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More on Kerry's medals

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posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 10:11 AM
I wanted to see what Kerry had on his dd214 and dd215, so I went to his web site and saw his dd215. On his dd215 which corrects the dd214, Kerry lists his Vietnam service medal being change to Vietnam serivce with 4 bronze stars.

I checked the navy history site for what the award was and what each bronze star represented.

I further looked at the 17 campaigns to find out what they were.

According to Kerry's bio time line he was in Vietnam from November 1968 to early April 1969.

My question, How can Kerry claim to have 4 bronze stars on his Vietnam service medal? I think this shows that the man wanted to make his image look better that what it really is. The DD215 was done in 2001. Kerry is liar and it's no wonder the majority of Vietnam Veterans are against him.

according to his own records for service medals he's only authorized 2 bronze stars.

What a liar.

[edit on 30/8/04 by jrsdls]

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 10:56 AM
What did you come up with on Bush's medals?

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:06 AM
I don't think Bush made the Vietnam war and his participation a center point of his campaign. I do know that when we were attacked on 9-11 Bush said he would not allow another attack on our soil and we have not had one. Kerry said check my records, I did. Why are you not concerned that we have someone who will do anything to look good. Maybe you will when we have to ask France for permission to do anything in the world.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by jrsdls
I don't think Bush made the Vietnam war and his participation a center point of his campaign. I do know that when we were attacked on 9-11 Bush said he would not allow another attack on our soil and we have not had one. Kerry said check my records, I did. Why are you not concerned that we have someone who will do anything to look good. Maybe you will when we have to ask France for permission to do anything in the world.

Your right Bush did not make the Vietnam war instead he joined the National Guard just a few days before his school deferment was up which would have then allowed him to be drafted and got in with influence from the Lieutenant governor at the time, he has now come forward and said he did that as a favor. Bush has repeatedly said that was not the case but now the Lieutenant Governor has come forward and said it happened.
Kerry's military record is online, he also has witnesses that tells how he got the medals, there is also a campaign done by the republicans trying to attack Kerry's on his medals from Vietnam, the same way they did John McCain another war hero, the same way they attacked Max Cleland (sp) he left two legs and an arm in Vietnam they still compared him to Saddam Hussein, what kind of people would do that to a decorated vet, the kind of people willing to win at any cost, the kind of people who lose their own sorry military records thats who, and it really scares me that people who will do this to someone who has given so much to their country and attack them on the level they have been attacked will do anything to anyone to get what they want. The prisoner abuse of Iraqie prisoners going on does not surprise me one bit if they would do that to our own highly decorated war veterans what care would they show to a Iraqie POW. The prisoner abuse came down from the top of our government, Rumsfield should be arrested and put on trial for war crimes just like the military personnel who did these terrible things has.
Bush said he would not allow another attack on US soil, well who was the President when it happened Bush thats who, his not paying attention to memos that gave details like, terrorist attack using hi-jacked planes in US, were ignored. It was on Bush's watch that the tragedies of 911 occurred and now you want him to get credit because another one has not occurred. Unbelievable!

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:48 AM
goose, have you ever been in the military? have you ever been in a fire-fight. I have fought and bleed in Iraq. I have laid to rest children who followed thier old man into harm's way. I know what is going on over thier. What went on at Abu Gharb was what happens when you have young reservesist in charge at night. It was an Animal house atmosphere. Did Rumsfield know about it? I doubt it. You want to arrest Rumsfield, but what about Kerry. He burned peoples houses down, killed thier livestock, yet you want to elect him president? don't believe the media, don't believe the democratic hype. Why are Democratic mayors, in New York and Ohio going against party lines and back Bush.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by goose
What did you come up with on Bush's medals?

Rather than answer the question, stay on topic or refute the claims against Kerry, we have another liberal diverting and obfuscating. To get this back ON TOPIC, I'll respond to your question... Bush never claimed to have earned medals in Vietnam! Now back tot he topic of the thread... Kerry is a liar!

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by goose
What did you come up with on Bush's medals?

As you pointed out this is a classic strawman argument. Rather than address the questions about Kerry's service, people choose to try to turn it around to Bush's Guard Service

1) Kerry Lied about his war record
2) Kerry chose to make his service a cornerstone of his campaign in an attemt to show he was tough on defence and not some effete snob
3) Kerry has retracted one lie and remains defensive about the others

etc etc etc. I find the claims about the medals even more troubling. My grandfather was in the 101 airborn, jumped into Normandy and was also at Bastonge during the Battle of the Bulge. His medal count? 2 Bronze stars and 1 purple heart ( spent 3 months in the hospital for that one) in the span of 4 years, yet Kerry managed to do that in only 4 months??

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by goose
What did you come up with on Bush's medals?

I love it! Every godamn time someone questions Kerry's medals, some a hole jumps in and bash's Bush for not going to Vietnam. It is Kerry's own damn fault for having his military service the focal point of an already weak campaign. He has nothing else in his elected government record to help him out so he fell back on the idea that American loves thier military. What he didn't count on was people to do thier homework and question the legitimacy of his medals. Three medals in four months?!? Some service men go thier whole career (while serving during wartime) and don't get one. You don't think he had some outside influences helping push that along? I've said it before, I think he has had his presidency planned out for him since childhood. The medals were just a stepping stone along the way.

And before you start flaming me for being a Bush propoganda pushing fool, I'm not voting for Bush either. I'm just sick of people who can't address this serious issue without throwing Bush's record back in the faces of those who are intellegent enough to smell some deceit.

[edit on 30-8-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 12:49 PM
Kerry's a hypocrit to begin with. How can he put himself up on the pedastle and say "vote for me, I fought for this country in vietnam" when after vietnam he was the head spokesperson of the Veterns AGAINST the war. Kerry's nothing more then a hypocritical, lieing, flip-flopper. He doesnt even give any reasons for why we should vote for him, he just avoids the subjects, puts up his status of a vetern, and becomes a democratic puppet.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

Originally posted by goose
What did you come up with on Bush's medals?

I love it! Every godamn time someone questions Kerry's medals, some a hole jumps in and bash's Bush for not going to Vietnam. It is Kerry's own damn fault for having his military service the focal point of an already weak campaing. He has nothing else in his elected government record to help him out so he fell back on the idea that American loves thier military. What he didn't count on was people to do thier homework and question the legitimacy of his medals. Threee medals in Four months?!? Some service men go thier whole career (while serving during wartime) and don't get one. You don't think he had some outside influences helping push that along? I've said it befire, I think he has had his presidency planned out for him since childhood. The medals were just a stepping stone along the way.

And before you start flaming me for being a Bush propoganda pushing fool, I'm not voting for Bush either. I'm just sick of people who can't address this serious issue without throwing Bush's record back in the faces of those who are intellegent enough to smell some deceit.

I agree with you, He was a poly Sci major at Yale, Took a video Camera to Vietnam, I found it interesting that it's not only vets who are protesting Kerry, it's also south Vietnamese, as well as POW/MIA families Check out these link.

click on the video on the page.

[edit on 30/8/04 by jrsdls]

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 01:06 PM
The guy has staged photo's of him saling with John F Kennedy as a child. He had a film crew follow him during Vietnam. Doesn't that sound a little too scripted of a life?

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

Originally posted by goose
What did you come up with on Bush's medals?

I love it! Every godamn time someone questions Kerry's medals, some a hole jumps in and bash's Bush for not going to Vietnam. It is Kerry's own damn fault for having his military service the focal point of an already weak campaign. He has nothing else in his elected government record to help him out so he fell back on the idea that American loves thier military. What he didn't count on was people to do thier homework and question the legitimacy of his medals. Three medals in four months?!? Some service men go thier whole career (while serving during wartime) and don't get one. You don't think he had some outside influences helping push that along? I've said it before, I think he has had his presidency planned out for him since childhood. The medals were just a stepping stone along the way.

And before you start flaming me for being a Bush propoganda pushing fool, I'm not voting for Bush either. I'm just sick of people who can't address this serious issue without throwing Bush's record back in the faces of those who are intellegent enough to smell some deceit.

[edit on 30-8-2004 by mpeake]

First of all because you don't like what I have to say does not mean you have to call me names. As for Kerry's military record it has been proven to be the real thing. Perhaps you should read how all the swiftboat ads have been debunked. The swiftboat ads are lies and that is a well known fact. The vets who were there have testified as to how Kerry got his medals, Rassman himself the vet who Kerry pulled out of the river under enemy fire while wounded himself put Kerry up for one of the medals and was disappointed he did not get a higher medal. Perhaps you should ask yourself why the Bush people have to attack the veterans I named above its because Bush's military record is not good, the Lieutenant Governor of Texas at the time Bush joined the National Guard has come forward and said that he used his influence to get Bush into the National Guard, as a pilot a unit that for sure was not headed to Vietnam, does that not tell you what kind of man Bush is? His party bashes vets for going but tries to hide the fact that he did not go and made sure he did not go by using his Daddy's influence. Attack Kerry all you want, say he did not bleed enough leave enough limbs over there, save enough lives while there all you want but the fact is he went. Now as for the atrocities you say he committed, he did not say he committed those atrocities, that is from his testimony and he said he was told by other vets about seeing these things while in Vietnam. Kerry did not bring his military record up the people trying to oppose him did, do you blame him for responding and defending himself on it? I don't!

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by goose
As for Kerry's military record it has been proven to be the real thing.

Um, no it has not! Perhaps you should keep up on current events...

Perhaps you should read how all the swiftboat ads have been debunked.

No, perhaps you should show us the evidence that these ads have been debunked because I, and the rest of the world, have been digging deeper into Mr. Kerry's background and have come up with corroborating evidence to support many of the contentions laid out in the ads.

The swiftboat ads are lies and that is a well known fact. The vets who were there have testified as to how Kerry got his medals, Rassman himself the vet who Kerry pulled out of the river under enemy fire while wounded himself put Kerry up for one of the medals and was disappointed he did not get a higher medal.

Really!?!? That's funny cuz Kerry and Rassman are telling two completely different stories...
Now who's telling the truth, cuz someone is lying and I bet you can only guess who it is.

Perhaps you should ask yourself why the Bush people have to attack the veterans I named above its because Bush's military record is not good, the Lieutenant Governor of Texas at the time Bush joined the National Guard has come forward and said that he used his influence to get Bush into the National Guard, as a pilot a unit that for sure was not headed to Vietnam, does that not tell you what kind of man Bush is? His party bashes vets for going but tries to hide the fact that he did not go and made sure he did not go by using his Daddy's influence.

Let's first begin with the obvious... Bush is in NO WAY affiliated with the Swift Boat Veterans. Until you or one of your ilk can provide definitive proof of such you should immediatly drop the libelous claims. Speaking of Libel, if this is all untrue, why hasn't John Kerry filed a libel suit against them? Think about that for a moment! Also, isn't it a bit petty and hypocritical to condemn Bush for a 527 that he has already denounced when they have only spent $3M dollars on anti-Kerry ads while Kerry has questionable affiliations with multiple 527's that have spent over $100M on anti-Bush ads?

Now as for the atrocities you say he committed, he did not say he committed those atrocities, that is from his testimony and he said he was told by other vets about seeing these things while in Vietnam.

WOW!!! You're right! In fact, people who hadn't even served a single day in the military ginned up those claims and like a moron Kerry went and relayed those claims to the US Congress without even attempting to verify them... WHILE MEN WERE STILL FIGHTING AND DYING OVER THERE!!!

Kerry did not bring his military record up the people trying to oppose him did, do you blame him for responding and defending himself on it? I don't!

UM, yeah, he did. Does the now-famous line "John Kerry Reporting For Duty" sound familiar to you??? Keep in mind, this is right after he was ferried accross the river in a re-enactment prior to his convention. Have you already forgotten about the film he showed that had fake bullets super-imposed???

Sorry pal, but you are living in a fantasy world of DNC sound-bites.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 03:58 PM
So basically it comes down to one group of swifties word against another group. Either way, it still looks questionable. And you still have to resort to throwing Bush's military record into th mix. Why? Bush isn't claiming anything. He isn't denying the fact that he missed out on Vietnam. So, what else do you have? Besides, no one is contesting to the fact that Kerry served during Vietnam. It is the way her served and the falsehood behind his attaining of his medals that comes into question. But I'm sure that it doesn't even matterr, cause all I'm gonna hear back is "but, Bush didn't even go to Vietnam blah blah blah..." Let's come up with something new here. Think a bit outside the box. What is more likely? Kerry earned 3 medals in 4 months with no tampering or meddling from outside influence and dozens of eyewitnesses who are in no way affiliated or funded with the Bush Co are lying about Kerry's dishonesty. Or Kerry was the super GI Joe that the dem party is making him out to be, all the while coming back from Vietnam and condems his fellow servicemen in the war.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Let's first begin with the obvious... Bush is in NO WAY affiliated with the Swift Boat Veterans. Until you or one of your ilk can provide definitive proof of such you should immediatly drop the libelous claims.

Here you go Kozmo...

Kerry camp ties Bush to 'smear' by veterans,

There is evidence that at least loose associations exist: A veteran who appeared in one of the ads, retired Air Force Colonel Ken Cordier, resigned over the weekend from his position on the Bush campaign's veterans steering committee after his dual roles were made public. In California, the Santa Clara County Republican Party included a posting from the Swift Boat group on its website.

One of the group's most generous donors, Houston real estate mogul Bob Perry, who has given $200,000 to help fund the attack ads, is also a major backer of Republican candidates and a longtime associate of Bush's senior political adviser, Karl Rove.

Swiftboat Vets' illegal ties to Bush campaign,

Records show that the group received the bulk of its initial financing from two men with ties to the president and his family - one a longtime political associate of Mr. Rove's, the other a trustee of the foundation for Mr. Bush's father's presidential library. A Texas publicist who once helped prepare Mr. Bush's father for his debate when he was running for vice president provided them with strategic advice. And the group's television commercial was produced by the same team that made the devastating ad mocking Michael S. Dukakis in an oversized tank helmet when he and Mr. Bush's father faced off in the 1988 presidential election.

And the best for last...The web of Connections

I'm sure there alot more than that, I just don't have enough time to post them all right now.

[edit on 8/30/04 by NotTooHappy]

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 04:56 PM
Thank you NotTooHappy, you got my respect. LOL A Rodney Dangerfield fan no doubt. Heres more:

watch video of how Ben Barnes Lieutenant Governor of Texas who helped George W Bush get into the National Guard go here to watch video of his talking about this. Why do I feel this is important it speaks to Bush's charcter and how he has lied for he said, he had absolutely no help getting into the Guard. Plus if people are going to attack Kerry on his medals then don't be surprised or get all upset because someone points out Bush's lack of them. I have seen Rassman repeatedly talking about the day Kerry saved his life, mpeake what is it that Rassman and Kerry do not agree on?

Snopes investigated Kerry's medals they say he earned them

Swiftboat ads proven false by snopes

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 04:59 PM
People get over it bush is a liar and a coward and Kerry is a hero and got medals so now suck it up and deal with it.


posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
People get over it bush is a liar and a coward and Kerry is a hero and got medals so now suck it up and deal with it., which medals would those be? Would those be the medals he earned by valor in combat, or the ones he earned by foolishly popping off a grenade too close to himself? Oh, wait, that's the same one... Were those the ones he threw over the fence in protest, were they the ones of someone else's that he threw over the fence in protest and claimed were his own, or were they the medals that he ripped the ribbons off of and threw but kept the medals, or... Was that the medal he got for the wound that was covered by a band-aid? Or maybe the medals that he put himself in for, despite outright refusal from his CO's?

I was just wanting a little clarification there.
There's lots of ways to get medals, but believe it or not there were many who actually earned them.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
People get over it bush is a liar and a coward and Kerry is a hero and got medals so now suck it up and deal with it.

Kerry is a hero, his picture hangs in the hall of Heros in Hanoi. See Marg, you are right and I agree with you on something. Just wondering why you want to call Bush a liar and let Kerry pass. We know he was not in cambodia on christmas eve in 1968, even though it was seared into his memory. Kerry just makes up things that he thinks will make him look good. The service medal is a nothing medal, all it means is that you were in Vietnam more than 30 days. No one is questionind Kerry on that. What disturbs me about these medals is that Kerry doubled his authorized bronze stars only in order to look good. I worry about a man who will lie about little things just to make himself look important. It's all part of his "I'm a war hero, vote for me" campaign.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 07:41 AM

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