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Birds Dying in front of Our eyes!!

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posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by T3hEn1337ened

People, not trying to ruffle any feathers here (pun maybe intended) but there's ignorant, and then there's willfully ignorant. What Journey2010 saw was a white-breasted nuthatch. I stated that on page 8, for those who missed it. It's normal for them to hang upside down

So Journey2010 jumped the gun and posted before researching everything fully, not a big deal, it was corrected later on and we all learned something from it "about the nature of the white-breasted nuthatch" but to outright call another person's reaction to something that is clearly going on "ignorant, or willfully ignorant" is absurd.

Everyone is trying to chip in and post ideas and thoughts and newsreports etc. to try to figure this whole thing out, because one person made a mistake is not a reason to just call them out and bash them for it. Remember one thing, when SHTF that ignorant person is the one that may help you out of a horrible situation.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:46 AM
So apparently the Starlings that died on Highway 101 near Brookshire Road in Greer, USA were hit by a car after trying to dodge a truck.....

Starling deaths solved?

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:50 AM

Dead birds in Saint-Augustin, Quebec, Canada


Denis Cloutier
Québec, Canada

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:50 AM
I live in Somerset in the UK. The place I live is a RSBP reserve and a place of Special Scientific Interest due to the birds that live here. We have literally thousands of birds around us all the time, as well as huge flocks of Starlings that flock in their 10's of thousands.. usually right above my car or house (what a mess they make

I've not seen one dead bird in the last 6 months. I know this doesn't help much, but just adding some balance.
edit on 7-1-2011 by SadisticRabbit because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:50 AM
I live in Ohio and haven't noticed anything unusual as of yet .. one thing I did notice, especially since I have these bird stories on my mind.. is on the drive home from work yesterday the sky in one section of the highway was nearly black with birds.. soooooo many of them flying around like a giant piece of fabric in waves.. they crossed from right to left then back again and got low enough to the ground that I was concerned I was going to drive right into one of them .. This kind of thing DOES happen here from time to time, but usually not in January ... there's an insane number of birds here but just not usually in the dead of winter..

With that said.. I've not seen a single dead bird here, they seem to be behaving normally aside from hanging out for the winter..

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:54 AM
New Here...
Been watching ATS since BP/Gulf. Got about 50 birds in my yard (live in woods) trafficking the feed stations as usual,.. from Pileated woodpeckers to Chickadees, nuthatchers..I could go on. I have been keeping a close watch on the two feed stations. Decided to start chimming in simply cuz it is time...I must say, a little nervous though. I will post if anything abnormal comes up as I spend a lot of time out in nature and in tune with her...this is what I could bring to the table. I will say that in the last 5 days or so the crows have been different...can't really put my finger on it just different. ...and I see them by the numbers out in the farm fields on my walks. I would like to add this link from PBS Special on animal behavior prior to electromagnetic disturbances. Furry, Finned, Winged or any other species of wildlife NEVER lie.
Thank you,

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by magycpapyri

Point taken, I was out of line. My apologies to Journey2010, bhornbuckle75, purplepisces, and anyone else I may have offended. We all ought to be able to learn without people (like me) calling the learners ignorant. Guess that means I've learned something, too. I just hope I can remember my lesson.

Fact-checking IS important, though. I made an @$$ of myself, and there's no excuse for that, but if you can find out more about something before posting it on a forum, it's always best to do so. Maybe I'm just naturally inquisitive, but when I see something new, my first instinct is to research it.

Once again, I'm very sorry. I posted before I thought. As for when TSHTF, you're absolutely right. We'll all have to find it in our hearts to forgive one another and work together, or perish at our own hands.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:06 AM
Curious_Agnostic has the funniest avatar ever.

I wonder why if it is such a common occurrence that people are making a big deal about it?Could it be that these incidents have happened within days of each other?Or the fact that they were all in flight when they dropped?Except for the fish of course.Can't explain the fish but something in the sky is killing these birds all at once.It's not normal for so many birds to drop dead at a time and it's happening in more then one place and only days apart.

Something in the sky is killing them.Maybe there is some sort of poisonous cloud up in the sky that's killing the birds all at once.

Or maybe the exhaust from invisible alien spaceships is killing them..I'm not making fun I am only joking around among cool people on ats,I think it's okay to joke,just no insults..for all I know it very well could be aliens.

I just don't understand why there is no real explanation for it?Are they testing poisonous gas and just don't want to tell us?Because that would be some scary stuff right there.And people have a right to know.We don't want to hear "it's a common thing" because I think birds dropping out of the sky by the hundreds or thousands would be considered an abnormal thing.They tell you it's common so you go "oh it's common so it's okay" then you forget about it.

Just like someone said the gulf oil spill was "common" because oil kind of leaks out from cracks in the ocean floor.That may well be but a little leakage from cracks is nothing to the millions of gallons of oil that's accidentally" spilled all the time.And if you think oil spills are a common thing just might be brain washed.Why are these "accidents" always happening?

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by T3hEn1337ened

As a human being, I think we all have made the mistake of speaking before thinking, I know I certainly have. The main thing is you realize the mistake and correct it and that means more then anything
When a person is wrong and admits it, it shows alot of character about that person. A Thumbs up to you for re-analyzing your way of thinking

Now if we can teach the rest of the world how to do this and work together, we will come one step closer to figuring out this problem going on and alot of the other problems in the world

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Update from my area (TN).

The birds are back. I was happy to see them. But we do have birds back that shouldn't be here yet. Our mockingbirds and robins have returned really early. Maybe they don't want to winter near the Gulf? I have no idea.

If anything changes, I'll update it.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by antar
Your story pulled my heartstrings right out of my chest, I feel for your wife and how this must have made her feel especially if she also reads ATS. You know I will tell you for the past couple days I have been crying every chance I get, not sure why as I have a million reasons right now to cry but usually can hold it to a few tears silently shed, but really it has been a sobbing down pour several times and an intense sense of sadness.

I pray for all of us, and for whatever is affecting the global community.

I am heading out so no time to discuss this right now but had to make this comment to you and your wife, you are a respected member in my eyes and and I believe you.
edit on 6-1-2011 by antar because: (no reason given)

You've been crying every chance you get? What does that statement even mean? Crying is an emotional REACTION to events and/or thoughts, not a pre-planned ACTION....

What a bizarre post.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:32 AM
what about sound? our cockatiel died from an extremely loud and sudden sound. first it went limp (immediately) and died shortly thereafter. i wonder if there's sound out there that's beyond our hearing range, that is effecting birds. doesn't explain fish though. hmm.......if a loud sound extremely high pitched or low pitched hit water, it would still propagate, but in an entirely different way..
edit on 7-1-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:44 AM
Sick birds dont die in flight because sick birds seek refuge on a perch, then die.

Sick birds dont die at the exact same time.

Sick birds dont fall out of the air, dead from blunt force trauma.

What causes blunt force trauma? Blunt force trauma occurs when one solid object impacts another with neccesary force. (Imagine running into a wall) In rare circumstances, liquids at high pressures can cause BFT, but that obviously has not been reported even once in connection with bird deaths.

Multiple birds dying in midflight from BFT and falling in very tight clusters suggest that they all hit the same thing or the same thing hit them all at the same time. The fact that no such object was seen does not dismiss these facts.

Therefore, the best reasonable explanation is that the birds died from a collision with a solid object that was invisible to the eye. Perhaps this object produced electromagnetic current that threw the birds senses out of kilter as well.

The "official" explanations that are being offered up by "experts" are so ridiculus, they don't bear repeating. There are only 2 possible explanations that I see and the amount of disinformation that is being fed to the public suggests that one of those theories is correct.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:58 AM
more birds died. this time in italy. doves, it says. thousands of turtle doves

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by RealAmericanPatriot

You are so right...

Mix this with the odd weather patterns and the magnetic pole shift... and well you got a witches brew of shock to the ecology.

See the areas where these birds are found dead are right in the normal migration paths.... but what if the normal migration paths aren't safe anymore due to the pole shift and weather change?

Yep... shock.... and death... of millions of birds and fish

And in China... even people!

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 11:12 AM
I for one certainly am not buying any of the MSM explanations, especially the fireworks scenario. I for one am starting to lean more toward the pole shift since this seem more plausible. As for the cold weather/ freezing, well haven’t birds been living in these kinds of conditions for ummm ever. I live in Alabama and we are expected to have freezing rain and snow this weekend, a rarity for us down here. So I will let you know if we have any die off’s here.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 11:18 AM
edit on 7-1-2011 by eeyipes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by XHellcatX
So apparently the Starlings that died on Highway 101 near Brookshire Road in Greer, USA were hit by a car after trying to dodge a truck.....

Starling deaths solved?

That is a first, I can see maybe 5 to 10 max. but 50 plus the ones stuck in the mans grill? The worst part is that birds can change direction in flight within a few seconds, I am not buying the story of them hitting a truck. Sounds fishy to me. Grackle's and starlings both also are flighty birds, and would have taken off, way before a car even got that close. I open my house door in the spring and they all fly away and they are about 300 feet away from the house. A car goes by and they take off like a bat out of hell, that's when they are way up here on the lawn, so I am not buying it. I have been an avid bird watcher now for over 30 years, and believe me, that is one story along with the fireworks one that is a bunch of B.S.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by gncnew

Originally posted by antar
Your story pulled my heartstrings right out of my chest, I feel for your wife and how this must have made her feel especially if she also reads ATS. You know I will tell you for the past couple days I have been crying every chance I get, not sure why as I have a million reasons right now to cry but usually can hold it to a few tears silently shed, but really it has been a sobbing down pour several times and an intense sense of sadness.

I pray for all of us, and for whatever is affecting the global community.

I am heading out so no time to discuss this right now but had to make this comment to you and your wife, you are a respected member in my eyes and and I believe you.
edit on 6-1-2011 by antar because: (no reason given)

You've been crying every chance you get? What does that statement even mean? Crying is an emotional REACTION to events and/or thoughts, not a pre-planned ACTION....

What a bizarre post.

keep it to your self

If you don't have anything constructive top say , say nothing...infact just say nothing

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by chrisbking
I for one certainly am not buying any of the MSM explanations, especially the fireworks scenario.

You're tellin' me - here in the UK at around Guy Fawkes nights and New Years, we have fireworks on sale for anyone over the age of 18. I mean, we have really relaxed laws compared to the USA I think.

My point is, that at least twice every year we have an incredible amount of fireworks going off - day AND night. Never have I ever heard of mass bird-deaths from fireworks...or at all (at least here in the UK).

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