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What use is the truth?

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by OWoutcast

You want to see the total collapse of society because of a couple hundred million who cant handle the truth. Go on and get your truth. Your ignorance is your bliss and without your ignorance you would have no bliss. Only pain and sorrow and death and destruction and genocide and rape and murder and riots and terror attacks and famine and pestilence and even more people who crave power that would not be as nice as us.

Nearly 7,000,000,000 people on this planet, 70,000,000 of which are in the 1%, 200,000,000 is roughly 3% of the worlds population. Pain, Sorrow, and Heart Ache are part of life no amount of ignorance can deny that nothing can stop these events not even the smartest people int he world. Death is a natural part of life denying it is Ignorance.

Destruction happens everyday from a mnior scale to large scale. Genocide happens it not an admirable human trait destroying each other, but through adversity and tradegy comes those who are willing to stand up and create change for the better. Genocide happens weather it be for greed, power, or for some insane need of a mad man. Terror attacks, War, and Murder are done for power, greed, religious belifs (another power play.) and for isane need by mad men. It is ignorance to deny these can happen, will happen, or can't happen to you.

Famine and Pestilence are facts of nature that can be prevented or slowed. To deny them and think everything is okay when they are not is stupid ignorance.

Rape and slavery happen everyday another poor trait of human society yet to deny them with ingnorance is not the way to stop them or preventing them from happening. In ignorance you would ignore these things when they happen and pretend like they are not there it does not mean they do not happen or can not happen to you. Ignorance makes you blind and is what gives people power and control over you.

Yet along with these bad things good things do happen just as many good things. People come together because of these tradgies and work together to try and change these things. It is the choas that is in life, nature and everything else. Do not deny them accept them and try to change and fix them nothing gets doen with blind ignorance.

Would you really want to be so selfish that truth should come no matter what the cost. And believe me these things would happen.

These things happen with out truth as well. IGNORANCE DOES NOT CREATE UTOPIA! Neather does the truth because Utopia does not exist. Selfish would be keeping that truth to yourself, Selfish would be using that truth for gain, Selfish would be using that truth to hold sway over others, and selfish would keeping the using that truth to say you are better then anyone else.

With your vision I could tell you I am God and because you are ignorant you have no way to refute this so long as I gave you food, shelter, and descent lifestyle. I could tell you not question me because I am right no matter how redicules my statements might be because I provide for you and give you what you need to survive. I could make stupid laws you would have to abid by them because I protect you. You have to do nothing except work, eat, sleep and abidded by my laws. Oh wait that sounds similiar to cult mantality.

You ignorant little infant. do you really want to go back to a wild west that is 500 million times worse and darker than the real one, just for truth. Like I said point system.

Ignorant little infant nice insult but if you where trying to offend me you failed. Because even though I feel ingorance is wrong and that the truth should be known I do not claim to be all knowing and wise. I am very well aware that I am ingorant when comes to certian subjects and material but like a child or infant I whish to learn and discover these things. I do not deny the truth when it is presented to me I accept it and go on with my new found knowledge. I am ignorant as we all are to some degree but I do not live in the blind ignorance you subscribe too.

The old west is not 500 million times worse then it is now sure medical knowledge isn't what it is today. Yet as for crime and corruption it really hasn't changed much in fact we have invented new crimes since then and new forms of curruption. Darker and scarier then now not all whichjust have newer ways of doing what they did back then.

And paris and the olsen twins. Get truckin real. You cant handle the truth. The truth would give you night mares. Maybe even make you want to kill your self after you get your truth.

You said millionares and billionares they are just examples of the people you seem to look up to that you think can change and fix the world with the money they have. The truth though is in an exstinction event those that have money, gold, or any other material wealth won't matter. In a post apocolyptic world food and shelter would become the primary resources needed to be anything of value. Money in that type world is useless its just paper to wipe your butt with. Gold will only have minor value because it's shiny and we humans seem to be attracted to shiny objects.

The world is already a scary place as whole I could die tomarrow because some maniac descides people should know what he thinks that's truth I don't live in parania of it. I don't have nightmares about it and I would never kill myself over it. I don't know what tommarow might bring it might be a good day or horrible day I don't fret about it. The truth would not give me nightmares I have seen some pretty horrific things and I am still going. I will endure what ever happens to me.

And trust me this time will come when the truth is revealed but only when we think you are ready. There are things and plans in place that you could not begin to comprehend but trust me you do not want to know these things because I do not even want to know them. Sleepless nights. Gallons of scotch, whiskey brandy meade. It makes me sick that I know the things to come. YOU COULDN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. i CANT EVEN HANDLE THE TRUTH.

A friend of mine once shoved cell phone picture of himself in thong underwear into my face I did not want to see but I did. I accepted it I moved on you and whoever we is (probably the voice in your head) have no idea what I can handle or what I am ready for. You would be suprised by what I can comprehend as well as most other people. I do not trust you because I know nothing about you trust is earned not given freely. What I want to know is not for you or the we to determine that is up for me to decide. Again what I can handle or what I am ready for is not up for you decide that is my choice.

Sleepless nights and gallons of booze is your own experience (if what you believe is not a delusion of insanity) people deal with things differently. For instance all my nights are sleepless I sleep during the day because of my work schedule. lol As for booze it doesn't make me forget or blank things out it makes my mind think about even more messed up things so I don't partake of it that often. So what I can handle and am ready and how I handle information is all up to me not anyone else.

And we know the things that would happen because there are many that have been told these things figured out these things. Many have tried to make these things public and many have been killed. People involved burned shoot tortured. burned in fires. Public shootings. You think you could handle the truth when the truth would infact kill you and cause massive genocide. Yes infact these thing might not be so bad if we didn't have corrupt people hungry for power and knowledge. But we cant change what we have done no matter how much we regret it. And there are those who do not regret it. Good night. be back on later.

These same people you want to have carry on the future of the human race?

Y are these things happening you ask. Because just like you we do not see how far the ripples of our decisions go.

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