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Pay my Federal taxes or not? Whats the truth about not being a Law?

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posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:44 AM
So I have been wondering for awhile about paying my federal taxes or not. I really dont wanna have to pay those crooks. I look it up and I keep seeing conflicting arguments. Yes it is a law and no it isnt,back and forth it goes to the point where Im confused. I came across this and it shows a list of some of the corporations that dont pay federal taxes...

Pay Your Taxes? These 10 Companies Didn't.

Aside from the fact that there is no law requiring us to pay our federal taxes, we still hand over our hard earned cash to our government pimps.


So why do these guys get away with it but people like you and me are forced to pay the corrupt government the money that we work for? I know that we get tax returns but just a portion of what we put in.While on the other hand these corporations get money handed to them...I am all for paying my local and state taxes to provide money for the roads and other things..But federal,where does that go? Does it go towards paying for these unecessary "WARS" or pay towards federal debt? What does paying federal taxes get us? They try or do take everything away including are FREEDOMS and then expect money from us? I just dont get it. I dont know if I should but to me it seems like they make it difficult to understand...So what is it? Is thre a law that says yes you must pay federal taxesor is it something made up to benefit everyone but us?
edit on 20-4-2011 by gdaub23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:52 AM
Well, considering that tax day was YESTERDAY, I'd say you already made your decision!

I've the argument before that it's voluntary, but I really don't know. It seems people are able to avoid paying for a few years (at least if celebrities), then can work out some kind of deal that doesn't involve shiny new metal bracelets.

So, if you need the money NOW, I suppose you could say screw 'em and work out a deal when they knock on your door.

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, advocate, attorney, attorney-at-law, barrister, counsel, counsellor, counselor, defender, jurisprudent, jurist, legal adviser, legal eagle, legist, member of the bar, mouthpiece, pleader, practitioner, proctor, procurator, solicitor or anyone else you should take advice from, EVER!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:53 AM
What a great subject! One could use the same argument for why the US is sending troops into Libya or why we throw billions of dollars of tax money out the window to pay for some banker's end of the year bonus.

The answer is really simple. People are too scared of their own government to fight with the IRS. It's just easier to send your 18 year old kid over to get his head cut off in Libya and pay the government for the plane ticket.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by CodeRed3D
What a great subject! One could use the same argument for why the US is sending troops into Libya or why we throw billions of dollars of tax money out the window to pay for some banker's end of the year bonus.

The answer is really simple. People are too scared of their own government to fight with the IRS. It's just easier to send your 18 year old kid over to get his head cut off in Libya and pay the government for the plane ticket.

Last time I checked 18 was the legal age of consent to join the military, maybe i missed something..or maybe you are just melodramatic.

I suppose you refused to pay your taxes this this year then, assuming i got the "gist" of your post?
edit on 20-4-2011 by mileysubet because: to add

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:01 AM
Pay them.
Even if there were 1 million things that said not to, the one that does is the one that will get you... .. . "Sniped"

Until you get confirmation that 50% of "citizens" will not be paying you better or the ...umm authorities will come take your possessions.
This does not apply to aliens or corporations by the way, they are above the law.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by mileysubet
Last time I checked 18 was the legal age of consent to join the military, maybe i missed something..or maybe you are just melodramatic.

Not so much.
Trying to decide on whether to pay taxes by judging whether or not the money will be legitimately used for the good of the country is as mute as sending this nation's children to fight for oil. Besides, even after your kids reaches 18 twice over, they are still your kids. You still have to go to bed at night.

People might as well pay their taxes. Its easier than trying to police what the government will do with the cash when they get it.

Sorry, my answer before was quite crass. I just got through paying my taxes, so I'm a bit grumpy.

edit on 20-4-2011 by CodeRed3D because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by gdaub23

I stopped paying taxes 3 years ago when I decided that the Federal Government no longer represented my best interests. The IRS tax code is based on "voluntary compliance. They can throw you and I in jail but can they throw 50 million Americans in jail? I think not.

The IRS are the same crooks who want me to diclose and pay taxes on what I barter and get as "gifts." BWAHAHAHAH!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by gdaub23

Welcome to the rabbit hole, Alice. This has got to be one of the fuzziest and least-pleasant issues out there.

As I understand it, there is no actual federal law requiring you to pay income taxes. Everything on the actual books - that's I've been referred to, anyway - pushes itself as "voluntary compliance", having to be a federal employee to be required, and defining income in ways that exclude wages (the direct exchange of your time/labor for money) and limit taxable income to specifically-defined 'profits'.

Tommy Cryer and Joe Banister (former IRS agent) would be good names to search on as they have some applicable court cases that they were acquitted in.

Apparently, despite the fact that the LAWS themselves are very iffy and up to debate, the IRS' handling of inquiries implies something is not being admitted, and judges have been unable to provide the actual federal law when asked for it by juries (leading to a jury verdict of not-guilty for state tax evasion, as state law required that anyone who was required to pay FEDERAL income tax was required to pay the state tax - they didn't get the evidence so couldn't call guilty - the courts are more than willing to enforce punishment for not paying taxes, regardless of these arguments not being properly addressed by those trying to enforce the tax.

Republic magazine had a good issue on this, and I think you can read all their issues online if you sign up for a free account - the specific issue overview is at their site here and you can probably find a link to join and get access to issues.

Lots of info to dig into on this - enjoy, try not to get too angry, and be aware that it's basically a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't type situation when comes to enforcement or avoidance.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:20 AM
Just make sure that you have enough (?) money set aside to pay a troop of defense lawyers if you decide not to pay. Of course, you must first decide what is best for your case, act on principles or a prudent plan (paying) that may be distasteful.

Oh, and if you decide not to pay anything based on your strongly held principles, please do some computations of what percentages of benefits, perks, and entitlements you plan to also give up that you get from the federal government. (Things like interstate highways, national parks, general national defense, etc.)

Personally, I would guess that a good argument to use would be to simply deduct the portion of your taxes that goes to the unnecessary wars--not defense entirely, you need that to keep the Chinese, Rusians, etc. off you neck--and see how that flys with Washington. Still, keep that pack of lawyers on a retainer just in case.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:34 AM
Myself personally i dont care what everyone else does, im gonna pay my taxes so i dont end up in prison getting my butthole raped. This reminds me of an old qoute, theres only two things in life for sure death and taxes. People have been paying taxes as long as theres been civilization, its the price you pay for roads and police ect.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:47 AM
Regardless of beefs with the government, can you honestly say you don't use the services these taxes provide?

You don't drive on public roads?
You don't visit public buildings?
You don't use the military protection of the country?
You would refuse the services of the police or fire department if you had need of them?

etc., etc., etc.

Pay your taxes. Without them, we wouldn't have these things.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 12:56 PM
Half the people in this country don't pay federal income taxes anyway. If you're small potatoes and have no significant assets you can probably get away with it, but if you have assets and the IRS finally gets around to you, they will take those assets. Plan on it.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:04 PM
Federal taxes are illegal, but it doesn't matter because they're the ones that make the rules....

For the US...

1. The supreme Court: the highest court in the land that cannot be appealed against said: "the 16th amendment give the government no new powers of taxation."

2. The constitution also says that no direct unapportion tax may be levied against the people at any time. Federal income tax is a direct unapportioned tax.

3. The 16th amendment never received enough votes from the states to be ratified, therefore it is not actually a legal amendment. This HAS been ruled on and decided by the supreme court.

For Canada...

There are two specific sections of the B.N.A. Act that deal with the delegation of authority between the Federal and Provincial Governments. Sections 91 and 92 deal with authority for various types of taxation, who has authority to levy which taxes, and various other areas of jurisdiction.

The Act is very specific in its direction. The right to tax income, known as "direct" tax, was delegated to the provinces; and it was clearly indicated that any monies so raised must be raised provincially, and used for provincial purposes. The Federal Government was denied the right to levy income tax.

But the Supreme Court of Canada goes further. It states that no level or government is allowed to transfer its authority to another level of government, and if transfer were attempted by one level, it could not legally be accepted by another.

On October 3, 1950, the Supreme Court of Canada handed down a decision in the case involving the Lord Nelson Hotel of Halifax, Nova Scotia, against the Attorneys-General of Nova Scotia and Canada. The case involved the transfer of powers from the Provincial to the Federal Government, and was directly related to the income Tax Act. In a seven-judge unanimous decision, the highest court in our land ruled that power transfers cannot legally take place. The Federal Government was given until 1962 to remove itself from all such power-transfer agreements, including the Income tax business, and scrap the Income Tax Act...

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