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Freemasonry The Biggest Multinational Corporation in the World.

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posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

well, my very trollish friend, Since you are a trolltard, and cannot admit to being wrong, I shall have to limit your trolling ability. Sadly, I am afraid I will have to secretly laugh at you while it appears I am ignoring you. All the while, thinking how much of an asstroll you really might be.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

well, my very trollish friend, Since you are a trolltard, and cannot admit to being wrong, I shall have to limit your trolling ability. Sadly, I am afraid I will have to secretly laugh at you while it appears I am ignoring you. All the while, thinking how much of an asstroll you really might be.

Once again, ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case...
Thanks Network Dude for proving my point. You've made yourself look more stupid than I ever could hope to

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:13 PM
behave children!

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by fordrew
behave children!

I think you should direct this at his worshipful asstroll... Jeez, now I'm using made up nonsensical masonic words! If I tried really hard I think I may be able to reach the same depths of stupidty as he has... Then again, maybe not! And all this arose from me stating that the masons were no threat and simply a social club...
Enough already!

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

Onthelevel213 : Lodges have a huge Square and Compasses on a sign. Shriners wear funny hats and drive little cars in parades. This thread has no less than five Masons (at last count) giving a full rundown of who we are and what we do. We've taken oaths not to reveal our grips, passwords and signs; anything other lack of openness is because nobody asked.

May I ask you the essentials of initiation ?
How is a candidate initiated ?
Demetalization and why ?


posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by isoger1
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

Onthelevel213 : Lodges have a huge Square and Compasses on a sign. Shriners wear funny hats and drive little cars in parades. This thread has no less than five Masons (at last count) giving a full rundown of who we are and what we do. We've taken oaths not to reveal our grips, passwords and signs; anything other lack of openness is because nobody asked.

May I ask you the essentials of initiation ?

a man must come of his own free will and accord, be worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared, be of lawful age, and properly vouched for.

How is a candidate initiated ?

He is brought through a ritual which teaches several lessons. the exact ritual can be found in several books, and videos. But I would suggest anyone interested in joining, not know the ritual before hand. It would spoil the first lesson.

Demetalization and why ?

I am not sure what you mean.


posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by isoger1
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

Demetalization and why ?

I am not sure what you mean.


you weren't supposed to answer that... it was directed towards that other guy, haha !

And how do you NOT know what he means by de-metalization?
unless you are being wise ass over there

edit: yea I guess "divested of metal objects" is a better phrase !
edit on 10-2-2011 by fordrew because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by network dude
I am not sure what you mean.

I think he may mean being divested of metal objects.

There are several lessons which revolve around this aspect of the initiation but this preparation is considered esoteric.

edit on 10-2-2011 by AugustusMasonicus because: Networkdude has no beer.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

You have just as many stars as I have at this point and time. Don't get annoyed that people actually are agreeing with each other and not you necessarily.

They were indeed hostile statements. Not the question about the Denver airport, but rather we are egotistical, back slappers and so on. You've tried to use your "studies" to diagnose us and have been nothing short of patronizing. It is unwarranted and unwanted. If you had come in here with a civil discourse we would have greeted you with equal treatment.

reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

So let's disect your literary work. I will put my corrections in BOLD

For those of us who rejoice in the English language, as well of those of us who read your above text astonished by your destruction of the English language-you cannot understand words etc,(should be a period "." to end the sentence) did you honestly just use the word "trollness"!(should be a Question mark "?") I think before you should ever indulge yourself in adult conversation with grown ups again you should be made to sit down and study the English dictionary! I've searched through it and can't find the word "trollness!" Troll yes, trollness absolutely not! How stupid, arrogant and crass must you be feeling right now..?(no need for the two periods as you then used a Question mark) Incidentally, how stupid must you be feeling considering that you're arguing with someone who doesn't disagree with you but feels that you are all just social club members with a serious dress code problem! (Again, use a Question mark "?")
Sorry, but let me leave it to other non masons to decide who is right. Seems to me that people like me who aren't scared of you and don't feel you're important on the world scene, annoy you just as much as those who feel you are shape shifting thingies, the NWO or devil worshipers(only one "p")!?
Lets face it, the proof is in the pudding. What you are is attention seekers... As Network Dude said earlier, any attention is better than no attention.
I think any adult who dares use the word, trollness, in and adult serious conversation is deserving of absolutely no attention whatsoever... Here's an idea! Why not give another half baked, badly thought out pathetic reply and then get your sad and pathetic masonic friends to reward your bad grasping of the English language with stars!!! (Do you just hate Question marks?

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by isoger1
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

Onthelevel213 : Lodges have a huge Square and Compasses on a sign. Shriners wear funny hats and drive little cars in parades. This thread has no less than five Masons (at last count) giving a full rundown of who we are and what we do. We've taken oaths not to reveal our grips, passwords and signs; anything other lack of openness is because nobody asked.

May I ask you the essentials of initiation ?

a man must come of his own free will and accord, be worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared, be of lawful age, and properly vouched for.

How is a candidate initiated ?

He is brought through a ritual which teaches several lessons. the exact ritual can be found in several books, and videos. But I would suggest anyone interested in joining, not know the ritual before hand. It would spoil the first lesson.

Demetalization and why ?

I am not sure what you mean.


posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by network dude

Very many thanks for your answer. It was overly summarized though. I want to take the whole process under magnfying glass.
I want to investigate the whole process scientifically. So that I understand how we happen to make ourselves more open to Universe, more intuitive.

demetallization (uncountable) 1.The process of removing traces of metal from ...

Does it have enything to do with a Faraday Cage ?

How may we (the Egyptians) have catched it up?

thanks in advance this time ...
edit on 10-2-2011 by isoger1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by isoger1

I got hung up on the google version of your term. Divested of all minerals and metals so as to not being anything offensive or defensive into the lodge. Trust is key to the first lesson.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by isoger1

You've overshot. We just make an initiate come in with his jewelry off and pockets empty. There's a lesson connected to it; I don't think it's a secret, but I'll wait for that issue to be cleared up before I tell you.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

I think what isoger is trying to understand the two reasons that are given. It could be over-analyzing perhaps but I guess it could be warrant to further exploration. Further origination of where the two reasons came from.
edit on 10-2-2011 by fordrew because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by fordrew

I intend a trial to bring all of us to the origins of masonry. I take it easy because I have experiences.

First, let me clarfy:
a. I know masonry pretty well, I have got about 1000 books including zohar, read all pretty carefully including the full 33 degree rituals plus workbooks.
b. I am not a registered mason. I would do my best to help the coinhabitants of the planet I live upon, but I am not registered. I was adviced to stay as an idealist and not to register by a couple of experienced masons.
c. I have written up alI intend to write, up to a couple of facts I have gathered in the meanwhile, to the
First I got appraisal. Some wanted to coauthor a book with me. I keep their private posts.
Then, all of a sudden, they erased the whole topic, including their praises and banned me.

So may I ask you gentlemen to ask moderators of, mike for example, if I am entitled to write if you feel so.
I must say the truth beforehand not to get any surprises.

very truly yours

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by isoger1

If you had mentioned that you were not a mason , I think that may have upset them enough to ban you. So, were you ever a mason? And I think you should make a new topic on here since this topic has completely gone to crap ( moderators should close).

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by isoger1

on this site, I have seen everything printed. Up to and including the secret word of a mason that should only be given in the way and manner in which it was received. And those posters still exist. As a mason, I have no more control of posts than you do. The few mason moderators seem to be very cautious not to interfere with the discussions on a mod level and I think all involved like it that way. As a conspiracy theorist, I like to see any information brought out so that it can be discussed. If I have first hand knowledge, I will be as involved as I can be in the topic. As long as you stay within the T&C, your speech is free.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by fordrew

By heart I am, but I am experienced enough not to believe in my heart.
I was never registered.
Got some 8-10 invitations, asked my superiors and adviced to be an idealist. These were some 20 years ago.

I have not enough replies to open up a topic.

very truly

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by isoger1
a. I know masonry pretty well, I have got about 1000 books including zohar, read all pretty carefully including the full 33 degree rituals plus workbooks.

The explanation for why the candidate is divested of all minerals and metals is in the Entered Apprentice degree.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

No, not exactly. In order to understand this, we must have a nonlinear EM theory that permits solitons. ours is linear nowadays.

No bad intentions though.
If your implication is negative, I may keep my silence.

The World sems to be in danger, not only APAK whose farewell post I have read today but we all, including my two sons, seem to live our last days. As I have written once to Dr. Wolfram, we happen to be very lucky if we go over 2100 AC.
A pity for mankind.

I propose investigation. but it is up to you all.

edit on 10-2-2011 by isoger1 because: (no reason given)

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