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Christians - a question?

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posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:11 PM
Hi everybody:
Just something I really wanted a clear answer on (but I get conflicting info).
Once you've said the Sinner's Prayer, and accept the blood of Christ: can you be "unsaved"?
I mean sin could be anything from hearing rock music to oral sex.
Heck, sin could just be a thought.
So if you are saved, and you sin, do you become the "Unsaved?"

I leave this fierce discussion between a preacher and an atheist:

Despite that, I'd still like an answer: if you're saved, and you sin here and there, are ya still hellbound?

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:18 PM
I expect all kinds of hypocritical babble here. Good luck.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:18 PM
Roman Catholics have a different belief than the protestant/ evangelicals/ non-denominationals, and they are split among themselves.

While you can find some people believing in any proposition you care to name, I don't know of any one condemning you to Hell for rock music, a dance, or something similar.

In the end you choose your destination: with God or away from Him, Thy will versus my will, I am God versus Thou art God.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Short answer, no.


It depends on who you ask, regarding specifics. Some believe that once saved that's it, you're good to go, no matter what you do sinfully. Others believe you have to constantly repent in order to get into heaven, because one is constantly sinning, and a sinner can't get into heaven. Bottom line is (for believers): if you aren't saved, you are SOL (although you might have the chance to be saved at judgment).

Of course, according to some, regardless on being "saved," if you sin against the Holy Spirit, you are doomed, and no one, not even "God" can save you...

That's the way i understand it, having studied several religious interpretations, but rejecting most of them and being non-religious.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Christianity has many branches, so the question can you be unsaved depends on which branch your in. Foreinstance, according to baptist religion they only sin that can truely unsave you is if you strike a deal with satan or damn God, those type sins, otherwise in general with most links of christianity if you do a little sin like oral sex you can repent, ask forgiveness, there are so many differnet views on that question, as I said it depends on which branch your in

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:28 PM
Nobody is perfect. According to the Bible anyway. We all fall short of the mark. To be in the flesh is to be in sin. I believe God is aware of our fallen state. If some one tells you they don't sin, they're lying. According to the Bible Jesus Christ, the Paschal Lamb, was the only human free from sin. So just ask for forgiveness and get on with your life.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:28 PM
According to the Catholics, no. That's what the confessional booth is for I believe. There is no easy answer to your question which is pretty much what shines the light on the imperfection that religion in general is.

In my opinion, the best that anyone can do is live everyday, consciously, the best that you can. If you do that, karma will come around and treat you nicely. The opposite is true as well.

That's my belief at least.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:29 PM
The only "unpardonable" sin is one against the Holy Spirit.

I take that to mean a sin that you never repent of or give up. You can't be repentant in the first place if you never intend to change.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:33 PM
When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:34 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Isn't religion a personal thing? How can you ask/answer ANY question about religion and get anything other than another persons OPINION? Figure it out for yourself, and you'll be alright.

But if you want my opinion, (which you probably don't!), The Christian god of Abraham is a lie to keep the SHEEP in line. But that doesn't mean there is no good and evil. But i am still open to anything!

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by alonzo730

When people go to war they know they will kill.
The President knows it, the preachers know it, and the parents know it.
Is that murder, or righteous killing?

edit on 6-3-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:43 PM
having been raised in the Catholic 'faith', my understanding is that you could be a serial killer or worse and still receive 'absolution' by accepting jesus christ as your 'savior' right up to and including your dying breath.

imagine that ... live a life of decadence, with no discern or consideration for others 'rights' as human beings, even take a few out along the way ... and still be absolved of all by merely breathing a few words upon your passing.

yeah. right.

i personally prefer a more 'karmatic' approach to life ... in the do unto others type manner.

's worked quite well so far.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:43 PM
No, you can never lose salvation... all Christians back slide, but you can never lose positional salvation...
but you can lose your practical salvation, which is your position in the Kingdom of God...
once you have excepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, and You truly believe he has suffered and died for your sins, then no you can not lose salvation.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Annie Mossity
having been raised in the Catholic 'faith', my understanding is that you could be a serial killer or worse and still receive 'absolution' by accepting jesus christ as your 'savior' right up to and including your dying breath.

imagine that ... live a life of decadence, with no discern or consideration for others 'rights' as human beings, even take a few out along the way ... and still be absolved of all by merely breathing a few words upon your passing.

yeah. right.

IIRC my catholic doctrine properly (60's, early 70's) it is repentance that gets you forgiveness - true repentance for your sins, which god will know about - doesn't matter what you whisper to someone on your death bed - it is what is truly in your heart/mind/soul that counts.

But personally I reckon anyone who says they know exactly what their god has in mind is deluded - how can any mortal human being truly know the thoughts - even the simplest ones - of an immortal, infinite, omnipotent egotist?

It's pure arrogance to suggest that it is possible!

edit on 6-3-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 07:05 PM
Fundamentally if you lie and you know the truth than you have sinned and there is no turning back until you speak the Truth. If you lie and did not know it was a lie because you have been deceived than this is not a sin.

This is why the "word of God" must be told, so that sinners can know that they are sinners!

The question remains, how many know they are lying? I would guess to say most! Killing is a sin, we all know this to be true. Justification is not the answer, the Truth is the answer, and when we know the Truth we can finally ask for real "Forgiveness". Once real Forgiveness is granted the sinner will no longer act on that sin, if they do then clearly they have not accepted the Truth and they were never truly Forgiven in the first place; they are lying to themselves.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 07:06 PM
I was raised in a Roman Catholic Church. What I was taught is the only way we get to Heaven is to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. This gift of Salvation is one that cannot be earned, bought or bargained for.

You may may renounce your beliefs if you so choose. You may back-slide and wander away from religion - I did. You might change your ways later in life and become Born Again. I did.

I was taught we are all sinners. Every day we miss the mark. There really is a crap-load of sins to be had, and you have to really bone up on the Bible to get a clue on how to walk the line, and even then you're a sinner. Damn near everything is a sin.

Screw getting hung up on details. I try to get through life without causing too much unhappiness or hurting peoples feelings. I fight the bad inside and try to let some good shine through. Share what you have. Be generous. Be kind. Try to give encouraging words. Try not to be a horses ass. Lead by example. Let people know they are loved; IMHO people never get that enough. Life is short. Hugs & affectionate words should not be a scarce thing in our lives.

To the best of my knowledge when you are saved you are saved. You are still responsible for your words, thoughts, actions and intentions. It is good to ask for forgiveness of our sins but it is moot if you don't back it up. But if all the hypocrites disappeared tomorrow there would no one left to feed the dogs.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Greensage
Fundamentally if you lie and you know the truth than you have sinned and there is no turning back until you speak the Truth.

So you can do what you want until your deathbed, then get "saved" by speaking "the Truth" then??

lol - and people think Catholics have it good??!!

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Greensage

Fundamentally if you lie and you know the truth than you have sinned and there is no turning back until you speak the Truth. If you lie and did not know it was a lie because you have been deceived than this is not a sin. This is why the "word of God" must be told, so that sinners can know that they are sinners!

Wait, I'm really confused.
I thought the heathen who hasn't heard the Gospel is not condemned.
So isn't it better to leave them like that - innocently saved?

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Dear Halfoldman,

The bible tells us that you cannot lose salvation, that is correct; however, you do not get saved just because you said the prayer and confessed belief. The bible says that many will call Jesus' name and he will say to them that he never knew them. Salvation comes from the heart, it is a faith that leads to you wanting to do good because you love others as yourself and love God with all your heart. If one is truly saved, they will a lead a changed life, not a perfect one.

Sin does not stop us from being saved. Paul said he was the greatest sinner of all, although he did not commit what we believe to be sin, he just knew how far from perfect he was in his thoughts and emotions. We all are. The focus of salvation is not sin, it is love. As for the unpardonable sin, it is believed to be the rejection of the holy spirit (love), anyone who rejects love is not saved in the first place. How can one reject the holy spirit/love for one another and God and be saved, selfishness is what we are saved from.

To know Jesus and/or God is to understand their nature, not the names or the stories those just help. The bible says that many will say that they didn't know about God and God answers that we can see him in everything. We see him in everything if we see with love and concern for one another. If we see him in everything than we will forgive one another on the things that hurt us the most.

I guess what I am trying to say is don't worry about losing salvation, if that is what you seek, worry about attaining salvation and living a saved life. I hope you find this responsive to what you asked and wish you well on your journey.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

You must have sanctifying grace in order to obtain the beatific vision.

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