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Aliens = Nephilim (Demons)

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by nastyj

I am glad we can agree that the "grey" aliens are malevolent spiritual beings, and not actually spacemen from other planets. It is interesting to hear your beliefs on this subject, i actually did quite abit of research into islam before i became a follower of Christ, i know there are some similarity between both faiths.

I just have to ask though, because i cannot help but see some flaws in your belief, like you say satan is not a fallen angel but you also say Djinn's are the equivalent to demons how can that be so?

When we earthlings have got free will, how come the angels will be denied free will? I am confused.

I see nothing in scripture saying so.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Nobama
I find it hard to believe that demons are in fact aliens, why would demons come from the sky? I was always inclined to believe the bible says demons live in hell, which is below us (or somewhere below). I do believe in Aliens though, there's no way we are the only species in existence, but to say these other species are simply demons would be nonsense..

If you do not believe in God i can understand why it may seem like "nonsense" but if you look at both demons and 'aliens' there are actually some great resemblance. You have no basis to believe there is life on other planets, just because the universe is large is not a case for life, you are being intellectually dishonest with yourself.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

The Belief in God should and is NOT an factor in seeing the lack of Evidence and Logic in this theory.

So answer this. Why would "God" create all the vastness of the Universe just to have us alone? Why not just make our Solar System if there is nothing else. And by the way the building blocks of DNA were found in a meteorite so there is a possibility of life forming on other Planets.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Nobama
I find it hard to believe that demons are in fact aliens, why would demons come from the sky? I was always inclined to believe the bible says demons live in hell, which is below us (or somewhere below). I do believe in Aliens though, there's no way we are the only species in existence, but to say these other species are simply demons would be nonsense..

Why would demons live in Hell? What do you think Hell even is? A place demons gather and do.. demonic things while Satan sits on a throne of skulls while he shines his horns and works on his red tan?

Satan was given the Kingdom of Darkness. If you look out into the night sky.. what do you see? Darkness. Space is empty and void, and his Demons roam freely in our world. They aren't in hell, not yet - and they certainly aren't in heaven.. save for the Devil.. so where else would they go?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:19 PM
From all the wasted hours i wasted in church i was taught that hell was a place in the center of the Earth and the Kingdom of "Heaven" is either in the clouds or above the Cosmos. Neither which have been proven.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Yes i agree they are and they also pretend to be good angels or beings too, they hide inside animals and chipped humans and animals too. Its about time people stopped living in denial and calling people bible bashers because the know demons exsist im not a religion in particular but i no there is a good god and a bunch of evil and fake ones who will stop at nothing to trick you.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Zeer0

Many people, Christian or otherwise, struggle with the notion that the earth is the only inhabited planet in this enormous universe. But even many Christians think, ‘God must have created life elsewhere, otherwise this enormous universe would be an awful waste of space.’ In my experience, this seems to be the major underlying reason why people think that there must be other life 'out there'. However, our thinking should be based on what God said He did (the Bible), and not what we think He would, should or might have done.

Bacteria/DNA Argument:

If bacteria are found elsewhere in the solar system, it will be hailed as proof that life can ‘just evolve’.3 However, we have previously predicted in print that in such an unlikely event, the organisms will have earth-type DNA, etc., consistent with having originated from here as contaminants—either carried by recent man-made probes, or riding fragments of rock blasted from Earth by meteorite impacts.


Hopefully those answer your question, (more can be found in the link).

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by seekeroftruthkiss

Any proof of Demons existing?

Deny Ignorance. You should live by this code
edit on 13-8-2011 by Zeer0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

So basically we shouldnt even question why this so called "God" created millions of Solar Systems and Galaxies and only have ONE PLANET as the only planet to produce life? If this is what your telling me then Religion clearly cant even answer that question.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:27 PM
Also, to make more sense of the eschatology of Islam, let me add some of my own theories etc..

We believe in 7 heavens, we believe that Allah and the angels (i think?) are guarded by also seven barriers, and that When Allah was talking to Moses (pbuh) he demonstrated his power by removing a barrier toward a mountain which became like flakes of cotton wool..

We believe that Gods throne is above the Kaaba in Makkah somewhere in another dimention i think

We believe that Hell is a place of Black fire and is hotter than any fire we have com across in our dimention.. Black hole maybe?? that place is so dark that light cant escape, and its the hottest place right? Just a theory..

We believe in the heavens.. Im guessing it to be the galaxies ad space around us.. though through multi dimentional vision etc in the hereafter we will see it for its true quality.

We belive in this bridge called the Pun Sirat.. a gate every soul must cross to await their final place either Heaven or Hell... its describes as being thinner than a hair, and shaper than a razor or something like that.. that the faithful can cross in a multitude of way, either through the speed of lightning, in the blink of an eye, or accompanied by angels etc.. Apparently its really lon that it would take a normal dude99876433 years or something like that LOL.. The Disbelievers however will fail, and fall into Hell below or something of the sort..

^ my theory on this is that it might be a worm hole?? And that you need to raise your vibrational level to the perfect frequency to cross it... and the only way to raise the frequency of the soul etc through Worship, Prayer and general faithfulness. Those wicked people or sinners wil have a low vibrational level and therfore will not be able to cross into the next dimention or wormhole etc.. so they will fall to hell/black hole? etc etc.. Ive also backed my theory with the membrane string theory from science in that we all all made out of vibrations, instead of solid atomic particles they are actually little strings that buzz about on yoctometer scales

Also we believe that during the resurrection on Judgement day, that the Sun will be at an armslength away... Faithful will find themselves in Gods Shade, whilst the Disbelievers get toasted out in the open
Oh btw we will resurrect on a copper field in the plains of Arafat. So it will be extra hot lol.
I think this may refer to either a point where Solar activity will be devastating, or the sun will go supernova, or it may refer to the brown dwarf sun thats coming our way?? not sure.. not sure how Planet X ties in to eschatology anyway but ill continue on with that later..

Ok so its described in our end times that The smoke will happen, 3 major earthquakes, the sun will rise from the west and set back there again.. loadsa disasters etc.. Not in chronological order as im just trying to recollect everything from memory atm

As for the Sun rising and setting with the west.. i wonder if this correlates to the Dajjal/Antichrist being here fo the 40 days first in which is like that of a year.. second a month, third a week, rest like normal days.. one theory is that Planet x/Elenin/Nibiru/Solar activity will cause major magnetic disturbance > pole shift > cause of earthqukes etc etc, and cause the Earth to stop spinning? xD.. not sure about that.. Or maybe the brown dwarf will act like a second sun therefore prolonging the day.. Or Betelgeuse will go nova and illuminate the other side of the world .. not sure but it could be one of many interstellar effects that cause this..

I believe some crop circles (genuine ones) show signs of Djinn activity from benevolent sect? eg. the oe with the greys face with the message or warning written in code. Including all the other complicated ones that show symbolism of cycles etc etc..

We in Islam do not believe the world will end in 2012 -_____- but do believe that in the coming years... in our generation there is evidence for major signs to trigger.. some speculate with lots of evidence the Mahdi will come about in 2014, whilst Jesus (pbuh) will come sometime in 2020 or so.. that Jesus will live till old age before the final hour and last signs appear and the world comes to an end..
I havent looked too much into these dates yet.. apprently they are researched from Quranice numerology, but im not knowledgeable there so ill leave that for now.. We believe no one will know an exact date save for Allah alone.

There are loads of videos i have watched and read etc, talking about the galactic federation of light etc.. and the Aliens/UFOs are protecting our planet etc from outer space.. All those moving dots etc in outer space as ufos etc. looking disc shaped etc.. i havent looked too much into it but i do believe that it may refer to Angels etc protecting our planet.
In esoteric circles there are talk of beatiful aryan like tall beings, who have been helping mankind forever etc. they look human but perfect, are these Angels? As we believe angels have came disguised as men plenty of times in history etc.

Heres a new theory i thought of! During the Smoke/Rapture we believe that all the faithful will die etc, adn leave the evil sinners left on earth.. where they will cause mischief finally before their end after the final muslim/believer dies judgement day will commence..

This theory is interesting so hear me out! Basically the rapture will kil only the good right? Ok this event would PERFECTLY fit that scenario... Nuclear Fallout, the sun or interstellar bodies will cause the EM Grid to Mess up, science talks about how if there was such a large CME or something to cause such a problem, then it will knock the power out globally.. We believe that the final wars etc, will be fought with sticks and stones, that is because the EMP will knock all power out..
Heres where the smoke comes in,, All those 99999 nuclear powerstation around the world without power they will meltdown and radiation overload, enough to cause a global catastrophe depopulating the planet..
The evidence for this is the Elite building 99999 bunkers...
The most interesting part is the Denver airport shows a mural/painting that depicts a GASMASKED nazi looking dude with a sword slashing a dove (peace) and toward children from different faiths... this eerily depicts that the smoke etc will kill all the faithful. Leaveing the safe gasmasked Elite evil dudes to remain... interesting eh??

Cant take the credit for it though as another thread popped up recently about nuclear fallout, which fits the bill perfectly!

As for the final wars, anarchy, the state of modern society.. day by day Islamic prophecies are ticking off the list... The recent one come to mind with Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) saying something like 'in the endtime anarchy will become common' >> revolutions, britain in the state of anarchy/riots etc which no doubt will spread.

As SHTF all the prophecies will become apparent and fulfilled... and no they are not self fulfuling prophecies..

As a lurker here.. it seem the majority of Atheist choose to side with Lucifer over God.. I read loadsa insane stuff coming from the Atheist camp, everyone seems to hate God so much >.< Blame religion for all the wars... when in fact it was the Pagans through infiltration caused the problems in the first place.. like the elite are doing now..

Lastly i just want to say.. the elites.. the most intellectually astute dude in the world who own all the research companies etc in the world.. you think if they really wanted to fix this world they couldnt? You guys are ridiculously NAIIVE.. these guys have access to all the worlds knowledge... Im an artist myself and i know about symbolism spot on, and from the research i ahve done in symbolism i have come to the obvious conclusion that the ELite have a sinister and dark side to them... It is 100% clear that th elite worship and idolise Luvifer whom they belive to be the right guided dude of light and ahve brainwashed everyone to thinkin the God is tyrannical with all his rules etc.. but rules are there so we may prosper from them.. Ignorant dudes keep mclaiming time and time again that God made a set of rules and if we dont follow them we go to hell... and calll it FEAR MONGERING... what kinda trash is that?? Law was made from religion.. and law is a set of rules are they not? And if you dont follow the law you go to prison right?? isnt that Fear mongering then?? So damn ignorant... But do you get rewarded for following the law? No.. does God reward you fo being Good? you go to Heaven... -____- but no ofc... its fear mongering... terrorist this terrorist that... ridiculous..

Lastlly i just wanted to say.. no matter how intelligent you are.. that NEVER = wisdom... even the most intellectual can be ignorant as is evident in all society... with the most recent example being the riots where high academic dudes were caught up with the looting.. Only faith can solve the problems of the world..

Oh and another thing.. the most ultimate theory that is falling apart now.. is Darwinism.. that has single handedly destroyed the minds of all the youth and is why we are degenerating into a mindless state..

Science and Religion go ahnd in hand.. and if that is how we were to advance technology.. we would ahve been way more advanced and prosperoous from it..

But no people look at cultural issues and blame Islam for it and all the misconceptions.. misguiged folk better start waking up guys.. the end of round the corner..

Thats my 9993247203 cents lol

Peace n love in this blessed month to all

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Zeer0

There is proof if you wish to go out and seek it, im not going to, and yes i have seen one, i dont need to explain to you how, best answer i can give to that is open your mind look into peoples and animals eyes especially those who are chipped observe reactions if you sense evil examine and look again another time carefully, ask yourself to allow yourself to see the truth and in the end you will. Like i said i have, i noticed something wasnt right i sensed evil and i found it, its scary and its prob best to avoid unless you want to risk going crazy when you do see it.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Zeer0
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I have thoroughly investigated this and all this is, is that Religious Nuts take a few verses to the Bible and make draw little coincidences to the UFO and Alien Phenomenon and claim that what ever is visiting us are Demons. But no one shows not a bit of actual Evidence of Angels and Demons existing. So saying that demons are manifesting into Aliens is a stretch.

Spirits have been around long before the Bible. You are an ignoramus please stop before you froth at the mouth.

Jimi Hendrix thought he was possessed by spirits
Jim Morrison claimed to be possessed by indian spirits
Janet Joplin
Michael Jackson claimed psychic contact with princess Diana right after she died
Elvis's crew claimed he could do the whole cloud bursting thing.

What do you think beaming/shining/bling/ aka light bearing is in all rap (lucifer light bearer)

You seem to have a serious disconnect in accepting the idea of a world that is not material in the sense that you see it with your own two eyes. Just say you don't believe in anything other than the material world and get on with it.

If you are not going to contribute anything other than trolling then why do haunt this thread?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by seekeroftruthkiss

I have done researched into this theory. I believed this for an small amount of time but then i realized that none of this makes sense and had no evidence to back it up.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by MasterGemini

I believe in Spirits/Ghosts (personal experiences) but no proof of any Demons or Angles that are depicted from the Bible exists.

All i have to say is Deny Ignorance. And as long as people think and try to spread fear about things that arent fact i will continue to fight the ignorance that is brung to me.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Zeer0

There is evidence go look for it, theres plenty of evidence and like i said if you wish to see it for yourself put yourself in it, take yourself somewhere where you will encounter such theres plenty of places you can go, go take a visit to a place where rituals are proformed or demons are summond or read stories on alien abductions put two and two together better yet go do a ritual in your own home sell your soul and summon demons since you dont believe they exsist anyway whats the harm hay?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Zeer0
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

So answer this. Why would "God" create all the vastness of the Universe just to have us alone? Why not just make our Solar System if there is nothing else. And by the way the building blocks of DNA were found in a meteorite so there is a possibility of life forming on other Planets.

Would you rather he made it so we can see the edge of the Universe? The heavens (in this case, the universe) declare the power and glory of God. All things do have a purpose, though. Since the beginning of time, people have watched the stars, and many advances in astrology have been made because everything is so precise, for example, spectroscopy. When a solar eclipse occurs, the corona around the moon appears so precisely to accurately measure how light bends around an object.

And "by the way", that was only components needed to form DNA that was found in the meteorite. Saying that makes it a possibility that life formed on other planets is like saying, because Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, life is likely found on other planets.

Conditions must be perfect to support life.
There is zero scientific evidence of conditions which must be met to create life from nothing, however.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Zeer0
reply to post by MasterGemini

I believe in Spirits/Ghosts (personal experiences) but no proof of any Demons or Angles that are depicted from the Bible exists.

All i have to say is Deny Ignorance. And as long as people think and try to spread fear about things that arent fact i will continue to fight the ignorance that is brung to me.

Did you try asking their names as given in the Kaballah?
I only ask because that is one of the older methods for contacting spirits.

007 aka John Dee claimed to speak to spirits
Queen Elizabeth's Magician -John Dee

What about the NAZI? Thule Society claimed to contact aliens/spirits from another star.
Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy(1998)-Full Length Documentary

I find it somewhat hard to believe that they were able to make such amazing leaps after dedicating themselves to spirit worship and that that worship then had nothing to do with their incredible advances in technology afterwards.

Also personal experiences tell me that "something" can definitely possess people, it just may not be in the way that is written. I had a korean friend that started speaking in latin (I took 2 yrs in 7/8th grade not sure what he said) and his eyes just seemed lifeless after partaking in special brownies. Scarred the hell out of the roomies and I. He just stared at us for about 20 mins then went to his room and didn't come out until the next day. Must say that I have never once turned my back to the kid since.
edit on 13-8-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by MasterGemini

I believe in Spirits but i dont believe Demons can manifest into Aliens and UFO's. Thats just absurd.

The Nazi's never admitted to getting help from Spirits the said Aliens (more specifically a Nazi Scientist said "them") but not spirits. And its also a nice coincidence that Hitler did in fact believe in Alien Visitation.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Zeer0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:59 PM
Here are some interesting quotes and a website about the UFO Bible connection which I believe proves there are beings from other planets.

"The Lord Yhovah of the Old Testament, who claimed to be the Lord Jesus of the New Testament, is described as flying in thick clouds, swift clouds, bright clouds, dark clouds, white clouds, low clouds great clouds, and fiery clouds......."

"There are 362 verses describing natural and manmade objects as vehicles in the Bible."

"The fact that the objects described in the Bible are controlled, flying craft, is borne out of the flight characteristics of those objects. In Bible text the objects associated with the Elohiym are shown to exhibit rapid , prolonged flight, they ascend and descend....."

Here is the link:
edit on 13-8-2011 by caladonea because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Zeer0
reply to post by MasterGemini

I believe in Spirits/Ghosts (personal experiences) but no proof of any Demons or Angles that are depicted from the Bible exists.

Do you not understand that these "Spirits/Ghosts" are actually fallen angels trying to deceive you?

The bible clearly states it is not possible for a human's soul/spirit to return to earth once they have died.

Demons are experts in impersonating dead relatives...

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