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God is testing you to the MAX.

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posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:40 PM
God is testing you to the Max. I feel sorry for you if you believe any other bogus stories.

Well, let me tell you. God isn't an Alien or anything like that. And the GOD is YOU campaign going around is seemingly false as well.

What did you think before? That God was an ultimate being in the sky and couldn't be matched by anyone. Just like how we used to think before. Except it is 2011 and ideas are changing.

God has not changed. And he is merely testing your belief. God wants you to believe in him and not other bogus stories. As we near May 21st, I see so many topics about God and what exactly he is. You're just confused and being tested. God has not changed.

I fell for it myself. For like a day, I thought God was the sun. But then I snapped out of it.


So right now you're being tested in your faith. Closer we come to May 21st it seems.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:42 PM

can someone explain it to me?


posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by badw0lf

What it boils down to is that we need to bow down, grovel, to a big fella in a white robe.

That animalistic point of view of that current religion is what stops people from seeing that life is infinite and marvelous, our own each individual creation.

Allow Me to state a point. If you have a kid (I'm talking about people that are mature and know full well of parent hood rather then accidentally coming upon it.) and they grow up. Do you get them to kneel before you, or do you let them thrive and go out on there own?

We are each our own unique piece of creation. The Earth is our mother. Humans like degrading themselves.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:46 PM

God is testing you to the Max. I feel sorry for you if you believe any other bogus stories.

Well, let me tell you. God isn't an Alien or anything like that. And the GOD is YOU campaign going around is seemingly false as well.

What did you think before? That God was an ultimate being in the sky and couldn't be matched by anyone. Just like how we used to think before. Except it is 2011 and ideas are changing.

God has not changed. And he is merely testing your belief. God wants you to believe in him and not other bogus stories. As we near May 21st, I see so many topics about God and what exactly he is. You're just confused and being tested. God has not changed.

I fell for it myself. For like a day, I thought God was the sun. But then I snapped out of it.


So right now you're being tested in your faith. Closer we come to May 21st it seems.

OP, do you believe that our Lord and Savior will return on May 21, 2011?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by PaR3v

What makes everybody elses story bogus and yours isn't? What makes you sure your not the test to us? God could be seeing if we fall for what you say.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:52 PM
Every time someone claims May 21st is judgment day, the more I realize May 22nd is going to be the greatest and most hilarious day of my life.

I am not above petty "I told you so!"s.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by OneLife
reply to post by badw0lf

What it boils down to is that we need to bow down, grovel, to a big fella in a white robe.

That animalistic point of view of that current religion is what stops people from seeing that life is infinite and marvelous, our own each individual creation.

Allow Me to state a point. If you have a kid (I'm talking about people that are mature and know full well of parent hood rather then accidentally coming upon it.) and they grow up. Do you get them to kneel before you, or do you let them thrive and go out on there own?

We are each our own unique piece of creation. The Earth is our mother. Humans like degrading themselves.

I knew that mostly, just felt lost for words.. :/

Luckily I have a note from the devil saying I don't have to believe in god and that I'm allergic to bibles.

I'm pretty sure if god does exist, he's ok with it too, and if not then tough knickers I say, who wants to spend eternity with a neurotic clingy male bag lady in the sky who's constantly at you about if you "Love them" and complains when you don't pray as much in winter...

Mind you, he did invent religion and kill his only son to prove it, so there's not a lot of good vibes coming out of that whole story for me.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:59 PM
may 21st I thought it was dec 21 2012 I am confused what is the purpose of the test? who benefits from the results? you need to elaborate a little more

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by gaurdian2012

There's 2 dates now. May 21st is some random lunatic claiming the world will end on May 21st. He also claimed the world would end in 1994, and clearly that didn't happen. His credibility is... non-existent.

December 21, 2012 is the whole Mayan thing.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:06 PM
Wow, so many people believe in different things. If you need religion in your life to make you feel complete, good for you! I grew up Catholic and was an Altar Boy untill I grew to the age of reason and started thinking for myself instead of what others wanted. The only guaranteed thing in religion is it controls mass population. I firmly believe God committed adultery, Mary was a whore and Jesus was the bastard son from that union. And since Jesus died for all our sins I am already forgiven for thinking that way.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:07 PM
I'm not so sure about the May 21st thing - it may be a turning point perhaps...maybe the beginning of the tribulation or something.
But I don't believe it will be the rapture.

Aside from that...

Faith is the foundation of belief.
You are very right that God has not changed. He has never changed and will never change.
You are also right that we are being tested.
It is for a reason though - He tells us this much but also lets us know it is necessary that this happens.

The fact that I believe in the face of contrary opinion or stand strong against an apparently convincing argument about why I should not believe - these are the things that prove who we really are as Christians.

The fact is that NOBODY regardless of any argument presented really truly understands the workings of our world or everything around us. All they truly know is their own existence through experiences and knowledge based on what they have been told is true.

Faith is necessary because without it there is nothing to prove that you believe.

It is what gives us the strength to stand in front of the onslaught with arms intertwined saying WE WILL NOT BE MOVED when it appears that there is no hope.

Faith moves mountains.

And without it...well...I guess you can grab the shovel then...good luck.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by PaR3v

ummm sweety if you check your facts and get them straight you will see such stories as god(the gods) being an 'alien' stem from such sources as The Book of Enoch (or look into ancient Chinese, Asian, or Indian culture you ignorant....
) which all predate the glorious 'Holy' Bible. Also predating the fluoride brainwashing you seem to high on is Buddhism(I am 'God'). Therefor your completely wrong. Sorry!

PS. Start filtering your water, and stop getting swine flu shots, and just maybe it might not be too late to 'save your soul'. (probably not though... you might as well go start volunteering for FEMA...).

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by badw0lf

It was the Human Ego that perverted the Bible. I haven't read it as you can feel that.. degradation miles away, but reading between the lines (the actual lines. Even the bible itself doesn't carry the full truth, only a speck of it), you'll see that it's really a charming message.

No theory, thought manifested, desire, asked within yourself to the universe ever comes as expected.
Soon enough Humanity will stumble upon a mindset and see that there's something entirely different at play and that is the Religion of Life. To live.

Most really don't live though until they're nearly on the edge of death (lots of elderly) where they regret, but there's some who do.. And those are ones who see behind the veil of it all for a split second. That split second changed their entire viewpoint. This is why the Mass pray to some God in the sky and think they need to be shackled to something that isn't even there. Because they don't know how to live.

I personally have never seen behind the veil, only feel as though I understand it.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:08 PM
Why would an all knowing being need to test anything or anyone? This would imply that there is something that this being does not know the outcome of therefore it must conduct a test to find an answer.
This would contradict the idea that this being is supposedly all knowing.
edit on 15-5-2011 by ELahrairah because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2011 by ELahrairah because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by ELahrairah

You're missing the point...
We all have an individual choice to make.

The testing is to determine which side of the fence we're on...but the choice must be made by us...not for us.
edit on 15-5-2011 by coldkidc because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by coldkidc

What side of the fence do you mean?
And is it a test as to weather we are a devout Christian or not.
A devout Jew or Not
A devout Muslim or Not.

Not to mention the numerous secterian schisms with each of those religions many claiming to have the truth.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by coldkidc

you are strong in your faith and beliefs, I respect that.. but what if everything you learned experienced and or told was a lie if that were the case (and it is) if you were given truth would you accept it as truth or would you dismiss the truth for a lie?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:28 PM
Arghhh, there is no test, there is no fence, there is no right , there is no wrong, its a game a ride , the experience, we came to feel things for the one we all are, there was nothing, so there had to be everything, no whining or wailing or praying or preaching can save you... because theres nothing to save unless you need to be saved because thats the ride, the trip you want to be involved with.
No one gets left behind, because for every person that says your not going to get to heaven, there is another person who says , i will help you get where you "want" to go...
not everyone on the road is going to the same place, they dont want to, they dont need to, Be what you want to be..heaven, hell, order, chaos, its all part of the same thing just grasped from a different side,
the best thing you can do is be a light in the dark for those that are lost to see, dont show them heaven or hell, thats not your choice to make for them, rather listen to their story, laugh with them, cry with them, then show them the crossroads that they can choose from, and no path is wrong, as once was said, all roads lead to Rome, and from chaos we came and to chaos we return, to be born again as we see fit..
there is no no start or finish, there just is or there just isnt, the fact your reading this, that your here now, means you are, rather then are not.. so take a step back and enjoy the roller coaster, the highs, the falls, its all the same.

edit on 15-5-2011 by sprocket2cog because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by PaR3v
God is testing you to the Max. I feel sorry for you if you believe any other bogus stories.

Well, let me tell you. God isn't an Alien or anything like that. And the GOD is YOU campaign going around is seemingly false as well.

What did you think before? That God was an ultimate being in the sky and couldn't be matched by anyone. Just like how we used to think before. Except it is 2011 and ideas are changing.

God has not changed. And he is merely testing your belief. God wants you to believe in him and not other bogus stories. As we near May 21st, I see so many topics about God and what exactly he is. You're just confused and being tested. God has not changed.

I fell for it myself. For like a day, I thought God was the sun. But then I snapped out of it.


So right now you're being tested in your faith. Closer we come to May 21st it seems.

So let me get this straight. In order for you to say that," god is testing me to the max", that means, YOU, talked to god and told you this, CORRECT. God told you he is testing us to the max, right? You hear voices in your head and you say that god said, that we are getting tested to the max. Correct. How do you know that we are getting tested to the max? Who told you this? Where did you hear or read this? If i'm not mistaken, saying something that god did not say is blastphamy. So, you sir, are WHAT, a blastphamist. Am i getting warm yet?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by sprocket2cog
from chaos we came and to chaos we return, to be born again as we see fit..
edit on 15-5-2011 by sprocket2cog because: spelling

but thats the definition of madness doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result there must be more to our existence than this! if not then whats the point ? by your words I assume you believe in reincarnation here is my problem with that 5125 years ago the population was alot less than now agreed? where are all the new souls coming from ?

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