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Libya: western leaders call for Nato to assassinate Gaddafi

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posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:01 PM
NATO To Assassinate Gaddafi

Senator John McCain, who visited Libya at the weekend, said that Gaddafi should be targeted but argued that it was more important to increase US firepower over Libya

Senior western leaders called for Nato to adopt an assassination policy against Col Muammar Gaddafi to salvage the bombing campaign in Libya from a descent into stalemate.

if NATO actaully does assassinate Gaddafi the Russians wont like it, interesting picture of the war monger McCain makes him look like devil.

If NATO does assassinate Gaddafi the Russians will respond, and re act because they know that america is cutting Africa from there supply routes.

This is not looking a mandate mission anymore, screw NATO

edit on 24-4-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:06 PM
I was on the overthrowing dictators bandwagon when it started. Once I saw what happened in Libya I had to take a step back and say wait a minute. Somethings strange.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:10 PM
I'm still waiting to go pick lettuce for $50/hr.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

I'm in France. I will be shocked if they will do that. If NATO will do this, i will not forgive them...I hope you are wrong. I can't believe that we are living in a world like that. I hope you're wrong man...

edit on 11/04/11 by LaTouffe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:26 PM
After reading the article, and looking at the postings there are a few things that can be stated as to the question at hand, being should NATO assassinate Gaddai, or any foreign leader.
Several US presidents have signed orders that specifically address this topic and forbid US personnel from actually doing the deed, as they realized that there is a deeper implication to this matter. Even the UN has specific prohibitions on the assassination of any leader of a country, thus making it wrong on a national and international level. It opens a dangerous door that should not be opened up and ultimately would lead to war on a larger scale than what is being seen right now. The removal of a sitting leader by assassination is a risky proposition, as it would throw a country into chaos and lead to the calls for war and retribution. The old saying, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t comes into play. There is no guarantee that the next guy to sit in that chair will be any better and could be worse. Those kinds of questions would have to be answered, and ultimately the very people that would benefit from this would be the ones who would pay the ultimate price for such actions. It would not be pretty nor would it be simple. If the people of a country want to execute their own leader that is one thing, but foreign powers should not do such. Opening up that door would mean that every leader in every country could have a cross hair on them at any time and it would be only a matter of time before someone gets it into their head to take a shot at some of them to force a change in the government. It would force countries that are now starting to join the world to become isolationist and those that are open to close down, and no one would trust anyone else. Alliances would fall and be made all for the sole purpose of protection, rather than trade. The best case example of this is looking back in history to World War I, where the leader of one nation caused a war that swept through Europe. Are we prepared for a larger war that could end up being fought at home as well as abroad?

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:40 PM
The UN was designed to prevent wars not make them. We're on the war path for oil thats all this is. Gaddafi is just the enemy to NATO because he's not their puppet leader. When the war is over and the rebels establish a government NATO will put in a puppet leader and start taking the oil.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by mayabong

Yep, you and i must be on the same bus, cuz i am seeing the same as you.
I understand ghaddaffi may not be a good guy but hey, what "dictator" is?
But the idea of several nations coming together to oust someone they do not like under the "Guise" of civil war, makes you go hmmmm.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:11 PM
Turnabouts fair play.

Maybe some of the eastern countries could get together and target the western leaders.

Or maybe some of those "protecting" the western leaders could wake up and strike a blow for true freedom.

Dreaming, I know, but tyrants need to go, wherever they are and whatever disguise they're in.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by notsofunnyguy

Silly rabbit. When the west talks of assassination it is called "Spreading Democracy," when the east talks of assassination it is called "Terrorism"

Did you not receive the memo?

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

Well said.

I have been disturbed by the Libyan intervention from the get go. A strong case has never been made for the drastic and sudden action that has been taken. In looking into Gaddafi he has been one of better leaders of an African nation. A complete disregard of the opinion of the African Union by NATO and the US is a clear sign of continental conflict and not a humanitarian mission. This kind of talk by NATO just shows them as the pack of dogs they are, not as respected leaders. International tension is already rising as China is staring to dump its US dollars. Things will get out of hand as blind hatred instead of common sense is running the show.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:27 PM
There is going to be war... It's human nature. We all know it's going to happen because history repeats itself, and it's going to keep doing so until we get the hint that greed can only destroy and not create. Through out history greed has controlled man in his quest for dominance. Just look at all the posts on ATS 90% are about some sort of dominance. I really hope that the next time this world suffers a global catastrophe, and I'm not talking about one that happens in one area of the world, that governments around the world wise up. There is no need for a monetary system. Today poor people suffer in the streets as the rich drive by them in their beemers on their way to one of their many houses not giving them a thought except to wish they don't touch their car. This is a sad, sad world we live in and the rich elite have the power to change the world for the GREATER GOOD (sorry I love Super Fuzz), but they figure control is more fun to their sick agenda. Whatever it may be... you can bet you sweet pickles they do not have your best interest in mind. The only way to fix our way of living is for us to start over from scratch. Otherwise we are just parasites consuming everything we encounter.

You can beam me up now Scotty... this place has no intelligent life...
edit on 24-4-2011 by SmArTbEaTz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by tom goose
reply to post by notsofunnyguy

Silly rabbit. When the west talks of assassination it is called "Spreading Democracy," when the east talks of assassination it is called "Terrorism"

Did you not receive the memo?


I guess I'm not cleared to "Spread Democracy".

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by XxRagingxPandaxX

This is about a lot more than just oil...libya is one of 6 countries who currently don't have a central bank..and they have a lot of water..ghaddafi just finished a water system in libya that cost him 20 billion and he didn't borrow a cent from the world bank. This system will turn sand into soil and make libya from a desert to farmland. It is actually one of the greatest achivements and it is incredible it doesn't get any media attention. LIbyans will have enough water for themselves for 50,000 years. It costs the libyan people nothing to use it as their tax dollars helped pay for it. And ghadafi also ended taxes on food due to rising food prices. Does this really sound like a dictator. I also find it funny that libya has an elected prime minister but we never hear the media talk about this. Anyone out there that supports this nato murder of ghaddafi and his country, you are a disgrace and either a fool or an evil person. This is not a people rising up, it is muslim extremists trying to take over a country.(the richest in africa by the way)Ghaddafi has been fighting muslim extremists in his country for over two decades. The US and other countries should actually be singing his praises considering what he was doing and is trying to due goes right with the, "war on terror." But the fact that ghaddafi is a true leader and will not give up his country is the reason. Anyone that disagrees, well the media reports that these "rebels" are outnumbered 10 to 1. But LIbya only has around 50,000 troops and a population of 4 million. So how the hell can they sell this as a majority of the people rising up. We already know eastern libya(particularily benghazi where the rebel stronghold is) is a breeding ground for fighters in the iraq and afghanistan wars. 25% of foreign fighters in iraq come from ere and 20% in afghanistan. So for nato to fight wars against these same people in iraq and afghanistan and protect them in Libya is a joke. This whole thing would of been over a long time if they didn't interfere. The same thing is going on in yemen..why no intervention there..oh yea an ally of the US..same with bahrain and saudi arabia...

These rebels have already sold more than a million barrels of oil...I know if I was rising up risking my life the last thing i'd be concerned about is selling oil

edit on 24-4-2011 by Canadianpride420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 07:24 PM
If the rebels are genuine, they are going to regret this revoloution, specifically becuase of NATO's willingness to intervene. Does anyone trully think that the West/U.S is going to waste millions in military hardware in order to further the humanitarian cause? Once their infastructure is destroyed, they realise they don't have the bureaucrats to support a democracy, their doors have been opened to sudden free market reforms, their public institutions and industry is all privatized, the secret police comes and kills all dissidents in order to "maintain democracy" and they are stripped of their resources- then they will really see that calling for Western intervention was a mistake.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by SmArTbEaTz

sadly your correct, there will be more wars, russia is waiting for the right moment to respond, they want to be called as the aggressor.

by the way does anyone or even you watch the tuner classic movies? they have been showing to many war movies lately, its almost like an omen.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:21 AM
i've said this many times,everything were get or told in the west about gaddafi for the last 10 years has been total lies and look at whats going on here.

we all got kids right...what if someone killed your be pissed and beyond in gaddafi world he let this go many years ago...and moved on with his life and people....and now they killed one of his sons...and they fully intend to kill all of his kids along with him...just like they did with saddam....

what were seeing here is the public execution of a sovereign leader and his kids.(am i the only one who has a problem with this.)

99% of the world is seeing this liberation war for what it really is...nothing more then a resource war..for the private megalomania warmonger banksters.

lets take you all back to this statement by gaddafi just before the assault on his country and people.

he challenges the private banksters of this what were seeing here a hit being done by these private of them sitting at there big black round table must of said...KILL HIM..and all his one fuks with us...know what i mean..

when i first started looking into this whole libyan war ..i was at first anti-gaddafi...i fell for a lot of the anti- hype created by the west about gaddafi..but after looking into it myself...i was shocked to find,infact gaddafi not the monster were all lead to believe he is...infact his created a better standard of living then most of us in the western world..

infact after have to kinda respect gaddafi..his the only one in the world,who stood up to these banksters...and said NO we don't want your idea of democracy your debt driven society....he refuse to let his people be enslaved by these private have to respect that.

Notice:This is a repost of mine,from a thread about the same topic.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Yes I do... It's like they want to program WAR into our minds... and it's working. Just ask yourself when the last time a newspaper (I know these are lost relics these days), or news cast did not mention the word WAR in it. I bet you can't, and why do you think that is? Because it's part of our lives... They made it our culture. My 5 yr old daughter asked me why people are fighting so much all the time and I told her because they stand up for what they believe in and others who are apposed to those beliefs want to stop them. Not like she understands but in the back of her mind it will plant itself. To put it simple WAR is huge money for big business and big business runs the world. No matter where you are at. You can run, you can hide, but when you open your eyes again it will be staring you in your face.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Canadianpride420

Well said indeed. The US "IS" the new Nazi regiment (New Rome). "It's our way or no way at all!" should be the new armed forces slogan. I'm all about loving my country... I just hate the idiots that run it. This should be the people's nation and instead it belongs to big business. This country is either going to get run into the ground, or the great people of this nation are finally going to lay down their arms and say I've had enough of your lies and start holding people accountable in government, like us civilians have been for decades.

Today, America has its own panic. While there is much to be done, there’s a populist outcry for a level playing field. America needs to prosecute criminals regardless of their social status and political contributions and enforce white-collar crimes with the same zeal that they tackle blue-collar offenses. Whether it’s Ponzi schemers or corrupt judges, there needs to be real enforcement and punishment for financial misdeeds. The white collars need to become too afraid to take the risks.

America has the honor of being history’s great democracy where all men are created equal. To continue fulfilling that promise, we must shake off the shackles that bind Lady Liberty’s hands and truly start treating all men equally.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by SmArTbEaTz

well it's like i've been saying for a while...obama is not the president of the united states...his the public face for the united corporate states of banksters...

it's about time the US got a real president....

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:31 PM
If NATO starts assassinating dictators in the middle east it's going to go terribly wrong the countries in the middle east will unite and the world will be under a threat. It's one thing keeping order but going in and assassinating a country leader is taking it a little bit too far.

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