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Trump: China "Laughing" at U.S. for Continued Borrowing from Them to Run Up Debt-VIDEO

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posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Segador
Well I feel it isn't happening fast enough, I welcome this doom.

You might get what you are asking for sooner than you think. In fact, by any objective measure, the broad economy is already worse now for many people than it ever has been in their lifetimes.

Of course, nobody actually wants doom when it lands on their own doorstep...And remember, collapse doesn't necessarily strike across the board. There are millions and millions in very desperate situations right now, and others who are just living life blissfully unaware of the plight of their fellow man because its not talked up in the mainstream media. Someday your grandchild may ask you, "How could people not have known? Especially with all that information out there from when the web was still free, before the Great Information Clampdown of 2014?"

edit on 1/3/11 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by FlyingJadeDragon

You are right about two things, both China and the USA will collapse, however I still see a slight glimmer of hope for the USA with the right leadership, it's remarkable and quite creative people...but China? By 2040 it's all over for them and that's when we should be worried, REALLY worried.

The first thing our nations should put a stop to, right now, don't allow foreign (especially Chinese or Indian) takeovers of any land, businesses/companies (including set up of) and say no to their food & toy imports.

Tariffs for imports should be set, I was thinking to start with 15% and up it to 5% each year.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by FlyingJadeDragon

You are right about two things, both China and the USA will collapse, however I still see a slight glimmer of hope for the USA with the right leadership, it's remarkable and quite creative people...but China? By 2040 it's all over for them and that's when we should be worried, REALLY worried.

The first thing our nations should put a stop to, right now, don't allow foreign (especially Chinese or Indian) takeovers of any land, businesses/companies (including set up of) and say no to their food & toy imports.

Tariffs for imports should be set, I was thinking to start with 15% and up it to 5% each year.

I know what you're saying but it's a little hard to impose taxes on goods from a country when you already owe them nearly a trillion dollars that you're unlikely to be able to ever repay from said trade

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by FlyingJadeDragon

That's easy....just print some greenback that can be traced, put it on airplanes send it over there and bob's your uncle.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by FlyingJadeDragon
I know what you're saying but it's a little hard to impose taxes on goods from a country when you already owe them nearly a trillion dollars that you're unlikely to be able to ever repay from said trade

Not necessarily true. Those loans were only bonds, with a time limit on them to pay x amount of value in US$ PROVIDED it is not withdrawn. And those bonds were not bought all at the same time, mostly certain amounts at certain periods. Just like fixed deposits, but better guaranteed, as the masses are the ones who will have to pay for it..

It would be suicidal to ask for the money back today, as the value of the US dollar is down. China would be losing billions, and those are not private funds, but belongs to the masses. They will be at the throat of the CCP govt for losing billions!

US had gotten themselves into a crunch, just like any spendthrift who gotten into trouble with his credit card. He still has a salary ( GNP, taxes, revenues) to avoid bankruptcy, but it is not enough to pay off all should the bank (creditors) demands ALL back.

So he has to go to another bank and borrows again to pay his creditor (China). That bank has trillions, and will lend him the money, but there will be terms and conditions to it - a pack with the devil - do as it says.

The fear is never China. China has only about a quarter of the bonds issued, easily paid back. Raising tariffs is not a problem, afterall the trade imbalance makes it impossible for US to benefit much at all.

It's the banks every american, present and future generations, and the leaders should fear. For, once one is in debt, you will be at the mercy of the creditor, to do his bidding. Whomever leader that had allowed the Fed to be created ought to have his bones interred and drag along the streets by the masses.
edit on 3-1-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

What would happen if everyone withdrawel every single cent they had out of the banks right now including every single payday?

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 03:47 AM
Can't lay the blame on one source alone. China certainly isn't to blame. It is a combination of past mistakes that have allowed the current circumstances to emerge. Inevitable, regardless of how predictable it may have been.
The biggest mistake the U.S. ever did was let the blue collar jobs go overseas. When we don't have manufacturing industries...we don't even have a backbone to hold us up in hard times.
This of course was followed by a lot of white collar jobs, especially in the IT sector. The sector once praised for bringing back prosperity to the country. Well...not anymore. But I'm not blaming India for it.

Say it's corporate greed, unions or government is probably all of them...What is often left out of this equation is that Americans simply do not care where the products they consume are being made. Americans, like their industries, like a bargain.

It's basically a path to self-destruction...And no one's at the wheel.
edit on 3-1-2011 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Theoratically, a fire sale will have to be conducted. The lands, the buildings, the infrasture, the mineral resources, everything will be assesed in value, just as any other form of bankruptcy and then sold away. Whoever has the most money or real gold will buy it all up and become king of a landmass, or at least most of it. Kiss the USA goodbye if it does not add up to more than the debt owe. It will then be occupied by foreign holdings without a shot being fired.

Business contracts must be honoured, for we are living in a civilised world.

But in reality, I do believe deals will be cobbled together, to seek out commin grounds and win win solutions. The foreigners may own the land, and unless the troops are demobilised, the guns given up, I doubt if any of them want guerilla warfare on their hands.

Probably the bankers will cough up the dough to pay everyone, afterall, it's still their money being passed around, ( if indeed they have trillions in REAL gold ) and without the headache of democracy to manage the masses. Let the puppets maintain the charade while they keep their fingers crossed that over time, they will see a return on their capital and profits.

See how cold and inhuman it gets when it is down to the reality of numbers?
edit on 3-1-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by FlyingJadeDragon

Donald Trump is proposing that America slap a 50% tax on all imports from China. He seems to think that this will somehow 'magically' get people working again. Although he did accept a bid for furniture from an American company because the quality is better than the stuff offered by the Chinese bidders,he doesn't seem to understand that the high cost of the American-made stuff is counterproductive during a severe down-turn. No matter how bad you want the 'good' stuff,your wallet is going to decide whether or not you can actually afford it.

The time when Americans had the financial means to choose between high-quality at a higher price and cheap-quality at a low price are over. Most people have no choice but to buy the Chinese-made stuff now from dumps like Wal-mart. Slapping high taxes on Chinese imports would be like the doctor cutting off your head to get rid of your migraine just because you balk at the price of the medication. This type of taxation would never work,period. America has reached the 'vanishing point' on this one. It's going to be time to pay up soon and the world knows America is broke. The only things it has left is a bit of land,infrastructure,resources and people. Care to guess which one is going on the auction block first?

Listen to Mr. Trump carefully in this video. He sounds slightly panicky and a bit confused. He's sort of all over the place in this interview. I'm not sure if anyone really knows what's going on anymore. You know it's bad when someone like him starts sounding a wee shaky. The End draws nigh,my friends.
edit on 3-1-2011 by FlyingJadeDragon because: edit for content

edit on 3-1-2011 by FlyingJadeDragon because: typo-misspellings

AMerica is broke, but we need to remember in these trying economic times, america owns the food industry. and we do have leverage to play high stakes.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 09:39 AM
life in america does not need to be felt like as if we are dommed. we can mamage a meltdown if as americans we come together and help each other. Then the only people affected in a meltdown senario would be the government and it is they who owe not us. Again i have to state the facts America owns the food industry, food is a powerful allie

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

im not kissing america goodbye. and i wont sell my lands to any foreigner who stands with cash in myface regardless of my financial problems. if we sell out america exactly where do we go?

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 10:42 AM
I the idea makes sense, but as someone has already mentioned, we need corporations to build these factories, we need to encourage businesses to produce here and that is the governments fault for driving them away and then they blame the people for purchasing lower cost goods, when that's just a mechanism for economics, government policies are to blame here they set the rules everyone's else is just playing the game

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 03:01 PM
Trump:"We don't need Chinese to make our toys, we can do it right here."

For what? .50$ an hour?

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 05:34 PM

we could do what we did in the past. Not trade with dictators, communists, socialists, etc etc etc.

Hmmm, what a novel idea. When was it when we use to do that. Let me see, wasn't it about the time around the 60's and 70's?

What was our economy like back then? Ohh, that would be that it was good.

Nevermind, dumb idea. Better to let people earning $68 per year have completely open and free trade.

Yep, getter dun.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by prexparte
life in america does not need to be felt like as if we are dommed. we can mamage a meltdown if as americans we come together and help each other. Then the only people affected in a meltdown senario would be the government and it is they who owe not us. Again i have to state the facts America owns the food industry, food is a powerful allie

'America' in what sense of the word? If you mean the people,then I think you're wrong. The food supply is owned by multinational corporations in collusion with the government. Yes,you're right. Food is a powerful ally and can used to coerce the common people into bending to the will of the government. You seem to forget the new food bill which was passed that basically takes away all rights of the average citizen to grow,sell or distribute food and gives them the conglomerates such as Monsanto.

Yup,they've got you where they want you. Under the thumb and under control.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by prexparte
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

im not kissing america goodbye. and i wont sell my lands to any foreigner who stands with cash in myface regardless of my financial problems. if we sell out america exactly where do we go?

Go? Nowhere. You would still live in America. The landlord and the rules just change,that's all. And,you may not have a choice when it comes 'your' land. There's something called 'Imminent Domain' which trumps your rights to land and allows the government to take it from you. It happens all the time. Land gets seized for things like..oh,let's see...the Texas Corridor,which is part of the NAFTA Superhighway and is Spanish owned.

You seeing the big picture now?

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 06:25 PM
The problem is that American democracy was a con from the moment that the lobbyists got in. The good people of America were conned into hating communism. Communism was bound to fail but it was the first to define the threat of multi nationals which America ignored. Remember multinationals have no national alleigances just their profits.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 06:36 PM
Trump is an idiot when it comes to macro economics.

He's right that America needs to rebuild it's industrial base, but taxing chinese products in order to accomplish that goal is totally asinine.

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