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Ron Paul to Congress: If Debt Is the Problem, Why Do You Want More of It?

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posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by robyn

Yes, it's called a "False Flag" event. These are designed to terrorize the population and to get them rallying around their leader and national identity, and to further whatever agenda is in play. Very scary indeed.

It is to be hoped that the internet and the Tea Party and others can counter their plans but after watching the play - by - play of the "Food Safety Modernization Act" I have my doubts.

Real grass roots action was having an effect in the Farm Wars and then the Elite puppets, Organic Consumers and Lori Robertson of jumped into the fray and the good sheeple of the USA followed the Judas goats because "We Trust them, they never lead us wrong before...." GRRRrrrr.

Talk about a brick wall! I do not know how many times I hear that phrase. No amount of data or facts can counter that type of blind faith.

I mention the above because it is an example of what we are up against and how TPTB works. As Griffin said

...This example of a $100,000 home, as shocking as it is, producing $172,741 unearned interest, this is just a grain of sand in the Sahara. You have to multiply that by all the homes in America, by all of these hotels in America, all the high-rise buildings, all the factories, all the airplanes, automobiles, farm equipment, schools, everything, all the physical assets of America.... We're talking about a river of unearned wealth that is so wide you can't even think of crossing it, flowing perpetually into the banking cartel. A dead short across the productive element of society. Money being taken from people who are working hard providing the material and the labor. They don't even know that this is being taken from them and it's in this huge river of wealth flowing into the banking cartel.

You are led to the question of where is this river flowing? Where's it going? ...They're not accumulating it at all. What are they spending it for? The answer may surprise you. They're not buying more yachts and mansions with this money, they've already got all of those they possibly want..... When a person has all the wealth that you could possibly want for the material pleasures of life, what is left? Power. They are using this river of wealth to acquire power over you and me and our children.

They are spending it to acquire control over the power centers of society. .... In other words, to be specific, they are buying control over politicians, political parties, television networks, cable networks, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, wire services, motion picture studios, universities, labor unions, church organizations, trade associations, tax-exempt foundations, multi-national corporations, boy scouts, girl scouts, you name it. Make your own list of organizations and you will find that this is where those people have been for many decades spending this river of wealth to acquire operational control particularly over those institutions and individuals, those organizations that represent opposition to themselves. That's a critical area for expenditure on their part.

,..... Have you ever wondered what's going on there at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank? Kind of an obscure operation isn't it? you don't read much about it except once in a while on the back page of the newspaper you find out that Congress at the insistence of the President authorized another $100 billion for the International Monetary Fund. ...... If the money is to be used to raise the standard of living of these countries they're not doing a very good job of it because after all of these decades, after all of these hundreds of billions of dollars, you cannot point to one country that has had its standard of living raised one iota by that. In fact in most cases it's the other way around and that's not an accident because the money has not been used to raise the standard of living. The money does not go to the people in those countries. It goes to the politicians of those countries, to their governments and the money is designed and spent to strengthen their power structures, their ability to control their populations.......

Like Ron Paul, G. Edward Griffin has his eyes wide open and sees exactly what is happening. That is why he too is called a "Fed Hater KOOK" and "notorious conspiracy theorist" Griffin's Rebuttal

The fight is heating up folks and as griffin said

So hang on to your hats. The ride is going to be rough. As the saying goes: There's white water ahead!”

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

In case you cant watch the vid, here is a transcript:

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

My computer is a refuse center (aka dump) "recycle" and will not support video.

It gets very frustrating at times.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37%

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Paul picking up 37% of the vote, while the president earns 41%. The Texas congressman joins Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Perry as candidates within hailing distance of the president at this time.

America's starting to wake from her slumber. It is a victory everytime Dr. Paul's message reaches the mainstream.

It made DRUDGE.

edit on 22-7-2011 by robyn because: addition

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by robyn

America's starting to wake from her slumber. It is a victory everytime Dr. Paul's message reaches the mainstream.

That is why TPTB sent in Sara Palin to derail Ron Paul and the Tea Party.

you can see what I mean in this news story:

Romney’s support among GOP primary voters has dropped 6 percentage points in recent weeks, from 23 percent in early June to 17 percent in the new poll,....

Close behind Romney is undeclared candidate Texas Governor Rick Perry at 14 percent. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann comes in at 10 percent -- up from 4 percent in early June.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Texas Rep. Ron Paul all receive 9 percent.

Palin was sent into the Tea Party camp as a Trojan Horse. Combine her vote with Ron Paul's and you come up with 18% which would have made him a front runner.

Come on folks, she was a no-name picked as running mate to McCain by the elites and some how the Tea Party trusts her?????

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Talk about a brick wall! I do not know how many times I hear that phrase. No amount of data or facts can counter that type of blind faith.

You hit the proverbial nail on the head there my friend. It is just disgusting how they turn a deaf ear to the good doctor the only guy making any sense and not playing the game. I hate to say it or even think it however I honestly would not loose much sleep if a terrorist attack hit congress while in session with Ron Paul on vacation. However we know the government is the perpetrator of most terrorism and they never hit thier own unless they might be exposed by them.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:07 PM
Man i really hope Dr Ron Paul gets elected, it would be more of a history notch than the whole Obama thing.

I really believe he is in that line of work for good reasons,he seems genuine to me,something not many other politicans that i see that in,especially over the period of a career.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:08 PM
No, the debt is not the problem
The not paying it back part is.
And not paying it back is really silly if you can print the money yourself!
(Which of course will cause inflation, but inflation is another thing that doesn't really hurt anybody (like debt))

On the other hand Paul "believes" that stuff will get paid somehow... thats right up there with perry asking jesus to take over.
edit on 22-7-2011 by debunky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Errrrr. You may be right. I hadn't thought of that.

Barack O’Bilderberg: Picking the President

Don’t Forget McCain

Just because Obama’s popularity dwarfs that of McCain’s, is not reason enough to ignore the other candidate. After all, the elite never ignore both candidates, and in fact, ensure they have them both neatly packed in their back pockets. Among the guests at the Bilderberg meeting this year, included Republican Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford, as well as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,14 which would be a smart political pick for McCain, going up against the first black presidential candidate.

Also important to note, is that McCain had a fundraiser in London held for him, which was hosted "by kind permission of Lord Rothschild OM GBE [Order of Merit and the Knight Grand Cross of the British Empire] and the Hon Nathaniel Rothschild." As the Washington Post reported, "Tickets to the invitation-only event cost $1,000 to $2,300."18 The Post later reported, "Aides refused to talk about the fundraiser, or to say how much money was raised, and McCain dashed through the rain away from reporters after emerging. One guest said there were about 100 people at the luncheon. If they all gave the maximum, the event would have raised about $230,000 for the campaign."19

Palin had me fooled. Your point makes perfect sense (unfortunately).

The entire Tea Party has been hijacked by the neocons anyhow.

edit on 22-7-2011 by robyn because: added

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by robyn

Ron Paul Receiving the Most Donations from the Military

This a clear signal from Our Troops that they want a President who will obey the Constitution. The troops and the American People are war weary and find no purpose in Endless and Preemptive Wars of Aggression.

"Today, it was confirmed that the campaign of 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has raised more than any other current presidential candidate in donations from members of the military. Of those donors who indicated their occupation and employer, Paul topped the other contenders, a distinction he also achieved during his 2008 presidential run."


This is a surprise to me.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

Thank you for providing a transcript for us "hearing impaired". He's right as usual. Cut spending, now, not unless TPTB and pals want, err, Amero as the next type of currency?!? Perhaps he should be the next POTUS, a controversial one, though.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

"Our fighting men and women take an oath to protect America, defend our Constitution and defend our borders,” said Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Chairman, Jesse Benton. “They look at Ron Paul and see a leader who takes their oath seriously, and who will fight to ensure that we don’t misrepresent that oath by sending them off to police the world, instead of defending our country.”


Our fighting men and women are in the best position to judge the realities of the situations they find themselves in.

This probably why J. Napolitano ranks returning service people as possible terrorists [sic].

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by debunky

(Which of course will cause inflation, but inflation is another thing that doesn't really hurt anybody (like debt))

I am very afraid you logic is faulty. I base this on both personal experience - being able to live well and SAVE while earning close to minimum wage in the early 1970's

Also based on actual data
(Remember 97% of the USA money supply is now in the form of bank loans so the bankers are creaming a minimum of 5% off the GNP of this country.)

As an illustration of how the common people are being raped:

In 1976 A typical American CEO earned 36 times as much as the average worker. By 2008 the average CEO pay increased to 369 times that of the average worker

An Updated version:

In the past ten years, average wages increased 36%. For CEOs, it was 340%. (Business Week May 6, 2002)

In 2000, CEO compensation was 531 times that of the average worker. In 1980, CEO compensation was 42 times that of the average worker. (Business Week April 22, 2002) quoting from

This is the nitty gritty of how the transfer is made.

New money does not appear magically in equal percentages in all people's bank accounts or under their mattresses. Money spreads unevenly, and this process has varying effects on individuals, depending on whether they receive early or late access to the new money..... Mises argued that the losses of the late-coming losers are the source of income for the early arrival winners....

...This indicates a fundamental aspect of Mises's monetary theory that is rarely mentioned: the expansion or contraction of money is a zero-sum game.... The economic benefits obtained by the early users of new money, even gold, are made at the expense of those who gain access to it after it has altered the array of prices....

As the pro-socialist and millionaire economics textbook author Robert Heilbroner finally admitted in The New Yorker in 1990, "Mises was right."

if you have any doubts at all about the CRIMINAL INTENT of those who conspired on Jekyll Island to bring about the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Here are the words of the organizer, Nelson W. Aldrich, United States Senator and all time greatest traitor to the USA:

Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none is so effectual as that which deludes them with paper money. It is the most perfect expedient ever invented for fertilizing the rich man’s fields by the sweat of the poor man’s brow. Ordinary tyranny, oppression, excessive taxation, these bear lightly on the happiness of the community compared with fraudulent currencies and the robberies committed by depreciated paper. [inflation cv] Our own history has recorded enough, and more than enough, of the demoralizing tendency, the injustice and intolerable oppression on the virtuous and well disposed, of a degraded paper currency, authorized by law, or in any way countenanced by Government. ~Nelson W. Aldrich, United States Senator, at a New York City dinner speech on October 15, 1913 IV Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science #1, at 38 (Columbia University, New York (1914)). [He was quoting Andrew Jackson. cv]

The Average credit card debt per household is $14,687 this does not include education loans, car loans and house mortgages. 97% of the US money supply is in the form of banks loans.- Interesting that the US dollar has lost 96% of its value since the Federal Reserve Act.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

This is a surprise to me.

Why should donations from the rank and file military be a surprise???

These are the people who went into the military for one of two reasons:

1. There were no other jobs available and they did not want to live off their parents or welfare.

2. People who truly love the country and are willing to show it by putting their lives on the line.

So what do you think happens when the reality of war, a war they realize is being fought not for higher ideal but because of Bankster manipulation, finally dawn on these people.

I was a military wife and believe me disgust at the crap going on in Congress was alive and well among the discussions at all the army sponsored parties (Hi-Byes) I went to.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

Starred and flagged, RUSSO. Ron Paul is my choice for POTUS, and this time I think he has a real chance. He is also totally correct about the Fiat Dollar scam that the Congress and Senate is attempting to save. I think the members, for the most part, know about the Federal Reserve, the private Banking Cartel that runs America's economy and money system. Interest bearing money and profit from debt was once a good scam, the politicians made themselves billions of dollars from this, as did the Military Industrial Complex. The Iron Mountain Report told the Rich Elite that a peaceful America without war would eventually make government non essential, basically, if America was at peace for more than a few years, the government would no longer be needed, neither would the military and the Arms Dealers. I am 57 years old, I was born at the end of the Korean "Police Action." I grew up with a constant threat of the "Red Menace," of of nuclear attack, we practiced in school getting under our desks and doing the "duck and cover" routine that we were told would protect us from the bombs. In '64 Viet Nam started, I watched as my school friends went off to war and came back in black body bags, I worked in a Funeral Home for a few years, and actually helped to prepare a few school mates. Many died after the war, ate up with cancer caused by Agent Orange. Then came the rest of the wars we are all so familiar with, Desert Storm produced vets that had a bad, undefined illness that was later diagnosed as exposed to depleted uranium. War after war, in my rather long life I have rarely seen peace in America. Americans are divided by things even without war. Meanwhile the Military Industrial Complex and Arms Manufacturers get richer and richer, the Oil Companies, of which may Congressmen have a piece of, keep on raising the price and lowering the octane, a higher price for a fuel that will not go as far makes good sense to a person who owns the business, and as we can see with the recent AFT fiasco, now America is funneling weapons to the Mexican Drug Cartels. And making a lot of noise about Iran. America is in four shooting wars right now, Trillions spent every day the price goes up as America spreads it's version of Democracy across the Middle Eastern World. When does it all end?

A gold backed, non interest bearing dollar, coupled with a consumer tax instead of IRS hidden tax and income tax will save America. with no income or property tax, America would be a "Tax Haven." Companies would flock to build here, producing jobs and building the economy up again.

Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation 1934

The Money Changers: The Federal Reserve, Robbery by Deceit


FairTax Project

Flat Tax

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

Gawd, I have SUCH a man crush on Ron Paul. S&F.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:47 PM
With all the woes the good common folk of the USA have on their plate right now it's a glimmer of relief for me to hear this man speak. He is a voice of clarity & logic in a sea of chaos. Having said that I would be surprised if he got elected, only because he is so far outside of the logic of TPTB.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:59 PM
I wonder how long until the man behind the curtain pop's off the top of his head like Kennedy....

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by mossme89
reply to post by RUSSO

Gawd, I have SUCH a man crush on Ron Paul. S&F.

I do not.

Actually I am a tad suspicious of Ron Paul.

Here is why (You can do a search yourself, I am not going to bother with links this time)

Before 2008 Dan Estulin said Ron Paul was brought up in a Bildeburg conference and assassination of Ron Paul was discussed.

In late May of 2008 Ron Paul assured his supporters he would not pull out of the 2008 race.

The first week of June 2008 the Bildeburg conference met.

Within three days of the close of the conference Ron Paul announced he was pulling out of the race.

Ron Paul's son, Rand has now successfully entered politics.

My experience with Organic Consumers and Food & Water watch has shown the Elite plan decades in advance if not centuries, They will use "Sleepers" who are opposed to them until a critical moment when the sleeper "changes sides" to throw the battle in the favor of the elite.


I know of only six men who have defied the FED.
Congressman McFadden who was shot at twice and then poisoned

Congressman Lindbergh who had the printing plates of two of his books destroyed. His son Lucky Lindy was going to run for president as he was urged to. His child was kidnapped and murdered.

Presiding Justice Martin Mahoney found AGAINST the Morgan bank in First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Daly (1969) thus setting a legal precident for nullifying bank loans. He was poison within six months and Judges took heed:

As one judge said off the record:

If I let you do that – you and everyone else – it would bring the whole system down. . . . I cannot let you go behind the bar of the bank. . . . We are not going behind that curtain!5

Wright Patman (D) (another Texan) also went against the Fed in 1932 But then he saw the "light" and was a great supporter of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal (FDR being a bankster puppet)

Another Democrat from Texas also had a go at the FED

On March 7, 1985, Rep. Henry Gonzalez introduced an impeachment resolution, H.R. Res. 101, against Fed Chairman Paul Volcker and ten other members of the Federal Open Market Committee and H.R. Res. 102, against Volcker alone.The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee.,[35] where it was never heard of again. However, not to be deterred, Gonzalez introduced the bill in each of the next two congresses, and they met the same fate.

González became known for his liberal views. In 1963, Rep. Ed Foreman (R-Texas) called González a "communist" and a "pinko" ....

González chaired the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations that investigated the deaths of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. He introduced legislation calling for the impeachment of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. González also blocked hearings into Whitewater until finally agreeing to hold hearings in 1994. In 1997, González fell ill and was unable to return to the House for over a year. Finally, he decided not to run for a 19th full term in 1998. He had long groomed his son, Charlie, to succeed him. Charlie Gonzalez won easily in 1998 and still holds the seat; between them, father and son have served 48 consecutive years in Congress (as of November, 2009). He was an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve System and in 1993 proposed an audit of the central bank.

Seems those of the "collectivist" persuasion managed to escape retribution from the Banksters.....

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by RUSSO
reply to post by robyn

Ron Paul Receiving the Most Donations from the Military

This a clear signal from Our Troops that they want a President who will obey the Constitution. The troops and the American People are war weary and find no purpose in Endless and Preemptive Wars of Aggression.

"Today, it was confirmed that the campaign of 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has raised more than any other current presidential candidate in donations from members of the military. Of those donors who indicated their occupation and employer, Paul topped the other contenders, a distinction he also achieved during his 2008 presidential run."


This is a surprise to me.

This is brilliant.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

In late May of 2008 Ron Paul assured his supporters he would not pull out of the 2008 race.

The first week of June 2008 the Bildeburg conference met.

Within three days of the close of the conference Ron Paul announced he was pulling out of the race.

Dude you have not done your homework on Ron Paui. he did not pull out of the race he lost the primary and said from the beginning he would not run as an independent or 3rd party because you cannot get on all the ballots etc. There was no pulling out. He did what he said he was going to do as he always does.

This guy has the best record in the congress. The reason teh Fed has not had him killed is because he has not been a threat to them. He has been painted and thus seen as an eccentric or nut etc. there is no need to off a guy with little influence. 22 years in congress a over a 30+ year period and never a compromise and no skeletons in his closets like the other congressmen you mention They had skeletons that's how the Fed got them to switch sides or if they did not killed them.

He is no sleeper he is not going to switch and the fed knows if they kill him now he will be a martyr. He has been preaching the same message for 30+ years never wavering never compromising. The same cannot be said for any other politician! If he was a Manchurian candidate they would have had him switch now to head off all the anti fed movement. Even if he were a sleeper he would still be the best candidate because when he did turn the people would finally wake up to the reality.

Still there is no way Ron Paul is a sleeper it is just absurd. He has the best record in the history of the congress is an honest man with unwavering integrity, you cannot be corrupt and produce good fruit all your life.

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