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While you were sleeping Obama Administration sells out US Trucking

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posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:52 AM
Alright! Don't you just love exporting more jobs out of the country! Better yet, the TAXPAYER gets to pay for electronic monitoring equipment in Mexican trucks so they can make more Americans unemployed. Hopefully all of you will wake up and finally realize BOTH parties are selling us down the river. Obama = 3rd Bush term, different guy on TV, exact same policies.

“This pilot program doesn’t even meet NAFTA’s requirement that the Mexican government grant comparable authority to U.S. trucks. Criminals hijacked over 10,000 commercial trucks in 2010 in Mexico. No U.S. trucking company or driver in their right mind would travel in Mexico under the State Department’s current travel warning,” Hoffa said.

It erodes our national security. It endangers motorists. It ignores the rampant corruption among Mexican law enforcement. It lowers wages and robs jobs from hard-working American truck drivers and warehouse workers.

“It adds insult to injury to force U.S. taxpayers to pay for monitoring equipment on Mexican trucks so Mexican carriers can take away their jobs,” Hoffa said. “The DOT shows more loyalty to the Mexican people than it does to Americans.”

The U.S. Department of Transportation says the safety concerns have now been resolved. Electronic monitoring systems will track how many hours the trucks are in service.

The Teamsters Union was incensed. General President Jim Hoffa said the agreement was "probably illegal" because it goes further than a previously agreed-on pilot program and described it as "opening the border to dangerous trucks at a time of high unemployment and rampant drug violence.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:21 AM
The problem is - Too Dangerous for American truckers to want to go into Mexico to pick up freight, it has to come across this way one way or another. Swift is the only trucking company from the US to have a fleet in Mexico, Swift Owns Transmex. Still the Transmex drivers only come across the border to the drop yard, And I'm sure other companies have contracts with Mexican Carriers.

So are Mexican Carriers taking away the jobs? or do American Truckers refuse to travel into Mexico? I hold a CDL myself, I know the chatter back and forth between truckers (thought it does vary greatly depending on location).

I agree, tax payers shouldn't pay for those monitoring devices, the companies that have the merchandise shipped should supply them. Or, the companies with vested interest in the goods coming across.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by infolurker

Who's sleeping? This stuff is coming at us faster and from more directions than we can stay ahead of.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:37 AM
Eventually what will happen is the same thing that happens with Canadian drivers. They will be used on runs they are not supposed to make. They will end up staying and living in this country for three or more months at a time. They will be paid much less than US drivers so it will be more profitable for companies to use them. Some companies will try to comply with the law but they wont be able to compete with those that don't. It will be like what happened with the construction industry except worse.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:13 AM
I have talked to a few truckers on this and many plan to boycott any repair shop in the US that works on a Mexican truck.

If the Mexican trucks break down they can set and rot or be towed to impound by the state highway patrol.

Since many truck repair shops rely on business from the Teamsters Union many will not work on Mexican trucks,

Many Mexican trucks also have 4 large fuel tanks so that they can travel a long way into the US without refueling.

Mexican diesel that they call low sulfur is higher sulfur then allowed to be sold in most states in the US.

When these trucks get into accidents they will burn bright and likely kill people.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:13 AM
The news is getting out, but slowly and mostly local papers.

Chicago Sun Times

Mexican trucks filled with goods from south of the border could be rolling into Chicago as early as next month under a deal just signed by the Obama administration and the Mexican government. And with the ink barely dry on the deal, U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.), co-sponsored legislation that would cut off funds the Department of Transportation needs to implement the agreement

Fox News Latino

Tea Party

Mexican trucks will put Americans out of work, because Mexican drivers are not paid anywhere near what American trucking companies pay Americans. We are in the middle of the Obama great depression and Obama wants to put more Americans out of work!

Fortunately this idiocy must still go through Congress and we can only hope that Congress will kill this lunacy.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:29 PM
This is part of NAFTA. Honestly it was Bush Senior that got the ball rolling and Clinton finished the job almost 20 years ago.

History of NAFTA

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The House approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17 and the Senate by 60 to 38 on November 20. It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 04:29 PM
So dont buy the products these companies are shipping to your region.

At least the Feds are doing something to regulate these guys. Would you prefer the government ignore them? Or prevent companies from doing business?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by infolurker

Mexican trucks will put Americans out of work, because Mexican drivers are not paid anywhere near what American trucking companies pay Americans. We are in the middle of the Obama great depression and Obama wants to put more Americans out of work!

It's funny to me how successful the GOP has been in trying to blame things they essentially created (like NAFTA) entirely on the Dems, and specifically Obama. No, that is not a defense of the Dems or WH actions. Just admiration for the GOPs ability to create problems and then blame everyone else, while their constituents eat it up!

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 05:19 PM
We need to first DEMAND that laws be put in place to cease immediately outsourcing of American Industry.
We need to demand the eradication of all Nafta type international trade agreements and cease doing new ones!

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) continues to show its true colors as a proven failure according to data released by the Global Economic Intersection (GEI).Their report shows that through direct outsourcing and jobs that have been created in Mexico instead of here, the U.S. has lost out on almost 29 million jobs between 1992 and 2010. As there are now less people working today than there were working in 2000, the disastrous effects of NAFTA continue to harm our economy.

Demand that the trade laws go back to where they were before the 80’s. That is before the Reagan and Bill Clinton administrations began the destructive trade agreements that have crippled the US job market.

These cheap politicians, including the liar Obama, have sold us all out, by making the rich capitalist billionaires at our expense and allowing them to hire cheap competitors like the Mexican truckers. Its happening in all American industries except those that can hire illegal immigrants such as the leisure and restaurant industries.
Even there they are taking American jobs.

Obama has proved he is a globalist puppet doing their agenda like Bush did.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Obama has proved he is a globalist puppet doing their agenda like Bush did.

And yet 99 percent of people will fight amongst themselves with the party line. Just the way they want it.
They are all laughing at us. Each party spins it crap to suit those who vote for them, but once in they all do the same thing.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 05:54 PM
there is a thread already discussing this.

U.S. agrees to let Mexican truckingin all....

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by daskakik
This is part of NAFTA. Honestly it was Bush Senior that got the ball rolling and Clinton finished the job almost 20 years ago.

History of NAFTA

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The House approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17 and the Senate by 60 to 38 on November 20. It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994.

Was totally going to say that! This is super not great but it wasn't made up by Obama. When they went to passports for U.S. to Mexico they also had to come up with the passport card because of the trucking due to NAFTA.
I hate free trade a little bit more each day.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
We need to first DEMAND that laws be put in place to cease immediately outsourcing of American Industry.

...sounds like communism...

Originally posted by inforeal
We need to demand the eradication of all Nafta type international trade agreements and cease doing new ones!

...two decades too late...

Originally posted by inforeal
Demand that the trade laws go back to where they were before the 80’s. can demand that the federal government do as you want but pumpkins will sprout wings and become kamikazi pilots before your demands are given any credence and the same would apply to me if i was demanding something of the federal government...

Originally posted by inforeal
These cheap politicians

...there are many words that aptly describe politicians... cheap is not one of them...

Originally posted by inforeal
allowing them to hire cheap competitors like the Mexican truckers.
Its happening in all American industries except those that can hire illegal immigrants such as the leisure and restaurant industries. Even there they are taking American jobs.

...thats regurgitated propaganda...

Originally posted by inforeal
Obama has proved he is a globalist puppet doing their agenda like Bush did.

...ah, you got something right...

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:11 PM
There are immigrants coming into the USA from India and other countries and taking over the trucking industry... Not just Mexicans.

Look around and see how many drivers you can spot with Hindu logos, and wearing head dress, or turbans?

American drivers are being replaced with cheap labor right here in the USA and it has been ongoing for some time now.

If you're living in a third world country, you can immigrate to the USA and get right into the middle class by becoming a truck driver.

We're exporting millions of jobs and manufacturing to other countries, a heck of a lot to China, India and even long standing American manufacturers are relocating to Mexico!

Wake up America!

The Obama administration believes that no one nation should be above any other, and so America must be destroyed and have its wealth redistributed to the rest of the world... As crazy as that sounds, that is what our president believes.

We can't be the leader in anything, anymore!

Look at what has happened to our space program recently?

The USA was the world leader in innovation, manufacturing and cutting edge technologies... Not anymore.

We once had four manufactures of commercial Jets, now we have one, that is happy to even match the production of Air Bus..... I could go on and on and on...

We've quietly lost it all..... over decades, and that is why everything is collapsing now!

While all of this has been happening the federal government has been expanding..

We are doomed, people, nearly beyond the point of no return.

There are no new jobs, there can't be, they are all gone, and many more will follow.

Goodnight America, go back to sleep.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:19 PM
It was the cheap goods that hooked us. Like a pusher looking for a freshly made junkie that he could earn off for years until the addiction finally undid them, they hooked us. While we still had jobs, and health care didn't cost half your salary to cover your family, when it was "summertime and the livin's easy", they hooked us on dollar stores and electronics at a 1/3 of the price. We got used to buying cheap (and buying often). Our lifestyle changed. And now, if you still have a decent middle class job you can still afford your fix of lovely consumer goods. But everytime you do you put another nail in the coffin of the middle class in this country. And then you (I) won't be able to buy the stuff anymore either.

But they don't care. They'll just find another fiend who needs a quick shopping fix.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade

The Obama administration believes that no one nation should be above any other, and so America must be destroyed and have its wealth redistributed to the rest of the world... As crazy as that sounds, that is what our president believes.

Wow, so the Obama administration went BACK IN TIME and created NAFTA in the mid 90's while Goerge Bush was still President? How Nefarious of them!

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade

The Obama administration believes that no one nation should be above any other, and so America must be destroyed and have its wealth redistributed to the rest of the world... As crazy as that sounds, that is what our president believes.

Wow, so the Obama administration went BACK IN TIME and created NAFTA in the mid 90's while Goerge Bush was still President? How Nefarious of them!

No it has been an ongoing progressive/liberal agenda for a long time, though there has been huge advances during the current administration.

Does it matter who has done the most damage?

Ultimately an apathetic and gullible majority of Americans will only have themselves to blame.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Identifying the issues is the first thing to do. Then attempt to educate people like you.
What’s your suggestion?

BTW the only one of your remarks that make any sense is the one about cheap politicians . . . though to the elite they are cheap—since they could buy them with the money they carry around in their pockets.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Identifying the issues is the first thing to do.

...the issues concerning nafta were clearly identified over 20yrs ago... where were you back then?...

Originally posted by inforeal
Then attempt to educate people like you.

...people like me?... you mean those who've been fighting nafta for over 20yrs?... we're not interested in being educated by someone promoting communism...

Originally posted by inforeal
What’s your suggestion?

...stop promoting communism...

Originally posted by inforeal
BTW the only one of your remarks that make any sense is the one about cheap politicians . . . though to the elite they are cheap—since they could buy them with the money they carry around in their pockets. do you know how much money they carry around in their pockets?...

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