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Napolitano: Nation's terror threat may be highest since 9/11

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posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by vermonster
Is there anyone on this thread who agrees with Napolitano?


Anyone, anyone?

But... but, isn't this for our survival and best interests? There are terrorists under our beds, in our closets... right outside our doors with bombs strapped to their bellies waiting for us to come outside!!!

(everyone stay inside, let the professionals clean up this mess - watch TV or something)

I think I just saw one hiding in the bushes, but I am not sure because of the intense ninja like training these people go through. Wait... I hear something on the top of my roof, Christmas is over - so it can't be Santa and his reindeer... I better accept what the government says is best for me and my family - take my medicine like a good patriot and get a Patriot Act enima... hell, make it two just in case.

Uh oh. Now my house is surrounded by Jihadists dressed all in black... wait... those arn't Jihadists, that's Homeland Security coming to save the day!!! YAY!

Come on people, join in the chant!

"Oh, my state unto thy federal government I do relinquish any rights where upon was sworn to the deeds of this country's constitution. My rights as a citizen are determined by not the people or myself, rather the ideologies of a select few who have risen to protect humanity from oblivion. All hail our protectors!"

Can I get an "Amen?"

/end sarcasm

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:35 PM
what has always amazed me about idiotic shet like this, they say "oh there recruiting more, or the criminals are doing this" almost like they went to the guys house and traded arms with him or something.

There is an increased reliance on recruiting Westerners into terrorist organizations

wtf. how can you say this # and not do anything about it. lol. america u never stop amazing people.

STUDYS SHOW. that..... who #in cares. you doing a study on terrism and you find out whats going on, you do something about it. not just say. yeah well the trend seems to be that i can get a ak47 cheaper now from amahad down the road.. ....
edit on 12/2/2011 by Ashyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:45 PM
Telling me to be afraid is an attempt at creating terror
so it is obvious by this broad's commentary that she is the terrorist.

lots of men are terrified of women who look and act like Lesbians.

though I don't suppose there is officially such a thing as a Muslim lesbian. If there was, I doubt they would let them on TV to scare the proletariat the way they do in the more "christian" west.

Christians generally regard Homosexuals as being hated by "god"
so you would think that would be terrifying
(makes me wonder why he made them then....)

edit on 12-2-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-2-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-2-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:46 PM
Sounds like Big Sis is wanting to take more nudie pics and play a little more grab *ss. You know its just a matter of time before more checkpoints pop-up. They gotta keep tabs on us - its for our on good really. Just ask them - they'll tell you.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by pshea38


I clicked on your link...


Firefox says:

Sorry, "www.iam" is unavailable or could not be found. Please consider our sponsor or try a different search.

And this is the site I got!

Rhee announces on today's episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show that she is launching an organization called Students First, an interest group/political lobby that will advocate her brand of education reform. In an exclusive interview with Fast Company, she says Students First reflects some of the lessons she learned in D.C. "If you look at how things get done in this country, it's influence and how much you can exert influence," she says. "That's how things happen, even in education. So you have textbook manufacturers, you have the teachers' unions, you even have food-service people. The problem is that there is no organized interest group solely for kids. Because you don't have that, policy-making is happening in a lopsided way. What we need to do is to create a positive, balancing force for change for kids that has a lot of clout and a lot of influence."

By influence, Rhee clearly means money: Her goal is to raise $1 billion for Students First. She also hopes to recruit, within the next year, 1 million people from all walks of life to join the organization and build momentum to change public education across America....

Students First

So no we are going to "Organize" school kids in High School??? GO Students for a Democratic Society.

Can you see what changes kids in high school would want to their curriculum?? How to become a Welfare Mom 101, Business methods for Drug Pushers 210...

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by pshea38


I clicked on your link...


Firefox says:

Sorry, "www.iam" is unavailable or could not be found. Please consider our sponsor or try a different search.

And this is the site I got!

Rhee announces on today's episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show that she is launching an organization called Students First, an interest group/political lobby that will advocate her brand of education reform. In an exclusive interview with Fast Company, she says Students First reflects some of the lessons she learned in D.C. "If you look at how things get done in this country, it's influence and how much you can exert influence," she says. "That's how things happen, even in education. So you have textbook manufacturers, you have the teachers' unions, you even have food-service people. The problem is that there is no organized interest group solely for kids. Because you don't have that, policy-making is happening in a lopsided way. What we need to do is to create a positive, balancing force for change for kids that has a lot of clout and a lot of influence."

By influence, Rhee clearly means money: Her goal is to raise $1 billion for Students First. She also hopes to recruit, within the next year, 1 million people from all walks of life to join the organization and build momentum to change public education across America....

Students First

So no we are going to "Organize" school kids in High School??? GO Students for a Democratic Society.

Can you see what changes kids in high school would want to their curriculum?? How to become a Welfare Mom 101, Business methods for Drug Pushers 210...

what a crock of sh*t that is. trying to propogate the myth that we are free and all is and will for the best if we do well in school and follow authority blindly like f*cking sheep. everyone involved with the media are corrupt and are downright nasty liars and deceivers in my view.

anyways the link didn't work for me either for some reason but you still deserve a laugh. this is a site parodying the constant state of fear the government in the u.k. have been trying to keep its citizens in, since the london faked bombings psy-op in 2005. just type www.iamf**=u) directly into your engine and let the smiles arise. enjoy

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:51 AM
Where oh where was this report a year ago, six months back? That's right held convieniently off the radar until the Patriot provisions are about to expire.

It''s like we either pass and permanentize the current provisions or get attacked again.

How dare Napolitano use the "Politics of fear" card.

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