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Elenin is a TETRAHEDRAL spaceship

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posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Alien Abduct
reply to post by greenCo

Can anyone who believes that this is a spaceship tell me why this spaceship is traveling at a mere 54,000 miles/hour?

I mean even if it was coming from the nearest star to our sun it would take over 12,000 years to get here.


They are yet to shift gears

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:29 PM
Richard C. Hoagland is a media whore.

He'll say anything to get attention and or mislead people.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
I for one do not believe everything that comes from Hoagland. But some of the pieces make sense especially NASA and its cultish behavior (naming spacecraft after God’s and only launching on a scared numbered launch pad 39). Do a little research on that number and NASA before you claim he is totally full of crap. Now that said he is a bit nutty but do you trust everything the so called scientists say at NASA? LOL
Ah well then trust Michio Kaku who in a recent Discovery program claims extraterrestrials would use a hollowed out asteroid or a comet to travel in and someday humanity might as well!

NASAś naming conventions are strange and even stranger these sacred rituals coming from a western nation. But his claims are hardly noticeable in a low quality image and adds fuel when he hasn´t got any ground breaking evidence.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:37 PM
I believe Hoagland claims what we are seeing is a force field that is protecting this object. I for one have read Dark Mission and his Enterprise Mission works and I don’t believe all of his conclusions. I do find a lot of it interesting but try to draw my own conclusions.  Yes, Hoagland can be “out there” sometimes but that goes hand in hand with people who are passionate about what they do.

What I see on these threads are a lot of people too lazy or just unable to think outside the box. They look to troll and flame people with open minds and take the word of a few Uber-Trolls who get their info…or should I say dis-info from so-called reliable sources rather than actually do the research themselves! And dare you challenge them! You just get hit with semi-intelligent insults and then flamed by their groupie wannabies!

I don’t claim Elenin is anything but a comet, but the more and more I read I feel there is a chance it could be something else. And if anyone has studied Sacred Geometry, you would understand the significance of the tetrahedral shape. I’m not knocking anyone who doesn’t but at least do the research and get off the darn band-wagon!

 The ancients in a lot of ways were more advanced than we are. A lot of the things going on now were written about by civilizations thousands of years ago. And the geometry is all there. The universe is based on it. Yes, the meanings have been manipulated mainly to cause fear mongering and to keep some of you looking in one direction when you should be looking in another. But read for Pete’s sake! And come to your own conclusions…not someone else’s.

Is it far-fetched to imagine that a terrestrial or even alien race put a library of knowledge or time capsule into space for us to discover 13,000 years later? As improbable as it may seem, it’s possible. An imagination is not that horrible. Columbus had one. So did Einstein and a few others in history.

We have been lied to for way too long by TPTB, MSM, mainstream scientists and psudo-scientists who throw the first thing at you as PROOF…And you believe it? But a man dedicated years trying to find the truth and you throw him to the wolves so easily? Wow, history really does repeat itself and some of us just refuse to grow.

Anyway, off the soapbox…

Here’s my question about the image.

How does the imperfect shape of a comet create a tetrahedron…sorry, geometric or even easier…TRIANGULAR image when illuminated? How the heck does that happen?

And please, no garbage about compression or high-res  vs. low-res. I’m well aware of that debunker tactic and my Wife is very proficient with Photoshop. She’s debunked enough herself and scoffed at the feeble attempts to debunk the good stuff! Just like with the face and tetrahedrons (eeew, there’s that dirty word again) on Mars, a high-res image will show more detail in a photo…NOT the opposite!

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by maddog99

I couldn't agree more with what you said.

It's funny how we complain of the sheeple mentality out in the mainstream, yet it's also prevalent here on ATS.

Now with this particular Hoagland claim, he seems to be onto something no doubt.

All of this does seem to tie in with Arthur C Clarke's prophecies. His book Rendevous with Rama has a large tetrahedron alien ship.

And 2010: The Year We Make Contact (sequel to 2001)...

And when was Elenin discovered exactly? 2010.
edit on 30/8/11 by galactictuan because: typo

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by galactictuan

All of this does seem to tie in with Arthur C Clarke's prophecies. His book Rendevous with Rama has a large tetrahedron alien ship.

You didn't read it did you?
Rama was not a tetrahedron. And it was a story, not a prophecy.

edit on 8/30/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by maddog99
I believe Hoagland claims what we are seeing is a force field that is protecting this object. I for one have read Dark Mission and his Enterprise Mission works and I don’t believe all of his conclusions. I do find a lot of it interesting but try to draw my own conclusions.  Yes, Hoagland can be “out there” sometimes but that goes hand in hand with people who are passionate about what they do.

What I see on these threads are a lot of people too lazy or just unable to think outside the box. They look to troll and flame people with open minds and take the word of a few Uber-Trolls who get their info…or should I say dis-info from so-called reliable sources rather than actually do the research themselves! And dare you challenge them! You just get hit with semi-intelligent insults and then flamed by their groupie wannabies!

Don´t we know that already? These things requires ´evidence´. Any nut can dream and fail. It is the interesting aspects that sells everytime and not conclusive evidence. Mean while anybody could write a book about anything nowadays.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by galactictuan

All of this does seem to tie in with Arthur C Clarke's prophecies. His book Rendevous with Rama has a large tetrahedron alien ship.

You didn't read it did you?
Rama was not a tetrahedron. And it was a story, not a prophecy.

edit on 8/30/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

The ancient Indians used Vimanas flying vehicles. The Elenin thing could be just that but all is required is a solid piece of evidence. Unless one provides it anything will be a theory/hoax.
edit on 30-8-2011 by radkrish because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Phage

No I didn't, and it wasn't the right book I was referring to. Thank you Phage once again for your robot-like correction abilities.

This was what I was referring to:

And of course it was a story, if you have the mindset of a robot that is.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by galactictuan

I don't really like the Gentry Lee collaborations much. I much preferred Clarke's solo work.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:04 AM
I'd love to see his explanation on why the "spaceship is breaking apart. That would be lovely.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by TheWorldSpins

"The shields cann'a tek eny more c'pn!"

edit on 8/31/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by TheWorldSpins

The spaceship isn´t breaking apart but for the outer shield or layer that covers it does. Well, for anyone who want to subscribe to this view.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by radkrish

I understand your point but what kind of evidence do you need to open your mind to possibilities? And just remember this, alot of amazing discoveries were once based on ideas or even the most minute evidence. Look at Mars as an example. They told us not very long ago it was a dead planet. Now they admit to flowing water. What goes hand in hand with water? This will be next. Again, some of his claims or ideas of what things are can be hard to believe. But all I'm saying is keep an open mind to possibilities. We are so young as a race and only starting to discover who we are and where we came from. Keep an eye on Giza. A lot of interesting happenings going on there as well.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:27 AM
Eye capt. She'll blow to kingdom come! Lol that was good!
Have we seen any images of the actual break up yet or is this all still based on the images first released?

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by maddog99

Everyone has different levels of understanding, the insane can even be seen as sane

It's all just a matter of perspective. If everyone had the same train of thoughts, then where would the fun be?

We would all be like robots.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by maddog99

I haven't seen any new images but observations seem to indicate there isn't much left.

Rob McMaught reports that he can see only a smear and no central condensation using the E12 instrument, indicative that the comet is indeed disintegrating

edit on 8/31/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by radkrish

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by galactictuan

All of this does seem to tie in with Arthur C Clarke's prophecies. His book Rendevous with Rama has a large tetrahedron alien ship.

You didn't read it did you?
Rama was not a tetrahedron. And it was a story, not a prophecy.

The ancient Indians used Vimanas flying vehicles. The Elenin thing could be just that but all is required is a solid piece of evidence. Unless one provides it anything will be a theory/hoax.

Rama in Aurthur C Clarke's 'Rendezvous with Rama' was the name assigned to a comet (having run out of Greek and Roman mythological names, they turn to the Hindu mythology), not a spaceship. Humans send a spaceship to land on Rama and study it and find life inside.

Yes, there are references to airborne vehicles in ancient Indian texts, but there are also references to many kinds of weapons whose equivalents don't exist even today. So either they were techologically far more advanced than moderns or they had quite a fertile imagination. Since none of the texts referring to the aircrafts or the weapons describe how they could be made, the references themselves don't have much significance. In any case, there are no ancient Indian texts predicting a Vimana returning/coming to visit the earth around this time.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by Phage

Thanks. I'll have to wait til I get home to download the 25mb file and it is from the military. Like to see more of this from others. Just keeping my mind open.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Phage

First, why are military "highly processed to enhance detail, then cropped and rescaled" pictures considered more reliable as a source? They even tell you, on the pic. It seems to me they are used in manipulating images for their own agenda.


Second point is about this news that it's breaking up. If it is a spaceship, it may have parts detaching for different purposes, like exploration, setting up camp, mining, etc.
And it could be slow approaching so "they" have the time to assimilate the basics of our cultures and different languages before getting here. It could help in future relations... Of you course, you all understand I have no pics to support these ideas.

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