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Radiation tracking on the west coast. Volunteers needed

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posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 01:23 AM

"Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (as of 9am March 13th)

All 6 units of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station have been shut down."

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 01:25 AM
On that note. Anyone any better at finding out what the R/hr from Fukushima is?

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by thecann

Second meltdown in progress.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 01:44 AM
Here is a site that refreshes every three minutes with environmental radiation data in the USA.

And a link to RadNet the USA Epa version. Not real-time. Not graphical. Not useful in this cirumstance. argh.
edit on 2011/3/13 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 01:45 AM
Okay, obviously, based on my avatar I am on the West Coast.
NW corner of Washington State.

I didn't have any luck finding Potassium iodine today so bought betadine (for painting on) and ordered a couple of bottles of it on-line. Hopefully I'll have them in 2 to 3 days.

I don't expect to need it, but having it doesn't hurt anything.

I do not have a geigercounter, but have had training on how to use them (hazmat response) so I would be more than happy to track/report if someone wants to loan me theirs.

If so....U2U me. Or if you know where I can get ahold of one for a resonable price.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by gildedlily

im in portland oregon as well and i have to addmit im scared

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by Aeons

Thanks for the website!! That's exactly what this thread was asking for - a way for us to monitor radiation levels in near real time. I'd say watching the west coast meters is key.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:44 PM
I have always been sensitive to 'energy/vibes'. In 1990 i was hit by a V-8 Buick crashing thru my workplace & nailing me dead-on in the heart chakra. 10 broken ribs, 9 bulging discs, lizard brain injury(brain stem). I had an OOBE & a NDE, I also saw the Shining Ones/Angels(8' tall) 2X wide awake, 1st time w/hands extended over my chest. I wanted to say "who are you?' but PTSD body kicked in & I screamed. It disappeared from the bottom up like being beamed on Star Trek. Since then i can pick up most everybody's emotions & energy(problem w/ women I'm attracted to). Yesterday, in NY woke up, was in a panic, cud not understand why, meditated, did everything, 7th ray, in fact 13 rays, energy shields could not stop this feeling of overwhelming sadness and despair, was totally miserable, cancelled all plans for a Saturday off to try & calm down. Had not opened internet or TV till the evening. I wrote down a dozen choices on little slips of paper as to what i shud do. Turned them over & applied my pendulum(which hrs later in the market flew out of my pocket & i crushed the crystal at the checkout). I was extremely tired even tho i had fully exercised, eaten, vitamins, etc. The only yes answer was to Go to Sleep! I felt 'what a waste of a Saturday.' In sleep I was comforting people left & right in diff. situations. Woke up at 5:30 pm. Turned on internet& saw the Earthquake thing. I am very sensitive to weather, atmospheric changes also. I feel like since i had such great injuries from car accid. that my body is a mini-earth & i feel it's changes. I definitely felt what happened in Japan. Also dreamed of japanese girl earlier in day trying to put round white cobblestones in a drain near a barn that had stainless steel bulls horns high on each corner. I beleive we create our own reality. i have done so successfully in the past but always left something important out & got screwed. I'm afraid of doing this again as I know it will happen so i do it in small details, not overall definite ones. I believe this is a safe universe. But there is definitely something upping the fear level. Is it our own collective unconscious fear? Other Entities? Do not Fear them if so. Meditate as positive as you can. Protect yourself & loved ones w/energy-light-crystal shields. See your/ourselves in the future in positive surroundings, the old 'love & light'. Gra agus Solas in Irish. Also on 3/7 I had a dream about a spirit woman lying down to comfort me. I felt someone lie down in my bed & woke up. No one there. Felt the energy of someone there. It was very sensual & comforting. The next morning I was doing my usual meditation & the quantum field popped into my head. I usually visualize it as a dark space w/billions of little energy lights. This time it was a million crystal glass pyramids w/ lotus position Buddhas in each one, w/throne behind them, w/ flowers, mandalas, colors, etc. all around them as if each were a guru. The top part of this field where these pyramids(3-5 sides) floated was all bright. There was a reverse to each one as diamonds. The bottom part was a rich ebony black floating in darkness, like a yin/yang. Infinite light above. Infinite darkness below. No fear. Just beingness, balanced, calm, but 'head' centered. The heart centeredness was in the heart chakra of each of these 'boddhisatva/is' who were what the little lights of my usual quantum field looked like up close. Let us all use this "Frightening Fear Filled Events' as 'nudges' as it were to project positive and loving thought forms for our future, etc. into our Dimension/Otherworld. Let us remake our world into a magnificent paradise. Together we can! I have seen the possible/probable futures that are negative and the ones that are postiive. We rule. We are the Alchemists of our future. Let us transform it so spirit can indeed manifest in the physical and 'make it greater than all the Otherworlds'. Slan. Gra agus Solas.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by caseymcpoet11

May I make a purchase from you?

Wow. Just wow.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 04:15 PM
There is hope

Just something I was reading...Dang I knew Apples, Oranges, and all that good Vitamin C with Pectin would do something.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:10 AM
You can still get Iosat Potassium Iodide Tablets at Just make sure you get fast shipping.

Sorry I just checked the sight after I posted this and they are now out of stock.

edit on 14-3-2011 by Oklastatefan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by KonquestAbySS

Thank you for that info. I live in Los Angeles ):< Guess I'll start eating oranges and apples starting today.
edit on 14-3-2011 by Topato because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by gildedlily

Nobody is allergic to iodine, any more than say to chlorine or oxygen.
Reactions to iodinated items are not true allergies and dont use the allergy pathways, and it's not the iodine anyway, it's just associated,
You may wish to argue with me, but I outrank you and your sophistries and misperceptions will be to no avail.
Taking iodine supplements can be dangerous, and it's funny, and perhaps, pathetic that so many are going out to spend obscene amounts of money on a few actually cheap pills when for relatively few dollars you can get the same effect in addition to other benefits for cheap money and no waiting lists.
edit on 14-3-2011 by FriedrichNeecher because: I'm painting my wagon

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:26 AM
So... does anyone have any readings? I know it's late, but...

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:53 AM
This is probably the most important thread on ATS right now because the reality is the media is covering the dangers and it's up to people to start reading radiation levels and reporting the incoming dangers.

After reviewing the Chernobyl event and seeing how Russia was tight lipped and seeing the same political spin vs. the actual radiation levels being reported outside the party line... this is very serious.

For all we know a big plume of radioactive material is making it's way to the west coast. Please get reading if you have the means to

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by YouAreDreaming
This is probably the most important thread on ATS right now because the reality is the media is covering the dangers and it's up to people to start reading radiation levels and reporting the incoming dangers.

After reviewing the Chernobyl event and seeing how Russia was tight lipped and seeing the same political spin vs. the actual radiation levels being reported outside the party line... this is very serious.

For all we know a big plume of radioactive material is making it's way to the west coast. Please get reading if you have the means to

I agree,wehave a website that records realtime info from geiger counters HERE but, what kind of security do they use for ip tramsmissions. To be absolutly sure feet on the ground is the only positive way. Maybe a mod could sticky this thread to the front page? And yes I am being paraniod. If we had 50 paople filming the trade center before the 911 attacks then we would know for sure what happened, either way, was it an inside job or what the media told us. We would know without a doubt.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 05:07 AM
Ok this is a website that tracks radiation in japan.

It has gone down as seen in this thread
So we know we can't trust the internet site to be up and running 100%. I would hope we get some volunteers to start this. Also would like an expert, 1 person, who would sort through the readings and keep track of them. If we get a few people to step up. I am on the east coast so I can do nothing but start a stupid thread and see where it goes. I feel helpless.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 05:29 AM
On SKy News they are saying that the radioactive material is being dispersed over the ocean:-

Don't see it on their website yet to link to, just showing it on the TV

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 05:37 AM
From BBC live updates:-

1012: The UN's weather agency says Japanese winds are dispersing radioactive material over the ocean, and there is no danger for Japan or the region for now, Reuters reports.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 08:28 AM
Here is a map of the Chernobyl fallout which affected most of Europe in 1986 and today:

There are currently 23 General Electric Mark I reactors in the U.S.--the design that exploded at Fukushima. A top Atomic Energy Commission official first proposed banning this design nearly 40 years ago. List/fact sheet. Updated, includes license renewal information.

This quote above is taken from this website which has info I have not seen anywhere and shows the Japan plants are still in operation in other parts of the world and pose a danger.

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