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Unit 731: History You May not Want to Learn (Warning: Extreme Content)

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posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 10:41 PM
I knew about this over twenty years ago. It is totally disgusting. Manchuria is not even in the vocabulary of people in their 30's. We went after the true scientists after WW II, and left the copyists go free for their real war crimes because we got their data, (even though we got the data from the Germans to start our 'Space Race')

All I can say is to quote someone.

"It's a big old goofy world"
___________John Prine.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Urantia1111

Yes, it is terrible. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people died. Unit 731 probably comprised several hundred men. Not a good comparison. And their research was taken by the Americans.

Question: Who's the real bad guy?

Answer: Both.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by Urantia1111

Yes, it is terrible. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people died. Unit 731 probably comprised several hundred men. Not a good comparison. And their research was taken by the Americans.

Question: Who's the real bad guy?

Answer: Both.

Yeah. But military archivist said the U.S. gave it all back and keep any copies!

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:12 AM
why make weapons and put them to use by using them on innocent/convicted people? That is not right. It's like saying no one has a second chance. They do have a second chance, and they took it away from them.

Bio warfare on people that have no defense? That sound like someone's sick mind at work. Not only that, reviving or worsening known diseases? Let them be the way they are, we don't want something like that in our homes.

And just to throw something out, did anyone know that anthrax only has two substances? It was so simple that people thought it was a complex weapon. This weapon is simple.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:27 AM
Hello ATS

I have been lurking this site for several months and finally joined.

These forums are so packed full of elusive and little known information that I couldn't resist.

So thanks for another history lesson I never had in school ATS.


posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by Urantia1111

Yes, it is terrible. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people died. Unit 731 probably comprised several hundred men. Not a good comparison. And their research was taken by the Americans.

Question: Who's the real bad guy?

Answer: Both.

Correction: Unit 731 had about 3,000 personnel under their command .... (you did mean to say comprised correct?)

Something else interesting: Of the 10,000 "test subjects" tested on, about 95% - 100& died ... These are scholars current estimates.

I agree that neither Country is innocent also ... but I think I would be hard pressed to find an influential nation that IS innocent regarding crimes against humanity as well as other major crimes.


posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by AeonStorm

wow I never heard about this...thx for the information...that's some sick #&%@...absolutely disgusting to hear about such heinous acts committed by man...

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Screwed

I dEffiNEtLy know how you fEEL....

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by Victor03

Yeah, don't forget the "rape of nanking" in china.

Makes me wonder if "humans" are truly behind such atrocities.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 02:07 AM
This makes me a little bit disgusted with American government. I absolutely LOVE this great country I live in, but am horrified by our government. Dr.Joseph Mengele as well as concentration camps were demonized and well known by everyone in the United states for the disgusting, cruel and downright terrifying experiments and actions carried out there/by him. Yet when something similarly disgusting, cruel and downright terrifying takes place but is seen by our government as being in its "interest" to cover up, it has no problem pretending like it never happened. While that doesn't put us on par with the nazis or the japanese "7" group, I remember often being told when younger by my mother "keeping a secret about someone who bullies others makes you just as bad as the bully".
While you cant translate this saying directly to this situation, it really does make me awfully disgusted with the secretkeepers running our country...
edit on 10-7-2011 by iBleedSovietR3D because: typo edit

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by AeonStorm

Thanks for the correction on the numbers. Yes I did mean to say "comprised," that is why I said it.

I am aware that 95% of their victims died. What this unit did was barbaric. In responding to the previous poster who now feels less bad about the atomic bombs, I was saying that they do not compare.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by AeonStorm

Very well said Aeon. America is guilty of some of the worst atrocities. America loves napalm, which burns people alive and is considered one of the cruelest of all weapons. In fact, we love to use burning alive as a weapon so much (mostly innocents as well) that when the UN passed around a document to sign stating - Napalm is an inhumane war weapon as well as ineffective based upon it killing so many innocents, upon signature you surrender all stores of napalm as well as ceasing all future use. Every country in that room signed the document and gave up the 'palm. Guess who was the ONE single country who didn't sign that document? guess who to this DAY is the only country able to use Napalm? The US of A. We dropped the not bashing america, I served in afghanistan twice with a third serving coming up.. we've just statistically killed more innocents than most other countries especially those that were in the Axis. were also not the only "ultimate innocents".. a big factor in making the german people stop supporting hitlers effort was the continual, all-day, all-night bombing of un-armed cities. Entire cities and all the civilians killed.. for political reset of the german minds. yet when all the children read the history books, who are the innocent heroes?
food for thought. thanks again for pointing this out Aeon

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by iBleedSovietR3D

Totally unfair iBleedSovietR3D! This story was specifically about Unit 731 and the atrocities committed by this unit! There IS no bias in the OP except that which you falsely perceive.

I in NO way EVER tried to justify the action of other countries either foreign or domestic.

If you wish to do an expose on atrocities committed by Americans then by all means DO SO. Do NOT try putting words into my mouth!

No respect for you!


ETA: Is the post just above this one supposed to have the same tone as the one three posts up? If so .... totally different tone. WTH?
edit on 10-7-2011 by AeonStorm because: eta

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 06:03 AM
Forgive me if this is a repeat of information but I haven't read all the pages here. The reason why Unit 731 got off the way they did was because the US was the sole occupier of post war Japan.
Germany fell to the Allies which meant that all the governments had some inking of the atrocities committed by the Nazis therefore it could not be hidden.
While the research done by Unit731 was horrible it was still useful science, especially for the military. Since the US had absolute control over the surrender of Japan it was much easier to hide the real history of what had happened.
It truly was a horrible crime against humanity and our soldiers were denied benefits for torture committed by the Japanese.
Japan was also vital in the US plan to contain the USSR and China so anything that was counterproductive to those goals was eliminated.
I had often wondered why the Nazis are the whipping boys of history today but not the Japanese. I believe I have found the true reasons which I listed above.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Forgive me if this is a repeat of information but I haven't read all the pages here. The reason why Unit 731 got off the way they did was because the US was the sole occupier of post war Japan.
Germany fell to the Allies which meant that all the governments had some inking of the atrocities committed by the Nazis therefore it could not be hidden.
While the research done by Unit731 was horrible it was still useful science, especially for the military. Since the US had absolute control over the surrender of Japan it was much easier to hide the real history of what had happened.
It truly was a horrible crime against humanity and our soldiers were denied benefits for torture committed by the Japanese.
Japan was also vital in the US plan to contain the USSR and China so anything that was counterproductive to those goals was eliminated.
I had often wondered why the Nazis are the whipping boys of history today but not the Japanese. I believe I have found the true reasons which I listed above.

For the most part I agree ... However ... I think some of the experiments they did were just for the sake of observing the effects .... but then again I guess that is what science is about ... observing effects: In this case I want to

This was most definitely a crime against humanity. I know that I would rather suffer a quick death rather then be subject to a possible slow and torturous end.

It's quite sickening to think of what lengths a country or people would go to in order to gain such knowledge. I truly can not fathom it.



posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by vjr1113
damn humans can be so disgusting.

imagine being alive and going thru such things. makes me so appreciative for what i have. im also pretty damn sure the US has done similar things, almost certain.

See, this is the kind of crap you stir up with these stories. Look at some of the replies here. The atrocities were on the Japanese side, but you pretty much blame the U. S. It was the end of the war, we were trying to control a very dangerous situation. You don’t need hundreds of thousands of screaming idiots to try to calm down. That death toll would have been much greater. Then you would complain the U. S. did nothing to stop that. Can you imagine if they came out and told the world what the japs were doing. It would have been WWIII.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by D1Useek

Originally posted by vjr1113
damn humans can be so disgusting.

imagine being alive and going thru such things. makes me so appreciative for what i have. im also pretty damn sure the US has done similar things, almost certain.

See, this is the kind of crap you stir up with these stories. Look at some of the replies here. The atrocities were on the Japanese side, but you pretty much blame the U. S. It was the end of the war, we were trying to control a very dangerous situation. You don’t need hundreds of thousands of screaming idiots to try to calm down. That death toll would have been much greater. Then you would complain the U. S. did nothing to stop that. Can you imagine if they came out and told the world what the japs were doing. It would have been WWIII.

Wow ... Makes me wish I didn't start this thread at all ... I though people would look at my OP with only a historical logical sense.

I did not wish to stir anything up but only inform of the previously unknown past (to some anyway).

I wish people wouldn't hate so much. I guess I learned my lesson about bringing to the forefront past war crimes that should be left in the past.

I thought most would be appreciative of past knowledge. I don't know. I know that many appreciated it but then there are the few who can't accept what's past and feel that the crimes are just as relevant today even though most of those who were part of this unit have passed on.

I respect what you have to say D1Useek,

edit on 10-7-2011 by AeonStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by AeonStorm

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by Urantia1111

Yes, it is terrible. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people died. Unit 731 probably comprised several hundred men. Not a good comparison. And their research was taken by the Americans.

Question: Who's the real bad guy?

Answer: Both.

Correction: Unit 731 had about 3,000 personnel under their command .... (you did mean to say comprised correct?)

Something else interesting: Of the 10,000 "test subjects" tested on, about 95% - 100& died ... These are scholars current estimates.

I agree that neither Country is innocent also ... but I think I would be hard pressed to find an influential nation that IS innocent regarding crimes against humanity as well as other major crimes.


Aeon, the bottom of this is what i was referring to although i may have misunderstood which countries you were speaking of

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:13 PM
They say all is fair in war but I think there's a point in time when war isn't worth pain and suffering. Because in the end, there are no borders that can separate us from death, therefore there should be no borders that can separate us in life. Murderers should be punished, those that do good should be rewarded. This whole political game we've been playing for thousands of years is nothing but a load of bulls***, racism and greed. This is just another act that shows us that our governments don't care about peace or justice. They care about saving their asses, the bmws they drive and how the media views them because let's be honest, a vote is a vote. If they can make the people love them, then their going to stop anything that portrays them as bad at all costs. So yeah, no doubt this happened. What a terrible thing to happen to so many people, but hey, what the people don't know can't hurt them right?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:27 PM
This is disgusting. It reminds me of the scene in District 9 where the scientists performed all those tests on the guy and all the torture they put him through. I remember how disturbed i felt watching that and thinking to myself "yeah thats exactly what the government would do." I feel even worse now knowing these type of things happened, and probably still do.

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