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Why have we not seen disclosure? This is possibly a big reason...

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posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:19 PM
After reading this mans story and believing every word of it (unless someone can prove otherwise)
and corroborating it not only his personal career in the Army and working for the Pentagon but with the video linked - I am astonished.

Our government has been hiding the proof of extraterrestrial life for this reason (if not more?). We have already won a war against the aliens, and a teeny, tiny portion of our population is aware of it! I was also unaware of the fond relationship our government had with Russia back then as well.

Please, I urge you to read Philip J. Corsos story and corroborate with this video and give me your opinions. Feel free to provide other reasons as to why you may think our government may be hiding this fact as well.



edit on 20-7-2011 by Still Naive? because: Malformed video ID?

edit on 20-7-2011 by Still Naive? because: Would love to know how to embed as well. Message me please.

edit on 20-7-2011 by Still Naive? because: Please read the entire story!

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Still Naive?
After reading this mans story and believing every word of it (unless someone can prove otherwise)
and corroborating it not only his personal career in the Army and working for the Pentagon but with the video linked - I am astonished.

Video not working for me.

Also, can you prove that every word of this is true? Or is this based on faith?

edit on 20-7-2011 by cluckerspud because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by cluckerspud

I cannot prove every word he says is true. I cannot prove what is in my McDouble or that if I'm really getting 1.0 gallons of gas for $4.00 (10% vapor) etc.

His career speaks for itself. The people he associated with, speaks for itself.

If someone knows otherwise of this mans credentials and can prove it (I'm completely willing)...I have no reason to doubt him. When I first watched this video, I was blown away that our government were firing on these "benevolent" beings.

You could say I'm still naive...

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:35 PM
I can't say for certain, and I didn't watch the video, but I am pretty sure Corso has been discredited. I remember something on the History Channel or what not that kind of went and showed how other companies were developing this stuff way before he says they were. I did read The Day After Roswell, however, and while his story is plausible, and I really want to believe it, I just find it too suspect. As for a war against the aliens, I am still too much a skeptic, I need to see it, or, we would have seen it if it happened. Someone would have, the story would be out by now. Like Mulder, I really want to believe that some UFOs are alien tech, that's why I am so skeptical, because then I can eliminate all the other possibilities. Oh, search Corso you'll find tons of stuff.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Still Naive?

After reading this mans story and believing every word of it....


There's your problem, you dun an gone broke your water pump.....

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:47 PM
At first, I believed that the thought of mass deaths (suicides) due to disclosure was ludicrous. Then I saw what that Pastor did (the one who claimed it was dooms day), he got quite a few people to go kill themselves. And then it hit me, "if a random pastor says doomsday is here, and people will jump to their deaths to be raptured... Pray tell would happen if aliens came down en mass? Or the government said that we're not alone?".

Either that, or we're at war with them like you said OP or they simply do not exist.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:08 PM
Perhaps laser is the wrong term to use, what are the chances of it being one of those rail guns we have been working on for so long? You know, target practice.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by QuietSpeech

Either way, I can say there is some credibility to his story. He knows much more than the average person. Much more.

The headbands he mentioned corroborates with alien craft being symbiotic. The headband speaks in a language the vehicle..."speaks". Body energy, wavelengths etc. It projects it, in a sense, to the vehicle.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Still Naive?

I really like the story after skimming through a lot of it for about a half-hour now.

It reads well and intrigues like a well written novel.

It may be true; it may be not but its an incredibly tantalizing story if true.

Obviously no-one without some sort of top-secret clearance can know if this is true or not; or rare coincidence where they have witnessed the tech and/or aliens.

We may never know.

This story is incredibly long; i wouldn't be surprised if it was an actual book.

Also it seems like a really long story for someone to just make this all up.

I'm not going to deny the possibility of this being true but its definitely an entertaining idea.
Thank-you will read the whole story later and post something later on perhaps.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:34 PM
I thought that Philip J. Corso's story in his book, the day after Roswell was a fraud. Or at least vastly embellished in terms of details that he knew about?

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by johnthejedi24

His book is pure science fiction.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:42 PM
I imagine he threw in some extra entertainment value, but his descriptions of events and pictures he's seen make me feel like he's being truthful about a majority of it.

Honestly what would an old main gain by embellishing on a story that would typically make him look crazy to the vast population? Logic makes me feel like he's being truthful in most respects.

If someone happens to find information regarding him being a fraud, however, I will drop it completely (similar to Dr. Greer in a sense).

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Still Naive?

His book is pure science fiction.

I need proof please, friend.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Still Naive?

I'm not the one making the wild claims, its up to Corso to provide evidence to back up his story and he provides NONE.

We have not a single piece of evidence to back up any of his claims. If what he says is true, then surely there must be mountains of evidence to support it all?

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:07 PM
Corso's book is one of those that need to be seen in the overall context of the stories that are being fed to the UFO community. There's a huge lot of BS and "mythmaking" out there, and a huge housecleaning is in order.

A good place to start is with Stanton Friedman's review of this book. Hint: He's not a fan.

Here's the link: Stanton Friedman review of The Day After Roswell

Everyone who's interested in searching for the truth--as opposed to just swallowing whole whatever they're inclined to believe--needs a "Dramatis Personae," as it were, to keep their characters straight. There's a list of UFO Good Guys and Bad Guys available. I'll try to find it and post it here.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:07 PM
Phil Corso has been discussed here quite a bit. I think you might find the interview George Knapp did with Col Corso in 1992 (available here) really fascinating.

As an aside, you could spend some really interesting hours just doing a site search on George Knapp and seeing where that takes you. George is The Man.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:12 PM
Here it is: UFO Watchdog Hall of Shame and Hall of Fame.

Link: UFO Watchdog

Much, MUCH good info there....

EDIT: My apologies. Corso is not on either list there. There are other lists. I've seen him listed in the Good Guys on 2 separate lists:

Richard Boylan's List of Good, Bad, and Ugly
Good Guys/Gals of Ufology

HOWEVER: My opinion of Corso is unchanged. I, along with Stanton Friedman, believe he's full of s***....
edit on 7/20/2011 by Ex_CT2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

The whole field is fraught with the same cast of characters who have been lobbing potshots at each other for decades. You might notice, Boylan is in the Hall of Shame on the ufowatchdog site, so what conclusion you can draw from Boylan listing Corso as a good guy is shaky.

All these guys have their own lists. I've seen enough of the famous and infamous and their various supporters and detractors march through here to not put a lot of stock in the drama. It gets way too personal, way too fast. It's becoming an exceedingly rare ability to be able to disagree without someone taking serious personal umbrage. And some of that is due to the disagreement stepping over the line. No one can be mistaken any more. They have to be nuts, or agenda laden according to the "other side".

i wonder what could be accomplished if we could suppress the petty squabbles and do an honest, agenda free and credit neutral, search for the truth? As has been said, "It's remarkable what can be accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit".

Like we'll ever know.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:41 PM
we havent seen it because the government is obviously hiding something plus some people will freak out when they know aliens exist.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by TheUniverse
This story is incredibly long; i wouldn't be surprised if it was an actual book.

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