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Hello Everyone. New Member Here looking For Some Advice

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posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by 2NDAR

Here's a thread about woodywytch:

W.I.S.P.S (Woodwytch Investigations of Supernatural & Paranormal Source) - The Case Of The Haunted C

You might find it an interesting read while you are waiting for her to show up.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by 2NDAR

If this is in fact real, first take the mirror off the door. Second explain to your daughter that Jesus can and will help her and these things clearly fear the name Jesus as they have been telling her if she calls on him they will kill her. So they covered that base as early as possible. Rectify that situation even if you have to take her to see a minister to pray over her but tell your daughter that they're are not people, they are not good and not to listen to them. Make sure she has a night light, light will keep them away to a degree but prayer will keep them out of your house. You need to prayer for Gods protection of your house, each individual in your home and for the removal of all evil from your home in the name of Jesus. Ask for the home and hearts of each individual in your home to then be filled with love and light and the holy spirit and those things will find it simply unbearable to be near you , your home or your daughter.

All the very best and God Bless

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by 2NDAR

That was seriously interesting (sorry to find interest in your misery but, you know) I cant offer any advice whatsoever on how to tackle this, although I can say when I was much younger (2-3 years old) I used to have the same recurring dream and would repeatedly keep seeing this same thing while I was awake, which I, like many other 2-3 year olds could only explain as a "wolf man", no joke, laugh all ya want, but it was there, no one else could see it, but it was there. You may wonder why I'm telling you this but its more of a warning to take your daughters claims seriously, no one believed what I was seeing, and they still dont (including my own sister) believe that I seen it. As I got older though it just seemed to disappear but I still wonder to this day some 25 years later about it, in short I'd get some expert advice on the subject and not just medically, just my 2 cents though. I hope you find out what it is and hope you and your family stay safe.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 05:29 PM
also, why do people care about whether its in the paranormal or introduction forum or whatever? the guys talking about his daughter for gods sake!! perspective, anyone?? jeesus christ

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by 2NDAR

Send an e mail to George Noory at coast to coast am and he will set you on the right course.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:32 PM
You could pull a "Paranormal Activity." Set up a hidden camera in her room for a night and see if she has any interactions with anything. Who knows, maybe she is just having nightmares every night, although they don't seem to be scaring her. Good luck!

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by ClydeFrog42

No worries. I can't say I blame you. Thank you for being polite in expressing your disbelief.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by fairguy

Well, it is an interesting situation. I just wish it was an interesting situation that was happening to somebody else besides my daughter. Regarding your experiences, I might have laughed it off 6 months ago. Not now though.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by PlanetaryDuality

I actually did set up a camera last night. I had her sleep in our bedroom with my wife while I slept in her room. Of course, me being your typical male, I tried to provoke it after starting the camera. I have to confess I felt like a complete idiot talking sh*t to myself in the mirror, but was worth a try. I did not experience anything as the night went on that i could claim to be even remotely out of the ordinary. I'll probably attempt the same thing tonight minus the provoking.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:48 PM
Weird stuff to say the least. I would try to remove the mirror. Trade bedrooms with your daughter for a few days. And we do live in the electronics age. Maybe unknown to your daughter camera in the room, with infra=red capibilities? A baby monitor? I would check local paper archives for any stories involving your house. Talk with the neighbors.

Really scary stuff your daughter is saying, really disturbing. I hope you all figure this out & that your kid is O.K. Good Luck & keep us all informed.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by 2NDAR

thanks, if it hadnt have happened to me i would never believe it, without a shadow of a doubt it was the strangest part of my already strange life

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 07:51 PM
I've never been a doom and gloom sort of guy, but... My advice is move. As soon as possible. We just don't know how to fight these things. When I was a child of around 10, I had a similar experience, only my monster was a laughing green skinned man that wanted to kill me. He nearly succeeded several times. He started in a full length mirror, but soon progressed to my dreams. At night we could hear him walking in the hallway. He stabbed me in my hand, and I still feel the pain occasionally. He tried to smother me with my own pillow. My mother tried many things, including a crucifix over my door. It was found crumpled the next day. When my step brother, who had never visited us before, came over, the green man confronted him in the mirror and told him he was going to die. Needless to say, my step brother never visited again. Finally, my mother had had enough, and we started to move. During the showing of the house, I got very sick. An old lady from Haiti was looking at the house saw me. She told my mother that I was cursed. We finally moved, and I was never visited by the green man again, but his memory still haunts me today. I'm 45 years old. Move man. Move for your daughter's sake, or this will follow her forever.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:18 PM
I don't know what your financial situation is, but if you have some extra money, I would stay at a hotel for a couple of nights to see if she has any experiences there. If she doesn't, then maybe the house is the problem. If she does, then maybe you should take her to see somebody or she just has the ability to speak with spirits. Either way, they are telling her to kill you both so I would be figuring something out as soon as I could. I will say that this does sound like a scary movie. I agree that you should put up some cameras too.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by 2NDAR

Good call on the camera.

I'm guessing the camera won't be able to film anything during the night however.

But seeing how these "people" communicate with your daughter, you should get her to move back into her own room again..just to see if you catch anything unusual on camera.

If the problems eventually persist, then move the mirror to another room.

Keep us updated too..I'm interested in knowing whether you've made any progress.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:54 PM
Welcome to ATS...

I had a similar experience (sort of) with my two youngest sons. We had moved into a rented house and they shared a room together (ages 1.5 and 2.5). They couldn't communicate very well in the beginning so we just got the night terrors, screaming, afraid of playing in their room types of things. Once they got older they would talk about shadow people and the older boy would talk of being told to do bad things as well. (very very short form of the story!!)

I was not/am not a believer of the paranormal but something completely evil and out of whack was happening in that house. I was pretty sure it was paranormal at the time and we moved out as soon as we possibly could. It's been 7 years since we've lived there and the further away it gets, the more I contemplate other possibilities....slow co2 leak(if that's even possible??), mold in basement, bad electrical, just plain overactive imaginations? I don't know but at the time it scared the crap out of us!

As soon as we were in our new home the majority of the issues stopped, but the older of the two boys did still have several years of issues afterwards. Talked of hurting kids at school (in kindergarten), and setting the school on fire etc. The younger one pretty much went on as if none of it had ever happened.

We took the older boy to a psychologist at the age of 5 (a year after moving out of the house) after he told us there was a boy named Aiden in his head telling him to hurt teachers/students. The first question the psych. asked us was "how do you discipline?" we answered "spankings and timeouts". He responded with "stop the corporal punishment it is making your son aggressive. Make an appt for 6 months" and walked out of the room....

That was apparently if you spank your children it will make them hear voices in their heads telling them to kill people....just an FYI. Needless to say we didn't book another appointment with that doctor.

My advice is to move ASAP. I completely understand that financially it might be not viable...or you may have to break a lease, or whatever. Balance out her behaviours with what needs to be done ie: if her behaviours intensify, screw the lease and get the hell out LOL. It seemed in our case that the older the child that is subjected to this (whatever it might be...) the longer it takes to "get it out of their system"

Feel free to u2u me if you want some more info. I did post the entire story in the paranormal section years ago under my old nick,but not sure if its still there or not (I lost the password to that account). The old account is Michelle129 (yeah I have a terrible imagination with screen names)

Good luck to you and your family and my prayers are with your daughter


posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by SmoKeyHaZe

You are correct about the camera. Unfortunately, I had to turn on one of her lamps just so the camera could 'see' her mirror and closet. A previous poster mentioned using one of the baby monitors that has video and is capable of viewing in the dark. I actually have one of those from when my daughter was an infant. It's an earlier version of the Summer day/night monitors. Because it's a/v output looks like a headphone jack, I don't have a cable readily available to convert to something more.....typical. So, as soon as i'm able to get a cable and find some decent video software, it's going in her room to record everything that happens whether she's in there or not.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 09:00 PM
You are renting your house, move. As fast as you can.

I personally know a woman who worked with the murdered wife here and also a guy who is a close friend of the family. Reportedly a very religious family.

The 12 year old boy did it and then called 911. The boy said he absolutely didn't know why he did it. He shot his mom and dad and younger brother and stabbed his brother in the genitals and slashed his 5 year old sisters throat if I remember all this correctly. And he claimed he just didn't know why.

I had spirits in my house that I owned for 10 years. They will slowly rip your family apart. They will target the children more and more as they get older. I know from experience. Weird scary stuff happened in that house.
I didn't believe spirits could interact in our lives, if there was even such a thing. But I now am a believer.

When we finally were moving a couple months ago, I was alone in the house. I looked at my children's pictures on the wall and then then told the spirits in a loud stern commanding voice "We have GOD, and you can't have us. My children have GOD and you cannot have them. We are leaving and you are staying here. We are leaving, you are not to come with us. Understand?: They are MY children and you WILL leave them alone!" I was so pissed off at that point...
We moved, and life is so much better. Everyone is better.

I look back and think why didn't we move years ago?
edit on 5-11-2011 by tinker9917 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by 2NDAR

Could you swap rooms so she is no longer in that room..... hope it all works out ok....

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by tinker9917

The story about that 12-year-old boy is insane! Unfortunately, moving out of this house isn't really an option for us at the moment. Otherwise we would already be gone. After talking to some of our neighbors, I'm finding out that we still have a few screwed up people living around us. Maybe not to the same extent as this 'Swamp' dude apparently was though.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 09:32 PM
First 2DNAR I have to say, i love the profile pic, injustice for all!
Second, i have to echo what Thegut said, it felt to me as if you were a writer, and that you could be making this up. My skeptical mind still halfway believes you are...that is what I am telling myself as the chills run down my spine like ice water.

So, here we are. What do you do? I would move, but giving the current state of the housing market, this may be an impossibility. Also, wouldn't garrantee that the ghost things wouldn't follow you. There was a time when I didn't believe in any of this stuff. Then one day, me and my girlfriend decided to move into a our own place. We rented in an apartment building in our neigborhood. Everything seemed to be going fine. I had an early morning job, which i still do, and we had a bit of different scheduals. I would come home when she would still be asleep.

One night, i walked into the closet to find all her stuff, from the top shelves of the closet lying in a pile on the floor. Old purses shoes, ext. It was weird. I showed her when she awoke, and she thought i did it. I thought she did it.

A little time passed. I sleep in the day time. I was lying down on the bed, alone in the house when a fear took me. Froze me where I slept. Someone or something was in the room with me. i couldn't move, but the bed did. It was as if someone sat down right behind me. When I finally fought back against my fear, I was able to move, and nothing was in the room with me.

This was how I found abovetopsecret in the first place. i was researching what had happened to me on more than one occasion. My first post was about sleep paralisis, which I do not believe is the cause. I read somewhere, that there is a watcher, that watches people sleep (can't remember where I saw this or why, but it fit better than sleep paralysis)

The worst sleep paralysis I had was one night on the weekend when i was able to sleep like a normal person, in the night time, it happened again, in our new apartment. This was the worst. My dogs didn't wake and neither did my girlfriend, i tried to scream but couldn't. I was able to with all my strength get my arm to move and tap my touch lite. The light didn't work either. That light is so sensitive and I touched it all over. Whatever was in my room was right there, watching me, and electricity wouldn't work. Then i felt the presure subside and the presence leave. i sat up and touched the light and it went on. i couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.

Things moving.

Candle would fall of the tv as if pushed when we would be watching tv. Thank god they were not lit. We would sit and look at each other, and luagh becuase things happened so often. Now we pretend to talk to ghosts or whatever is there whenever we can't find what we are looking for.

My girlfriend heres voices when i am not there, and i see shadows move. They are dark, from the corner of my eye.

I wrote a little poem about the phenominon.

"You can't see them but they're there
They hover round the shadows
It takes sleepy eyes to see them
Day dream slips and wonder
It takes an open mind, not to brush them aside
It takes time and understanding."

I couldn't just make that up.

What I do know is that moving didn't help us, # still happens. But here is what i think is going on. There is another life form possibly on this planet. Not alien, not ghost, but something unseen.

Let me explain. Radio waves can't be seen but they are there, traveling all about the air. Is it possible that something, unstudied is lurking about along side us. not a paralell world, but just as real as us in this world? Like the Rods people have video taped traveling all over the place?

I feel for you. The things happening to us do not seem melevolent, well sometimes. Yours are just scary.

Good luck. i don't think jesus will help, he isn't in the house with you.

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