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Egyptian Police Redeploying

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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 05:42 PM


Egypt’s internal security forces are reportedly redeploying across the country Jan. 30 after abandoning the streets the previous day in a demonstration, showing what chaos would ensue should they be undermined by the military. As the protests show early signs of dwindling, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Interior Minister Habib al-Adly, who have negotiated a stay in power so far, are likely betting that the protesters, who thus far have been unable to coalesce into a unified group, will clear the streets under pressure. However, serious potential for clashes remain, especially considering hostilities between the army and the police and between the police and protesters. The coming hours will thus tell whether Mubarak’s bet on the opposition was a wise one.

Another report from about continuing developments in Egypt. Stratfor does not often allow republication or even access to its material without an expensive subscription, but this article is an exception. There have been several posts wondering "Where did the police go?" Well, here's the answer. Once again, I'm not really as concrned whether you LIKE stratfor or not. It's a point of view, in detail, that is not often available to everyone, so I like to take advantage of them when they allow publication.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 05:54 PM
I have followed this uprising without break since friday morning. Now I am first time very sceptic from peoples victory. Why? What I see now - Is reason why I am very afraid - In live picture, just two-three thousand protestors laying like sheeps in field, outside, without barriers, bunkers, headquarter... No preparations, no plans, no medicare, no food, supplies... Just too few against thousands of rested, regrouped, re-armed and trained police!

For Mubarak - this is eay win tonight... I do wait, just in few coming hours, just before the sunrise... Police will attack. And very many latest news support this, my growing thought - and police will stop this uprising, soon - tonight.

I hope to be wrong, but tell me, why people in Tahir are not preparing to worst???
edit on 30-1-2011 by JanusFIN because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:07 PM
Just watching PressTV live news, they are warning from very possible massacre tonight or tomorrow!

This is maybe 10th news in few hours now, what is indicating to very bad and bloody end in this uprising...

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:22 PM
Thanks, Janus. I'm still confused myself. There are three different "state" groups and the protestors

1. Military
2. Internal Security Forces (ISF)
3. Police
4. Protestors

Stratfor seems to feel that the Military and the ISF are working at cross-purposes to each other and that they have never been on good terms, but the Police seem to be even more different. So far the protestors are looking to the military as their avenue to get rid of the government and the military has treated the protestors well. Then we have the ISF pretending to be protestors and looting attempting, apparently, to get the military to turn against the protestors. So from that it looks as if the ISF is on the side of the government, and the protestors AND the military are not. And I still don't get the role of the Police or whose side they are on.

Obviously with such large forces there have been incidents where police have removed their uniforms and joined the protestors, but this is anecdotal. On the other hand, the violence that I saw, where a young man was shot and killed, appeared to be by an approaching police line, though it could have been ISF forces. You couldn't really tell because it was too far away. Whatever group it was had riot gear,

Then, to make matters even more confusing, within the protest movement is at least one secular democratic movement, the Muslim Brotherhood (which Strafor insists is a "moderate" movement), plus Hamas and jihadists wanting to join the fray. My guess is you have a lot of young adults simply throwing rocks and not aligned with any sub-group as well. So, there's 'nobody in charge' of the protest movement as a whole. The only thing the protestors really agree on is that they want to get rid of the government.

Just trying to make sense of it.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:32 PM
Being that the word is for an all out war against the protestors that will give those that don't want bloodshed time to get home or to a safe location. I do hope they leave in large numbers, especially those with children but I have my doubts that they will, they certainly seem to be taking a strong hold. I think the police are against the protestors, maybe a few changed and went to the otherside but I think they will be firing bullets soon.

I was wondering if jets and helicopters have flown over during the night hours, anyone know?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by crazydaisy
I was wondering if jets and helicopters have flown over during the night hours, anyone know?

Yes. Here's a link that talks about fighters over Cairo. I originally got this from drudge so if that first link doesn't work (It looks ugly in the raw) try there.
edit on 1/30/2011 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:45 PM
very interesting interview in al jazeera now from one demonstrator / house safety group member - fear is growing about what military is doing and their orders ... They are not in side of people, there is no evidence about it - and fear is growing... Rumors from police, they are maybe coming.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Thanks for the link - it appears they flew over late in the day - I am sure they will return by daylight.

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