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Strange Military Activity Boston,MA......And My Gut Feeling?

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Antz2xplicit

The videos are intriguing but I am not so sure there is anything sinister going on... BUT not so sure there isnt. I am in the military and I can tell you (and this is public knowledge) there are many units across the country who's areas of responsibility are CONUS (Inside the Continental United States). That's nothing new. Before the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, that's how it was. What we are seeing now is a restructuring of the military's readiness with focus being given to dangers here at home. Unit's are assigned to maintaining a high state of readiness to deal with crisis that could pop up at any time. What's different is that we are living in the post 9/11 world and another attack has been viewed by White House staff as all but imminent. But the heightened military presence is not limited to attacks by terrorists. The military is also maintaining readiness to deal with natural disasters. I think it is paranoid to believe the military is planning something against the American people.

The Posse Comitatus Act prevents the military from exercising authority off military installations. However, military units can be placed under the command of FEMA or Homeland Security, which are civilian. I believe this is happening for 3 reasons. 1) Hurricane Katrina was out right embarrassing in terms of how poorly the Federal Gov responded to it. Having the military at a state of readiness to respond more quickly is exactly what the American people demand. 2) With the wars abroad ramping down the main security concerns are here at home. 3) The goal is to prevent another 9/11. If our government was NOT doing this, I would be more alarmed.

Hypothetically, If one day we all woke up and the military had the American people surrounded and a new police state was introduced, you would see large defections within the ranks. Soldiers are Americans too and would not stand for it. And I am certain the government knows that an attempt to create a militsary police state would be a threat to national security. We did not lose 6,000 lives just to come home and eliminate everything we bled for.

I hope the American people trust the integrity of Soldiers in the Armed Forces to always do what is right. The fear of reprisal would not exist for our warriors refusing to violate the Posse Comitatus Act because the order to do so would be an unlawful order, releasing the servicemember from prosecution under UCMJ.

Give my brothers and sisters in arms some credit and know that protecting freedom is what they are all about. 6,000 lives were not lost just to blow it now and turn on the American people. I do have my concerns that the country could be headed in the wrong direction but it is an insult to think Soldiers would be the mechanism to see it through.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:17 AM
I remember reading something about this a while back on one of the Boston News websites. Wasn't the link provided but a different article. I live North & east a ways from Boston. I can say there has been a lot of helicopters flying around up here, since this past summer, in the middle of no where. I know different types of helo's. Vet as well.

A lot were police/ranger helicopters, some lifeflights, some commercial, and a lot more than usual military.

Police/Ranger helicopters in this area around this time of year are usual as they look for pot cultivation.

The general air traffic in the area that I live in (very remote) has been crazy this past summer. A large increase.

Don't know if it means anything. Just throwing it out there.

BTW: I, personally have the utmost respect for vets of ALL branches. But for those dissing the USCG-two words:

Hurricane Katrina.

Thank you. Peace & love.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by midwest
(continued from the previous post above)

I had a series of dreams in Summer 2001 through sometime in 2003 that were what I would characterize as "hyper-realistic." I could see, touch, taste, smell, FEEL the reality of my dreams. They were real to me, and I feel like if I were any less of a rational person I would have believed they actually happened. They were that good. I should have kept a diary of them, but I was young and couldn't be bothered with such things. Now I only have my fading memories of the details. But it involved much pain and suffering. Pain so real my heart would ache for days afterwords. Running from house to house, staying with small groups of people. Evading the military patrols on the streets by sprinting through backyards, quickly hopping fence after fence, hiding in bushes. Garages were popular hiding spots. One dream in particular we had a birthday party for a member of our—clan? I remember questioning the logic in my head. "Why have a birthday party when times are so bleak and we might get caught making noise?" but I answered myself with "We must keep these traditions alive to not only maintain our sanity, but our humanity." We then heard a military officer outside and got really quiet. Someone brushed up against a balloon (which we had salvaged from the house when putting together this scrappy birthday party in the dark) and it made a squeak and almost gave us away, but the officer was called to by a peer and left us alone. We quickly moved on to a new location after that. Other dreams have included building shelters back in the woods and rocks behind my grandparent's house. They have quite a bit of wooded land, but we were afraid to live in the house since people would come by and constantly ransack the place. So we left it be as a front to conceal our actual position. People would see it abandoned and without supplies, and they would quickly move on.

Other details from the dreams have come to pass since then, such as my grandparent's putting in a gate to the entrance of their land after a break-in, and them cutting down the brush along their driveway to a very short height after an ice storm. The dreams also accurately predicted where I went to college, and even had some details about the appearance of parts of the campus, and I had never seen the school until I went there later, and it was like a rush coming back to me, and honestly it kind of freaked me out. Yet another detail from an additional dream had my then future wife in it, but her face was all fuzzy. But she had a build and exact same hair and color as from my dream. I didn't even remember it until around the time we got engaged, and then it was like "Whoa!" all over again. In my dream she was seriously injured in some sort of blast. She had shrapnel lodged in various parts of her body, and I was by her side at some sort of make-shift hospital. Luckily, even with such limited resources she seemed to be doing ok. Most of the shrapnel was in her extremities, but there was a larger scatter-chunk on her chest that was bad. I remember feeling the love I had for her and the worry, all wrapped up into this crazy ball of emotion that I had never felt before. Now I know what that love feels like, and it's scary to think it might actually happen.

Though it probably won't. This thread simply got me thinking about my past dreams and current experiences.

Stay safe! If something does go down, our best chance of survival is if we work together. Let's hope nothing happens though.

Hi, I was reading your post about dreams and dreaming future events..I get a lot of dejavu in my life. You mentioning seeing your wife in dream but couldn't see her face because it was fuzzy. reminds me of a dream I had of my husband and backing out of a white house, I couldn't see his face because it was black. This was 3 years before I met my husband. When the event happened it all came back to me. The house I was seeing was my in-laws house, and the car I was in backing out of the garage was my husband's car, and I was talking to him and looking up at a window just like in my dream. Wicked!! Someone else I know has had those types of dreams!! Wow!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:16 PM
Last sunday there were military helicopters flying low all day long. It was really annoying. They were flying low enough to see the people inside. Southern illinois here.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Similar story here. Live in the northwest corner of Arkansas and the other day I remember stepping out and seeing a blackhawk helicopter about 5 miles south of me in the air and just a week or so ago I saw 3 chinooks flying in formation towards the lake in our area. Very rare sights around here. Especially more than 1 in a week.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:20 PM
This is crazy and dangerous stuff with all those choppers flying around buildings, and the practice over the helipads pretty bizarre, and why night-time? Does anybody know who the actual forces are, Navy/ Navy seal, Army, or is everybody having a go.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Interesting thread - we had multiple helicopters flying over our area in rural Vancouver Island, Canada all day yesterday and Tuesday, we usually have a few tourism and traffic ones zipping back and forth, but this was different, passing over us for hours, flying the same pattern. (This is common during backcountry "grow-op" harvest season, but that has passed now)

I'm sure it's not directly related to the US military training, just a note on another part of the world noticing increased helicopter air traffic.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:58 PM
Well the FEMA camps are ready,YOU ARE?????

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by pointr97

Referring to the Stereo Type Movie Butter Bar who leads blindly and thinks orders from the CO are like words from God.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 08:55 PM
Could it be that the copter action in Boston is the beginning of a new norm? Maybe, nada, si?

Just noticed a couple of simularities between scenes from the movie Star Wars and current events.

And what if one day, helicopters won't be the only landing in Boston?


What if the One World Government is the same as the Empire?

Tell me Storm Troopers don't remind you of our troopers here on U.S. soil and still streamin in from overseas...


Is someone being naughty and sticking some hard sci-fi fiction in our face?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:50 PM
I wanted to make a thread about this SO bad but I'm still to new here so I thought I would add to the topic (or at least the idea that something sinister might be being planned on US soil).

Tonight 10/27 around 6ish a black military jet flew over NE 22nd and Alberta in Portland, OR. The jet had a glowing red light underneath. The glowing red light sent down a beam that I thought was a search light at first as it jumped around VERY erratically, but as it flew overhead I saw that it looked just like a red laser pointer and not a search light. It actually closer resembled what comes out of those price scan guns at Target that they use to read barcodes. Red, laserish, spinning and jumping around. The beam hit the pavement and the buildings. REALLY weird. 2 others were with me and can confirm this. Anyone know what this could have been and what it's used for???

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by hopeisasound
I think it may be detecting gas anomaly regarding foreshock EQ,using laser spectral detection to see if the rupture of that fault has began!!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:18 PM
I witnessed one flying in the area of the Garden around 3-4mos ago at 1pm-ish. It was all very dark gray or black. I don't recall seeing markings at all. I actually commented to the person that I was walking with. He said it was odd as well. The other night I heard what sounded like a military helicopter in my area at approx 2am. I've lived here for almost 7yrs and have never heard, nor seen a military aircraft in my area. I'm not saying it isn't possible of course.

ps. The one downtown was flying quite low.
edit on 29-10-2011 by KEMIK because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

Thanks Kat.

A lot of drill are ran in the fall. And they can end up including any agency. FEMA is no exception to having to run drills. If you receive emergency preparedness funding, your running drills.

Sorry folks, the Nov 9 test is nothing special.
edit on 29-10-2011 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by rebeldog

I'm sorry, the coast guard did not have more casualties than the navy during WWII. The coast guard received exactly 1,917 killed or missing. The Navy had 62,614. Of the 1,917 serving in the CG, 1,411 were assigned to Navy units.

I am in the U.S. Army and I agree that the Navy boot camp is easier however, I have friends in the Navy who served with Army units in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over 500 have been killed there.

They do not have to be a SEAL to earn my respect (rightfully so).

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 08:33 AM
You guys crack me up... How the hell can the military train if it doesn't do so in simulated "real world" off base situations?

The military personnel need a feel for what's real... They aren't going to get good at what they do theorizing and practicing on base with fake decor...

Holy crap some people are paranoid...

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Antz2xplicit

This you tube site has a lot of interesting videos.

A lot of unusual military movement of heavy equipment is occurring all over go here and see various reports:

It's been going on since the beginning of summer and still going on.

Might just be drills, might just be protecting our borders as it's happening in Oregon, Texas, Virginia, all up along the east coast.

Could be just our military being on the ready but could also be something else the general public is not privy too.

Anyway, check out this You Tube site

Video above is from August 2011. The first couple minutes are aggravating music - but it gets real interesting further along even so far as to say NASA may know something not being public.

FEMA is heavily involved according to this video.

My son lives near a railroad track in Plano, Illinois and he said that one night at 3-4 AM A frate train pass through with some camo tanks and a couple double beds with green military canvas that were in the shape of rockets

In addition there was a car with armed soldiers also with this shipment. It was 200 cars long. Again, much of the stuff was heavily tarped and strapped down and big equipment. There were cars non marked.

No, no pictures, but my son does not have a tendency to lie or exaggerate.

If you search on ATS alone, you will find mega military activity within our country

I have no opinion one way or the other so please don't attack me - I'm simply trying to bring more information to the table for you folks that may know more about this.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by hopeisasound
I wanted to make a thread about this SO bad but I'm still to new here so I thought I would add to the topic (or at least the idea that something sinister might be being planned on US soil).

Tonight 10/27 around 6ish a black military jet flew over NE 22nd and Alberta in Portland, OR. The jet had a glowing red light underneath. The glowing red light sent down a beam that I thought was a search light at first as it jumped around VERY erratically, but as it flew overhead I saw that it looked just like a red laser pointer and not a search light. It actually closer resembled what comes out of those price scan guns at Target that they use to read barcodes. Red, laserish, spinning and jumping around. The beam hit the pavement and the buildings. REALLY weird. 2 others were with me and can confirm this. Anyone know what this could have been and what it's used for???

I can only guess but this looks like they were "digitalizing" the area to make some high-resolution 3D map. Could be something military but maybe even Google doing some mapping. That's the only explanation i have but as said i am guessing here.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 03:59 PM
posting here to remind myself to look into this stuff when I've got more time...

"The sports facilities are the detention/relocation camps" copy/paste the following coordinates ;

national guard connected to baseball fields, bordered by a railroad

national guard next to baseball fields, a block away in a straight line down a road to another railroad

Large army national guard, connected to one baseball field, and a block away from a large sports complex, bordered by railroad

national guard with sports complex on one side, railroad on the other


I don't have time right now to look for the prisons (correctional facilities, CCAs, jails) or courthouses and other law enforcement outfits... but you can bet they're within close proximity to those parks or along the railroad
edit on 14-12-2011 by 1825114 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 04:03 PM
sorry, accidental post
edit on 14-12-2011 by 1825114 because: (no reason given)

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