the rest as you see fit. On this point you have the free will and the choice. Only you can make these decisions. Do you stand behind a leader of a first world country [President Obama] who we have repeatedly told you will be the one to lead you successfully out of the grips of the Illuminati, or do you succumb to the pressures of the “real world” and believe what is told you from those sources? Again, the choice is yours. And remember always, you create your own reality at all times. Let there be no mistake about that. You are in charge of your own destiny. No one else.

You will shortly be seeing a major display of our ships in a large city of a European country as an affirmation from us that we are here, we know your concerns, we know your fear, we know your pain and your discontent. Let this be our measure of comfort for you, our friends It is always darkest before the dawn. This was never to be an easy trail to follow but you have done so magnificently. We cannot be more proud of you. We have just such a little ways more to go and you will indeed begin to see that we mean business.

As we have said in the past, Disclosure will be the first major event you will have to physically confirm everything that we have been telling you. We intend to bring it to your doorstep. You have closed the gap for us so much that we actually delight here in sitting back while you take control of your own destiny toward that very end.

Soon, several world governments will announce indictments underway against major players in the international financial markets as a reaction to your protests and a response to the rising energy of Light that is quickly sweeping away all the darkness. These are not precursors to the proof and signs you require, these ARE the signs. Stop closing your eyes to what is confirmation enough all around you.

Stay positive in what you say and do. Remember that each and every one of you is in this together. We all have our roles and everyone is playing them out as they feel is right. Encouragement now from those who will not falter in the Light of truth will go a long way in helping those who have reached their moment of doubt in faith. Show each other the love you deserve and you will receive it back in kind.

Be at peace.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Aqualung2012
In summary this "balanced relationship," consisted of a bargain: You (the ETs) may take X amount of our population/resources for use in experimentation, observation, etc etc... and in exchange, We (the world governments) will be given alien technology for our own use. The underpinning to the contract was that the Governments of the world would gently disclose to us the ET existance... the TRUTH.

Hmmmm. So "we the people" should have been informed about ET who have been abducting and experimenting on us and we would (presumably) embrace them openly.......don't think so we would be exceptionally pissed off. Even ET would know this so why provoke a negative response from us by demanding the truth?

It's not logical it's totally counter productive to future relations UNLESS they don't care in which case why bother with an agreement?

Sorry illogical. Nice story though.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:27 PM
I think that sometimes people are just bored so they figure "hey i'll start a thread." And if they don't have anything relevant to discuss they figure why not write about "disclosure" or "i've been abducted" or "a grey came in my room last night." Now I don't believe that we are the only ones in the universe but why even put this stuff up when you don't even have a shred of evidence. You are just asking for people to ridicule you and call you out for what it really is...fictional stories. But hey, I would love for someone to throw it back in our faces...with some COLD HARD EVIDENCE.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Aqualung2012

Originally posted by wutz4tom
reply to post by Kram09

If I could flag your comment I would...people want to believe So Much that they believe every silly story that gets told.jeez!

Is it so silly that a hugely respected person like Bill Cooper has said nearly the same thing back in the 80s? So many people are bringing up that point as a mark against my OP, but in fact it is a correlation and I believe adds weight to the report given on air.

Your thread is an interesting read..nothing more unless you can give us something more to make us believe it?
I do believe Disclosure is coming in the next year or two..
Do you know how many threads have been started on here claiming disclosure is coming?? wow
What frustrates me is that people don't learn....
Disclosure will not come until they (visitors), want it to.... Not Before....
If the gov. is going to do it, no doubt they will do everything in thier power so as to not have to...tooth and nail battle going on for sure.
edit on 8-11-2011 by wutz4tom because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:30 PM
I hope these ET's look like Anna from "V for Visitors" shes hot, on second thoughts nah am getting bored of the reptillian agenda will most likely fry her up for dinner. Hmmmmmmmm Reptile....yum....

No need for disclosure by the governments why wait for them, humanities conscious level already registers we are not alone, why trust a government to tell us when all they do is lie to keep the mind prison perpetuating the global agenda.

Human Race Get Off Your Knees!!!!!.....

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Aqualung2012
Look people, I'm just telling you what I heard from a person who I KNOW was there, and he has no reason whatsoever to go on the radio and just make that stuff up. The guys worth millions, and I agree, the lack of citation or actual names IS unfortunate, but I DO NOT have permission to retell this story, and I DO NOT want the people involved to suffer any ill consequences for my doing so.

If indeed you are passing on some truths in regard to disclosure you've already given the game away;

While on vacation in Bulgaria, Mr. Jones happened to have a chance to sit down for a drink and a candid conversation with five NATO representatives.

Enough info there for tptb to work out exactly who it is.

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