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(Where is my power) - (Heightening senses for downloading)

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posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 08:21 AM
Where is your power hiding - heightened senses for downloading

Enunciate and visualize (If you please)

Never having done this or had any knowledgeable direction before; oh was I excited to try each described option as explained in the lessons trying the different variations.

Already seated reading the lesson I focused on centering myself and immediately felt a sensation of being centered. I envisioned a light inside of my body that appeared somewhere right below my chest as a circle surrounding my spine. The directions went on to say “try to move it”. In hearing that spoken with the voice inside of my head I realized that indeed I could move it.

I spent a little time playing with that new found toy inside of me, finding that not only could I move it but I could expand it to any degree. Of course I wanted to see what would happen if I filled myself with it. At the moment of it reaching what I felt to be my skin, I felt“rightness” (for lack of a better explanation). It felt as if I was empty before and now I was READY. Why did I think that? What did it make me ready to do? Or ready for? I said to myself, “wow, cool, that felt like I could go past my skin out into the real world! Sure hope he touches on that in a later lesson.”

Continuing on with the lesson it was time to embrace earth, so I watched my light become smaller, more brilliant, and focused. I willed it to descend down my spine, leaving a disappearing trail behind it, until it reached the tip. I watched it begin to change color and become more like a solid rather then a light. It transformed into a greenish, brown color, and became engulfed by the texture that of a tree. It began growing branches that also grew branches right out of my lower spine as if it was the root and my ribs the branches the whole time. Out came green leaf after green leaf that in places seem to be wrapped in other seeds. I watched as it all manifested until the bunched leaves began unraveling to reveal multi-colored flowers that immediately opened to bloom. As they opened the original light returned, and hovered about an inch above the center of every flower. It was a sight to see, as I think you would agree, having now seen the same for yourself.

I was now at the point to find an exit location in that area of my body. With the obvious location kinda grossing me out, I, with the speed of creation, sent it hurling down through my legs and broke the barrier of both my feet plunging into the ground. Upon entering through the floor of wood, then through the concrete foundation it finally reached precious soil. When it connected with earth I felt a worldly rejoice in the form of a many voice, harmonic choir as if singing for the first time upon my arrival home from foraging.

Now, I wondered if I would be disrupting any balance by doing this so I paused. Not directing my question to anyone in particular for lack of whom to ask, I thought “they know who they are, and who am I to question”. I decided to simply ask for permission and hope for some sort of response. It was very faint but “I” did feel like it was okay to proceed. Instead of piercing the soil and stone I chose to become one with it as I traveled deeper and deeper noticing that my tree roots were slowly turning back into the light that I began with yet instead of looking blue it was more like a mix between red and orange.

Feeling no negative energy I willed it to move even faster watching the glow become brighter and brighter until flames surrounded the tip. I felt near my destination and just then it broke through into a huge cavern where below ran molten lava. I began to explore this new location using the tip of the root to send signals back to an area right behind my eyes. With a lightning bolt of awareness it showed me hundreds if not thousand of roots. Some of these continuing all the way down submerged into this lava yet not burning, and more roots piercing through the cavern ceiling as if there were so many others doing the same exact thing that I was at the same exact time. It was too many to count. I was amazed by all this as a feeling of stillness came over me. I remember thinking “thank God”. Not sure why. Right then I knew that everyone was searching for their power source just like me and found purity inside the energy that lives in the earths core acting as generator.

Filled with a new confidence I sent my root to join the rest in celebration of this experience. The second my root dove into this lava, or whatever it was, a red and blue beam of light came rushing in my direction. At the same time that I noticed it passing through the whole that I had entered though overpowering my root, I felt it pounding into my body without any more time passing at all. The speed of light was like a fu**in dial up connection in comparison to this. I guess because I was using my inner vision, I saw an image of it reaching my body, and lifting my soul off the ground and above my body. I never saw my eyes open that wide. Sitting in my chair I could no longer see the room in which I sat. All I could see was my body connected to this root of energy pulsating into me forcing this red and blue light to exit every area that is used for my senses. My hands, ears, eyes, and nose were completely overpowered by this, as it lifted me off the ground and out of my chair (still speaking about the vision, although physically is a reachable goal).

It slowly lowered my body back down into the seat and the light coming out of me began to return inside of the exit areas. As it returned I felt stronger and stronger as if when it grew smaller my power filled the space. I followed it from at first filling my entire being to entirely dissipating into itself. Right then I knew that if I continued to follow it then it would lead me to the location inside of my body that is descried as my center. Sure enough it ended up right behind my naval until it dispersed. I now realized that I can call on this center light at any time and control the level of intensity as well. I thought “I must be able to do other things with this light and I must explore it later”.

In conclusion, this exercise made me feel one with what ever I chose to feel one with showing me my true reflection. When trying the different obvious options, I noticed that I could connect with as many or as few things as I chose at the same time. I now have a better grasp of the concept of a universal mind and awareness. You have taught me more humility and confidence at the same time. I see myself revisiting this many times in the future most likely for preparation purposes and probably much more. Thank you for this lesson it is greatly appreciated. My goal is to bring my creative visual imagination into the physical world without limitations. To date I am unsure if others see this ability as truth or not. I have read in many different locations that even those claiming to be of higher minded decent, still believe in a watered down version of true power. I’m here to learn the abilities necessary to prove those individuals as misinformed. Even though now, I am unable to manifest into the physical world, in the future I know that I will and I feel it coming. With ever fiber in my being I know that we all have it, as it sleeps waiting to be found. I believe that it is a simple mix of knowledge but most of all belief in ones self.

Now sit back and enjoy as this will take you on a journey of the senses………..

Warning this is a spell, so do not continue if you do not approve…..
If you are going forward find the melody, enunciate, and visualize.

Traffic. Traffic. The neighbors leaving for work. The dreams of wind speeding past your face, clouds of citrus taste, as you twirl through time and space when lucid travels home back to that normal place.
What’s this, who’s that, it’s the sound of a crying cat, who knows that it is time, alarm chime, now look at that. It reminds me of a place where I must pay to own a space, but the woman beside me, that lies quietly, came from grace. Suddenly I awaken from this memory of beauty, because nothing in all worlds could compare to it, truly. The memories come thwarting of obligations to which I’m tied. So out of the bed, I hop smiling full of happiness and a bit of pride. The neighborhood is a stirring, getting ready for the day to come, city vehicles screaming warning telling everyone “here we come”. I flip the switch, the light goes on, the fan spins, and I turn the knob. I splash my face “oh what a rush” I brush my teeth, with a new brush. Morning is a wonderful time…..

Laadaaa daadaaa daadaaa diiidaaaa……. Daa… daa…

It’s a new day, what will I wear, gotta look my best, and HAVE to do my hair. I whisk the closet door to the open position, nothing new. Ohh boo hoo, and just wear something baby blue. Well that wouldn’t be difficult till ridicule came through. But It matches your eyes, the real me just sighs. I must stop this entertainment since you know time flies.

The voice, oh that voice, my ears dance, rejoice. It’s the sound of an angel returning as if by choice. Yes my dear, good morning, and how do you feel. The answer to this tends to predict when new things will become real. Are you bored, or stimulated, and are you nearly departed, or would you join me in epiphany we’re just only getting started.

The machinery has obeyed me, with the sent of fresh coffee, it will soon touch your lips and then your hips will join the party. It fills up your senses, and soon finishes your sentences…your thoughts it replenishes, it vanishes and vanquishes. (Whewww)

The first sip, oh what a sip, it’sssss a glorious sip. Can’t wait any longer I must get my cup with the rubber grip. It’s gonna be hot, real hot, so just enough to hit the spot. Soon I’ll need more so thank you God for the coffee pot. Oh me and my cup that I wash and fill up. I hope that the plastic that surrounds you never breaks or gives up. Carpet stairs I go down not dressed in blue but dressed in brown because brown is more bold and to me brown can fight the cold. With winter well on its way, and J frost out to play I turn the heat to 83 so her wake is comfortably.

I go around the house that hangs a mouse, filled with air and colored feather that belongs to three kitty children that use it as a tether. To the left, on the wall, hurry now and don’t fall. Over what, your dumb strut, there’s nothing there in the way at all. That’s right, there’s no light; well flip the switch up on the right. To illuminate the living room till the suns back from the night. There’s my cup, right next to hers as I fumble through the dishes. With love is how I make it and how I tend to her wishes. The smile, the brightest smile, even with the smell of cigarettes. I bet if she asked nicely even God would consent. I hand her the coffee and say “one less thing now, how was your rest”. She says wonderful, just like you my love and darling, you are the best. My heart stops as she speaks ohh what a glorious thing to say, I now believe in miracles, I think I learn some of them today.

Now to the hospital we hurry as time still will scurry or the patients will cry out, I’m not ready yet to be buried. In uniform she enters as I shower her with the warmth. From the vents of her chariot we carry her off to work. Happily she goes as she might save someone today; a nurse is more requested then a doctor now, they say. She enters the doors that knew she was there as if by magic or by pulleys either one I just don’t care. I see smoke from underground rise mighty and strong. To mask her exit, I was desperate I’ll hex it cause that was wrong. How could this be? It stole precious seconds of time still to see the saint that to this day always returns home always with me. How annoyed I am that a gold stone rules this land until it all becomes better when we touch hand in hand. I gather my strength because and I would go any time-span, for the touch of an element undiscovered by any man.

Long ago, not that long, but an eternity to me I decided that no one here could rule over me but me. How was I to do this, in a world ran by greed? Oh come on it was simple; I just start my own company. Something easy but genius is what I long had searched for. Pounding keys on my computer connecting dots, opening locked doors. The old ones, they creek, that’s how you know it holds what you seek. With dedication and commitment you will deserve the knowledge that you keep.

Everyone needs. Everyone wants. Everyone desires to be top dog, but with the help that they seek will one day reap the fog. They are committed; they are stubborn in their ways, so why not provide menial tasks at a small wage. Like a charm they took to it without a moment’s hesitation. Give to it a name that sounds right like restoration. I’ll clean your windows, your gutters, carpets and more and much better ill even offer it right to you at your front door. Celebration in the homes that reach for the sky, I knew they hated doing it; some of them would rather die. (Lol).

Let’s see if we can make a profit even with a little bit of extra help. A struggle, oh yes it was, at low times oh how I felt. But the Queen that stood beside me said you’re a genius, so you’re in luck. It’s a shame what good people have to go through to earn a buck. It might take some hunger and it might break your pride but I can see that you’ll win and oh my god wow what a ride. She was right oh what a fight it was epic, life changing. A formula to duplicate, and minor detailed rearranging.

Time goes on but you can mold it, perspective is only golden, and the poof is running smoothly as lava when it’s molten. Senses are vivid depending on life and how you live it. Be brave, lead the way, and show us why it’s all simplistic. Think before you act, be spectacular not realistic. I love to imagine everything in great detail and then twist it.

Demonstration of the senses. How many times can you count a sense being stimulated? Don’t try it, it’s been manipulated. Lol…

That was fun and still we’ve only just begun, thank you for this exercise. I guess that’s it, I must be done. Wait, still I hear the sound of internal debate. Have I forgotten this entry’s inevitable fate?

It might be late but never lost, unfreeze this phrase done in by frost. No need for worry, it was paused. Now on with it and oh yes, please relax your jaws.

The physical and metaphysical differ but still are one. The ones that they call you crazy for allow your mind to wander with a free run. Yet if it is known then it is condoned to be sealed, hence you might “sense” this new world type ordeal. We say fantasy and metaphor do not make sense or reveal but it was us, yes forgetful us that forgot long ago how…. to define…. the word….. Real…...


You are now open for business and ready for downloading. Please revisit these few threads within this level to keep up on the exercise for strengthening these under developed sections of the brain.

Level 2 now complete - Be proud!

Two tasks have been accomplished thus far in addition to the original three.

You have connected to the road less traveled grasping fully the concept of a universal mind and awareness. You have found the balance between humility and confidence defining the difference between pride and ego. These two lessons have carried you thousands of miles in the journey to find the words of the real and all while you were sleeping.

Are you still sure that I’m writing fiction. Well come with me, because I heard you all decide which pill you would take when you asked yourself the question. You now are receiving what you asked for. Is it that big of a surprise? Is it coming into focus now?

Prepare yourself because you forced my hand and my words. Hear me when I say: I am still holding back!

Next stop battle training.

on to Level 3

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:20 AM
From what I can understand, there is a life-force of the planet, of the ecosystem. If you are connected to it, then, it allocates energy to you, however, there are many individuals that try to "steal" this energy because they have essentially been "kicked out" of the planet. It might be the whole "4th density" and "new Earth" theories. There seem to be the idea in my mind that I can draw my energy from the sun, that gives its energy to the plants, and then to the air, and thus me, however, I keep getting the feeling that there are an increacing amount of people that are being isolated from this energy matrix, those that fail to hold on to their sense of hope. "Sin" seems to be some kind of wastefullness, when individuals waste thier life-force in the pusuit of pleasure, they eventually fail to honour the rules of thier species, and eventually are removed, having to prove themselves before they are allowed to return. Sometimes I am in a very negative place, the sense of desperation is almost too much to bare, however, that sense of hope, an intangible, immeasurable belief in God and universal justice prevails within me, and within a few hours, sometimes a few days, my energy returns to me. I feel like I am being tested, in other words.
edit on 27-3-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

I truly believe that this is a created universe, and it has rules that must be adhered to, as we were ultimatley a product of its manifestation. To be outside of the manifestation of this universe is akin to being a God or an immortal.
edit on 27-3-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:23 AM
Im not quite sure i understand, ive read it all but feel no diffferent?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by SystemResistor
From what I can understand, there is a life-force of the planet, of the ecosystem. If you are connected to it, then, it allocates energy to you, however, there are many individuals that try to "steal" this energy because they have essentially been "kicked out" of the planet. It might be the whole "4th density" and "new Earth" theories. There seem to be the idea in my mind that I can draw my energy from the sun, that gives its energy to the plants, and then to the air, and thus me, however, I keep getting the feeling that there are an increacing amount of people that are being isolated from this energy matrix, those that fail to hold on to their sense of hope. Sometimes I am in a very negative place, the sense of desperation is almost too much to bare, however, that sense of hope, an intangible, immeasurable belief in God and universal justice prevails within me, and within a few hours, sometimes a few days, my energy returns to me.
edit on 27-3-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

I know exactly what you mean and I completely agree.

If greed was rulling over a planet this would be the first thing that it tried to hide for itself. Well said. Thank you for that! I used the energy core and tried to let it be known that it was up to the searcher where to find their generator. It can be up to the searcher where they restore their power.

As soon as we dissolve time the eyes shall see the void of the blank and infinite canvass to which we are free to use and explore.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Free4Ever2
Im not quite sure i understand, ive read it all but feel no diffferent?

Delayed reaction to this one. Thank you for pointing that out. It is solidified through a following thread if even needed.

If you are searching for something I reccommend visiting the other threads associated with this account. Please start at the begginning as this is a proccess for all who wish to travel it.

Not all are to feel it though. One must be open to it. One must relate to understand its message.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Brianegan

(I) hear the tune
we ARE truly
time has come
no longer should the truth be hidden
no longer should illusion of separation keep us in the dark
a hand reaching out
touching an old friend
reminding me of where I came from
who we truly ARE

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 01:54 PM
it appears as being brought to a breakthrough, exploring from within what is called ; "this new virtue" . really new? or might it be very old , long forgotten yet always been foretold . u spoke to me, in certain frequency,resonating to every cell within me . i thank thee.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:23 PM
I guess I just dont understand why if you want to change things, or alter things, or create a reality, you insist on doing it in a fragmented form.

Why play the game of other at all?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
I guess I just dont understand why if you want to change things, or alter things, or create a reality, you insist on doing it in a fragmented form.

Why play the game of other at all?

All who have been following my threads and understand what Im doing please ignore this person. They are looking for a fight. Please dont encourage it.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Grander. I suppose there is more than one Way. From your posts that I have seen I have the impression you do also. Part of my limited understanding over the years has been that there is more than one Way. I supposed a few,at least. Now though I entertain that there are not only a few, but ohhhh so many Ways.

One way is playing it as a game. This is an old way and then again a new way, because the game of duality is as old as the hills. We go with what we have. For some, this is what it is. It is merely a path. For others, as I think I find with you, the need to move within the duality paradigm is no longer useful.

Anyway, I remember, if we see the path before us it is probably not our path, but someone elses. And I suppose this is a way also.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Grander. I suppose there is more than one Way. From your posts that I have seen I have the impression you do also. Part of my limited understanding over the years has been that there is more than one Way. I supposed a few,at least. Now though I entertain that there are not only a few, but ohhhh so many Ways.

One way is playing it as a game. This is an old way and then again a new way, because the game of duality is as old as the hills. We go with what we have. For some, this is what it is. It is merely a path. For others, as I think I find with you, the need to move within the duality paradigm is no longer useful.

Anyway, I remember, if we see the path before us it is probably not our path, but someone elses. And I suppose this is a way also.

You know I really felt what you wrote here. Im going to use this post as a point I'd like to get across.

To everyone: Please understand that I am in no trying to force you into anything. I firmly believe in a many path scenario and free will. The threads that I have posted on ATS are really meant to act as a report of what I have found just in case any others may find it usefull. It has come to my attention throughout the various posts that some believe me to be forcing something. These threads are my personal accounts and thoughts. If they have helped you in any way then my goal has already been achieved. Please know that I care and knew that I would face ridicule by posting this info but felt it worth the risk.

I thank all like this member here that has found a way to speak kindly and speaking freely with love in their heart.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:18 PM

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:55 AM
I have returned from a successful mini-mission and am ready for any questions that need addressing. I have missed all very much. Will you speak your hearts to me?

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