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Lady Gaga's new song "Judas" is about her love for Judas. Yes, the Judas who betrayed Jesus

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Tifozi

I just love jumping in threads like this not because I feel the need to defend superstars
but because the ats community simply seethes with hypocracy, judgement, and ignorance beyond any measurable understanding of it.
you would think this was some 1950s kkk rally and we were discussing interracial relationships the way it handled.

It really effects the local yobs whenever pop sensations are mentioned and pure hate, dismissal, and venom comes from it...(many whom consider themselves "awake" and such...funny stuff), so I feel the need to participate in them and extend them on as long as possible, if only to give a very long piece of evidence for posterity of how the so called awake can be very much asleep at the wheel

Now, I do not fully appreciate lady gaga's art, therefore I tend to not make threads about her...however, those whom do appreciate her art for exactly what it is do make threads about her (negative threads of after all envokes an emotional response simply by its existance). I won't make the thread due to her in specific not being my chosen "style" of art appreciation, however, what does get me going is hypocracy and ignorance on a board designed to be the bane of all things hypocritical and ignorant. heh

the irony is too tasty to ignore.

I prefer wordless music, or music where I cannot understand the words
classical, house, hindi, russian, etc...I will create my own meaning..however, there is a time and place for everything.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
She isnt even original ,

I disagree with that completely...she is very original

but the rest of your post I agree with...todays flavor, tomorrows memory...I don't think she will be forgotten, but she will lose her draw eventually

stardom is not a permanent trait...its what you do with it while you have it that is important
edit on 19-4-2011 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by marriah3330
reply to [url=
speaking to God, dressed as a nun with upside down crosses on her female parts and all over the nun outfit then gets raped?)

Whats the problem with upside down crosses?

The origin of this symbol comes from the Catholic tradition that Simon Peter was crucified upside down, as told by Origen of Alexandria. The tradition first appears in the "Martyrdom of Peter", a fragmented text found in, but likely predating, the apocryphal Acts of Peter, which was written no later than 200 A.D. It is believed that Peter requested this form of crucifixion as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Christ died (upright). As such, some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Christ.

Old argument...

So, the understanding of history and symbols = upside down cross is humility
Is Gaga using it as a profound understanding, or is she just a ditz for shock value

You can't have it both ways...either she is just going for shock value and using it in a satanic way for modern pop culture
or she is very clever...and therefore using the actual meaning of the upside down cross as humility

will be over there waiting for you to figure out how to justify that she is both an idiot and clever.

gonna order a pizza, this may take awhile.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

this song is horrible, what kind of genre would you classify this garbage under? lady gaga is a disgrace to music and should be killed. all top bands/ musicians in most genres these days are full of illuminati symbolism. just the other day, i was listening to a song on youtube i found very catchy by a new mainstream band, sure enough, after i watched it a few times i noticed the guitarist wearing a pyramid eye # and the lead singer with pyramid eye tattoos on his hand and shoulder lol.. these people need to stop sucking off the illuminati for fame and money, they are being used like a roll of toilet paper.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Otamad
lady gaga is a disgrace to music and should be killed.

ok, and just to make sure I am keeping up...

gaga = evil because she says stuff people disapprove of

the good guys want to see someone dead for basically not liking their art.

yep, I think I am being swayed more and more into batting for these illuminati types...anyone have a phone number or something where I can join up? is there monthly dues?

I will be over in the bad guys corner that doesn't speak about murdering people they do not appreciate.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:31 AM
Big deal.

Even if Jesus was real (not), why do purported religious types get so upset about slurs (real and imagined) against a deity? They afraid the deity can't take care of themselves? They can't even agree on what constitutes a sleight.

Take offense at something important like world hunger, homelessness, lack of health car, etc.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Alda1981

You my friend need to do more study on Judas, he was not the most beloved by any means as that went to John the one teenager amongst the regular disciples. Judas was the treasurer so he was trusted, and he also had a role to fulfill as Christ said before he did it.

Who cares about Lady Ga-Ga, bimbo with no talent! A female version of Marilyn Manson - SHOCK VALUE!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
reply to [url=
bimbo with no talent!

Define no talent...

You realize those two words invalidated your opinion?

What age did you learn the piano at? When did you start your open mics? when did you compose your first ballet?

Just wondering...I mean, we are judging talent here, right? so...lets hear it...

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX


Catholic Dogma and nonsense, ask the Catholics if their first Pope was a Jew? This is the problem with "Organized Religion" and mindless sheep listening to a man at a pulpit and not reading their own self-professed holy Books...

Shimon-kefa was NOT A POPE! He was not the Rock on which Christ built his church either, the verse is out of context when transliterated...

Y'shua was talking to Peter and had just called him Satan and then he would say you are the rock I build my church on? That makes no sense. Now think about this way... Peter you are Satan and THIS (y'shua pointing to himself) is the Rock upon which I will build my church. Peter means rock and it was a rebuke, Also remember the Cheif Cornerstone the builders rejected is Y'shua. So give up the Pope Peter nonsense already, neither History or the Bible bears it out with any study.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

I see many differing opinions and truth within nearly all of them.. Many of you can see the "ritual" and the "marketing ploy" This women is merely an initiatory icon.. a product for your consumption. Those who know a few things may see what others miss.. If you do not agree with the message being preached than simply do not surrender your free will.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

I like the way your thinking btw. Ultimately, the teachings of todays religion reflect spin doctors moreso than actual biblical meaning.

I stand by a belief that christ was not trying to start a religion...arguably, he was only trying to end one.

and that plan failed the second lips started moving after the death of christ, spinning the words.
the plan to free mankind of religion in order to bring them closer to god spun around to start another religion and seperate them even further from god, using christ as the avatar
bit insulting if you ask me.


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:54 AM
It is quite an acheivement that this thread has lasted ten pages. Usually threads about Lady Gaga last no more than four or five pages. It is my considered opinion that there seems to be a new cult forming, the Cult of Hating Lady Gaga. And Pokerface has just begun playing on the radio.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Tindalos2013

The cult of hate is certainly not a new cult...its perhaps the oldest one the earth has known.

They just switch the name up now and then to reflect the new icon of their personal darkness.

today is gaga, yesterday it was manson, before that it was...etc

They suggest these people are evil, are the demons, yet anyone whom steps back for a half second will clearly see where the darkness is coming from...and it isn't from the radio...rather, the hearts and minds of those whom claim rightousness by casting demons into the world under the guise of morality.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Otamad

musicians in most genres these days are full of illuminati symbolism.

Oh noez Illuminati symbolism. Seriously, what is meant to be achieved leaving symbols in everyday objects? Aren't they meant to be a top secret organisation? Before you mention subliminal messaging, you might want to read this:

Top 10 Myths About the Brain

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by badw0lf
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

I Cannot express just how SHOCKED and amazed I am that she would do this.

It is as if she is suddenly possessed and has no earthly god given soul. It is as if she is the leader of the Illuminati, or somehow not even human!

I never thought I'd see the day when she would sing about something like this - almost as if she were just pushing her edge, leading the flock further down the gaga gurgle, no.. WE KNOW BETTER. She is SATAN HISSELF!!!

She shall rue the day she sold her soul to the dark one, when she herself became the icon, when she herself became the beacon. The dastardly evil Lady Gaga horned serpent almost a bloke like diabolical one!!

Get your torches my people, pitchforks and shovels. WE MUST ERASE THIS BLASPHEMY!!!! AND NOW!!!!

*runs and gets a rake* - "Bloody heck, oh well it'll do.."

edit on 18/4/2011 by badw0lf because: edit edit edit doesn't anyone watch tv anymore?

People like you are the true scum of the earth,

1, you mock spiritual people (Because your mighty secular, atheist beliefs are so much better, you really are darwinists monkeys)
2, you have been brainwashed just like catholics and muslims have, but NO you think your better and that you know what really happened,
3, Nobody said gaga was satan, Nobody said she was the leader of the illuminati, Nobody said anything about the devil, satan or lucifer, but YOU cant even admit that she's doing it in efigy at least, just like the leaders of the world dress up in robes at bohemian grove for two weeks in summer, worship besides a stone owl and burn a child in EFIGY!!!!!

Youu use #ty sarcastic "grab the pitchfork dorothy BS because your a TOOL, and you dont have anything to add to the post and the stars you get for doing so make your worthless existence feel worth while,

Everybody should realise all the religions tell the same story, with a few minor disagreements, they all decend from the Sumerians, the bible, the quaran and other holy books are just short, edited versions of the Creation texts from Sumeria,(Modern day Iraq) - is it so hard to believe they could be telling a story of a higher form of life that came to earth and we now know them as the "Gods"??? get rid of this idea of God with a white beard sitting on a cloud (That image was for the kids, now your adults, think like one)

Gaga here, as she has done along with many other stars, rappers, singers, movie stars are pushing the agenda, accepting they are only puppets in an evil capitalist conglomorate, in exchange for money and fame, and IF the Devil happens to exist and Angels really fell to earth then they are telling us which side they would take,

But ofcourse my actual opinion is that God and the "Devil" do exist and there will be a judgement day when Jesus(Probs not his real name) Will come and wipe the Devil from his pearly throne hahahaha,, (Beliefs taken from the sumerian account) STANDARD,

Peace and love always, a choice right now between fear and love, We are all one, there is no such thing as death, ALL matter is just energy condensed (Bill Hicks)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by Tindalos2013

The cult of hate is certainly not a new cult...its perhaps the oldest one the earth has known.

They just switch the name up now and then to reflect the new icon of their personal darkness.

today is gaga, yesterday it was manson, before that it was...etc

They suggest these people are evil, are the demons, yet anyone whom steps back for a half second will clearly see where the darkness is coming from...and it isn't from the radio...rather, the hearts and minds of those whom claim rightousness by casting demons into the world under the guise of morality.

The vile opinions of quite a few post in this thread seem to me a mild infection in the mind or a tainted vibration. I study minds and consciouness expansion in my occultic pursuits. I treat the brain as something to be hacked into like a computer and comperhend how others view reality. ?Could this extreme dislike have formed due to mind control. I apply this to the 'illuminati too. There is a propoganda element somewhere in all the against Lady Gaga and kin from those who dwell dimly in snazzle land.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Desolo

People like you are the true scum of the earth,

your a TOOL, and you dont have anything to add to the post and the stars you get for doing so make your worthless existence feel worth while,

Sorry, I lack focus, so really only seen a few comments from your post.
how very spiritual of you btw...bravo

Peace and love always, a choice right now between fear and love, We are all one, there is no such thing as death, ALL matter is just energy condensed (Bill Hicks)

Decided to put that quote for purposes of irony? Its good to point out your own flaws though, makes you reflect on who you are as a person.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

I don't like Lady Gaga at all, as a musician or as a person, but I don't think she means the Biblical Judas Iscariot, she's talking about another man who she calls Judas in the sense of a traitor.
Of course, I'm not surprised that she'd use Biblical references in her lyrics just to drive up controversy, and prolong her 15 minutes of fame

edit on 19/4/11 by HardbeatAcolyte because: elaboration

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:25 PM
Judas was the key to Jesus's ressurection. Without a betrayer, Jesus would have never had that book written about him. Jesus put Judas up to the deed. Just like negative publicity makes Gaga famous.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Tindalos2013

Well, I am an agnostic athiest skeptic.
I tend to simply see people wanting to feel superior, and tearing down is soo much easier than trying to build yourself up. I think thats whats ultimately at work here

Also, fitting in...saying you don't mind todays latest pop culture icon = immediate exile..however, if you say its trash, no talent, the person is evil somehow will immediately get you in with the cool group of peers.

its a pretty basic and common trait of humanity, been around for ages and history is littered with such examples.

As far as gaga is concerned...well, a smart marketing person will see this and tap into peoples most basic instincts, after all, art isn't about making everyone love you, its about making everyone talk about you...and that she does very well.

End of the day, her haters will one day die, and shortly after that, their memory and contributions will turn to dust. her name and contributions will remain and endure for a very long time after she has left...and that is another huge issue
Peoples ego...they want to live forever, but know they cant except in memory...and with the fear of that also being gone, they see someone whom may live on and become envious.
kill the vampire, not because of the damage it does, but because of the envy it creates. hate things that survive longer than you..

there is alot of philosophical aspects on how to view it, but ultimately it comes down to this

Gaga said "I want your ugly" in her lyrics
and the obedient haters immediately gave as she instructed
then the haters call anyone whom disobeyed her the sheep

she is quite brilliant actually

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