posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:20 PM
The term "illuminati" is thrown around on these boards to label every group or ideal that a member feels is nefarious.
The truth is completely different.
Setting aside the Bavarian Illuminati for the moment, there are two distinct philosophies that evolved from the original Illuminist movement. Both
"groups" still exist, although not in the classical sense of puppet-masters, or secret groups of billionaires planning earth's future.
The faction with whom I am familiar operates at a very subtle level. There are no huge global meetings or centralized leadership. Decisions are made
organically and actions that are taken are the result of decisions being filtered through corporations, media or entertainment that result in public
awareness, and it is hoped, action.
One example is the public exposure of genetically-modified food, harmful pesticides and economic terrorism perpetrated by someone like Monsanto.
Although nearly impossible to trace, the film "The Corporation" came into being through these types of channels.
Sometimes ideas are suggested to writers in the entertainment industry that might result in a 'novel' screenplay covering some new science-fiction
concept. The vast majority of viewers of influenced films simply are entertained, while a few who are sensitive to the new ideas presented become
inspired to research more about new technologies and discoveries.
The movement of humanity toward an enlightened and pure democratic state is the end-game. The absence of war, disease, mitigation of disaster, and an
awakened realization of our true purpose, which is to care for others. This will not be realized for many lifetimes but there are those who remain
just out of sight moving perceptive humans along.
On the other side of the schism there are those who've learned that the techniques discussed about can be used for ANY purpose, not just peaceful
ones. These "cells" often actively seek out disenfranchised and outspoken personalities and give them the avenue to broadcast their discontent,
often reeling in others.
Whether the discontent itself is meaningful in any way, it almost always draws attention from the real purpose of this group, which is to secure
resources, power, territory and allegiance. They work only to benefit themselves, and may not even be evil people, just misguided.
Anyway groups outside of the two described who are referred to as "Illuminati" have nothing to do with actual events and people associated with the
original Illuminist movement.