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Obama: Because America Needs Four More Years of Change!

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
Obama has to be the WORST president I have ever had the pleasure of seeing in action. And this, my friends, is coming from a guy who thought no one could top George W. Bush in the suck arena.

And here's another one, my friend...I too thought it couldn't get any worse than Bush (I DID NOT vote for Obama, but still, when he won the election, I did not think anyone could be WORSE than Bush)...was I ever so wrong...then we got "Hopey Changey Hocus Pocus" which means somehow Obama managed to take the turd sandwich that was the Bush Presidency, and make it into a diarrhea chalupa with a 'big gulp' of syphilis puss. I laugh every time I hear Tea Party ignorants harping on about Obama and socialism. I don't know if they have any idea what socialism even is, but what's going on is actually Fascism. The country is being run by corporations. Our presidents are screened by, then funded by, and elected by corporations...and they want to give even MORE power to corporations (I heard there was a case in front of the supreme court which would 'finish the job started with citizens united' with regard to corporate financing of elections)...And another thing I can't stand listening to is all the blather about "Democrats vs. Republicans"...they are the same damn party people, HELLO-ooo!!!

Sad thing is, the next president, who will no doubt be another corporate tool in a long line of presidential corporate tools, will probably be even worse than Bush and Obama combined! It's hard to fathom now, but these people always manage to outdo themselves. Personally, I don't think Obama is going to be re-elected. I think we are going to get more Tea Baggers in the congress and senate, and probably a Republican president...either way it doesn't really matter, a corporate tool is a corporate tool, whether he's a D or an R. I guess I'm sorta in the camp that believes there has to be a breaking point...and people can only be pushed around so much, it's true that Americans are generally apathetic, but when you keep taking and taking, and the appetite just isn't satisfied with American Idol and Friend's reruns, then the S will HTF...and at that point either the walls to all those gated communities will be ripped down and the bums kicked out, or we will find out what all those FEMA camps and marshal laws are for.

Man, either way, I feel like I couldn't ethically have children and bring them into this f-ed up world so they can inherit all these problems...Sometimes I don't feel like there's much hope for this country/world, and every time I see those T-bagger rallies on the tee-vee and then Obama going on about invading this or that country. *head 'splodes*
edit on 2-4-2011 by meeneecat because: grammar

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:06 AM
The man is a complete and total failure as a president, he is the exact anti-thesis of everything that he claimed he would represent when elected.

He could very well be remembered as the most useless, back sliding politician to ever hold the office of POTUS.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
Obama has to be the WORST president I have ever had the pleasure of seeing in action.

Really? And hows that? Obama has continued much the same stance as other presidents before him. I will agree he hasn't changed much in DC, but to argue he's the worst, that's interesting, he's the same essentially.

He said that wars started without congressional approval and without clear and present danger to the security of the US were dumb...He sends SF to Yemen and embroils us in a "not-war" in Libya.

Reality dictates that Obama's actions are of no difference that previous presidents. Bush got involved with Iraq and afganistan, Clinton was the same and we can add the Balkans to his list, George bush senior and the middle east, Reagan had the middle east and central america. They'v all sent in our own to do covert ops or mini wars, and it goes right through to FDR. Obama is not the first, and he probably will not be the last.

the Patriot Act continues(which he voted for several times).

Absolutely, and he had the vast majority of Republicans and Democrats behind him. The patriot act was not renewed by him alone, so you can remove the "man" and feel good about it, but so long as the same congress remains, consider that the patriot act to stay.

He has engaged in even greater frivolous spending and anti-free market policies than his predecessor...

What antimarket policies exactly? US corporations have been making record profits under Obama, businesses continue to pay record low taxes and we just had the Bush tax cuts extended by congress, supported by Obama.

Anti-free market policies? How's that working out? I can tell ya that the $billions worth of top down tax cuts over the years didn't do a thing for the middle and lower classes, it only further seperated the rest of us from the elite.

We were told we would be on the road to achieve energy independence...We can't drill for oil on our own shores

Our shores have been drilled for decades. The idea that we should just simply drill more to deal with the looming energy crises is a joke, it's what the oil corporations get folks to believe so that they could gain every last drop of land for fuel before they ditch. There is minimal evidence to support that expansion of oil drilling will last this country in the next few decades, especially considering we consume more than 15% of the oil consumption.

We got a "health care reform bill" that all his political buddies don't have to abide by

I agree, the healthcare care bill is a joke, but our previous system was also. It's a joke that we are the only country left in the western world without a public alternative to keep the private insurers accountable. We continue on insisting our healthcare system is the way it outta be, while we turn the other check to the millions of americans being cut out, to the increasing healthcare costs by private insurers and by our pathetic ranking on the world stage in healthcare, below coasta rica for pete's sake. But we should just turn the other cheek.

You voting Republicans next year? Because if you are, you have no excuse to complain.
edit on 2-4-2011 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

In most ways, Obama is just like Bush, but then on civil liberties issues Obama is worse. So, in my opinion, Obama is worse than Bush. At least I got a tax refund under Bush and a good laugh at all his "Bush-isms", but Obama is just "evil" to try and listen to him give a speech or announcement on the t.v.

on civil liberties:

Former constitutional law teacher Glenn Greenwald says that – in his defense of state secrecy, illegal spying, preventative detention, harassment of whistleblowers and other issues of civil liberties – Obama is even worse than Bush.

Obama has authorized “targeted assassinations” against U.S. citizens. Even Bush didn’t openly do something so abhorrent to the rule of law.

Obama is trying to expand spying well beyond the Bush administration’s programs. Indeed, the Obama administration is arguing that citizens should never be able to sue the government for illegal spying.

Greenwald has covered this issue extensively. here, here, here, here, here (among others)

and of course there's this

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:05 AM
Ehh...I think Obama is a poser compared to FDR. But he's at least second in the "sucks as a mouthpiece" category.


posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
reply to post by projectvxn
We lost our constitution during the Vietnam war and never got it back. I hope one day this government will be all that you say you want it to be. But i'm not sure if thats ever going to happen.

We lost our constitution waay before Vietnam. It was closer to 1913.


posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:26 AM
The most alarming thing to me is that Obama is America's greatest threat out of all the other problems we have combined.

Obama's agendas and country destruction programs offer the greatest clear and present danger to the USA bar none..

I knew he was going to be big trouble for freedom, but what he has done so far would make Mao and Stalin quite impressed.

It wouldn't even surprise me if Obama has negative entities attached to him (part jest, part serious)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:29 AM
I don't think the game plan can hold out for another two years.
To be honest, it's getting old and finally becoming transparent.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:31 AM
We all voted for him here!
We see no change!
Just business as usual.Money talks ,and BS walks....
So I think this BS will be walking...
And someone else will take the money and be talking....
edit on 2-4-2011 by zbeliever because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by The Old American
We lost our constitution waay before Vietnam. It was closer to 1913.

In violation I quote with only one line....What Oldie

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by BlackOps719

The man is a complete and total failure as a president, he is the exact anti-thesis of everything that he claimed he would represent when elected. He could very well be remembered as the most useless, back sliding politician to ever hold the office of POTUS.

That to me is why he's at a tie with W for worst president ever. Not because he's doing anything differently (and I still think W is winning by a nose) but because he said he was going to do things differently. If your going to be a corporate puppet, the least you can do is not be a hypocrite about it. At least Bush was up front about selling us out.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by meeneecat
reply to post by Southern Guardian

In most ways, Obama is just like Bush, but then on civil liberties issues Obama is worse. So, in my opinion, Obama is worse than Bush. At least I got a tax refund under Bush and a good laugh at all his "Bush-isms", but Obama is just "evil" to try and listen to him give a speech or announcement on the t.v.

on civil liberties:

Former constitutional law teacher Glenn Greenwald says that – in his defense of state secrecy, illegal spying, preventative detention, harassment of whistleblowers and other issues of civil liberties – Obama is even worse than Bush.

Obama has authorized “targeted assassinations” against U.S. citizens. Even Bush didn’t openly do something so abhorrent to the rule of law.

From the same source:

After the Sept. 11 attacks, Bush gave the CIA, and later the military, authority to kill U.S. citizens abroad if strong evidence existed that an American was involved in organizing or carrying out terrorist actions against the United States or U.S. interests, military and intelligence officials said. . . .

The Obama administration has adopted the same stance.

And I don't buy the BS that the assassination of US citizens started in the recent decade, I have no doubt that american agents have committed secret assassinations of American citizens right under our noses during previous administrations. You'd have to be willfully ignorant to insist this "only started under Bush or Obama".

Greenwald has just made it apparent as I have, that Obama is continuing much of the legacy as the Bush administration and previous administrations. I get it, this is about Obama, you have a special issue with him, the actions of the other presidents don't worry you much, it's just this one. Nevertheless, there is nothing to make him stand out. He's administration has changed little, and you're just playing the part of the fake opposition
edit on 2-4-2011 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:13 AM
4 more years of this narcisist, and we can kiss our futures good-bye!

We now see what the "media" wants in a president.

Let's not make the same mistake in 2012, please?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I'm sure you will keep drinking the koolaid. What flavor is it this year? I reallly only see a small fraction voting for him, unless another group like ACORN assembles to buy or steal votes shows up. I think what he sold to the American people wasva turd sandwich smothered in lies. Obama is an amer-I-Can't. Get his a$$ and the rest of the constitution destroyers out of office!!! They should all be impeached for 1. Lying under other to preserve the constitution and 2. Not working for the American people! s and f!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Obama targeted a whole city, or do you not remember LAS VEGAS?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

It's worse than W for that reason. He promised to be different. The only thing he did was put us deeper into debt.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

What antimarket policies exactly? US corporations have been making record profits under Obama, businesses continue to pay record low taxes and we just had the Bush tax cuts extended by congress, supported by Obama. Anti-free market policies? How's that working out? I can tell ya that the $billions worth of top down tax cuts over the years didn't do a thing for the middle and lower classes, it only further seperated the rest of us from the elite.

Corporate profits does not equal free market. Tax cuts from congress does not equal a free market. If Obama wanted to do the opposite of Bush on the economy he would of left it the F alone.

Our shores have been drilled for decades. The idea that we should just simply drill more to deal with the looming energy crises is a joke, it's what the oil corporations get folks to believe so that they could gain every last drop of land for fuel before they ditch. There is minimal evidence to support that expansion of oil drilling will last this country in the next few decades, especially considering we consume more than 15% of the oil consumption

And exactly how does putting a moratorium on the very substance that nearly every sector of our economy needs to function helping? Oil isn't just used at the gas pump it is used in nearly every sector from pharmaceuticals to electronics to food packaging. you make the argument that somehow oil companies make us "think things untrue" but I disagree entirely. While oil companies are certainly in bed with government and vice versa, when your product is the life blood of all economies world wide, as a government you would do well to secure your own sources. Not doing so means food prices go up, prices on consumers goods, people can't travel, so forth and so on.

There are alternatives, but those alternatives can't replace everything oil does. Secondly, those alternatives(wind, solar, wave) cannot be built in sufficient quantities to replace coal, oil, and nuclear power. Until those technologies can be made more efficient they will not be viable as an alternative to oil and other "controversial" forms of energy.

This doesn't even touch on all the other things oil is used for. I don't much care for Obama's unicorn land where he thinks it's ok to "necessarily skyrocket" energy prices in order to shove his ridiculous "green agenda". All that would serve to do is starve people and keep people cold and in the dark.
edit on 2-4-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:18 AM
That is one of the FEW posts on ATS that criticizes Obama for policy and not for irrelevant balderdash. And I applaud you for it.

While the issues you have raised are indeed important points to recognize, and I do have a difficult time disagreeing with you on many of them. I will predict right now, that Obama will win the 2012 election.

And I'll tell you why:

While all the above my be correct (for the most part), what has the opposition done to help this country?

Fact of the matter is, the TEA Party and the GOP have failed completely to bring about economic stability, fiscal responsibility, and employment opportunities. In fact, Governors elected under these promises in state after state have made sure to not only fail on the above promises, but in fact have made it more difficult for people, an example being Wisconsin where the governor in that state has taken away state employee bargaining rights even after the employees had given in and took pay cuts.

While I am sure that many will argue that there is no Left/Right Paradigm in this country, and somehow these people believe that everyone thinks exactly the same on all issues and they should all vote Republican because of it, I stand by my statement that the Right leaning elected officials have done little to nothing to fix the problems in this country, they were elected en masse as a referendum on Obama's policies to date, but after being elected, they have failed to keep their end of the bargain.

And that is why Obama will be re elected.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Agreed to a certain extent.

1. The Tea Party people don't want government to be in the business of running the economy. I think we've proven that they are an abject failure in that regard. What folks like me want is a government that lets the PEOPLE handle the economy. WE THE PEOPLE start businesses, we the people create jobs and reinvest capital.

All government does is tax and sell bonds so it can go to war on our dime.

2. State employees have no "right" to bargain for money that belongs to the vast majority of the population who pay their exorbitant salaries and benefits. They'll get no tears from me.

3. I've always been of the mind that regardless of the Tea Party people(and they don't have the Senate or the presidency so their effort is a misnomer), regardless of republicans and democrats who disagree with the expansionism of the Federal government, we WILL be going over a cliff.

Matters not all that much who is president. What does matter is getting the right people in place to roll back the role of government to a constitutional limit, not redefine and refocus government on a different expansionist agenda that may be palatable to establishment dems and reps.
edit on 2-4-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by zbeliever
We all voted for him here!
We see no change!
Just business as usual.Money talks ,and BS walks....
So I think this BS will be walking...
And someone else will take the money and be talking....
edit on 2-4-2011 by zbeliever because: (no reason given)

Not sure who you mean by "we all." I didn't vote for him.
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