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Ladies and Gents...our choices for President...

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posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 11:41 PM
I think it's funny that Kerry's wife doesn't really seem to give a care whether he wins or not, she just says whatever.

All I can say is that both Bush and Kerry's daughters have good um, genetics. I prefer Alexandra over the twins though. Then again the twins are probably more fun to drink with.

EDIT. Removed picture with nudity

[edit on 30-7-2004 by ZeddicusZulZorander]

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by sosuemetoo
I choose Bush....

1. I could care less where Bush was during Vietnam. That war was over 30 years ago. My father is a Vietnam veteran, but did not go to Vietnam.

Excuse me, your father is NOT a Viet Nam veteran. He can claim to be a Viet Nam War era veteran. I served in the Marine Corps in Viet Nam. I would laugh in your father's face if he claimed to be a Viet Nam veteran. As would any other Viet Nam veteran.

2. Bush is a "real" guy. He doesn't "flip flop" or say that he voted for the war then voted against it.

What does it mean to say that Bush is a real guy??? He is the biggest phony to ever hold high political office in the United States. He uses a phony Texas accent, which he learned from living part of his life in Texas. He grew up going to private boarding schools in New England. He attended Harvard and Yale. He can speak with either a Texas accent or a New England accent, but he uses a Texas accent so gullible people like you will think he is a real guy. He trys to project a cowboy image, but he is scared to death of horses. He has lied about his arrest record and his service in the Air National Guard. Real guy. Yeah, right.

Bush is much more of a flip-flopper than Kerry. Most of the flip-flops that Republicans keep accusing Kerry of are not flip-flops at all. On the other hand, here are some real, documented flip-flops by Bush.

President Bush: Flip-Flopper-In-Chief

He has not spelled out what exactly he will do on the "War on Terrorism." He says he will unite America...but how will he do that. Bring in the UN? Well the UN, we've found, was getting kick backs on the "Oil for Food" program in Iraq. Just from the initial investigations, we've found that France and Germany were getting "kick backs" by voting against the war in Iraq.

All your assertions of fact about the oil for food scandal are just speculation at this point. For you to state these as facts shows that you are intellectually dishonest.

Russia seems to be in on it too. All three of these countries were getting intelligence that Iraq was going to attack the US...but turned their heads. It didn't matter to them. I do not feel safe with Kerry...and to me that is the most important thing in this time of terror.

You are just making things up. All of these countries were getting intelligence that Iraq was going to attack the U.S.??? Provide some documentation for this ridiculous claim, or you have lost all your credibility.

4. I want a President that says what he means and means what he says. "I'm for gay marriage...well, I'm not for marriage, but I think that gay's should have a legal contract with one another."

You are lying again. Kerry has never said he is for gay marriage. Kerry has said that he is against gay marriage, but is also opposed to a constitutional amendment prohibiting it.

5. I want a first lady that isn't an activist. And...doesn't hide her tax returns and records. I also don't appreciate her comment to a reporter to "shove it."

NEWSFLASH! Teresa Heinz Kerry is not running for President. You base your vote on the wife of the candidate??? Her tax returns are her business. She has not released them because her finances are tangled up with the finances of her children, and she doesn't want to violate their privacy.

It also seems that the "ketchup queen" will not be a real "First Lady." To seems that she will not even reside in the White House if Kerry is elected. She will resume her life, what ever it is, and ignore the fact that her husband is the President of the United States. The wife of a president assumes certain duties...she does not seem like the kind of person that wants to do this or have any part of it.

This is all pure speculation on your part. You have no way of knowing what kind of first lady Teresa will be.

6. If we have a candidate that is forced (in Illinois) to reveal his sealed divorce records and forced to remove himself from his canidacy...then Kerry should reveal his divorce records. He refused to do this, when asked. What does he have to hide?

Do you have any capacity at all for logical thought? A judge in Illinois ordered Jack Ryan's divorce records unsealed. Because of that judge's decision, you think Kerry should reveal his divorce records? His divorce records are a private matter and none of your business.

7. Last...Kerry has not sponsored any bill.

That is a lie.

Further, he has not been around to vote for any important bill in the past two years.

That is another lie.

Let's see. You make things up. You tell lies. You state as fact what is only speculation. You imagine that you can predict the future actions of people you know nothing about. George Bush and Dick Cheney would be proud of you.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 07:43 AM
Laura bush,

17 while driving on the wrong side of the road she hit and kill her exboyfriend, she never got convicted for the crime and as to why she was driving in the wrong side of the road, is not record for the reason either.

Just like bush her records are clean, when she is confronted by the media abut her driving "accident" she responds� Do you still remember that? And never give and answer of the incident at all.

By the way I am pro choice, pro women rights; against organize religion, and radical. And if anyone can not deal with that well that is your problem.
Not mine.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 11:19 AM
O I can Deal I am Just as Radical in my Views as you are your we can go round and round all day if you like

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 11:37 AM
taibunsuu says

I think it's funny that Kerry's wife doesn't really seem to give a care whether he wins or not, she just says whatever.

All I can say is that both Bush and Kerry's daughters have good um, genetics. I prefer Alexandra over the twins though. Then again the twins are probably more fun to drink with.

I agree. All four daughters are very attractive. I think Jenna Bush is really hot, but after seeing Alexandra Kerry on live TV last night, I would say she is the hottest of the four hotties.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by taibunsuu
All I can say is that both Bush and Kerry's daughters have good um, genetics.

it's so true

I prefer Alexandra over the twins though. Then again the twins are probably more fun to drink with.

Du'h twins are always more fun to drink with, and we'll after the drinking it's alot better yet.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 12:18 PM
I dont think the US has lost respect in the world, I think they just fear the US a little more, and they should!

We must remember September 11 and never forget that we were attacked.

The United States changed that day, we are more aware of our surroundings and cautious of strangers at home and abroad.

I wonder what kind of 1st term GWB could have had if we had not been attacked, this country would have been on the biggest financial gain in history, thing would have totally different, but we can not forget the financial crash the airline and travel industry had after 9-11, which slowed the Nations economy.

This country and the world has great strides since that day in September, and I have to credit this current administration for having the courage to stand up to a enemy that hides in the dark.

The comments about GWB being a burn out and a doper are pure DNC spin and mainstreem media pressure to impose the idea that GWB is a dummy.

How many of you on ATS have a college degree yet alone a degree from Yale.

How many of you on ATS have a Master of Business from any school yet alone from Harvard.

So please, dont call GWB a idot. It is pretty clear the people who make these alligations are the uneducated and dont understand what it takes to earn a degree from these schools.

And you can bring up the silver spoon from daddy, and yes that helped him get into Yale, but this had no influence at all for the MBA from Harvard.

Do the research on getting a MBA from Harvard.

Very few people have this degree, because they dont have the mental ability to accomplish the intense demands made to complete the course.

Not to mention 4 consecutive terms as govenor of Texas.

Yes GWB does come off as a little screwy now and then and his facial expressions need work, but can you just think of the personal demands that are brought on the individual as being the President of the United States.

So please, don't make your choices by what you here and see on the TV,
Both the GOP and DNC are going to force some bad information at all of us over the next 2 months, do a some research on both Kerry and GWB look into their backgrounds and make a informed vote this election year, our Nation and our Freedom depends on you!

My vote will be for GWB!


posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 12:55 PM
the bush twins are o tay but give me the BUDWISER twins

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 01:11 PM
SIRR1 says

So please, dont call GWB a idot. It is pretty clear the people who make these alligations are the uneducated and dont understand what it takes to earn a degree from these schools.

dont should be don't. a should be an. idot shoud be idiot. alligations should be allegations. dont should be don't.

You cannot write grammatical English that is properly spelled and punctuated. But you lecture other people about being uneducated.

Not to mention 4 consecutive terms as govenor of Texas.

I agree, we should not mention it, especially since he did not serve four terms. He was elected twice and served half his second term before being elected President.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 03:20 PM

I like you, we may have diferent views on certain things but I like you been radical.

Don't worry we will debate pleanty in ATS.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 03:27 PM

We May Beleave in Diffrent things but at least WE BELEAVE in something and stick to it.....When I have more time Ill have to Find some of your post and we can Have a Strong debate on them..gotta run soon... gotta work 3rd shift tonight gotta Sleep

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 05:44 PM
Maybe getting GW Bush elected president was Texas's way of unloading him?

Isn't this the common practice in corporate america?
Those who can do the job stay, those who can't get promoted.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by taibunsuu
lol... Without France the USA would have never existed. But don't let that alter your opinion of them, even if you do sound exactly like Rush Limbaugh.

The French didn't help out the early colonies because they wanted to be friendly. They wanted America and they wanted to see Great Britian fall. Either way we got them back again..and again...and again.

Just a side point, not worth editing but i had to correct my speeling. We would still speak English if the French didn't help us but if we didn't save the French, they would speak German. Like i said, just a side note.

[edit on 2-8-2004 by AntiPolitrix]

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 11:52 AM
The French probably helped us because they desperately needed an ally. That and they were still mad about losing Canada to the British.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by SIRR1
I dont think the US has lost respect in the world, I think they just fear the US a little more, and they should!

We must remember September 11 and never forget that we were attacked.

The United States changed that day, we are more aware of our surroundings and cautious of strangers at home and abroad.

I wonder what kind of 1st term GWB could have had if we had not been attacked, this country would have been on the biggest financial gain in history, thing would have totally different, but we can not forget the financial crash the airline and travel industry had after 9-11, which slowed the Nations economy.

This country and the world has great strides since that day in September, and I have to credit this current administration for having the courage to stand up to a enemy that hides in the dark.

The comments about GWB being a burn out and a doper are pure DNC spin and mainstreem media pressure to impose the idea that GWB is a dummy.

How many of you on ATS have a college degree yet alone a degree from Yale.

How many of you on ATS have a Master of Business from any school yet alone from Harvard.

So please, dont call GWB a idot. It is pretty clear the people who make these alligations are the uneducated and dont understand what it takes to earn a degree from these schools.

And you can bring up the silver spoon from daddy, and yes that helped him get into Yale, but this had no influence at all for the MBA from Harvard.

Do the research on getting a MBA from Harvard.

Very few people have this degree, because they dont have the mental ability to accomplish the intense demands made to complete the course.

Not to mention 4 consecutive terms as govenor of Texas.

Yes GWB does come off as a little screwy now and then and his facial expressions need work, but can you just think of the personal demands that are brought on the individual as being the President of the United States.

So please, don't make your choices by what you here and see on the TV,
Both the GOP and DNC are going to force some bad information at all of us over the next 2 months, do a some research on both Kerry and GWB look into their backgrounds and make a informed vote this election year, our Nation and our Freedom depends on you!

My vote will be for GWB!


Finally, someone breaking it down for these Bush Hat'n Brainwashed-I Saw It On The News-Die Hard Democrates. I'd like to see how Bush and Kerry match up. Those records are probably not avalible for the public but it would be interesting to look at.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by curme
Not voting because of a wife's accent? Well I'm voting for the one whose wife didn't kill her old boyfriend!

Damn...who was this or am i just way too gullible?

Vote Bush, not the flizzy flizzy flizzity flip flop Kerry.
"I..I say I..I say..I am not a flip flopper" Kerry-Democratic Conevention 2004

Just kidding, but yea, i vote Bush

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 01:20 PM

A vote for Nader is NOT a vote for Bush! Thats just what they want you to think, didn't you know that. You could say the same for just about any 3rd Party candidate, but this does not mean we should not vote for them? No.

Ask yourself these questions...

1. Do you honestly believe Nader has a snowball's chance in hell?
2. Which of the two are Nader voters more likely to vote for, if Nader wasn't even in the running (which really, he isn't)...?

It's not what THEY want me to's a simple fact, born out and reinforced in the last presidential election even. Sure, you could be idealistic, and believe you're speaking your voice, etc. but it doesn't change the fact that Nader simply doesn't have enough on his side to even be as viable a candidate as he was in the last election (which isn't saying much) yes, it is basically a throw-away vote.

I'm all for 3rd party candidates...IF they are viable candidates. Point is, it's going to take an awful lot of charisma with the American public at large, for a third party candidate to get elected in this day and age...and Nader, quite simply, lacks this charisma...

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:35 PM
I'm late but I just found this post

Gazrok is completely right. If Badnarik was not such a complete geek he might actually build a following on his ideals. It's truly sad that the american people have fallen to such a point that the president is elected on charisma more than ideas.

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