Originally posted by dom
To be honest, I'm amazed that many US citizens are against the war. Where do they find out the anti-war information with such a lying govt, and
manipulative media?
You don't need a lot of inside information, or to be in the know, to be against war. War is bad. War kills people, wastes money, destroys
resources, and pisses off the world. Without a really, really good justification for it, people are against war by default. That's because they're
not completely stupid.
The real question to be asked is why a majority of the American people, a couple of years ago, were FOR the war. And I believe the answer, is that
for a year or two after 9/11, Americans by and large were so angry, frightened, and confused, that they were incapable of being rational, and accepted
justifications for the war in Iraq that they normally would not, and no longer do.
Originally posted by Joehayner
But the idea that sticks in my mind is the NWO. The world will be in turmoil, and somone will establish a NWO. (I think most of the nations are in on
it, whether their leaders know or not)
I think it's time to explain, once more, the difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy fantasy. A conspiracy theory posits a
conspiracy that falls within the realm of the humanly possible, or even likely. Conspiracies that actually work (and they do exist), have only a few
members, all of whom know each other well, and are strongly interested in making the conspiracy's efforts bear fruit, as well as in keeping the
secret. The more members a conspiracy has, the more likely that someone will spill the beans, turn traitor, and bring down the wrath of whoever on
all their heads.
A conspiracy consisting of "most of the nations" is just nonsense. This is not humanly possible, and therefore cannot be true.
Another reality check is in order about something else people believe that makes no sense: that people hate America because they are "jealous of our
freedom" or of our wealth (which is actually more likely).
People have been jealous of America since the nation's founding. But as a rule, that jealousy did not lead them to hate us, or to throw bombs in our
general direction, let alone jet airplanes. Instead, it led them to want to live here, and many did.
If you want to understand why people want to hurt us, don't look at jealousy or envy. Look for what we as a nation have done, that gives people
cause to be angry.