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I have a bad feeling that the war on conspiracy theorists has begun (or at least has been ramped up)

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:29 PM
Give as good as you get.

Fact is - lots of people believe strange stuff. Most of them don't consider themselves conspiracy theorists.

"I'm not a racist, I just don't like XYZ." become "I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But I believe in the NWO."

When some of the biggest Churches in North America preach about the NWO, their "conspiracy theorist" problem is that a very large percentage of the population ARE conspiracy theorists to some degree or believe things conspiracy theorists tell them.

The "war" would be much easier to win if logical critical thinking was something actually taught in school.

At least then the quality of the conspiracies would be better.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Personally, and in a one to one scenario, any person that has suspected another person of lying, is for all intents and purposes a conspiracy theorist in my humbled opinion.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:38 PM
This is why those of us who are branded crazy need to know our conspiracies inside out and make sense when we discuss these matters. Laying your cards on the table won't hold up if you're not clued up on the details. We need to tackle them with logic and be ready for them.

They'll never shut conspiracy theorists up, it doesn't really matter what's thrown our way. I mean, it's always been seen as an idiotic thing to be into, to be constantly questioning the "official" stories and investigoogling everything. Nothing much has changed except the medium in which the ridicule is being offered up on, and the people doing the ridiculing.

For our freedom of speech rights, they are allowed to be incredibly rude and petty, just as we are perfectly entitled to call them out on things that just don't sit right, show them up and generally be a nuisance. I'm perfectly happy irritating the breakfast out of proven liars!

It's not a bad thing, it's really a chance for us to shine if there are those who are willing to listen.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:39 PM
Like you all have been saying, the bad news is their molding the definition of conspiracy theorist with the kook connotation. The good news, however, is that they're scared. Otherwise they wouldn't be doing this.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Like you all have been saying, the bad news is their molding the definition of conspiracy theorist with the kook connotation. The good news, however, is that they're scared. Otherwise they wouldn't be doing this.

I gave you a star and i hope we can think of some way to counter this.

Anyone have ideas? I would be very interested in any ideas. We need this because things are continually looking down for us who question any unbelievable OS.



posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:00 PM
I think like was said previous, have a firm grasp on your information and lay out facts. We need to let the facts speak for themselves and point out what is wrong. Like I said I feel like we hit a nerve recently. So I say we are doing it right.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:14 PM
Just couldn't resist, this is a really juicy topic

Is one still called a conspiracy theorist when they find information and articles from reliable sources to back up their hypothesis/ideas?
If not, what is it called?
Funny thing is that I get most of the important news right here at ATS, locals still aren't saying anything about the Mississippi here, or the fires in Texas, or Mexico.. Have those hit by the Tornadoes gotten aid yet?
Point is, when it goes from simply a theory to a fact what then?

I find it funny for so many to 'debunk' us and what we do when we harm no one.. and yet REAL issues aren't talked about by 'them'.

Final Note: How many movies have you watched about the SHTF when the people's only hope is the 'tinfoil hat' guy living in his trailer atop a mountain?

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:23 PM
give it a label and it becomes just that...truth is out there regardless of what people think.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Invariance
Just couldn't resist, this is a really juicy topic

Is one still called a conspiracy theorist when they find information and articles from reliable sources to back up their hypothesis/ideas?
If not, what is it called?
Funny thing is that I get most of the important news right here at ATS, locals still aren't saying anything about the Mississippi here, or the fires in Texas, or Mexico.. Have those hit by the Tornadoes gotten aid yet?
Point is, when it goes from simply a theory to a fact what then?

I find it funny for so many to 'debunk' us and what we do when we harm no one.. and yet REAL issues aren't talked about by 'them'.

Final Note: How many movies have you watched about the SHTF when the people's only hope is the 'tinfoil hat' guy living in his trailer atop a mountain?

Well there's another concept. Stories about real events are even being passed up. I for one want to see follow-ups when it comes to serious natural disasters. For myself, this is serious. What happened to the news? I truly hoped that journalists still existed and followed up on their stories.

By the way, I hope that you last point was not directed at myself. I starred you none-the-less for you opinion (and seemingly fact) about MSM.


edit on 5-5-2011 by AeonStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:38 PM

If they start a war on conspiracy theorists they will only breed more...................conspiracy theorists. And rightfully so. Our Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, (even, thanks Citizens United vs FEC) to non humans.

They are the ones creating us. They are the ones feeding us. By lying, hiding things, authoritarian attitudes, general incompetence, (which we then misinterpret as deliberate wrongdoing) and generally being greedy bastiges.

The only way for them to ever really end conspiracy theory is for them to act like up and up, honest to God, honorable and truthful human beings who take their duty to their people and the Constitution seriously.

And we all know THAT isnt going to happen. So............on with the conspiracy theories.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:41 PM
I can't help thinking of sleds and snow in my magical Childhood days, waiting for Santa claus to streak across the sky with his reindeer and sled.
A tiny voice whispered to me "What if the presents arrive by Mum and Dad?
What if Santa is a story?
When ignorance was denied, like most I never spoilt it for the younger kids who followed.
Perhaps thats what seeking knowledge is all about.
We learn the truth ,deny ignorance, for we have grown?
The Santa Clause?
Or is that the Satan Claws?

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:42 PM
Remember - being a geek used to be a BAD thing. Then, one day, geeks were running the World.

Making a particular group look like the underdog can have unintended consequences.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

The only way for them to ever really end conspiracy theory is for them to act like up and up, honest to God, honorable and truthful human beings who take their duty to their people and the Constitution seriously.

Beautifully put!

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Aeons

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:49 PM
No Aeon, I didn't direct the last line to you.. I really did want an answer to that. LOL Honestly, how many movies HAVE you seen where the 'crazy guy' saves everyone. I's happened to me, I try to tell people stuff and no one wants to listen about coming storms or rising gas prices, but I certainly get the phone calls when they see it for themselves.

That's all I meant by it.

I can tell you what MSM is carrying for news: Montreal fashion designer approves of Kate Middleton's wedding gown, Shania Twain, where is she now? Who got killed in a car accident, who was the victim of road rage, how Harper is going to continue giving tax breaks to big business... I could go on and on.

Nothing stated in well over a month about how the folks in Japan are doing, I have to actively search out news to see what's going on with the flood in Alberta.

It angers me that important news is NOT being covered
Plane makes emergency landing at Burlington highschool

But Mr. Livingston said the pilot told him the plane had run out of fuel.

Mmm, big news there, huh?
Variety Village finally gets bus stop

“I want to thank everyone for their hard work,” he said. “It’s absolutely fantastic

Real hard work to get the city to put a bus stop in at a disabled kid's center!

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:43 PM
Oh I am noticing personally how angry and rude people have been treating me since last Sunday night. Everyone in my circle have labeled me a conspiracy theorist for years and funny enough all those that didn't want to share that label did from time to time absolutely agree with things I believe and never gave me to much flack. Oh but now, I actually had a family member call me up tell me I was headed for trouble ,like a mental ward. They basically told me I better rethink my stance or keep my mouth shut because people were talking. The crazy thing to me is they are really blind and falling for this with their brand new American flags and their new found admiration for Obama. Maybe they are just scared. I know I am but I guess I better stop talking cuz I might find myself locked up.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by SHABBYCAT
Oh I am noticing personally how angry and rude people have been treating me since last Sunday night.

The MSM cares more about the terrorists feelings than the theorists.

Sunday night I went to my friends house and said
"Let's drink beer, Osama Bin Laden is dead."
My friends still trust me.

David Grouchy

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by Invariance

Is one still called a conspiracy theorist when they find information and articles from reliable sources to back up their hypothesis/ideas? If not, what is it called?

I coined my own term for this, if you are so inclined please use it...

"Conspiracy Factualist" (I had to "Add to Dictionary" however, as "factualist" is seemingly not yet a definable word in the English Dictionary)

edit on 5/6/2011 by UberL33t because:

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:09 AM
Fact of the matter are not making a difference anywhere. A few lunatic rants from people on the internet are not going to cause a rift in anyone's thinking. You guys only have opinions and theories and very little facts or evidence to back any of your claims up.

So if there is a is in your head...

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by SHABBYCAT

Ever consider that your presentation and single-mindedness makes this so?

Down Kitty. DOWN!
edit on 2011/5/6 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

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