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New Creepy 10/28/11 Website Mystery

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by noshepard
The site is trying to inform you that the reality you live in is a reflection, a mirror, of your consciousness. The physical world isn't real and you create by changing the focus of your attention. Whatever you chose to place your focus on, grows and grows. You "unconscious" conditioned thoughts create and recreate your life, until you become aware of them. The more you become aware of yourself, the more you see that you are exactly who and what you imagine yourself to be. Who you believe you are, you are. Becoming aware of unconscious thoughts gives you the freedom to direct and mold your life.

In one of the manuals, maybe 2 or 3??? I am not sure which one, as the site is down, it features a man laying in bed, then starring at his room, closing his eyes, not going to sleep, then opening his eyes. Most have assumed this is solely an instruction to achieve an OBE.

He is trying to show you how to see the "infinity" all around you. The source of all things in all things. The everything/nothing.

You see it, but you don't realize it. you call it something else. Look at those old photos he posted in some of the safe sites. Look at how staticy the background looks. I believe he even titles some of those "the eye sees all". You see this with your third eye, or I should say you feel it. You are it. Same thing happens with those eye meditations. You stare into somebody's pupil, and after a little while their face disappears, and reappears, all their features fade into the background which is a silent flicker of an invisible wave of energy. He's trying to get you all to pay attention to it. Because you are it. Most of convinced themselves they are these little ideas and personalities, and they have to be this way or that, but it's not true. You are consciousness, which is free of form.

Everything is consciousness. Your reality is a reflection and a mirror of the state you chose to "tune" your consciousness to. What you chose to become aware of. What you pay attention to. You are staring at the possibility of anything and you can focus your attention on anything at all. Conditioned thoughts make you focus your attention repeated on the same things, so the same things are always manifested and reflected into that living metaphor we call physical reality. "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves, can free our minds." - Bob Marley.

You fear wants to create more and more fear. So it keeps giving you things to be afraid of. There is nothing to be afraid of. No reptillian alien, inter dimensional prison warden beast, police officer, Mason Illuminati, mother#er can do a godamn thing to take away your power. They are reflecion of the fear that already exists within you and wants to grow.

Schrodinger's Cat is to illustrate the point further. You can see a dead cat, or an alive cat. It's a wave or a particle. This can be heaven or it can be hell. You can be depressed or you can be happy. You could be imprisoned or you could be free. Shrodinger's cat. It depends on what you chose to focus on. What you chose to see. Observation and Creation are one in the same.

So what is he trying to get you to do on october 28th? LOVE>

See LOVE. All you need is LOVE..

And your reality will reflect it, instead of the fear inside of you.

“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.”
-bill hicks knew what was up.

Good thoughts Noshephard

We did arrive at this thinking here though, hundreds of posts ago: ie. that it all boils down to a mindset of love v fear.

Open also presented the exercises very clearly, but the problem is that many of us here have been doing these exercises for years and were aware that they can also be quite unsettling and confronting and where was the support for people doing these for the first time? Also from my own point of view I was genuinely interested in any further insights Open might share. But where was the opportunity to interact and validate that this was a genuine person and not an amateur or someone conducting an experiment of some kind?

I for one have been disappointed to see just complicated riddles that alienate anyone not of a puzzle solving mindset and little or no guidance or sharing of experience. After all Open started from the premise that they saw something 2 years ago (I think might be wrong on timing here) that they were not supposed to see which pushed them to go in this direction.

I certainly do not feel anti-open or anti what they may or may not be trying to do. But in this day and age nor am I pro someone of whom I know nothing, or where they are coming from or what their intention might be.

x Mara

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:26 PM

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Mara5683

I just checked Mara. Those pages you mentioned give 500 errors. It must be your browser cache. The only page that seems to respond at this point still is the /one page. I could be wrong, but I haven't found anything else that works. Regardless of that, I am still curious about the username and password as well.

Edit~As for noshepard's post, I agree. I remember several users that presented the same material-albeit in a less straight forward manner.
edit on 17-10-2011 by L0cke because: more

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Mara5683

remebering those old days ?

My area is more in intuition and gut reactions so wanted to share my view on this but apologize in advance if this has been said before. I've tried to read all the pages but might have missed a few in the middle. There are just so many to catch up with.

The 1234 4321 brings to mind 'as above so below, as within so without.' Combine this with Schrodinger's Cat picture that attempts to describe the quantum world and the effect of the consciousness of the observer on the observed. We are made of matter that obeys physical laws and quantum particles that operate with a very different set of rules. I think we have the idea of human beings as quantum multidimensional and spiritual beings having a physical experience.

We are much more powerful than we think and our consciousness really can affect the world around us. We have choice. In essence we have a choice of two ways of being in the world. We can choose to view the world from a place of love or a place of fear.

If we operate from love we see ourselves as one and everything in the world as part of the one. What we do effects everyone and everything. Like one giant mind, all our loves, hates, judgements and compassion roll around together and when we can release our own fear and all the resentments, feuds and bitternesses in our own selves, we release it in a small way for the world mind.

However if we operate from fear then we see everyone and everything else as other. When everything is other then we are alone and threatened and the natural direction of that kind of thinking leads to war, within our own selves and with and in the world.

The eye gazing exercise is quite a well known exercise to help teach the sense of connection. When you really do that exercise for some time and with many people you come to see the being behind the mind and it brings a vastness and interconnection that can be scary at first because it is so big, but ultimately shows that there is no separation, no duality, that consciousness is one.

Staying out of fear is difficult, but vital if we want to overcome whatever mindtrip might be coming. "When it comes, don't run". The only thing that can really protect us is an absolute comfort and ability to tap into the love within us. Love is more powerful than anything and we can tune into it within our own selves, but we need to learn how to do it. Even a sliver of fear can allow doubt and uncertainty in and then you can be caught. This isn't necessarily about protecting the physical body, it's about keeping consciousness clear so that even if what is coming is a physical end, the consciousness is in the right place to move where it needs to go.

Now I have no idea what Oct 28 might bring. It could be a false flag event, a time distortion created by some magnetic disturbance, turbulence on the planet or something else. Whatever it is I think Open is trying to say that we need to be absolutely clear and focused and heart centered and coming from a position that is so entrenched in the love path that fear cannot get a grip and lead us in the wrong direction.

One thing I am very clear on from my own insights is that there is a serious agenda going on to try to keep us in fear and to try to really ramp up the fear. I don't think it's working as well as is wanted so I do expect it to ramp up even more in the coming months.

We can change things and its not a big mystery or an involved and complicated mystical path. It's simply a choice to live in love within our own selves and to become very comfortable with clarity, kindness and fearless living.

Now this might sound twee but its not as easy as it looks. It means letting go of squabbling, judgements and divisions. It means creating peace in our own lives. Its so easy to want world peace but does anyone really think about what that means? As long as we are at war with ourselves and with friends, family and fellow posters on boards such as this (!) then we are contributing to the whole mindset of war.

So the question we could all give some thought to is who in our lives are we currently at war with and what can we do to let go of that?

I'll finish with a quote I really like:

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn't make any sense.

From Essential Rumi
by Coleman Barks

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by sheba2011

remembering those old days ?

I have a lot of thoughts on all of this, not sure how much room I get to type... here I go, with apologies if all this has been already brought up (I really tried to read through the entire thread) --

1) Not Here -- could that be read as "No There?"

2) The eye-gazing experiment in manual #1: I have this hunch that the point of this has been missed. I may be completely off-base on this, but immediately after I first saw that page, I had a sync. On a totally different & unrelated site someone posted a photo of an eye with a pupil that is not centered. Over the eye someone photo-shopped in a pic of a devil. So go back to the manual #1 and take a closer look: doesn't the right eye have a pupil that is not centered?

I don't think this means people with such a condition are "devils" but I do wonder if it's related to the "Nobody's" in the fan-fiction piece.

3) Monday Monday clue: it jumped out at me that this is related to the 4092333735 clue. Do not ask me how I arrived at this (it was flash of insight), BUT, my theory is something will happen on Sept 10, 2011 at 3:14 pm EST, and that is that there will be a bend in fabric of time (that was another page that linked to google maps and a bend in a river). Bringing the past into the present ("de ja vu" but on a grand scale). The past we'll see is our own past, Sept 10, 2001 -- 10 years ago. That day was a Monday. Spend time thinking back to where you were on that date at 3:14 pm. Ask yourself if whatever you were doing then, would you make a different choice if you could go back in time for a "do-over." (Answer: choose love).

4) Tourette's video - I noticed that it plays a clip from Police's Every Breath You Take, which is relevant.

5) The thinker -- none of you have it. What this means is none of us have a "mind," or a self if you will.

6) The eyes, soon (alexander graham bell) and "It's in the eyes" -- It's all about being the conscious observer. What you observe, you manifest. This is the lesson of the Schroedinger's cat. It's not about what you say, or type, or think or even feel... it's about what you choose to place your focus -- your observation -- on.

7) 1113_2226_3339_BB -- 1+1+1= 3, 2+2+2 = 6, etc... and BB is "building blocks"... I believe this relates back to the fan-fiction piece, which is all about integrating self (past, present, parallel, future selves) as well as soul fragments (the Nobody's).


Those sweet words we shared between us
the vault of heaven has concealed in its heart.
One day they will pour down like
the rain and our secrets will
germinate in the soil of this universe.
-- Rumi

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by vatel
reply to post by Mara5683

to you have the site up ?
down or just me ?

Oops just rechecked thanks to ur post and now none of those links working!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by vatel
reply to post by sheba2011

remembering those old days ?

I have a lot of thoughts on all of this, not sure how much room I get to type... here I go, with apologies if all this has been already brought up (I really tried to read through the entire thread) --

1) Not Here -- could that be read as "No There?"

2) The eye-gazing experiment in manual #1: I have this hunch that the point of this has been missed. I may be completely off-base on this, but immediately after I first saw that page, I had a sync. On a totally different & unrelated site someone posted a photo of an eye with a pupil that is not centered. Over the eye someone photo-shopped in a pic of a devil. So go back to the manual #1 and take a closer look: doesn't the right eye have a pupil that is not centered?

I don't think this means people with such a condition are "devils" but I do wonder if it's related to the "Nobody's" in the fan-fiction piece.

3) Monday Monday clue: it jumped out at me that this is related to the 4092333735 clue. Do not ask me how I arrived at this (it was flash of insight), BUT, my theory is something will happen on Sept 10, 2011 at 3:14 pm EST, and that is that there will be a bend in fabric of time (that was another page that linked to google maps and a bend in a river). Bringing the past into the present ("de ja vu" but on a grand scale). The past we'll see is our own past, Sept 10, 2001 -- 10 years ago. That day was a Monday. Spend time thinking back to where you were on that date at 3:14 pm. Ask yourself if whatever you were doing then, would you make a different choice if you could go back in time for a "do-over." (Answer: choose love).

4) Tourette's video - I noticed that it plays a clip from Police's Every Breath You Take, which is relevant.

5) The thinker -- none of you have it. What this means is none of us have a "mind," or a self if you will.

6) The eyes, soon (alexander graham bell) and "It's in the eyes" -- It's all about being the conscious observer. What you observe, you manifest. This is the lesson of the Schroedinger's cat. It's not about what you say, or type, or think or even feel... it's about what you choose to place your focus -- your observation -- on.

7) 1113_2226_3339_BB -- 1+1+1= 3, 2+2+2 = 6, etc... and BB is "building blocks"... I believe this relates back to the fan-fiction piece, which is all about integrating self (past, present, parallel, future selves) as well as soul fragments (the Nobody's).


Those sweet words we shared between us
the vault of heaven has concealed in its heart.
One day they will pour down like
the rain and our secrets will
germinate in the soil of this universe.
-- Rumi

Unfortunately Open's methods ***and**** the entire environment surrounding have soured me, I'm afraid. Yes, I can remember those old days just fine.

What I do not like about this forum is how it breeds mistrust. Open is to blame because he/she started and perpetuated the game; but so are all the players. And that includes me. You aren't getting the honest/wear my heart on my sleeve me because most of you really don't deserve it. I will just click my silly heels and be silly.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by vatel

Ah the good ol' days... thanks Vatel...

I still feel that way thankfully, and I've no issue with Open etc but would love if he or she could have reached out and touched....

And here's one for all of us...

edit on 17-10-2011 by Mara5683 because: link for vid

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by L0cke

Yes ur right Locke, it was my cache ....

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by sheba2011

What I do not like about this forum is how it breeds mistrust. Open is to blame because he/she started and perpetuated the game; but so are all the players. And that includes me. You aren't getting the honest/wear my heart on my sleeve me because most of you really don't deserve it. I will just click my silly heels and be silly.


This I found unsettling as I thought we were seeing 'you.' Why does Open;s approach on his/her site affect you here?

Am only being selfish as really like the Sheba I thought I came to 'know'

x Mara

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by TNTarheel

Happy one for you TNT...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Mara5683

Originally posted by sheba2011

What I do not like about this forum is how it breeds mistrust. Open is to blame because he/she started and perpetuated the game; but so are all the players. And that includes me. You aren't getting the honest/wear my heart on my sleeve me because most of you really don't deserve it. I will just click my silly heels and be silly.


This I found unsettling as I thought we were seeing 'you.' Why does Open;s approach on his/her site affect you here?

Am only being selfish as really like the Sheba I thought I came to 'know'

x Mara

Thank you Mara. I suppose you are seeing the real me -- I can be no less than that, can I? But only a facet of the diamond and not the entire diamond I could possibly share.

That said, whomever installed the keylogger on my computer is getting more than I share here on this forum -- though still only a facet and that facet may be completely fabricated since I realized there was a keylogger logging.

Just sayin'...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by sheba2011

Glad to hear re you!

But not good if you;v caught a virus or trojan or whatever there things are. Can you say what it is as I am cr** with computers and haven't checked mine at all since all this started maybe I should?


edit on 17-10-2011 by Mara5683 because: typo

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by sheba2011
That said, whomever installed the keylogger on my computer is getting more than I share here on this forum -- though still only a facet and that facet may be completely fabricated since I realized there was a keylogger logging.

Just sayin'...

In the last 30 days, 2 trojans have been detected and removed from my computer.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by JackTheTripper

ffs open your eyes. the date is right in front of you.
edit on 17-10-2011 by khnumkhufu because: ...and remember to be a rock.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:36 PM
I have been there :

and i saw this :
edit on 17/10/11 by vatel because: added link

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by TNTarheel

not that much for windows...
use linux and a good dog !

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by vatel
reply to post by TNTarheel

not that much for windows...
use linux and a good dog !

That is my next project, my friend. I cannot afford to replace my unit...yet.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by TNTarheel

linux is free my dear !
a dog is a lifetime job...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by vatel
reply to post by TNTarheel

linux is free my dear !
a dog is a lifetime job...

I did not know this, Vatel! How much is involved to change from Windows to Linux? Must I be a computer tech?

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