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Unbelievable! The UFO Stork has delivered baby Jesus to Jerusalem

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+18 more 
posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 01:12 AM
This post is not written to be smooth, nor is it written to be fluent, but written as a jagged pattern of sentences without grammarical structure to riddle the mind, to make one think on a conscious and a subliminal level. It is a mere seed of thought, but a seed can grow.

I am going to be forthright. Today on MSN they are promoting the Jewish UFO videos at

I could care less if some individual claims it is all a hoax. I could care less if the event is a hoax. I reviewed the videos and tend to disagree it is a hoax, and this is why? Even if the videos are hoaxes, the intentions behind them are not a hoax. The videos clearly show an old religious term, “an angel of light descending on the Dome of the Rock”. Clearly the images are clear, and in fact, they are followed by the unexpected abandoned male child shortly thereafter in a highly secured monument. Listen up, hoax or not, they are slowly indoctrinating the world that it happened for future fairytales.

The fact remains it is being promoted on MSN, and the fact remains that propaganda always begins quietly. Even if it was a hoax, even it this was all set up, the intention of using this propaganda to filter the belief that a male born to nobody in Old Jerusalem found in the Dome of the Rock is a campaign to see the Jesus, the Mr. Christ himself is back being reborn in Old Jerusalem. Foresight is all required right now.

I will be blunt, there are millions of recorded video and snapshots of flying apparatus in the air for evidence, yet people see this and deny what their own eyes have seen. People make crazy claims that UFO's are from distant galaxy or the Pleidian spectrum of the universe, when in fact, THE PROOF IS THAT THEY ARE HERE!

Fact, the crop circles are photo or video evidences of flying saucers are taking place here, not in Mars, not in Pluto, not in another star cluster, BUT HERE. I will tell you why the government does not confirm this.

1) The fear of inter-stellar war is enough for the human mind, but the recognition they dwell amongst you in sophisticated cities below the soils in which humans inhabit would send the world into a panic.

2) Humans are natural born liars. They lie to family, to neighbours, to co-workers, to friends, to themselves! What do you expect from a group of natural born liars forming a body of government, media, law enforcement, churches or other? Lies!

UFOs are not new whatsoever, the Chariots of the Gods movie depicted long standing evidence they have been here since long before we know. The only problem with the movie is once again, the movie concocted a scenario where these beings that were here long ago might be from the star systems. The fact is…they are here!

They have always been here. Who do you think was talking to Moses and the Hebrews in the mountains? A talking cloud? Sure, and Barney the Dinosaur is real.

Let me be clear, you all deceive yourselves as you wait for natural born liars to confirm what your eyes see. You all need to realize, you are not alone in the universe, no more than you are alone here in the environment of the world you currently inhabit.

I want to be straight with you all, there is a more ominous confirmation of propaganda looming right now. One bigger than religious falsehoods, one bigger than the Jewish intention to resurrect Jesus the Christ in a make believe fairytale that he was brought by an angelic stork to the Dome of the Rock in February, 2011. It is in the fact that the second sun theory is also being promoted by mainstream media. Many people have taken pictures of a second sun over the last 2 years, many have reported what they believe is Nibiru, planet X or what have you. The second sun theory that the star Betelgeuse may explode is a false creative storyline, but…not a false alarm.

The divine angel of light descending to the Dome of the Rock is followed by a story of a baby male left in the Dome of the Rock, which is a prelude to propaganda for the return of Jesus standing atop the New Mount Zion in the New Heaven and Earth. This is a falsehood, yet the attempt for storytelling in the immediate future is not a false alarm.

Pictures and videos of flying machines above Phoenix in 1997 or otherwise in the millions to date may or may not be falsehoods, but they are not a false alarms. These are all very real alarms.

The “second sun by exploding star” propaganda is as unrealistic as astronauts landing on the moon. As if men were sent into a dark expanse where flying meteorites and asteroids could impact them in a second and blow them all up. As if a lander could be built to descend and re-ascend from the base of a moon when today there is no vehicle that can do it here on this planet. When the government or their syndicated media with permission to populate lies admits to a second sun theory, it is vital.

If Betelgeuse exploded, the whole world will see a second sun? C'mon! A second sun caused by an exploding star light years away? The whole area around the moon and the planets in this solar system would also be diminished by the overwhelming light, so why claim an explosion would look like a second sun?

Well, if a UFO is captured by a camera, the government debunks it with swamp gas reflections from Venus and other retarded lies. I will say this much, everyone here will have a drink on New Years Eve in 2012 and wake up with a hangover on January 1st, 2013. I am sorry to say the Mayan Calendar doomsday prediction is as real as Santa Claus. Just another human concept. Even the Gods like Zeus, Apollo or Jehovah are man made human concepts. Ever notice how God is supposed to endorse your actions as righteous while punishing your enemies? The easiest way to deceive a human is to speak to them. Everyone says nice things, and everyone writes nice poems, but deep down in the heart, they are self serving and self concerning hypocrites. Expect no truth from government, media, police, churches or commerce institutions, they are a formation of humans, and humans are arrogant and ignorant by nature.

Congratulations doomsdayers, you desire some phenomenal event to confirm life here is not so boring and there is something more, this time it is for real. Imagine a choir of singers at a church - now imagine billions all at once screaming all at once, "whoooaaaa-aahhhhhh". Still sound exciting?

If just one of you knew what I know, not believe, but what I know, you would be in absolute shock. I have every answer imaginable in the palm of my hands and I have to sit around listening to people who proudly boast opinions without true knowledge, speaking highly because they paid taxes and have a right to opinionize against a government. Listen up! Your governments are as real as your fictional Gods, they are a creation of the human mind and can only exist with the compliance of the masses. And compliance is best achieved through control by intimidation of loss or violence.

Wake up! Smell the airs that surround you. They are dark airs. Is it a coincidence the shadows between trees exist on the ground in daylight? Is it a coincidence the shadows exist on cement between buildings in daylight? Is it a coincidence that even during daylight if you close the drapes, the room gets dark? The air within this world is dark.

You exist in a prison where war and injustice has reigned supreme since the beginning, you are in a dungeon of deceit. The darkness is not from the universe, but the airs within the world. Wake up! You are now existing in a world that is hell, not a place of fire, brimstone and lava, but one of darkness. The airs here, like the soil that creates everything within is dark matter, just like the retina in the eyes of every animated living being within. The retina is as dark as the airs and soils that produced it allowing you to only perceive that which exists within. You are here, inside the world of darkness!

Welcome to the Dungeon of Deceit, the Prison of Sorrow where every man woman and child holds pain and sadness whether they are young or old, rich and poor. Is this your heaven? A place where as you read this, there are men raping little girls in the Middle East, there are children starving to death in Africa, there are people being beaten by police behind cement walls in your city as you read this! You are in hell, wake up or remain here indefinitely. Death is a human concept, there is only division and separation, as you exhale the last breath you also simultaneously inhale the new and you no longer gravitate in body to the soil that created you, but you gravitate above the body to the airs that suspend your spirit.

UFOs are not fictional, they are here! The campaign is Jerusalem is not fictional, nor a false alarm, but an inevitable falsehood of a returning Jesus in the guise of divine animation. The light of the universe that gives you perception for half a rotation of the world is the light from beyond, not within, so what do you really think will happen when the second sun appears and daylight is 24/7? In a home, a blast of sudden light is followed by a power outage of total darkness.

I will give you one hint. The world you inhabit is like a computer, and what happens when the environment of the computer gets overloaded with so many files, so many videos, numerous registries causing viruses? It gets reformatted and a new operating system is loaded and becomes the new environment. The Revelation prophecy of Jesus standing on Mount Zion in New Jerusalem, in the New Heaven and New Earth. The new operating system in a new environment with a transfer of old files is fulfilled.

Your landlords of this world that were once worshipped as Gods in a talking cloud commanding murders know what is about to happen. Do the tenants who walk the surface know? Ever wondered why a few hundred years ago people would see an advanced being ascend without gravity and assume they have wings like a night bat or why thousands of years ago they would see beings ascend and they thought they must have wings of a bird?

Truth is in what you see and what you hear, but the human mind deceives you by conjuring up myth's with the event that suit your own purposes. Remember the Heavens Gate leader? Sure he knew his stuff about Jesus telling people to desire to leave this hell, but in the end he claimed that he was Jesus back as Ti – and that God came back as an expression of Homer Simpson "Doh!". Smarts mixed with stupidity is inherent, just as eternal life of conscious awareness is inherent the milli-second the birth of spirit is fashioned, even before the fashioning of the mind and body from nothing more than an invisible cell began inside the womb of the human mother, inside the womb of this world, inside the womb of the universe. Like the bible, leave it to a human to manipulate murder as a sacrifice and then add an oxymoron that God sent the son to be killed to show love for humanity. A god that sends a son to be killed to express love? Only in the hell of this world can this fairytale be sold, yet it has been successfully sold to billions across the world. And those billions collectively outwish the few and the consciousness of this world that produces your imaginations will fulfill the agenda.

A dream can be a nightmare. What if the human race is born into a world that breeds arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy and injustice. What if the world the human race perceives as a heaven is really a world of hell in disguise? What if the human race is a manifestation of demons in skin that hides the true image of a demon? What if you lived in a world that jails those who fight for justice on your behalf? What if as you read this there are military men raping a little 8 year old girl and laughing about her screaming and crying? What if these same men and women were killing civilians on other lands or abusing these human beings in barricaded tents? What if you lived in a world that honours the rapists and murderers with medals and the people of the land endorse their actions with support the effort of the troops stickers? What if you lived in a world where the most fortunate and most guilty were targeting the less fortunate and the less guilty? What if the world you inhabit has police beating and pulverizing people at will behind the scenes, and raping women behind cement walls while smiling into cameras exalting themselves as heroes? What if this world had people abusing seniors in senior homes, aids who attack mental patients with needles and mental torture, and social workers who take kids out of homes against their will and the kids were placed into homes and institutions such as churches where they are abused? What if the world had media who was designed by government to manipulate the audience with grand schemes that inflict the nation while honouring the leaders of oppressive indoctrinations? What if every human was capable of lying to one another, their friends and family and their co-workers and neighbours, and groups of liars were to become employed in group departments of government and media, continuing the lies?

What if humans naturally sought to expose lies and immorality of others while suppressing their own? What if humans created online websites that aim to combat censorship all while endorsing their own policies of censorship within under the guise of bans and deletions? What if all humanity is the source of all injustice? Or should we place the blame on birds and giraffes? Is it possible that all humans are self serving beings who attack one another over simple issues? Is this a world where people have a nemesis throughout the day where they need to battle another driver for driving too slow or fast? Is this a world where people can make negative arguments with one another over poor service at a business or argue about a barking dog with a neighbour? Do humans actually have fights with their family and go separate ways or is this all an illusion?

Is there one human who does not favour their own over others, or does not have thoughts of negative actions against another who offends them with their opinion? Is there one human who does not hold onto some form of sorrow about regrets or pains of loss in this world? Is this place just a bad dream or are humans mere demons in hell trying to delude themselves on the fact that money is not the root of all evil, when in fact, humans who create the concepts of money, government, law, religions and wars are the root of all evil? Conspiracies exist in every household between parents and spouses, they exist in every business between co-workers, in every form of government everywhere. If one wants to know the creator or source of a conspiracy, one only needs to look into a mirror.

The root of all evil is not money, nor government, nor weaponry, but the creators and users, it is humans. The demons who walk the surface embracing lies and suppressing truth, the ones who deceive themselves of their true image of mucousy organs, bloody veins and arteries as seen on posters in rooms throughout medical centres and hospitals. Only the pigment of a skin color hides the true design of a human, a being that persists on believing they are angels, when in fact, their actions have spoken louder than their words since the foundation of human history. Humans are demons in an environment of darkness and nothing more, so quit wondering why all this evil occurs here, quit wondering why beings from beyond would prefer to not associate, simply put, if mankind ever did succeed in space travel, which they will not, they would contaminate that environment with wars and destruction as they do here. If only your species of beings knew, you would be in shock!

I assure you now, all of you exist in a phase of human generation where for once humans and animals and fish and birds are not the only one facing death, but the planet as well. It will need to erase the memories on the hard drive and format a new, this is not fiction or fairytale, but in actuality, scheduled.

Sorry if the words come across wrong, truth is a bitter pill, it is a virus that attacks the disease of lies in this world, and the disease is in the very airs you breathe and exhale. If you want to meet an alien, look into a mirror, you dear alien, created this body that is always changing from nothing more than a speck of air. What you see in the mirror is an alien and the spacesuit you wear here is temporary before separating. You will never consciously know death, but separation and division. The magic of the universe unfolds.

By the way, the faithful are in for a shock. Their Jesus who was never really named Jesus two thousand years ago and was hung by the neck, not crucified, was not brought back by a stork a week ago. Their Jesus whom they invited to Jerusalem to learn their doctrine of deceit, whom fought with the establishment and told their churches the Lord they worshipped was the devil in disguise, whom defied their proposal to enter Judea or Rome to unite the ultimate Testament of Power between the Romans and the Israelites of Hebrew lines, that Jesus who was never named Jesus or "the christ" has already been back for a while. To say the least in all fairness, he is quite unhappy with what is being said and done. Plus he does not plan to stay around this world forever, but to return to an environment where war, misery, injustice and death is non-existent. See if you can figure this oneout? The riddle ends here. See if the super sleuths can put all this together.

You just got to love the writing style, there is a reason that I wrote this in a manner that would have English teachers giving me a "D minus" for grading in grammar. The fun of it all.

+10 more 
posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 01:42 AM
i try to avoid minimal posts but may i be the first to say...uhhh, what???

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 01:53 AM
You do realise that by saying'' I could care less'' you mean that you care?I think that you mean ''I couldn't care less'' which means that you don't care.Why do so many posters not know this?I now know within the first few lines why you don't use grammar anywhere near properly.Did you go to school or were you too busy being a troll?Is that you AGAIN Bernard The Time Traveller?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 01:59 AM
The baby is a hoax. Alright fine, the baby is real. But the UFO was a hoax. Are you suggesting that this is the beginning of some future religion and that the baby will be worshiped as a messiah? are you suggesting the baby is the anti-christ?

As I write this I am glad I was born in a hospital and not abandoned at a religious site after a world-famous UFO hoax. That might really mess you up.

edit on 13-2-2011 by goatfish because: typo

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:08 AM
Wow, my mind is officially blown and my self esteem just took a swift kick to the nuts.
I am ashamed to be human.
I can't argue with anything you;ve said at all....
I'll just tell you that you are getting ready to get flamed by some very mean people who will, of course, prove your entire point. Great thread and thank you.


posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:09 AM
I think you need to start taking yor medication again.
When you get better you can go back to school and learn to write properly.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by specialdelivery

Thers a lot of truth in what you say but its so very depressing to dwell on such negative thoughts. Having said that i would appreciate it if you to elaborate on some of your statements such as 'jesus' being here already. Also have you any thoughts on the so called project bluebeam scam.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Screwed
Wow, my mind is officially blown and my self esteem just took a swift kick to the nuts.
I am ashamed to be human.
I can't argue with anything you;ve said at all....
I'll just tell you that you are getting ready to get flamed by some very mean people who will, of course, prove your entire point. Great thread and thank you.


Pretty much...

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:23 AM
i find this offensive and an insult to my lord gtfo op

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:25 AM
Hmmm so storks are aliens? Is that what you are saying? I am pretty much an open minded individual but I doubt that storks are aliens last I heard they were birds....but I kid I kid.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by ANClENT

why why dont you show a little respect ? i am sure i can pull up some of your posts and tell you the same , be repsectfull and reply with a little more thought ,

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:27 AM
You know, it doesn't make much sense but at the same time it makes a lot of sense.

I can't claim to know who the Jesus figure is the OP hinted at as already being here but when I first read it almost as soon as it was posted, I had (and still do) a niggling feeling in the back of my mind that I too might know who it is. Assuming the person is a well known public figure that is.

Plus he did state he wrote his post and grammar that way on purpose, I myself have been able to dumb down and misspell in life and writing to make a point or to fit in with others over the years so I picked up on that right away.

Still though, any bait you wanna throw to help us understand it more than we currently do?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Screwed
Wow, my mind is officially blown and my self esteem just took a swift kick to the nuts.
I am ashamed to be human.
I can't argue with anything you;ve said at all....
I'll just tell you that you are getting ready to get flamed by some very mean people who will, of course, prove your entire point. Great thread and thank you.


glad it worked out for you.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:33 AM

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by curious7
You know, it doesn't make much sense but at the same time it makes a lot of sense.

I can't claim to know who the Jesus figure is the OP hinted at as already being here but when I first read it almost as soon as it was posted, I had (and still do) a niggling feeling in the back of my mind that I too might know who it is. Assuming the person is a well known public figure that is.

Plus he did state he wrote his post and grammar that way on purpose, I myself have been able to dumb down and misspell in life and writing to make a point or to fit in with others over the years so I picked up on that right away.

Still though, any bait you wanna throw to help us understand it more than we currently do?

In this world, even mythical superheros of steel dawn the glasses to maintain privacy they are not superman. Celebrities included walk in cognito to maintain privacy, expect the same from the one who was and is now again, but do not be fooled by the Jerusalem propaganda, cause this will inevitably be the intention.

The one who went into Jerusalem 2000 years ago is back now, I guarantee this, not a hope, or faith or belief, but guaranteed.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by specialdelivery

In some point it's true, Huh?

edit on 13-2-2011 by joshint because: S&F

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by ANClENT

hey , dude , first ,i have i disrespected you in anyway? why would you disrespect me ? , and i indeed assure you that talk like that around here gets you put down real quick , so choose your next words properly my good man

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by specialdelivery

That's the thing, it makes complete sense that some would use it as a way to "reaffirm" the man made religious stuff humanity has endured for millenia to suit their own agenda. I mentioned as such in the thread on the baby being found myself a week or so ago.

Who could the actual one be? Who knows. I assume you're in the know or worked it out already? What criteria did you look for to discover this?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by glen200376
You do realise that by saying'' I could care less'' you mean that you care?I think that you mean ''I couldn't care less'' which means that you don't care.Why do so many posters not know this?I now know within the first few lines why you don't use grammar anywhere near properly.Did you go to school or were you too busy being a troll?Is that you AGAIN Bernard The Time Traveller?

that stuff annoys me when people say "air on the side of caution" when it should obviously be "err on the..." or some other hackneyed version of an actual people even think about the words that they are using? you cant just use the sound of a phrase that you've heard if you don't stop to even think about what the words are...that just isn't the way it works...i would read a thread about what causes people to do this, hopefully it would be shorter than this one though...

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:39 AM
some (snip) comes on here and says that what happened to my messiah is not what god would do and basically called the entire crucifixtion evil. you think im gonna stand back and not speak my mind. your greatly mistaken. i will defend my lord against any (snip) who puts him down and his sacrifice.


Mod Note: Civility & Decorum are Expected Please Review This Link.
edit on 14-2-2011 by Ahabstar because: (no reason given)

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