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Say What? Ex-President Clinton to Newsmax: Raising Taxes Won't Work

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:25 PM
Bill sure has been keeping himself and the Clinton machine relevant these days. What's up Billy?

Former President Bill Clinton tells Newsmax that Washington should not raise taxes until the slumping economy is turned around — and says President Obama’s plan to increase taxes on the wealthy won’t solve the debt problem.

I was never a Clinton voter however, I am fully aware that he is much smarter and savvy than our current President

Bill's Idea..Pretty simple and familiar

“So what I’d like to see them do is come up with a bipartisan approach, starting with the payroll tax cuts because they have the biggest return.

“Then what I’d like to see is an effort made at a bipartisan resolution of the banking home mortgage crisis.

“One of the things that President Reagan did with the Democratic Congress in the early 1980s that never gets any discussion is the way they set up this system to purge the debt overhang from the savings and loan collapse. It was unpopular but it had to be done. And as soon as we flushed it out there was a big increase in investment.

“So that’s what we need to do here with this home deal. I don’t think you can tax or cut taxes, I don’t think you can spend or not spend enough to get America back to a full employment economy until we flush that debt.

“What I would like to say to the president and Speaker Boehner is, O.K., you both have your deal. Go work it out. Meanwhile focus on putting American back to work because it just confused Americans. Americans lost the fact that whatever you feel about this millionaire surcharge, it won’t solve the problem.”

Clinton even suggest that we should pull back on Obama's 200 plus new regulations.... Go Bill! Never thought I'd say that. Bill always knew how to get things done and I'm sure it pains him to see the current Gong Show exhibition going on in the White House these days.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:28 PM
wont ever say anything nice about clinton

but even a broken clock is right once a day

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by neo96
wont ever say anything nice about clinton

but even a broken clock is right once a day

Isn't a broken clock right twice a day? 12 and 12, 1 and 1, etc.

At any rate, to have the former president - and husband of obama's current secretary of state - say these things is truly noteworthy.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by neo96

I understand what you're saying. But the contrast between Clinton and Obama is amazing. It really confirms just how inept Obama really is.

Those were the good old days. Dot Com stock booms and IPO's for companies that only existed on paper. I did OK back then. Wish I would have taken the cash back then instead of reinvesting it.

Investors frantically bought into the hype and hope surrounding Yahoo! Inc.'s initial public offering yesterday, gobbling up shares at a breakneck pace and pushing the company's shares to more than triple its opening price of 13.

Shares surged 21 to 34 in early afternoon trading of 14.5 million shares, more than five times the 2.6 million shares offered. Yahoo! was the most active stock and biggest percentage gainer in trading, peaking at 43. The company's stock later settled and closed at 33, up 20.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

depends on what kind of clock

and how broke it is

leave that up the reader to decide

1 or 2 up to you

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by jibeho

no arguement about ineptness

and clinton had his bubble bursts to deal with but from my perspective

alot of the problems in this country are from the clinton legacy as well

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by neo96

He definitely ushered in a new cultural downswing in this country. We've been sliding downhill ever since. Clinton had his glaring flaws.

Clinton had this to say about Obama's blatant attempts to stir up class warfare

"We don't have (in the United States) a lot of resentment against people who are successful. We kind of like it, Americans do. It's one of our best characteristics. If we think someone earned their money, we do not resent their success. That's why there's been very little class conflict in American history."

He is definitely firing a couple of warning shots across Obama's bow. The Clinton machine has more pull than Obama could ever imagine.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by jibeho

I think we should listen to clinton, what was the deficit when he was in office ? oh right we had a surplus...
edit on 22-9-2011 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by benrl
reply to post by jibeho

I think we should listen to clinton, what was the deficit when he was in office ? oh right we had a surplus...
edit on 22-9-2011 by benrl because: (no reason given)

Clinton listened to his Republican controlled House of Representatives, something Obama is not doing.

Big mistake.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by jibeho

not a fan of class warfare i think its ridiculous

the ameircan dream use to be to be prosperous and now they arent so noone should be.

a major paradigm shift of thinking needs to swing back to what it once was and that is what made this country so great and it is that idelogy that classwarfare is what is leading to its destruction.

remember this? "ask not what your country can do for you" to today " hey country give me everything i want"

its sad and pathetic to use hatred and that hatred is a means to an end and that is control

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by benrl

oh no we didnt the clinton budget surplus mythos was achieved by:

raping the social security trust fund leaving it with a bunch of ious.

and what was the national deficit? no surplus when theirs trillions in debt

creative accounting at its finest


edit on 22-9-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Between him and Carville's statements, I am inclined to think they may really be setting Hillary up to challenge Obama, especially if Obama's approval rating continues to fall.

Between Perry and Clinton it won't be a difficult choice for most people unlike the current narrow gap between Obama and Perry.

Cheney and others on the right know this, which is likely why Cheney mentioned Clinton over a week ago. Its a tactic to keep her out of the race by Cheney endorsing her. Though I could be wrong and Cheney may really hate Perry that much and is hoping Clinton runs so Perry loses.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 03:29 PM
I fully agree with Clinton that TAXES will NOT SOLVE the debt problem

The rich became rich from rags not because they were altrusic, but because they worked damn hard to be where they were today. Along the way, they know they have to revert to jungle rules to survive, espacially in a capitalist envirnoment, even if they came from idealistic utopian commie countries, and a result...lost the sense of humanity and innocence all humankind has at birth.

I know, cos I was born with a silver spoon and had suffered the extremities of wealth and poverty, on and off in the miraclous journey we all humans called 'life'.

The rich will feel entitled to their wealth, and to pass it on to their next of kin, regardless if they knew what it took for him to get to where he is today, which many of those next of kin took for granted, and cause much suffering to others unknowingly.

TAXES are considered punitive measures, and none likes it, even the poor, more so thus the rich after working so hard and feels entitled to his wealth, regardless of the many other societal factors that had enabled him to get there, such as military/police/governmental regulations of level playing field, social infrasture, free or subsidized education, etc, etc. NO man could have done it alone in a civilised society.

He will hate it, and find ways out of it. Thus taxes will not work.

What will only work is enlightenment and education. Ethical and moral education should be incalculated into youths on their responsibilites to each other in a civilized society. Freedom and capitalism are powers, but with powers come responsibilities to each other.

How much of wealth is enough for one? We can only spend so much, gratify oneself so much, consume so much within each day. We are only humans. We came into this world with nothing and in the end, we will leave with nothing. It is what we do in between in the course of our life that we immortalise ourselves, not material stuff that will only rust or lose its value over time.

Thus, the rich will have to face up to such realities and responsibilities and do what they have to do with their naturally gifted free will - to SHARE and help or harm mankind, and leave a mark with our names on Earth, to be remembered fondly or to be spat upon for generations......

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