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Why I have NO repsect for smokers...none at all!! they cause Disease and Death to those around!

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posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Six6Six

Dear Six6Six,

You have no respect for smokers because you are legalistic. Does my smoking make me imperfect? So nice to know that you are perfect. You are worse than a religious fanatic, you are a fascist who does not know science. Show me the studies that it harms you, I have worked with Industrial Hygenists that did not smoke, they were the ones who showed me the studies and second hand smoke is not a problem. The pollution and what we do to the water causes cancer, ignore those and remain ignorant. You are just another sheep that follows the garbage that the media tells you.

Smoking is bad for people; but, you know nothing if you believe second hand smoke is worse than the pollution we put in the air. When non-smokers get lung cancer they are so surprised as if it didn't exist prior to cigarettes. What is worse, to be so judgemental of others or to smoke, which affects our relationships more? Please tell me what I am allowed to do in this world. Should we worry so much about what others do or should we love others? Evil is in not loving others.

Your screen name says it all. Legalistic and busy saying why people are imperfect except you. What if you focused on what you could do for others rather than what others could do for you. What if you contributed to helping those who made mistakes and have lung cancer, then I might consider what you say. Whining is not being of use to anyone, it is selfish and self-centered. Think about these things and learn to love.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six
Yes I am going to hell. But as I once said....

"Hell is where all the interesting people are"

Most of you will be there when you realize you dont matter to your god.

So you still think smokers as interesting people with whom you want to spend eternity? After ranting against them?...

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Six6Six

get thee behind me satan!!! the lord rebuke you! Yeshua is Lord, and you are already defeated!

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:42 AM
What country are you in, in which smokers still do their dirty deed near non-smokers??

Where I am, it is not allowed in any public building or place indoors, and no smoker I know does it aroudn their children or loved ones who don't smoke. Everyone goes outside alone and where there is no one else around.

I could complain and moan about people who eat sugar, candy, and sweets, and give them to their children with no shame at all! You can tell the kids that are abused by such people- they are fat and most likely will suffer diabetes later.

But heck, if I were to complain about everything people do that is linked to bad health, I think I'd be a rather unhappy person all the time and be infecting all those around me with unhappiness- which has been linked to all kinds of health problems as well.......

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six

Originally posted by Veritas1
reply to post by Six6Six

I really don't mean any disrespect, but why are you worried about smokers and smoke? It seems to me that you should get be getting ready for it, considering where you are going?

HAHA I actually liked that bit of humor. Yes I am going to hell. But as I once said....

"Hell is where all the interesting people are"

Most of you will be there when you realize you dont matter to your god.

But thanks for the humor!!

As you once said? that was Nietzsche

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:42 AM
your entire post is full from start to finish with inconsistent arguments. you managed to point one of them out, yourself, by noting that the passive smoke is but a tiny fraction of the total poisons you take into your body daily.

"they are killing themselves". HA! aren't we all? life is a slow suicide: FACT.

although you would have us believe that you are immune to the self-destructive thoughts and behaviors that plague the rest of us (especially those dirty smokers) , you aren't fooling me. the hate that you are expressing in this thread is inside of YOU.

you may think you hate THEM.

nope. you hate YOU.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:42 AM
I quit smoking a year ago. Pot, cigs, all of it. Why? Not just because of potential health risks, although that should be significant enough...but also because I began to understand why tobacco and marijauna and other controlled and uncontrolled substances are meant to destroy us. There is a reason why the government allows tobacco and alcohol. And the argument that pot should be legal? Well, perhaps. But not because it isn't harmful. The feeling of creativity or euphoria or whatever you get from anything you smoke or injest like shrooms, lsd, mescaline etc is simply a delusion. It imobilizes you. That's what the elite want. A bunch of drunk, high, lazt and lethargic people more concerned about porn and video games than the true globalist agenda that is slowly enslaving us all. Drugs plays a part in this.

I was able to kick it cold turkey. For me, it was God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit that helped me move on from these destructive substances.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Xalandrius
reply to post by Six6Six
Why do you continue to rant over this topic? I think i read enough of your BS about comparing smokers to criminals ... its legal and there is not one bloody thing you can do about it that is going to make a difference in this world!

Nice post. Is that you is your pic? Do you smoke, because I can see the effects. Not good. Please try and quit.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:47 AM
I smoke loads of ciggies, it's my business and none of yours really. I don't tell you how much shiraz you can down or how much mcdonalds you can scoff, so stay away from my cigarettes. Non smokers who preach about how bad smokers are are more annoying than preachy vegans.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:48 AM
Interesting topic. I have a neighbour who probably is around his 50s living with a 14-16 y/o son.
The man smokes like a chimney, nonstop. I have connections to the local social security through a good friend, I spoke to her to let her know about this kid living with his father.

They did 0 (nothing). They looked at me like I was elk-poo.

I have given up on this society as nobody seems to care.

Just sharing

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:48 AM
I don't smoke anymore, but I hope to start again someday. You see, I like to smoke. I had no intention of quitting, but I finally got tired of listening to my wife nagging me about it. I have quit for now, but not forever.

Anyway, I grew up around smokers, not only in my family, but the world around me. People smoked around kids and inside all the buildings, and just everywhere. Adults would blow it into children's faces and laugh. Those people have grown older now, and many are worried about their health because they want to live as long as they can to reminisce about the days back when they used to blow smoke in everyones face, so they insist we smoke outside, 15 feet from a door, pay outrageous taxes on cigarettes, have to listen to people like you repeatedly, etc... What was good for them is not good for the rest. They are the Burger King generation, because they want it their way. They were all about sex drugs and rock and roll, then grew up and demanded we "just say no" to drugs, don't have sex, and even began movements to censor music. And while you are most probably not of that generation, you are a product of their rhetoric.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six

Originally posted by Manhater
There are other things in this world that also cause disease and cancer. Smoking and 2nd hand smoking isn't the only contributing factor.

I smoke to stay sane from my family.

Lights one up....

Ah, finally some peace and quiet and I can do my homework....

You smoke to stay sane from YOUR family?

Well maybe you are the problem and not them. I bet YOU are a problem Manhater.

Joker! Enjoy your cig.. and enjoy the cancer and pain coming your way. You will deserve every but of it!

I go to school all day, sometimes I get out of school at 6PM, then I go to work till 10PM. When I come home, I have to deal with 2, not 1, but 2 mentally challenged people. 1 ] Autistic who has additional problems of ADHD, ODD and Behavioral problems. Loves to scream at the top of her lungs and loves to destroy my home, when she hears the word "NO". The Sheriffs come just about every other night to deal with her. 2] The mother, can't clean up after her or herself, only cooks, plays on the internet and sleeps, that's it. Refuses to do any type of work, doesn't want to find job, and it's everybody elses fault of why her daughter is the way she is and the way her mother is. So, I have to clean up not after 1 person but 2. When do I get time for myself?

You want my life.

You can HAVE IT.

Like I said. I'm the only SANE one that lives here. But, if these two keep it up; your probably going to find me in the Mental Ward soon.

Just say the word and let me know.
Neither one of them, don't have a problem, on wanting to destroy your home.

edit on 22-10-2011 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by Six6Six
Haha! How you are quick to make judgment
actually no i do not smoke, and yes that is a picture of me ... but edited using a sketch tool. Are you here just to create arguments with people?

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:52 AM
Well if you want to look at it like that you should have no respect for car drivers. Im not a smoker but your logic is a little off in my eyes.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:52 AM
All smoking is banned indoors, even in bars in the state of Ohio.

I never have to worry about it, ever.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Six6Six

I like this post. It is true to the tee.
I may take some stick but the responses
are from scared little people who smoke because
they are too mentally inferior to stop. They know
they are wrong but will not admit it. They are like those
who believe the OS.
Smokers are parasites who do what your thread says.
No one likes them. especially themselves.

Peace. Ignore the personal attacks on your character and beliefs. Lower forms of life attack peoples
beliefs when they are wrong.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:55 AM
the guy is a troll, just ignore it and it will go away.....
*lights up a cigar and puffs away happily*

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Six6Six

I'm assuming you drive a car and have no knowledge whatsoever of the toxic material released from cars that drives on non-leaded petrol.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six
Too me JEWS are disgusting people. Not necessarily because they are killing themselves but mainly because
they pollute every little space they inhabit. The infest normal peoples lives. They take our health forgranted and they DO NOT CARE about other people around them. THEY KILL OTHER PEOPLE!!!!! FACT

There are people that society hates, despises for various reasons. From Murders to Rapists to pedophiles. each of these groups has injected their evil into other peoples lives. I think that JEWS should be ranked next to these groups. The EFFECTS of JEWS are very serious. The diseases it can and does cause are a blight on innocent people who do not live their life being a slave to JEWS.

Bigotry and demonization

ain't it great?

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Xalandrius
reply to post by Six6Six
Haha! How you are quick to make judgment
actually no i do not smoke, and yes that is a picture of me ... but edited using a sketch tool. Are you here just to create arguments with people?

No one asked you to comment on this thread. I have put up a decent practical and logical argument.

I only assumed you smoke because of how terrible the pic is and your anger at my thread. My apologies if you do not smoke. But now that sort of makes
it worse.

edit on 22-10-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

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