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USDA's obesity-inducing Food Pyramid Scandal

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posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 03:47 PM
Reinventing a four-sided wheel

Long have I railed against the USDA's obesity-inducing Food Pyramid. Long have I known and loud have I roared that it was designed under "guidance" (see also "lobbying" "bribes" and "political favors") from the wheat and grain industries. Need proof? Take a look at what foods are recommended more than any others: Grains � up to ELEVEN SERVINGS A DAY.

But if you've been with me for any length of time at all, you already know that I'm no fan of the corrupt icon � so you can probably imagine my surprise when I read the following headline on a recent AP online story:

Food Pyramid Might Disappear as Guide

What the?!? You can bet I clicked on that sucker to get a closer look � and here's what I found out as I read the article's lead: The government is indeed giving serious consideration to replacing the Food Pyramid as its guide to American eating habits. Well, hallelujah! Finally, some progress, I thought to myself.

But when I picked the story back up after jumping up and down for ten minutes, I read the punch line: They're really only thinking about replacing the "pyramid" graphic itself � not the hopelessly outmoded, health-ruining advice it recommends. Figures.

Why make a change, you're asking? Because apparently the current pyramid is difficult for our modern, TV-addled sensibilities to grasp. It seems a pyramid shape positions the sweets group (the one you should have the fewest servings of every day � the only recommendation of the plan I agree with) at the top, which makes it seem like the most important group to some people. This could be the reason�

Or maybe the grain, bread, and breakfast cereal lobbies are dialing up the pressure after feeling the pinch of the Atkins wave that's finally talking hold after 30-some years.

Either way, the USDA is unlikely to revise their dietary guidelines even with the adaptation of a new icon or catchy slogan (also being discussed). They promise new recommendations in 2005, but I wonder how different they'll actually be than what's currently keeping some of us so fat and unhealthy.

And in case you need any more proof of THAT assertion�

Progress in the war on fat? Uh, no!

Just the other day, a Comcast online article trumpeted the bad news (sorry, I'm on a headline kick lately):

Feds Find No Decline in Obesity Rates

Now, I wonder why THAT could be? Do you think it could have something to do with the government recommending that we gorge ourselves on breads, cereals, and grains all the time? Nah, couldn't be�

According to the article, the last two years' numbers indicate that 31% of adults are "seriously overweight," while 31.5% of juveniles 6-19 fall into the overweight category (even scarier). Personally, I think these numbers are low � I wouldn't be surprised if the Feds redefined the criteria to hide the fact that their recommendations are blowing us up like balloons. But I have no proof of that � except my own two eyes.

These figures show no improvement over the 1999-2000 data. Alarming, considering the government claims to have amped-up it's anti-obesity campaign during that time period. Perhaps the "new" dietary guidelines that are due out in 2005 will help, or maybe the pyramid's new shape or catchy slogan will save us all!

I wouldn't hold my breath, though, you know?

Not buying in to the "pyramid scheme,"

William Campbell Douglass II, MD

Couldn't send you this link because it came in my email it's a newsletter... I always thought there was something fishy about this pyramid...

Just more proof to show they don't give a # about us, it's all about the jing...

[edit on 24-8-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 08:24 PM
True Lies,
You mean after all this time the USDA lied to us....horrors!!! *gasp*
I really, truly thought they were gonna arevamp the pyramid in 2006 or something, not just an artistic revamp. I wondered how they could change it. Last I heard, some of the member of the USDA panel are from the corn, wheat and/or sugar industries. I'll try to find a link for that info.

The USDA doesn't care about or health. Not really. Even though diabetes and other obesity-related illness cost millions and millions a year in health care, the government doesn't want us to live longer, healthier lives. *removes tin-foil hat*

I think what they did was to create lots and lots of low-carb fake, processed foods. So people think they are eating the "low-carb lifestyle". In reality it is not much better than the regular version of fake foods.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 08:27 PM
i think a big problem is that people aren't doing the exercise that's assumed they should be by the existing food pyramid.

-koji K.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 08:39 PM
Heres' some more stuff I found while searching for the USDA members:

Even when the pyramid was being developed, though, nutritionists had long known that some types of fat are essential to health and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, scientists had found little evidence that a high intake of carbohydrates is beneficial. Since 1992 more and more research has shown that the USDA pyramid is grossly flawed. By promoting the consumption of all complex carbohydrates and eschewing all fats and oils, the pyramid provides misleading guidance.

from Scientific American

USDA is reassessing the Food Guide Pyramid, which was originally developed in 1992 to help Americans implement the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, to ensure that it continues to be based on the most current sound and comprehensive science to help Americans make better food choices. Proposed changes to the food patterns are evolutionary, building on the solid framework of the existing Pyramid and bringing it up to date with the latest national nutrition standards.

Expert nutritionists, food industry representatives and everyday Americans largely agreed Thursday at an Agriculture Department public hearing in Washington, D.C., that the basic food groups hierarchy of the pyramid should remain as is.

food pyramid up for restructure

[edit on 24-8-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 11:19 PM
I'm not sure when it became the goverment's responsibility to tell us how and what to eat correctly. We don't trust the govenment in other areas. Why should this be any different? I don't let the government tell me what to think or do. Why would I let them tell me what to eat?

This whole idea that the government is making people obease sounds to me like the now time-honored practice of people blaming anyone else but themselves.

Geeez. Try putting down the doughnut and going for a walk.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 03:46 AM
I don't think the food pyramid would have much of an effect on an obese person, one way or another.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Ambient Sound
This whole idea that the government is making people obease sounds to me like the now time-honored practice of people blaming anyone else but themselves.

Geeez. Try putting down the doughnut and going for a walk.

The USDA pyramid affects those who eat in schools and hospitals.
It also teaches people an incorrect and unhealthy way to eat.

The food pyramid helps the food industry decide which "food" to create. More processed, unnatural, refined crap.

What makes you think I eat doughnuts or need to walk more? I assume this was a general remark??? I am neither obese nor overweight.
I am against the government pushing it's unhealthy and outdated food ideal.

The government doesn't make you fat, true. But a lot of people rationalize what they eat by these standards. They teach the Pyramid in schools, no? To very young, impressionable children--I'm talking 1st or 2nd graade.
And not all adults think for have heard of sheeple...the people the government is already controlling.

[edit on 25-8-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

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