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The average Egyptian is apparently smarter than the average American

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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by space cadet
reply to post by SpectreDC

Yeah, good enough to get 500 applause points for what I have said on this thread, lol!

Congratulations, a moderator or supermoderator likes what you said. Because they are a moderator, clearly it makes it right and it doesn't make this moderator as stupid as you are.

I am sure that you will realize that what you have said here is, as I said, speculation and opinion

You know, all this time you keep saying that everything I said is speculation and opinion was done merely with speculation and opinion. No explanation, no evidence, no argument. Just, "you are wrong".

Considering one of the things you are suggesting I'm wrong about is the FACT, not opinion, not speculation, but fact, that the popular vote in America has no bearing on who is chosen as president. None what so ever. You learn this in HIGH SCHOOL POLI SCI for christ sakes. So tell me, why should I give a rats ass about what you are saying or what a moderator is saying when you are saying a very simple fact is wrong by simply saying its wrong and only opinion.

Or you can just continue sidestepping like you have been this entire thread.

edit on 30-1-2011 by SpectreDC because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:11 PM

The average Egyptian is apparently smarter than the average American

WRONG. They are getting bamboozled just as the Americans did in the last POTUS election.
ATS Thread - Muslim Brotherhood Moves to form Egypt Unity Gov't without Mubarak
Out with the old .. in with the new .. which is just like the old or maybe even worse.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

The average Egyptian is apparently smarter than the average American

WRONG. They are getting bamboozled just as the Americans did in the last POTUS election.
ATS Thread - Muslim Brotherhood Moves to form Egypt Unity Gov't without Mubarak
Out with the old .. in with the new .. which is just like the old or maybe even worse.

I think there needs to be a little wait and see, watching how people accept them.

If they accept them with open arms, then you're right and I apologize for this thread as my entire premise may be wrong.

But just because AMERICA is setting up for a new Egypt, and these people are saying they're setting up for a new Egypt, is no evidence that the PEOPLE of Egypt are behind them.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

Its because the common average egyptian has much much much less to lose than someone in our middle class.

Im pretty sure the US has a higher education standard than Egypt

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 10:06 AM
It's coming to the point where I only visit ATS to peruse the most extreme, illogical, conspiratorial crap I can find on the net, anymore.

People come on here and project, it seems. So willing to sweep 330 million Americans into silly, pathetic generalizations.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 10:16 AM
Egyptians are protesting in favor of eternal slavery they don't like the slavery they have they think a different slave master will work better ,It 's as simple as that they don't have a concept of personal freedom as personal responsibility and independent living.They like most Islamic states want a super totalitarian state ruled by Sharia law. Where they will be told when to wake up who to marry what to worship when what to wear what to eat what to say etc.... that's the level of control they want to give to their overlords .They are going from the frying to the fire, as we are. That isn't smart

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 10:17 AM
The average probably maps to a typical bell curve, and smarts probably have less to do with it than frustration, bravery, and strength. They finally reached their flashpoint and found their courage. That's to be commended and supported. No questions asked. No judgments made. There's time enough to analyze later, but right now they have a mission to accomplish. Power to the people!

reply to post by FlyersFan

Are you really going to spam this in EVERY thread about their revolution?

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