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Federal Reserve Admits: We Have No Gold

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posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:39 PM
Yes. You are their Gold. You are a commodity to the Elite. What are you going to do about it? Absolutely nothing. Prove me wrong.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 12:42 AM
I learned about this in 9th grade US History class years ago.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

its got to be here somewhere. i think its locked up ready for transport around 2012 ish

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by AnimusInvictus
reply to post by Hemisphere

What's the point?
What's really going on here?
Is there anything going on here? Is it deeper? If so, why? What's the bother with stripping things and rights away from people if all they're going to be left with is nothing?
I still have yet to begin grasping this concept of - what word am I looking for?
Human seems have threatened itself and accepted it's own challenge, believing it to be a bluff.

Re-consolidation is what is going on. This revolves around greed and power. More accurately put, greed for power. Power is the ultimate accumulation of wealth. As far as the stripping goes, those in charge want willing slaves to serve them after the stripping is done. They strip away more and more and in the end those left alive will accept very little and be submissive. There are countless people that are extremely poor in the world, they are of no consequence to TPTB. Those billions have virtually no power. If you can't assure yourself of the basics of life your life will be focused around acquiring those basics and nothing else. If however you've accumulated enough wealth/power so that you have the luxury of a life that is not fixated on finding the basics on a day in day out basis, then you threaten those at the top of the power pyramid. You have leisure time in which to question why the world has such disparity. Time is key here, I'll get back to that.

And so how did you and I get this power to question? How did we get this leisure? The truly powerful needed the world to be subjugated. They needed the physical world to be conquered and allowed enough wealth to fall through their fingers providing the payoff for those doing the conquering. Now, and this has been for some time, they want that power back. What we are witnessing now is them sucking this power back out of their conquered world. You and I might not have been part of the actual world conquering workforce but we are surely the current repository of that loaned wealth/power. Thus we feel the effects of all the economic manipulation.

That's the point. TPTB are taking back what they think is theirs. Re-consolidating the wealth/power into the hands of the few. It's hard to grasp as this entire process has taken hundreds of years. Due to our limited lifespans, we only get a snapshot of the whole. Those that run the world have known this and have used this concept. They have always had a long term outlook. They see and have always seen the whole picture. That was and is the luxury of power/wealth. They are not and have never been concerned with the day to day necessities.

That's how this breaks down, wealth can be measured in time. The poorest have no time, their outlook is extremely short term. Those that have a little wealth have more time and can focus and plan longer term. This makes them/us a danger to those at the top. Those at the top and in control have all the time in the world. Now that the world is effectively conquered, they are using their time to shove everyone below them back to the bottom where they/we will once again have no time. This is sometimes hinted at with phrases like "the shrinking middle class".

Sorry if this rambled, I think it's the nature of the beast.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Wow I have never seen that documentary before. Very informative. I enjoyed how they historically broke down the 7 families and the connection to the central banks

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:10 AM
So where is the gold now?

Doesn't this support my other thread?

Where is all the gold on our planet being sent and why?
edit on 9-6-2011 by gekados because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by TheReturnisNear

Actually China is the world's foremost source of these rare earth minerals, was one of the major resources that kicked off their industrialization. They have more tungsten and other rare silicates there than anyone else has, so they stockpile it because they know its worth quite a bit. However China has also been buying up South American Copper like crazy, which is interesting to me because copper is mainly for infrastructure and electrical components. Frankly I think China is still out of the loop, however the Russians and the US are, and have been, closely tied for almost 30 years now, despite what you here in the media, and have essentially been working hand in hand since the end of the cold war, though very much under the radar.

The difference here is we are just now hearing about the FEMA camps and underground bunkers here in the US that are being mysteriously built, while in Russia it has been reported fo the past ten years they have been building massive underground cities, meant to hold hundreds of thousands of people, in Siberia.

You want to know why? Me too! I can only speculate given the information, but it is quite evident that they know something planet-wide is going to occur soon and these will be our new homes. My personal theory? Extreme Solar radiation and UV exposure, enough to kill people in short periods of time. Makes sense why you would go underground then...

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:38 AM
Obama, unexpectedly seems to be trying to bring the country to its knees, to bankrupt it, break it pieces. He saw what Reagan did with the Soviet Union. Reagan outspent them militarily, and the USSR disappeared. Now he trying to get America to outspend itself. He is not stupid; his actions are deliberate and calculated to ruin America in behalf of Inernational Socialism

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:38 AM
They have millions of bars of gold,well it is actually gold plated.Underneath the gold plated is red bricks.They get a good deal on them at 30 cents a brick.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by Hemisphere

They will fail completely.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by TheReturnisNear
There is also a myth that China holds a large part of our debt. They have already divested of 97% of all they held in US debt. They are getting down to 100% divestment as their military becomes strong enough to defend their global interests and power projection and they write off US economic power. Will they lose their Walmart pipeline in a direct military conflict with the US? Perhaps, but did you think that they could also comandeer their Walmart logistics for invasion? America needs to wake up and take a look over their freaking shoulders and get off your stupid Gold kick.

Where do you get this from? It looks like the opposite has been happening, as reported by the Treasury:


posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by zookey

I've read a few threads on ATS that all have different theories on the true purpose/use of Gold. One that I found most intriguing claimed that human beings were created by aliens by altering the DNA of the Neanderthals, in order to create a somewhat intelligent, slave species.

So basically, all our gold is going to space pirates

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by SheepleHerder153
reply to post by zookey

I've read a few threads on ATS that all have different theories on the true purpose/use of Gold. One that I found most intriguing claimed that human beings were created by aliens by altering the DNA of the Neanderthals, in order to create a somewhat intelligent, slave species.

So basically, all our gold is going to space pirates

That is the theory, it is based on Zecharia Sitchins translation of Sumerian texts, it's in the book "The Twelfth Planet" and subsequent books - Amazon or Sitchin Wiki

Basically, as it is proposed, the Annunaki's homeworld Nibiru on one of it's earlier passings, had catastrophic contact with many of the known planets (he goes on to point out the orbits of Neptune and Uranus, as well as the asteroid belt, as evidence of this).

As a result of this passing, Nibiru's atmosphere was compromised and due to their long orbit taking them away from the sun, they found that using gold in their atmosphere made up for the damage.

Sitchin proposes, that this need for Gold brought them here to start mining, the Annunaki miners revolted because of the hard labor.

The solution was to create a slave species to do the manual labor instead, enter the genetic modification and the birth of humanity at E-Din.

The theory also proposes that this is the reason why Gold is even thought to be valuable, since the "Gods" were obsessed with it and their "Kings" they left to carry on obsessed over it.

Which is where people get the "Reptilians", the Annunaki, Nibiru, Ancient Alien Hypothesis, and now the disappearing gold plays into this mythology, since from a certain perspective you could see where the "Kings" are collecting Gold for their Masters, the Annunaki, through deception, raiding of vaults (9/11, Ft Knox, The Fed) and the number of "We'll buy your Gold" companies and their commercials that run 24/7.

An understanding of Sitchin's work will help you to understand where ALOT of people are coming from around here, some directly influenced, others by following other theorists that are directly influenced.

The opposing view is here - Sitchin Is Wrong - by Dr Heiser

ETA: Welcome to ATS by the way

edit on 9-6-2011 by Hijaqd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by SheepleHerder153

reply to post by Hijaqd

Please stay on topic folks your posts are way off topic. Thanks

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

The explanation of the Annunaki theory, to a new member, explaining why some people feel that alien overlords are responsible for Federal Reserve Admits: We Have No Gold, is actually on topic.

The theory had already been eluded to many times in this thread, he deserved to know why they felt that way.

Simply because you do not subscribe to the theory does not make the explanation any less relevant.

If you know for a fact that the gold in Ft Knox, on which the Gold certificates the Fed holds represents, is in fact there or actually real, then please spill it and end the debate.

Otherwise, however improbable, the theory is just as valid as China or another country having the gold.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:37 PM
does anybody here really believe the US economy runs on a gold standard ? do you really think there is a pile of gold somewhere equal to the amount of all the US currency in circulation ?

just do the math, and let me know how big that pile of gold would be

I dare ya

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
does anybody here really believe the US economy runs on a gold standard ? do you really think there is a pile of gold somewhere equal to the amount of all the US currency in circulation ?

just do the math, and let me know how big that pile of gold would be

I dare ya

We left the gold standard a long time ago, our Fiat currency tied with fractional reserve banking, equals money out of nothing, the value of the dollar is only backed on the markets by Oil, Black gold.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
does anybody here really believe the US economy runs on a gold standard ? do you really think there is a pile of gold somewhere equal to the amount of all the US currency in circulation ?

just do the math, and let me know how big that pile of gold would be

I dare ya
Nobody has any idea how much money is in circulation.You know obama is calling up the mint every other tuesday,saying,hey its me your boy obama.Listen ,print me up a few hefty trash bags full of 100s,slice them extra thin .Ill hook you up,just call michelle,shell have your over to the white house with oprah.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by neo96
the federal reserve not owning gold

yes we already knew that.

and for a "bank" not to have any real assets other than cash just shows us all

just how stupid they are.

everyone has gold even in the rest of the world

except this nation.

stupid is as stupid does.

I disagree. I dont think it's stupid. I think it's intentional and its called Fiat Money and in this model the currency has no tangible value other than that assigned by the government. This is your cause for inflation in the dollar, the stability issues, and bail out funds destroying our market.
A side not to this is that "legal tender" is OWNED by the government and you are in possesion of a legally owned note of worth. Since fiat money doesnt recquire a physical backing, worth of a note is determined by the position of the government in control of them.Should you have $100,000 dollars and the government believed you acquired that money through illegal methods they can seize your money based on their suspicion that you are not acquiring it in a legal method and hence it is subject to reposession. You might argue that a police officer cant just pull you over and take your cash...well he can if he thinks your getting it from selling drugs or pimping or any number of other possibilities he need only pretend to suspect.

Oh and just to follow that up, if for example you made a million dollars legitimately then made two million illegally, (just throwing out meaningful sums the numbers themselves arent directly important) the government could seize it all and indefinitely! This would be even without the cold hard proof needed to convict. Infact the way it works is that since the money is suspected to be drug money or whatever and there is not conclusive evidence sorting all that out, its considered evidence and is locked away as such with all the rest of the evidence. I am unsure how it works if your cash is clean but your case is still open. I believe until such time as a very clearly resolved case is closed, the money in question is frozen. If its dirty money obviously you never see it again

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by Surfrat
Obama, unexpectedly seems to be trying to bring the country to its knees, to bankrupt it, break it pieces. He saw what Reagan did with the Soviet Union. Reagan outspent them militarily, and the USSR disappeared. Now he trying to get America to outspend itself. He is not stupid; his actions are deliberate and calculated to ruin America in behalf of Inernational Socialism

You I think are correct aside from that I suspect it is his masters crunching the numbers running the game plan. As is often said, Obama is just the mouth piece. While I say that I think its imperative to observe what kind of mouth piece he is, compare him to bush. Do you see how they are experimenting? l think they wanted to just bomb that last presidency and once they did they figured ok, now that we know we can bomb and not get impeached lets put some tact behind the "forgiveable" ineffectiveness. All of a sudden you have Obama. He's articulate, hes a minority, hes charismatic, I mean come on, could they have picked a more obvious "little guy" affiliation? RUSE! The symbolism and subtley is as much a part of the game as the damage his actions are doing.

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