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I Was A Deluded 9/11 OS'er

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posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

You are just mad that Alex has had a part in exposing the delusions you love so much.... Oh it is good to see you back Dave...your rants are just as funny as Alex's.

Back on topic, your delusion is crumbling all around, so you can only stab at people who get mad at things, speculate openly, and expose information ANY way possible, face it you LOVE ALEX.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 12:44 PM
i was a big news watcher back in the 80's and 90's. i loved it when cable came around because i could just sit there all day flipping between all the news channels. i wanted to be informed. when i was a kid i watched walter cronkite and the others news anchors with my father every night religiously. i noticed they all began their broadcasts with the same leads. i noticed the news stories followed a similar pattern on each network channel. i might have been 15 16 then and i asked my father why would all the news stations lead with the same stories and have the same pattern? he said 'competition'. i was a faithful news watcher up until fox news had operation iraqi freedom or some such everyday for a year before bush finally invaded iraq in 2003. it was then the doubts began. how would fox news know we were going to invade? it stunk. i turned off all the regular news stations after that. when 9/11 happened and we were told the bs story about passengers overtaking the pilot and the plane crashed afterwards i knew it was a lie. on 9/13 a guy called into howard sterns program and told how his wife and him saw the plane when it was coming down with smoke from where an engine had been it was listing or turned over (cant remember now) and he saw two fighter jets following it down. i knew bush had given a shoot down order and it was obvious the guy was telling the truth. you could tell by the excitement in his voice. i waited for the news to confirm the shoot down instead we got the bs spin story that followed. i watched fox news beat the war drums for a year after that and then we invaded iraq and thats when i new it was all a damn lie. all of it. i never listened to the news from any msm again. i began searching the internet for alternatives and found ats among others. i originally believed the official story about 9/11. i grew angry at 'truthers' showing filmed proof of 'explosions' that brought down the 'two' buildings. bs!!!! i kept saying. then somewhere i stumbled onto the words 'building 7' collapsing that day too. that there were 3 buildings. that got my attention. there were only two buildings!!! then i watched eyewitness 9/11 and i could hear the concussion of the explosions come across the river to the cameras mics and i suddenly got very physically ill. our own government murdered 3200 citizens and lied to cover up this murder. from that day on i wanted bush/cheney brought to justice, tried before a jury of their peers for treason and murder and hung on gallows on the white house lawn. i want all of them to hang from gallows on the white house lawn and left for the crows and vultures to pick at their bodies. it wont bring back the dead but it will bring back a restorative justice we have lacked ever since this attempted coup/treason took place. i still believe the fourth plane shot down was meant for the capitol building. decapitate the congress, declare martial law, and they would have siezed control. it failed fortunately. im 56 now and figure i have another 40 years to live. i still hold out the hope of bush/cheney meeting the hangman for their treason.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 12:48 PM
I was waiting for this post to show up

For those of you who do believe the official story. That is fine. I can appreciate your standing. However, for those of us who do not believe, please let us research and learn in peace. It's really pointless to have the constant "your wrong I'm right" attitude infecting every single 9/11 post on this forum.

I would love to be able to create a logical research list for people who do and who do not believe the OS, so that us so called "truthers" could lay out our logic for you. I just might make a site like that. For example, I know there are those out there who say things like "The government would never kill 3000 people for money!". Well, they would. They have. There is proof of this. But sifting through the endless posts to try and get that information across is... tiring I guess is the word. I mean every "truther" would immediately point to the countless lies that have been told to us over the past decades. But it seems we have to lay it out over and over and over.

I think I will make a site. I know there are thousands of them already. I just want to make one that is very straight to the point. One that says "Hey you think the government never lies? Go here and read this."

I think the same would be true for you OS'ers. Any site that tries to "debunk" information seems to be more about criticism and name calling, rather than facts and figures.

I think we could ALL learn something and benefit from GOOD debates on the info. It just stinks that 9/11 threats always end up in a pissing contest.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 12:54 PM
What I like about this thread is that it doesn't insult people who believe the official story. The other similar thread from the other perspective is full of insults towards truthers.

I think they just have no answers, and it scares them and makes them resort to immature name calling and a smug sense of patriotism.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:00 PM
I think 95% of people who are now skeptics started out as believers. Its in the nature of the topic at hand.

However I also see what you did there :p .

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by GoodOlDave

You are just mad that Alex has had a part in exposing the delusions you love so much.... Oh it is good to see you back Dave...your rants are just as funny as Alex's.

Back on topic, your delusion is crumbling all around, so you can only stab at people who get mad at things, speculate openly, and expose information ANY way possible, face it you LOVE ALEX.

Sheesh, talk about delusion. All I can say is DON'T CHANGE A THING. When/if, someday, you get an independent 9/11 investigation and the people behind the big desks ask you why you think there's a conspiracy, and you start quoting some lunatic who dresses up like the joker and throws papers around giggling, you'll sink that leaky tramp steamer you call a "truther movement" quicker than anything the rest of us could possibly say or do. Little wonder why there was a truther protest here in Connecticut recently, and only THREE people showed up for it.

What concerns me is that those of us who want a serious inquiry into the failures and incompetence behind the 9/11 attack are going to look like laughing stocks by association. Heck, we can't even discuss how NORAD responded to the first request for assistance before some dope hijacks the thread and insists it's all the fault of the Jews. Where the heck did you truthers get this Jew hating kick, from, anyway?

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
I think 95% of people who are now skeptics started out as believers. Its in the nature of the topic at hand.

However I also see what you did there :p .

...and I think 100% of skeptics became skeptics NOT out of any independent research, but entirely because they came across one of those damned fool conspiracy web sites that are reinterpreting the facts to get people to believe what they want people to believe.

Let's face it, noone looked at the video of the attack and insisted the planes were holograms and everyone on Manhattan is a secret disinformation agent on their own. Someone had to have come along after the fact and threw their slick sales pitch at them. The OP openly admitted that in his case, it was Alex "Joker" Jones.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:20 PM


posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
I was waiting for this post to show up

For those of you who do believe the official story. That is fine. I can appreciate your standing. However, for those of us who do not believe, please let us research and learn in peace. It's really pointless to have the constant "your wrong I'm right" attitude infecting every single 9/11 post on this forum.

I'm sorry, but what you're doing isn't even remotely "research". It's an attempt to look for ways to prove what you yourself want to believe is true, regardless of how much straw grasping you need to do.

I don't know how many times I posted eyewitness accounts of firefighters like Deputy Chief Peter Haden who said the fires in WTC 7 were burning out of control and were causing a three story tall bulge in the side of the building, only to hear excuses ffrom the truthers that Hayden was a secret government disinformation agent. That's not even including the outright disgusting accusations you people are making off the tops of your heads, like how Tom Olson is actively covering up the murder of his wife by claiming he received a call from her on flight 77. I even ask just what evidence you truthers would accept that would finally convince you it really was a terrorist attack, and you truthers universally run away from the question like vampires run away from sunlight.

If *this* is what you call "research" then you shouldn't be surprised why you're continuously being mocked.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

See. See what your doing right there? How do you know I'm not researching? How do you have any idea what it is I do to learn? You don't. I don't criticize you for your opinions or train of thought. Why do you feel the need to attack mine?

Look. I don't believe the official 9/11 Commission or NIST report. There are too many glaring questions that have not been answered. There are too many "why" questions (for me at least). So its my prerogative to look into it. Is that to say I go on some Geocities site and believe people saying there were no planes or the planes were alien space ships carrying mini nukes? God of course not. Frankly I believe those sort of stories were put out there to have the EXACT effect they are having. They lump anyone who has questions into "that" group. "Oh you don't believe the governments account of 9/11? What are you some hologram loon?" See. That's not fair. There are good and decent people out there pouring their hearts into research because they feel the governments investigation was lacking. Severely lacking. So what is the problem with doing more investigation?

I have read probably thousands of documents from "truthers". From everyday people with a simple theory to professional engineers and architects, pilots, firemen etc etc. Not once did I ever see any of them saying "You must believe me or your an idiot". And yet anyone who does question the OS gets this sort of reaction. Why? What is there to fear by looking into the matter more?

Take it for what it is. Our government has lied to us on so many occasions, how could we NOT look into this more? I mean from Pearl Harbor (yes we knew, yes there was plenty of time to warn the port), to the Gulf of Tonkin (attack never happened), to the reasons our soldiers are still getting blown up in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lies on top of lies. Any sane person WOULD be a little skeptical of something from the government.

Yes, there are crazies out there. Yes, many "theories" on 9/11 are down right ridiculous. But that doesn't mean they all are. And any OS'er, by saying "oh I know so and so and they were there, they saw ... ".. so what? There were tens of thousands of people there. Who saw stuff. There are tons of people who heard bombs go off. There are tons of people who say lower levels were destroyed for no reason. Are they right or wrong? How are we supposed to know unless we INVESTIGATE. Sure I could just roll over and say "Good ol' USA kickin ass and takin names. They'd never lie. They'd never kill Americans to get something". Ask yourself this... how many soldiers have gone to war and DIED from a lie? How many have gone to war only to come home and kill themselves because they couldn't deal with life outside of the battle field. If the reasons we went to Iraq were a lie, then guess what. Our government killed thousands of American soldiers for their benefit. So 9/11? A drop in the bucket.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by annonymous1234

You're so right annonymous1234.

"Truthers" have Right on their side - there's no need for rudeness.
I have never seen any insults or obscenities coming from "Truthers" against the Sheeple.

However, the other way is something else.

You say "I think they just have no answers" - you're correct of course so they resort to insults and schoolyard name-calling.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:57 PM

"Truthers" have Right on their side - there's no need for rudeness. I have never seen any insults or obscenities coming from "Truthers" against the Sheeple.
reply to post by Alpha20mega

I find it humorous that the "truthers" who are being so rude to anyone that believes the OS are calling THEM "sheeple"

You keep "baaaaaaaaaaing" and talking about those holograms, and misunderstanding the properties of flame and what it can do..........baaaaaaaaaa..............

Yes.........the OSers are the sheep.................

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:01 PM
Dont waste your time on goodoldave, hes beyond salvation. And has proven time and time again hes not looking for truth, just keeps passing the koolaid. I think we all started as OSrs, just that the evidence starts piling up. You can either think for yourself, or be part of the problem.
Love to see the OSrs trying to defend their little safe spot, wich is crumbling, love it.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Saltarello
Dont waste your time on goodoldave, hes beyond salvation. And has proven time and time again hes not looking for truth, just keeps passing the koolaid. I think we all started as OSrs, just that the evidence starts piling up. You can either think for yourself, or be part of the problem.
Love to see the OSrs trying to defend their little safe spot, wich is crumbling, love it.

yes lets not pay attention to anyone who challenges your belief system.......or anyone who asks any other questions other then what you want to be asked.....

Thats how you get answers...........

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

Remember DerekJR321, the only people who object to finding the truth about 9/11 (and for that matter 7/7) are the perpetraitors (mis-spelling intentional) and any others who are complicit in the act, or support the act, either before or after the fact.

Including those on this site.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Your post proves my point.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Alpha20mega
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Your post proves my point.

So does yours...........i find it entertaining that you become exactly what you accuse everyone else of being....

its funny you guys dont see your own hypocrisy

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Alpha20mega
reply to post by DerekJR321

Remember DerekJR321, the only people who object to finding the truth about 9/11 (and for that matter 7/7) are the perpetraitors (mis-spelling intentional) and any others who are complicit in the act, or support the act, either before or after the fact.

Including those on this site.

Yes all those that dont buy the evidence that many of the truthers have provided..........are ALL involved.....we allowed it..........

Nevermind the fact that I did multiple tours over in the sandbox BECAUSE of 9/11 me a lot of people would love some better answers.......especially people who served...........

.you make me sick........perhaps try not attacking people
edit on 15-9-2011 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by DerekJR321

Look. I don't believe the official 9/11 Commission or NIST report. There are too many glaring questions that have not been answered. There are too many "why" questions (for me at least). So its my prerogative to look into it. Is that to say I go on some Geocities site and believe people saying there were no planes or the planes were alien space ships carrying mini nukes? God of course not. Frankly I believe those sort of stories were put out there to have the EXACT effect they are having. They lump anyone who has questions into "that" group. "Oh you don't believe the governments account of 9/11? What are you some hologram loon?" See. That's not fair. There are good and decent people out there pouring their hearts into research because they feel the governments investigation was lacking. Severely lacking. So what is the problem with doing more investigation?

The answer is simple- If you wish to dismiss the 9/11 commission report, fine, that's your right...but what you don't seem to understand is that it then becomes YOUR responsibility to come up with an alternative scenario that better fits the facts, and that's ALL the facts, not simply those one or two cherry picked items of interest that happen to look the way you want it to.

Case in point- William Rodriguez stated he felt an explosion in the floors below him, and also said during testimony that fireballs from the impact came down the elevator shaft like a hammer, forced the elevator down several flights, and severely burned the occupants (who he subsequently rescued). The conspiracy people will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS repeat his "explosions in the basement" testimony but they will NEVER NEVER NEVER repeat his "fireballs down the elevator shaft". The reason is obvious- the second statement gives a reasonable non-conspiracy explanation to the first statement. The truthers don't want there to be any reasonable non-conspiracy explanations so they simply pretend the statement doesn't exist. The truthers are simply picking and choosing what they want to believe and what they don't even when it's literally coming from the exact same eyewitness.

Some "research".

Take it for what it is. Our government has lied to us on so many occasions, how could we NOT look into this more? I mean from Pearl Harbor (yes we knew, yes there was plenty of time to warn the port), to the Gulf of Tonkin (attack never happened), to the reasons our soldiers are still getting blown up in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lies on top of lies. Any sane person WOULD be a little skeptical of something from the government.

I don't recall anyone claiming the US gov't rigged up a bunch of US planes to look like Japanese bombers to frame Japan in a false flag operation. Have you? I don't recall anyone claimign a bunch of secret agents boarded the USS Liberty and faked battle damage with hammers and drills. Have you? This is LITERALLY what you truthers are claiming as far as 9/11 with your "secret controlled demolitions" and "planted aircraft wreckage at the Pentagon" claims. Heck, according to you truthers, between accusing the gov't, the Jews, the Masons, the Illuminati (and I've even met one guy who said it was staed by Canada!) the only people you truthers seem to think are completely innocent is Al Qaida.

If you want to believe there's more to the story behind the 9/11 attack than what we've been told, fine. I believe this too. That does NOT give you licesne to fill the vaccuum by making up all these goofball accusations to stroke your own paranoid outlook on life. Come on, now, seriously, who in their right mind is going to stage the most convoluted and complex false flag oepration in all of recorded human history just to frame some toilet of a country that even the Soviet Union didn't think was worth fighting over?

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Saltarello
Dont waste your time on goodoldave, hes beyond salvation. And has proven time and time again hes not looking for truth, just keeps passing the koolaid. I think we all started as OSrs, just that the evidence starts piling up. You can either think for yourself, or be part of the problem.
Love to see the OSrs trying to defend their little safe spot, wich is crumbling, love it.

...and that's ANOTHER thing I've asked I don't know how many times, and you conspiracy people continuously run away from the question- if there's something I'm posting that's an outright lie, fine, what is it? Are you saying Deputy Fire chief Peter Hayden DIDN'T say he saw a three story tall bulge in the side of WTC 7 from the out of control fires? Are you saying Barry Jennings DIDN'T say the lobby of WTC 7 looked as if King Kong came by and destroyed the lobby? Are you saying photographer Joel Meyerowitz DIDN'T take photos of the wreckage of ground zero which showed no sigs of sabotage whatsoever?

You can cling to these "it's all some secret plot to take over the world" games of yours only for so long before you're going to have to back up your statements with something more credible than the paranoid drivel you're getting from Alex Jones. You know that and so do I.

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