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California Democrat Jackie Speier had an Abortion?

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Violater1
My point is that she was being disingenuous and deceptive, in her attempts to sway the pro-abortion agenda.

Kind of like this thread in its complete absence of context of the actual discussion beginning with Rep Smith's remarks? What agenda are you driving by reframing the actual discussion? Who are you trying to sway be being deceptive and to what end?

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Violater1

How many babies could you feed, cloth and educate with $349.6 million dollars!
And as always, please provide a link for your source.

How does it compare to the tax dollars spent killing people all over the globe in wars of choice? Where is your rant on the sanctity of that life? How about the tax dollars used to execute prisoners of the state? Got any words on that?

Planned Parenthood provides all manners of gynecological care to women who could otherwise not afford any.

Know why women need healthy reproductive systems?
Any idea?
You get 3 guesses.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

There is.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:10 PM
I love how some people support things they know nothing about. I wish more of us could think for ourselves.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:39 PM
Who cares?
Its her business. Its not illegal. She has to live with it.
So another Democrat had an abortion, what else is new?

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 08:45 PM
You have a problem with her procedure because you'd rather her have died?
If she did indeed die from the baby going into her cervix, would she still be in "killerfornia"? What are the rules of that game? Or did Glen Beck make that one up?

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
You have a problem with her procedure because you'd rather her have died?
If she did indeed die from the baby going into her cervix, would she still be in "killerfornia"? What are the rules of that game? Or did Glen Beck make that one up?

Please show your link to where you obtained the information that she would have died if not for her abortion? If you can't then you are part of the evil abortion agenda, twisting the stories and facts to fit your nefarious cause.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Violater1

Originally posted by spinalremain
You have a problem with her procedure because you'd rather her have died?
If she did indeed die from the baby going into her cervix, would she still be in "killerfornia"? What are the rules of that game? Or did Glen Beck make that one up?

Please show your link to where you obtained the information that she would have died if not for her abortion? If you can't then you are part of the evil abortion agenda, twisting the stories and facts to fit your nefarious cause.

*Please show me the link that gives you the right to interfere with what women do with their own bodies.

You need to realize that one abortion might very well lead to the birth of a child later on... A person that was born because of a past abortion. Just because you do not have the mind to think about it that way does not make it any less truthful. In such a case, YOU are playing the role of god, YOU are interfering with the free will we have inherited. What authority gives you such sweeping power?

I for one am glad you will not post for the position of god anytime in the near future!

*Link us to your certification please

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:38 PM
I read about this yesterday and I had a totally different impression of what she had to say. If you watch the cspan video of both Chris Smith from New Jersey and her response to him (which is where she brings up the fact that she has an abortion). She describes having the medical procedure due to complications, and the terrible feeling of having lost a child. She addresses the tone that he used while discussing his feelings against abortion, and she stated that it was not something that one does spontaneously, or cavalierly.

I was surprised that no one has brought up the fact that in the second half of her address she said that this discussion on abortion was a waste of time. She went on to talk about the problems American citizens are facing, and that they ought to be focusing on issues with the economy and creating jobs.

She even went on to compare it to the amount of funding for Halliburton, and the negative things that surround the company. She said it herself, what does this discussion have to do with fixing thee deficit, or getting citizens jobs? "Nothing at all". For the video, type cspan and abortion into YouTube.

One extra note: There is already a law on the books preventing any use of government funds for (elective) abortion, and planned parenthood was already subject to it. Now that this bill has passed, it could limit very necessary help to people who need more than prenatal care, and sexual health related care.

This site lists a number of extra services provided

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by JewelFlip
I read about this yesterday and I had a totally different impression of what she had to say. If you watch the cspan video of both Chris Smith from New Jersey and her response to him (which is where she brings up the fact that she has an abortion). She describes having the medical procedure due to complications, and the terrible feeling of having lost a child. She addresses the tone that he used while discussing his feelings against abortion, and she stated that it was not something that one does spontaneously, or cavalierly.

What she went through sounds very heartbreaking, and I am sorry for her lose.
For this terrible thing that happened to her, how can she then vote for a bill that would pay for women to Elect, out of their free will, without any medical necessity, to kill their baby. It just makes no sense.
Her's was a medical emergency.
But for others, getting an abortion is no different than taking out the trash!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Violater1

Originally posted by spinalremain
You have a problem with her procedure because you'd rather her have died?
If she did indeed die from the baby going into her cervix, would she still be in "killerfornia"? What are the rules of that game? Or did Glen Beck make that one up?

Please show your link to where you obtained the information that she would have died if not for her abortion? If you can't then you are part of the evil abortion agenda, twisting the stories and facts to fit your nefarious cause.

The woman had complications during that pregnancy.
I am not part of an evil agenda

Who are you anyway, Aquaman?

Evil Agenda? Seriously?

-It's actually evil to judge others and make assumptions based on information you don't know. You shouldn't classify anyone as evil unless you know for a fact that they are. I don't know if you're a religeous person, but you shouldn't judge others lest you be judged.
edit on 21-2-2011 by spinalremain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain

Originally posted by Violater1

Originally posted by spinalremain
You have a problem with her procedure because you'd rather her have died?
If she did indeed die from the baby going into her cervix, would she still be in "killerfornia"? What are the rules of that game? Or did Glen Beck make that one up?

Please show your link to where you obtained the information that she would have died if not for her abortion? If you can't then you are part of the evil abortion agenda, twisting the stories and facts to fit your nefarious cause.

The woman had complications during that pregnancy.
I am not part of an evil agenda

Who are you anyway, Aquaman?

Evil Agenda? Seriously?

-It's actually evil to judge others and make assumptions based on information you don't know. You shouldn't classify anyone as evil unless you know for a fact that they are. I don't know if you're a religeous person, but you shouldn't judge others lest you be judged.
edit on 21-2-2011 by spinalremain because: (no reason given)

Still no link?
Then you can't prove it can you.
See my above post.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Violater1

I agree that it was terrible, but I think her argument and the reason she mentioned the abortion was leading up to the point that there are members of American politics who "have it in" for planned parenthood simply because they offer the medical procedure.

What's terrible is that this vote had nothing to do with abortion, it is already illegal to use government funds for it. What they were voting on was to cut funding for everything planned parenthood offers, from pap smears to flu shots. I don't really know what her vote would be on elective abortion if that's what the vote was about, but I think she wanted to show that not all abortions are the kind that are done to just "kill a baby" and that condemning the entire organization because of one procedure would be senseless. They do offer a number of helpful programs.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Violater1

So you deduce that I am evil and I deduce that you're a Bible thumping sheep who cannot think for him/herself and judges everyone while atop the soapbox. GL with that.

Above we can see what happens in the event that the placenta moves toward the cervix. Obviously we do not know how serious her complication was because the only reference to her ordeal was the conversation she had which you provided in your link. I would definitely think her complication was severe and that she was in danger of bleeding to death perhaps. She wouldn't opt for the procedure if everything was hunky dorey.

Can you please provide a link showing that women have likened getting an abortion to taking out the trash?
edit on 21-2-2011 by spinalremain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
reply to post by Violater1

So you deduce that I am evil and I deduce that you're a Bible thumping sheep who cannot think for him/herself . GL with that.

Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 01:36 PM
I am not surprised since she is a democrat. Most democrats it seems have no morales and refuse to accept the american way of life by letting jesus into their hearts. Our constitution was founded and gave us the freedom of religion so anyone could be a christian and follow the teachings of jesus. As a patriot I find it a travesty that people like this are elected to office and just shows the immorality of the people she represents. Murder is wrong and I cant believe this woman who tortured and murdered a child is allowed to roam free. Abortion is always wrong and never right, someday we will be able to monitor these people to ensure that freedom is protected and those children get their rights to exist and become Real Americans who represent the dream that all americans have of a better tomorrow.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:18 PM
I leave this thread for a few days, come back to see if their is any more information in regards to what the government is planning to do with the funding they cut from planned parenthood. And what do I see instead. This OP ranting and raving about their own personal belief systems and how anyone who disagrees with their personal belief is an evil abortion agenda pusher.

Okay, so lets say they make an elective abortion non-funded and now people cannot afford to have them. So they have babies instead. Babies that they didn't want, can't afford to feed, don't want to take care of.. ect. We get more BABIES HAVING BABIES. (I for one am sick and tired of seeing all these knocked up 16 year olds who think they can take care of a child's needs while they are still children themselves.) And we get a future of children who grew up un-loved and mistreated to help fuel the violence in the country. Sounds like a great trade off to me. *rolls eyes*

Canada funds elective abortions and the last time I checked we where swamped in debt (as much debt) as America. Planned Parenthood is an essential service for women and with their intervention during times of need they most likely can help women make the proper choice (or even help set them up for adoption if they choose to want to have the baby) America needs to STOP WAGING STUPID WARS and then they can decide whether they have enough money to fund something much more important.
edit on 22/2/2011 by TheSparrowSings because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by tigpoppa
I am not surprised since she is a democrat. Most democrats it seems have no morales and refuse to accept the american way of life by letting jesus into their hearts. Our constitution was founded and gave us the freedom of religion so anyone could be a christian and follow the teachings of jesus. As a patriot I find it a travesty that people like this are elected to office and just shows the immorality of the people she represents. Murder is wrong and I cant believe this woman who tortured and murdered a child is allowed to roam free. Abortion is always wrong and never right, someday we will be able to monitor these people to ensure that freedom is protected and those children get their rights to exist and become Real Americans who represent the dream that all americans have of a better tomorrow.

Rant** I love how people who don't believe in your ridiculous fairytale beliefs have no morals and ethics. Its immoral to allow a child to be raised in a situation where they cannot be taken care of. Your whole post makes me sick. This is what is wrong with society. This stupid F*cking religion creating useless closed minded individuals who sit around all day and don't take a second to look at the bigger picture. IF MURDER is SO IMMORAL then why do you support a GOD who (when the end times come) has NO PROBLEM killing off millions of people who opted out of his fanclub *End Rant*

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by tigpoppa

You are the epitome of what Jesus told his folowers NOT TO DO.
You believe that you are somehow superior to others in morality
You actually take it a step further and claim that Democrats in gereral are amoral beings who promote baby killing.
Democrats are obviously murderers, yet you convenietly or are just ignorant to the term "Republican War machine"
How can someone give their heart to Jesus, yet at the same time devote their beliefs to a political party which thrives on destroying thousands of its own citizens while marching about the globe in the name of corporate profits? You broke like 20 sins each time you voted against the baby killers.

I think you should check out the Westboro Baptist church. You'd fit right in.

You actually said "
"Our constitution was founded and gave us the freedom of religion so anyone could be a christian and follow the teachings of jesus."

So, Our founding fathers (who were in fact secular), founded this country so that people could come here and pray to Jesus. WOW. You seriously have no clue as to what you're talking about. Absolutely no clue. Guess what; Jews don't pray to Jesus and they're just as American as you. Buddhists do not pray to Jesus and they are just as American as you. BTW, please describe where exactly Jesus spoke about abortion. Then I would like you to realize why our founding fathers wanted Gov. to have absolutely nothing to do with religion, let alone Christianity.
edit on 22-2-2011 by spinalremain because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-2-2011 by spinalremain because: (no reason given)

- This may help you understand the country in which you live
edit on 22-2-2011 by spinalremain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Violater1

Originally posted by JewelFlip
I read about this yesterday and I had a totally different impression of what she had to say. If you watch the cspan video of both Chris Smith from New Jersey and her response to him (which is where she brings up the fact that she has an abortion). She describes having the medical procedure due to complications, and the terrible feeling of having lost a child. She addresses the tone that he used while discussing his feelings against abortion, and she stated that it was not something that one does spontaneously, or cavalierly.

What she went through sounds very heartbreaking, and I am sorry for her lose.
For this terrible thing that happened to her, how can she then vote for a bill that would pay for women to Elect, out of their free will, without any medical necessity, to kill their baby. It just makes no sense.
Her's was a medical emergency.
But for others, getting an abortion is no different than taking out the trash!

SO which is it? First you suggest that she might not have needed it, then you turn around and agree that she needed it because it was a medical emergency... So.. why is it that you are allowed to say that she needed it now with out showing a link?

You are contradicting yourself big time... What do you believe? Do you think she needed an abortion because it was an emergency or don't you? Make up your mind. You cannot have it both ways...

Her own words were that the abortion took place because of medical complications... Those are her words... No link is required. She said it herself in YOUR link...

The complication was that if the baby continued to grow in the spot it was, there is a good chance it would have killed her... That is what she says... That is what she implies.... So... really... you need to drop it...

You are contradicting yourself and making yourself look silly... If you think she is lying about the reasons she had the abortion, it is YOUR duty to prove that....

If you think it was a medical emergency... Well... then you are right.... But you can't have it both ways.

Come one. Time is running out. The jeopardy music is playing. What is your opinion? Did she need it or not? Hmm? Make up your mind. Please.

And for the record, I am against abortions.... Though, I do believe that my opinion should hold no bearing as to what a woman does with her body... It is her choice and I have no right to stop her.

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