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Any ATS members In Kansas City, MO seeing UFOs?

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posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 06:25 PM

The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) at Missouri is reporting a UFO sighting increase that has been ongoing these past six weeks, according to a June 23, 2011, telephone interview with Assistant State Director Margie Kay.

"The last six weeks in Kansas City have been absolutely crazy with sightings," Kay said today. "It all started May 7. I was in St. Louis to do a talk, and I was asked by Missouri State Director Debbie Ziegelmeyer to do an interview with a guy named Ray."

I know there are quite a few members in and around that area. What's up? Any local news cast reporting anything. U2U me if you have any info. I might take a trip out that way to make a short film documentary, go fishing and visit my inlaws.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 06:45 PM
I can believe that its probably secret government air craft and top secret/black projects over ufo's and aliens. Im of a mind like any scientist if alien life does exist likely its just microbes. I see no reason why an alien would ever want to come to our world when we are a warmongering, unenlightened race, with older archaic technology than they have, havent even mastered or colonzied our owns systems worlds or even moved beyond fossil fuels. No if there are other civilzations out there, the only thing they could or would want would be recources, unless they think were a zoo and are here to sight see and take pics at for the wife and kids back home.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 06:55 PM
Ok.. good story and article but where the hell are all the pictures he talks of? why post an article that states there are pics and not show them??? GAAAAAHHHHH frustrating.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 07:18 PM
This is my first 'reply to' - please bear with me if it's a bit clumsy.
I've been fascinated by the whole ufo topic for years but am very skeptical. I've watched the skies and read the books and googled the videos. Until Friday night, I had never seen anything I thought was remotely related to experimental craft of earth origin or anything resembling something extraterrestrial.
Friday night, sometime between 10:30-11:00, I was sitting in my yard facing West. Just relaxing with tea.
To my left, a round object appeared and moved in a straight line due West. It was low, that struck me as odd. Maybe only a hundred feet- if that- above ground. Spherical. Silent. Definitely an object. Moving about 15-20 mph. It was lit from within it seemed. Kind of glowed orange.
I went around the corner and watched it travel on until it went over the tops of the trees at the end of the street.

It really seemed like it could be a man made object. Maybe one of those hot air lanterns that people launch during festivals. It was spherical, moved very evenly in a straight line. I was quite stunned because it was so different from anything I've seen.

And now I understand why it's so hard to film stuff like this at night. If I had taken pics, they would have come out terrible. I've got a bit more sympathy than before for the folks who take blurry, bad pics.

Hope this helps. By the way, I live in Columbia, MO.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I'm not from the area, but I really dig the idea that you would shoot a short to share with us.

Even just overview shots of the area and some interviews would be cool in and of itself. I'm on the lookout for stories of conspiratorial interest in my own neck of the woods for mini-docs too. Good luck and great idea!

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:22 PM
Two things I just LOVE already represented in this thread.

People who are so GOD DAMNED smart that they can speak for the mindset of an ENTIRE alien race.
"Why would aliens want to.......... "
"If I were an alien I wouldn't.........."
How in the HELL ANYONE could tell the rest of us what a race of intelligent beings from an entirely different planet/star system would do in a certain situation is BEYOND me but hey, apparently there are people
out there who are just that smart.

People who are life long sceptics and don't believe in the whole "UFO" phenomenon suddenly giving the rest of us the OK to go ahead and believe because THEY have experienced it for themselves and have given the whole subject their seal of approval.
Hate to tell ya sweetheart but,
The rest of us already knew what you just found out.
I know it may be rocking YOUR world right now but where in the hell have you been when countless other people
were trying to tell you the same damned thing?????

I'll tell you where!
You were busy being "sceptical".
Well, how's that working out for you now?
What if I told you that what you saw was probably just swamp gas.
What if I laughed at you and called you a nutter?
Just because YOU are finally on the same page as the rest of us doesn't give the topic any more legitimacy.
It just means that we have one more member on our side, and that's a good thing.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:57 AM
It would be great if the pictures from these sightings turn out to be super clear.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Screwed

Sam Kinison? Is that you? Man, sounds like you've been holding on to that particular rant for a while, glad you got it off your chest... Wasn't the topic here "Any ATS members In Kansas City, MO seeing UFOs?" Lighten up and maybe have something to say to whaaa about his topic, maybe?

@whaaa Good luck with the search. Remember the "rules"! Use a tripod, go HD if possible, no crazy techno/house music soundtracks, use a camera with optical zoom and no digital zoom, random points of nondescript lights (or if you are lazy, ORBS) are useless as evidence of anything and try to snag some non ballistic behavior if you can... good luck with both kinds of fishing.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
I can believe that its probably secret government air craft and top secret/black projects over ufo's and aliens.

Possible, however, not very secret or top secret at that if they are drawing such a crowd over and over.

a ufo is what it is (unidentified), the discussion on who is the pilot is the question

Im of a mind like any scientist if alien life does exist likely its just microbes.

do these "any" scientists live in your sock drawer? "any" scientist typically speculates on a whole host of alien type species, from microbes, to full blown civilizations.
The disagreement comes from visitation of earth due to lack of proof...not lack of evidence mind you...just lack of proof

I see no reason why an alien would ever want to come to our world when we are a warmongering, unenlightened race,

compared to what? your microbes?

with older archaic technology than they have, havent even mastered or colonzied our owns systems worlds or even moved beyond fossil fuels.

Maybe they find our women pleasing, maybe they are curious about us like we are about the monkey excibit in the zoo, point is, you cannot say what an alien species would or wouldn't like seeing or investigating...the concept of absurd...they are aliens...they by definition think alien to our understandings...perhaps they have come here because they find us very spiritually enlightened...or perhaps they are curious about our hair...etc.

No if there are other civilzations out there, the only thing they could or would want would be recources,

nope, every resource we have on earth is a grain of sand on the endless beach of the universe...and here, we protect our resources with pointy things that fly at things that annoy us...far easier to find unprotected resources of anything else elsewhere.

unless they think were a zoo and are here to sight see and take pics at for the wife and kids back home.

That is a good starting point

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:25 AM
Doesn't the New Madrid fault line run through there?

Usually, when there is a natural disaster or something of great significance, ufos sightings seem to increase.

That is what happened in Japan before the 9.0 EQ in March.

Not to say that's the case here but something to keep in mind.

Thanks for sharing!

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:57 AM
I'm near Buffalo, NY. I went outside around midnight and was surprised at how clear it was. I first saw a dim light moving in a straight line, I still assume it was a satellite. About 10 minutes later in my walk I saw a very bright light, much brighter than Jupiter moving quite fast in a straight line. After watching it for about a minute it slowly dimmed lasting maybe 10 seconds and disappeared. Just putting it out there if anyone else saw it.

Someone near my area caught something similar on cam. Not great footage, but the appearance, time, location all match.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Lost_Mind

@whaaa Good luck with the search. Remember the "rules"! Use a tripod, go HD if possible, no crazy techno/house music soundtracks, use a camera with optical zoom and no digital zoom, random points of nondescript lights (or if you are lazy, ORBS) are useless as evidence of anything and try to snag some non ballistic behavior if you can... good luck with both kinds of fishing.

Thanks amigo for the tips. I have been making documentaries, music videos and short dramas for the festivals for 4 years now but many just don't realize that when the adrenaline get flowing when viewing something anomalous;
even simple rules like a tripod get lost. Are you a filmmaker?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by whaaa

Nah, not a film maker but very much a watcher and after looking at all of the fubared, out of focus, shaky, pixelated and faked videos of dots or smudges in the sky here at ATS for 8 years it would be nice to see someone at least try to eliminate some of the bad habits people exhibit when trying to capture something unidentified... personally, If I saw something and it didn't have something extremely compelling and non terrestrial about how it was behaving I wouldn't waste anyone's time with it, especially here. And it would have to really knock my socks off before I put it up for any real public review by the unwashed masses. Even then I would only do so after it being reviewed by some experts. My bar is very high for losing my socks because my feet are firmly planted on the ground, if you get what I mean.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 02:47 AM
never really tried looking i was curious if there was any activity here in missouri lately. aparantly there is alot..
im about 40 minutes from st.louis.. now im just curious if any will ever be busy from my location. think it would be pretty cool to see one

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:09 PM
I live in Kansas, very near Kansas City and I am inteterested in the base in that could be in Kinsley Kansas. But as far as UFO sightings go, yes I have only seen one. I know the whole "pics or it didnt happen thing" but im going to explain it anyways.

I was driving eastbound on I-70, probably somewhere between Manhattan, KS and Topeka, KS and way up in the sky I look up, and theres this silver disc like object flying in the same direction (east). It was VERY high up in the sky so it only looked like a large spec. It was definitly a silver circular object and not a plane or bird. The object just kept moving in and through clouds and I watched it as I drove. Eventually it vanished behind some clouds and I lost sight of it. This was in October of 2009.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Ive heard and read that UFO's can control the weather and with all of the underground bases that are established (D.U.M.B) and im sure countless others that that very may well be the cause of earthquakes as well.

Google UFO seen in Hurricanes and there are tons of vids. Just something to think about.

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