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Swarming Birds on 9.27.2011 at approx 5:30 PM EST

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:13 PM
Just wanted to add last Thanksgiving while at my brothers several flocks came together in the evening behind his house in a small wooded area. He said they had been doing this for several days. We sat on the deck and would make distracting noises and part would fly off, circle around, the part that stayed moved over, then the others returned in their place. It was absolutely amazing to watch them move in tandem. I am talking clouds of birds. Enough you would hear a loud roar of swooshing as they banked, circled, then cover the grove of trees. A few new ones would join their group, then they'd all take off again, fly as a group, then come back and land. They did this for a couple of hours. Until dusk fell and they settled down. The birds stayed on for about 2 weeks,then they just left. Sorta in accordance when temps began to fall some more getting closer to winter conditions. (This was in Central KY.) So I will be looking to see if your flocks tend to lay over in my neck of the woods. It is amazing to watch.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by ignant
Or do you think it's possible that it's the same flock that started (or passed through) here and finally made their way over to your neck of the woods being that we live in the same general location? I can always count on you to validate my observations, ignant. It great having a "neighbor" who experiences many of the same phenomena as I do. Makes me know that I'm not too far out there!

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:18 PM
It's been bad here the past couple weeks with the black birds, down here in South Jersey.. it's normal, just so annoying..They were so low the one day & so many, they actually blocked the sky out for a few seconds & we were actually ducking...Seemed liked there are thousands when they do that & the noise! uugghh....

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by summer5

Originally posted by timidgal
reply to post by summer5
lol - that was me and I'm afraid I'm going to get a rep for being a paranoid delusional but the fact is that my entire apartment is comprised of windows that face the river and, especially over the last several months, I've been noticing some very unusual things...

No-NO!! That is not why I asked, just curious if more strange observations are being made in the same rep silly!

There are strange things being noticed all over, don't stop sharing...some times dots can start to be connected (especially in certain areas/regions at the same time).

Hope you saw my earlier reply to eeks4, summer. I had a feeling you were looking at it more in a "connect the dots" kind of way than a "this gal is a bit out there" innuendo. Don't worry - my posting will continue whenever something hits me as being bizarre and any resulting rep would be worn proudly because it's the dot connectors who usually end up seeing the reality while the others are stuck staring at the facade.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Praetorius
Yeah, but I bet your pool service loves them (badadum)... Sorry but I couldn't resist a little levity. Thanks for posting!

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by SunflowerStar
What a wonderfully vivid description and yes, please do post when/if they make it to your neck of the woods. Right now it appears they might be heading in that direction.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by j.r.c.b.
That is creepy (!!) and if I saw a cloud of them like that, I don't think I'd leave my house for days. I remember seeing multitudes of them in North Jersey last year but not as bad as you describe and I haven't seen too many of them this year (or haven't noticed them at least). I will say, I can definitely relate to what you describe - every time I would hear that "caw caw" sound, I would cringe. It just automatically inspires a feeling of discomfort or dread.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by timidgal

My Mom got really creeped out too the 1st time it happened. I just looked at it as 'Birds gone wild.'

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 09:24 AM
Seriously? This is totally normal the birds are just flocking for migration. Geeze it happens to be fall now. Did'nt you notice?

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by timidgal

They're mad because the alignment of Elenin and every other celestial body in the universe caused no perceivable changes on the 27th. Damnit!

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by proob4
If you had taken the time to read the thread instead of wasting both of our time with posting your somewhat insulting comment, you would have seen that this fact had already been established.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Ittabena
That must have been it! It's sure to be quite a show when they find out 10/23 is a letdown as well...

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by timidgal

Ohh your comment was uneeded indeed. So I have to read through the whole entire threads to post my reply that unfourtunatly was allready replied on? Boo Hoo on you

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by timidgal

Yes I agree! When I first noticed this phenomena. Birds are incredibly complex, and their organization structure is apparently lost on us - which makes them particularly fascinating in my opinion. Happy to have sparked your interest!!


posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by proob4

Well,I'd say reading the whole thread will definitely help one understand & know what has or hasn't already been said or determined before jumping to conclusions and posting rude remarks.

Back on topic:
I do not know about birds acting strangely but I do know that around my way yesterday there were military choppers flying over my house off and on all day,something that is rare since living here,I do not know what was going on,not saying there was any conspiracy or anything,just odd.

anyone else notice an increase of military presence flying overhead yesterday or recently for that matter? just curious.

contrary to some studies stating otherwise;birds using their eyes without magnetic guidance etc.

I think that birds have been all messed up with their internal navigation systems recently,especially since back in January with the Earth's magnetic north pole increasingly moving towards Russia at an alarming rate.
( 25-40 miles a year I believe)

We are due for a pole shift,could be a couple years from now or could happen in the next 100,000 years,either way,it will happen.

then again we are overdue for a lot of things! including a super volcano eruption hehe,fingers crossed that we will not see the day in our lifetimes.

With all the mysterious animal deaths at the beginning of this year,I believe anything is possible and we should consider the possibilities with all the odd happenings and natural disasters that have gone on just this past year alone.

thank you for the post OP
edit on 30-9-2011 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 08:34 PM
As a child we used to get starlings swarming regularly at dusk. I seem to remember them more during winter for some reason. Scabby wee birds but watching the flocks swarm is amazing. Sadly they like a lot of other birds are on the decline and in the city we dont see them quite as often now.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 01:01 PM
Sounds like the birds know something that we don't..... skittish and possibly frightened. Something in the air. They are going south.... To me, it sounds like it's going to be a heck of a winter in NYC/Rockland Cty. areas. As you know, there were 8 major storms last winter in NYC.... so the chances are good that this winter will be similar.

Just my .02.
edit on 6/10/2011 by MarkJS because: a little bit of clarification

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