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Speech, while I applaud your efforts and use of sources, please bare the following in mind:
Arafat, when he started the Oslo process (which actually started without the permission of the then PM Rabin), and the PLO were in shambles, it was after the Gulf War, when they sided with Iraq, and were considered pariahs in most Arab countries as well as western countries. So, this was kind of a life-line to him.
You also need to know that in Israel is was illegal to confer with the PLO since it was defined at the time as a terrorist organization, so, as far as concessions go, when Israel agreed to grant autonomy to the "Palestinians" (I still disagree that such a people existed in history, but since they decided to define themselves as one, so be it), it was a very big concession on their part.
Oslo was designed in stages, it was sold to the Israeli population by the govt. as "Gaza and Jericho first", so, in 1993, when the agreements were signed, and Arafat came into Gaza everyone were ecstatic (I know that firsthand as I was in high-school and everyone was talking about "peace" and the "new middle east"), what is less known is that same day Arafat smuggled weapons and people into Gaza in direct violation of the very same Oslo accords. So it was clear he had no intention of honoring them, so, that renders the entire discussion as moot, since when one side enters an agreement intending to break it, the concessions made by that side are irrelevant.
It has been proven time and again that Arafat personally ordered and managed terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, many, many times. Actually, each time he was forced to make hard choices, he turned to violence, that happened in 1999, when Barak basically offerred him everything, except minor changes (oh, and no "right of return" which is complete BS, since no refugees ever returned to where they came from - look up WW II for example), and he started the "second intifada" (again, I know, I was there... I was actually in an Arab village shopping for furniture the very same day Sharon went up to the temple mount giving Arafat the perfect excuse), what most people don't remember is that the day before (it was a Thursday) a "Palestinian" policeman murdered his fellow Israeli counter-part (a border-guard soldier) in a joint patrol... (I believe it was in Kalkilia or Tul-Karem).
The last round of talks was between Olmert and Abu-Mazen and it is well documented that Olmert basically gave almost everything up, including control in parts of Jerusalem (which would probably wouldn't have held up in public opinion in Israel, but he did it anyway), and still Abu-Mazen refused...
Well proto, Arafat was a mess murderer. I don't need to demonize him. His actions did that for himself. But you sound surprised. I wonder why.
Jerusalem was never EVER an Arab capital, Jordanian capital let alone a Palestinian capital. So what concessions?
“Look, I want to make peace with you, but you got to give me half of Washington.” What? But Washington was never yours. “Ah you're right.”
After all, it was Arafat the mess murderer that began the 2nd intifada in 2000. Need Pictures?