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Ask a Bodhisattva Anything

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posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:29 PM
Ohhh mighty Bodhisattva! I have two timeless questions I can never seem to get a clear answer on. While seemingly crazy these are the two questions that if given the correct answer, unlock the mysteries of the universe.

#1: Given the nature of vibratory harmonic energy creation of the Uni-Verse, being one unbroken stream of the creator's breath creating existence, how many pancakes does it take a taken to shingle a dog house?

Hint: A motorcycle doesn't have doors...

#2: Given the current state of humanity with its level of understanding of the true nature of an omni-directional singularity of truth, where one man's truth is the angle of incidence of viewer locality relative to his fellow man's opposing viewpoint, thereby giving the illusion of differential observations. Can you really teach a dog calculus while the good idea fairy juggles grenades and rattlesnakes in a hurricane?

Hint: Pearls before swine...three people see a car wreck, the police officer gets three different recollections...

I AM THAT I AM for time and half a time...and a mystery wrapped in a riddle...

Have fun in the hall of records/mirrors...Take a peek at the two photos and place them side by side...



reply to post by Buddha1098

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Buddha1098

Do you find it disgusting to be a part of a system that consumes and destroys? That enslaves and exploits?

The fact that my very way of life is built on the backs of the poor in the third world both angers and saddens me but you can't escape the system. How do you "get back into the world" when all I see is greed and corruption?

Yes. I find it disgusting. The more I learn about what's going on in the world the more I'm disgusted.

However to reject the world is to reject yourself and to reject life and I must eat anyway so I work.

The world is filled with good too. It is not all bad.

I see it as my duty as a self-realized being, to help make the world a better place. To reject evil, live a good life, and teach others my understandings when possible.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by IndieA

I guess we're in the same boat then.


posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Buddha1098

When you can look into a mirror and see will understand everything.
Be at peace.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Magantice

That sounds good but so does "you must mater your fear or fear will be your master." and i got that from a Ben Stiller movie... =)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Buddha1098
reply to post by Qi Maker

Sorry I missed that one.

I've heard that a lot since I've posted this. Keep going. Don't stop.. My question is stop what or go where? I'd like a prescription for what I'm supposed to do beyond becoming more conscious. Meditate? Channel? Go Astral?

I posted this in the hopes I could help others but really I think I'm the one who is going to benefit the most from this post by finding so many liberated beings to help me on my journey.

What would you do for a next step?

There is no where to go but you must go every where if you want. If you want to meditate go ahead, if you think channeling would be better then do it, or if you think the astral world holds the keys then go there.

What would I do I have no Idea because what you described has never happend to me I would not know untill after I had done it. But if I Knew I was free and we were all connected and I was to love people then thats what I would I do It seems to hard to do something that would be against those things. It is hard to find the words yet what to do is so simple. In the end you must experince your life how you experince it. How you do that is up to you, we dont forget but we do forgive.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:10 PM
to keep going is to continue on with the knowledge you have gained from experience up to the moment, applying it in practice with the intuitive knowing that it is true.

this is how the mystic builds wisdom from their collection of experiences: erasure of doubt and fear.

continue further and you will see the synchronicity start to pile up all around you. it will amaze you every time and breathe fresh energy into your internal practice.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Buddha1098
Any Questions?

is julian assange fake or real?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:32 PM
where are you ?
London is desperate.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Buddha1098

We only feel fear due to the desire to control and the lack of control. When you lose the ego and the Id, you can see all beyond yourself. Not that I would know from personal experience because im still a selfish beatch.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:44 PM
In regards to the OP, what happens when YOU die?

And how do you know you're enlightened? there is no requirement, there is no certificate or test to pass, how do you know?

My final question is, now that you think you are enlightened, what are you going to do with this new realization? do you want to make a difference in the world?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Magantice

I've lost the ego.. I'm not sure what the ID is I'm not very learned in psychology.

I don't want to own or control anyone though as evidenced by the fact that I'd be okay with my wife having sex with another man if she wanted to. Before this experience I wouldn't have been.

PS I wouldn't know cuz I'm a selfish beatch lol

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Buddha1098
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Your skirt looks great to me... Your hair is a mess though... =)

Thank you Mr. Buddha1090, I will have my hair enlightened at the Salon soon!

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
In regards to the OP, what happens when YOU die?

And how do you know you're enlightened? there is no requirement, there is no certificate or test to pass, how do you know?

My final question is, now that you think you are enlightened, what are you going to do with this new realization? do you want to make a difference in the world?

I don't know what happens when you die. In fact I think if we could all stop arguing about that (those that are arguing) which we can never know namely who or what God is, then this world becomes a place we actually might want to live in.

I can give you my opinion but it would just be that, an opinion and part of being liberated from your ego is realizing that your opinion isn't any more valid than anyone else's unless you can prove it. And all religious opinion is based on faith or experience. Neither of which is verifiable by proof. So my opinion is this: You don't die. You are an immortal spiritual being and the opposite of death isn't life. It's birth.

Yes I want to make a difference in the world. I can see how we can end this system of oppression tomorrow we just all need to wake up from our slumber and realize exactly who and what we are. When the Majority of Humanity is Concerned more about how we can stop exploiting this planet and her children and less about when the next Ipod is coming out then this place becomes Eden again. I think that is only going to happen through a spiritual experience/Liberation/enlightenment. So I'm doing every thing I can to liberate others and spreading a message of peace to everyone I meet, in both words and deeds.

I answer how I know I'm Liberated earlier in the thread. I also no longer call myself enlightened after an actual Buddhist scholar corrected me.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Buddha1098
reply to post by AnotherSon

I'm glad I shared this on ATS. I debated for a long time because I didn't want it to denegrate into an "You're not enlightened, I AM." thread as so many on here do. I just wish I could connect with people locally that have had the same experiences.

Thank you for sharing your experience.
Namaste my friend

Yeah I know what you mean. I have been debating for a long time too. After seeing your thread I am satisfied.

You and I went through Buddha-consciousness at the same time...I wish we could sit down and have a chat face-to-face! Understanding you and your experience might help me to understand me and mine better.

I'm curious whether you had an urge to go on a pilgrimage, because I did. I'm curious whether you have experienced any altered states of consciousness since then, because I have. I'm 40, male. You?

edit on 20-9-2011 by Student X because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:14 PM
Well, dear friend, where to begin....

It began August 30th in a strange way. I was on a business trip of all things. I'm not going to go into great detail, but let's just say I've had an addiction to a few things for over 20 years. One was marijuana, the other caffeine- and I mean extreme amounts of both. Before leaving on the trip, I made the decision to quit both immediately. I stopped both Sunday, August 28.

By the time the 30th came, I'd depleted all the energy I had. This was mainly due to the fact that from August 28 to September 5, I simply could not eat. The withdrawal symptoms were terribly bad (minimum 12pk Mountain Dew for about 20 years- I wonder why...
). The afternoon of the 30th began, and by then most of the mental and emotional barriers I had spent my whole life erecting were gone. The level of openness I felt was overwhelming to say the least, but I had no strength left to attempt to block it. In the meeting I started feeling what I could only describe as "the essence of every living thing" in the room. I could almost feel what others felt just by glancing at them, and it was rather unsettling. The afternoon meeting ended, and I assumed that I would feel better after going to bed early. I was wrong......

I woke in the morning exhausted from what felt was a "waking dream" that ran all night. But something was different. While I still felt terrible from the withdrawal, I felt an "energy" in myself I had not felt before. Most of my dream was spent examining/contemplating the world's problems, the terrible suffering that is occurring globally, and possible solutions to these problems. Even though I had severe problems of my own, something gave me strength from concentrating on others' plight instead of my own. This was 5 days in for me, and I had a total nutritional uptake of less than 1000 calories and drinking only distilled water.

This feeling I had intensified the more I focused on others and less on myself. Since I liked they way it made me feel, I immersed myself in the problems of the world's human population, trying to figure out some way to help. By Saturday I was home- and about 10am CDT- it happened. I was watching the Global Consciousness nodes live when a level of, well, euphoria I guess, hit me so hard I started laughing uncontrollably. It was if I felt every conceivable emotion simultaneously, and while you may think that is a bad thing, I can tell you it is not. I instantly realized that we humans and our mere thoughts are THE problems in the world, and the physical and material effects were just a byproduct of that.

I felt everything around me become one, which I now know is exactly what we are- ONE. I have no way to explain it- I simply accept that it is. We are not meant to understand everything in the universe, and the moment you stop looking for all the answers is when the answer comes to you in all it's beauty. All I seem to care about now is trying to ease others' suffering, making the world a better place for all of us. I wrote a response to someone in a thread some time ago, but never truly grasped the meaning of it until now- "The world needs what we can be when we are no longer afraid; when we know who we are, and why we are, and what we want; when we are no longer looking for reasons to live, but can simply be."

All I do know for sure is something happened that changed me at the very core of my being. I am not a Bodhisattva, a religious fanatic, or any other descriptor used to stamp, signify, or classify my existence. I am a living entity that, while here on this world, believes in life above all other things. I love my life, but would give it to save another, regardless if friend or foe, because IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. It is my supreme hope that my story helps others see the world for what it really is, but I also know that each person must understand it for themselves. Understanding our own existence cannot be told or taught- it must be discovered and realized in one's own self. It is intimately unique and personal for each individual, requiring one to face the worst attributes of one's self, acknowledge our flaws so to look past the self, and committing to the path of the betterment of humanity.

Love to all of you, but more importantly- HOPE.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by Buddha1098

Think of the Id as a deep subconscious selfish pleasure seeking monster that constantly wants to be fed reguardless of what ever else is going on in that time frame. If it feels good...I want it now kind of thingy. The Id is below the subconscious which is below the conscious. Its hidden deep deep within us all.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Student X

I've had the urge but I didn't follow it. I'm curious because you mentioned doing a ritual earlier I'd love to hear what you did.

One thing I'll say that is different is I don't have any past life memories at all.

I'm 32 and Male

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Quantum Logic

Namaste my friend

You said in one post what I couldn't in a whole thread.

I love you

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Buddha1098

You are very welcome

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