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the Dark Face of Darwinism

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posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by PieKeeper

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
I guess Racist would better describe his views, penned in Mein Kampf and inspired by his radical racial predecessor, Darwin.

edit on 12/27/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

Hitler was definitely a Christian, and Darwin was in no way his "radical predecessor." Darwin was a naturalist who opened up science to an entirely new way of viewing the natural world.

You can watch this for a hilarious presentation of Hitler quotes to see that he was definitely a Christian, and it even sources the quotes.
edit on 28-12-2010 by PieKeeper because: (no reason given)

no one with a shred of intellect can look at Hitler and say he was any kind of Christian, aside from what might be called 'Christian in name only'. I think of them as fill-in-the-blank Christians; ask them their religion and they say Christian even if they have no active faith, church attendance, etc. it would have been impossible for the nazis to obtain any widespread support without at least a facade of Christianity. (on a lighter scale, there is no shortage of this in US politics, as when Nancy Pelosi, for example, promotes gay marriage and abortions and gushes over her love for the bible).
judge the tree by the fruit.
God complains at one point 'because of you My Name is blasphemed among the unbelievers'. here be a great example.
someone mentioned how many 'Christians' get abortions today; again, just because they claim some faith doesn't mean they practice any.

Hilter referred to 'Providence', which can mean...anything. the Aryan race was his equivalent of a god, just as the State is the Marxist's 'god'.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

Male bovine fecal matter!

Just so some may better grasp the scope of this debate, and just who might be participating in it... There are atleast two individual localized Church groups reading this very thread (as I have been notified via email) not to mention my friends and neutral members of my family. Also to give a better scope to some of the young adults who might even be posting in this topic, this topic happens to be the number 3 Google search result on the "the Dark Face of Darwinism" so also anyone looking into discussion on this said topic (the world over for that matter) is seeing mainly the insulting nature of some posters opening comments in responses.

I will have to admit, I have opened quite biased toward Atheism and have a few removals of posts myself but a couple of them were double posts and I have even been advised after complaining to staff at ATS about my removals not being justified, but in response I was told I went off topic in my very own discussion. I have also been advised that I may be better off starting a new topic on this same very discussion without opening in any insults directed toward any group in particular "Atheists" and to also better explain the boundries of the discussion...

At any rate I wanted some posters and young adults to know why they are not getting replies or responses from me or even other posters for that matter. It is not a particularly professional intention to begin a response or a dialogue with insults, yet it only shows the capitulation of the opposing theorists... not only just to the person being "quoted" but to all readers of said thread (which again is the number #1 discussion about this topic via Google search)

Some may wish to participate in a more mannered and professional dialogue if they do decide to discuss sociobiology and the psychological effects of Darwinism in the next and new topic.

Thank You...

edit on 12/29/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by works4dhs

Originally posted by PieKeeper

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
I guess Racist would better describe his views, penned in Mein Kampf and inspired by his radical racial predecessor, Darwin.

edit on 12/27/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

Hitler was definitely a Christian, and Darwin was in no way his "radical predecessor." Darwin was a naturalist who opened up science to an entirely new way of viewing the natural world.

You can watch this for a hilarious presentation of Hitler quotes to see that he was definitely a Christian, and it even sources the quotes.
edit on 28-12-2010 by PieKeeper because: (no reason given)

no one with a shred of intellect can look at Hitler and say he was any kind of Christian, aside from what might be called 'Christian in name only'.

You're pretty much using the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

Hitler believed in, and was influenced by, the Christian faith. Whether or not he was a "true Christian" is subjective and irrelevant to the argument.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by PieKeeper

Hitler was a Mystic, a Racist and an Atheist... by his "actions" alone.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

Oh rubbish. Look at all the stories in the old testament of god-fearing mean wiping out entire populations in order to take over their land, on the orders of God and you'll realise Hitler's actions were quite in line with what you'd expect from one who believes the bible is the word of god.

God even killed a king in anger for showing compassion and not killing every single one of a group he was ordered to kill.

By the way, do you feel like apologising to me yet for your lies and for referring to me as "a teenager from the Kafir UK society, possibly has bone in nose and tramp-stamp, not even old enough to buy alcohol or get into a club"?

And who were you accusing of racism?

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Kailassa
By the way, do you feel like apologising to me yet for your lies and for referring to me as "a teenager from the Kafir UK society, possibly has bone in nose and tramp-stamp, not even old enough to buy alcohol or get into a club"?

pardon me ?

I do not believe I ever called you this personally otherwise I would have been reprimanded by the T&C.

If you are taking it personally could it possibly be you who is identifying yourself with my observation of the fashion of the Atheist group ? because I have no Idea how you look...

I seen two young adults with this same fashion sitting down at the Starbucks today, one of them, a female, had a bull-ring type of thing in her nose, it was not a full hoop ring but looked more like an "Omega" symbol, I didn't even bother to ask her as somehow I knew she would not grasp the nature of my question on her religious views about Deities in general... she just wasn't there yet !

The End !

edit on 12/29/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

Let me help you out, since you seem to have forgotten what you wrote about Kailassa.

In this post you said:

A teenager from the Kafir UK society, possibly has bone in nose and tramp-stamp, not even old enough to buy alcohol or get into a club.

This is what I can ascertain about you reading maybe 4 to 8 of your posts...

please do not show your knickers we are totally not interested
You explicitly said that Kailassa was a 'UK kafir' with 'bone in nose and tramp stamp.' Don't try to weasel out of this one. You plainly identified Kailassa as these things and did not make a blanket statement about all atheists.

I would report you for this post, but it is not my place to do so.

Back on topic:

Here is a quote form the New Testament that advocates apartheid and racism!

All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.

Theism - 0 Atheism -1

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

And once more you address a single line and none of the questions.

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

Male bovine fecal matter!

Just so some may better grasp the scope of this debate, and just who might be participating in it... There are atleast two individual localized Church groups reading this very thread (as I have been notified via email) not to mention my friends and neutral members of my family. Also to give a better scope to some of the young adults who might even be posting in this topic, this topic happens to be the number 3 Google search result on the "the Dark Face of Darwinism" so also anyone looking into discussion on this said topic (the world over for that matter) is seeing mainly the insulting nature of some posters opening comments in responses.

Sooooo a red herring? I'm sorry, but I'm calling a spade a spade. Would you rather I simply say "Hey look, you're lying!"?

Because that is what I demonstrated. And anyway, why did you have to do this publicly? Couldn't you have simply sent me a u2u? I might have actually responded to such an action positively. Also, why are you referring to me as a 'young adult'? I'm an adult, young or old has no bearing. Such a patronizing attitude towards me will only further hurt your case.

I will have to admit, I have opened quite biased toward Atheism and have a few removals of posts myself but a couple of them were double posts and I have even been advised after complaining to staff at ATS about my removals not being justified, but in response I was told I went off topic in my very own discussion. I have also been advised that I may be better off starting a new topic on this same very discussion without opening in any insults directed toward any group in particular "Atheists" and to also better explain the boundries of the discussion...

Ok, so why are you replying to me if you're not addressing the subject matter of my post? I raised legitimate questions and exposed an outright lie. Your intent with this thread was to conflate Darwin with Hitler, not to open a discussion about educating children. You've yet to support any of your claims or answer the numerous questions I've posed to you.

At any rate I wanted some posters and young adults to know why they are not getting replies or responses from me or even other posters for that matter.

Wow, you're complaining about insults while jabbing me with ageism.'re just going to run away from the discussion because I definitely have you beat. You've avoided my questions numerous times, you've outright lied, and you're now running away under the guise of insults being hurled. This is called hypocrisy.

It is not a particularly professional intention to begin a response or a dialogue with insults,

You've forced me to go to this length, because the hypocrisy is staggering. I know how much you hate references, but I'm going to reference you.

The following quotes can be found in this very thread. Here is a compilation of all of Cosmic.Artifact's posts from this thread.

Emphasis added unless indicated.

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
reality is Atheism is a small group of English speaking spoiled kids who have not figured life out yet... As we have evidence of this by "the Evolution of Being"

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
ok J the topic here is Evolution ! mainly its 'dark side' in case you have not noticed ?

gosh are Atheist so hard headed and maybe even worse than Radical Islam ?

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
please don't be so selfish, and have a little respect will ya ?

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
whine and scream all you like...

These next two are directly addressed to me:

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
am I the one who bailed out of the theology section

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
also the way you try to disassemble everyone and each single sentence they write serves no purpose... It shows much of your character... there is no use in speaking with someone such as this.

when some people learn to write paragraphs maybe other will read and respond to you also...

you seriously think I am the only one not reading that long-winded garbage ?

And some more not addressed to me:

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
those who wish to use it as a tool it would seem they have a certain twist to that which it is supposed to teach (see video at page 1) there is evidence of this even on this very site and by some proudly self-proclaimed Atheists.

Of course they are kids so we must respect that road too.

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
these Kids have no real knowledge of Evolution nor have they even read any of Darwins books... there is evidence of that here on this site too.

In this next one the emphasis is original:

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
in other words, are our young sociopathic Hitlers any different than those who have used religion to crusade in the name of a God ? Albeit Hitler and Stalin are not ancient history on the timeline.

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
Evolutionary scientist are about as dead as Darwin himself... nuff said about that 5th grade level science.

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
yes that is a very small minority who is not busy raising a family or busy building a Nation.

Now this next one is the entirety of a post that you made in reply to me:

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
that is some string of one-liner opinion !

thanks for your input, but I seriously doubt it is needed any longer in this particular topic, there is a plethora of topics which are more suited to your individual view.

I tired of this, I could keep going. This is just from the first 100 or so responses you made to this thread. I could keep providing instances where you were directly insulting in this and other threads. Basically, you're being a massive hypocrite. And that is very topical when you choose to call me a young adult, rather than an adult, and dismiss my claims.

yet it only shows the capitulation of the opposing theorists... not only just to the person being "quoted" but to all readers of said thread (which again is the number #1 discussion about this topic via Google search)

No, it just shows that you're unable to answer the following questions (oh, this list had grown so much from just a handful). By the way, looking back in this thread, I've asked you some form of this list of questions ten times already, here's number 11:

Question 1: Where is the evidence in Darwin's writings that he was a racist? No, the subtitle of a book isn't enough to draw a conclusion about the material contained within.

Question 2: Where is the evidence of negative social impact with regard to Darwin's theory of evolution?

Question 3: Where is the evidence that Darwin's writings and scientific findings influenced any dictatorship? Please provide direct quotes from these dictators.

Question 4: Why would it be dangerous to teach children actual, fact-based science?

Question 5: Do you or do you not agree that Darwin's theory of evolution is the best way to explain the diversity of life found upon planet Earth?

Question 6: How is evolution a racist ideology?

Question 7: How is atheism in opposition to humanity?

Question 8: Where is your evidence that all atheist are white Caucasian Anglophones?

Question 9: How is "I do not accept your proposed idea" a belief?

Question 10: Where is your evidence that atheism is "the most abominable ignorance which hides in the darkness"?

Question 11: How is atheism "deceptive"?

Question 12: In what way could "Evolution" be considered a sign of ignorance?

Question 13: How is atheism damaging?

Question 14: How is atheism a 'faith'?

Question 15: How is atheism "the very nature of ignorance itself"?

Question 16: Where is your evidence of atheism being intolerant or disrespectful?

Question 17: What is the "Atheistic doctrine"?

Question 18: What are the teachings of atheism?

Some may wish to participate in a more mannered and professional dialogue if they do decide to discuss sociobiology and the psychological effects of Darwinism in the next and new topic.

So you're going to plead the moral high ground? I'm sorry, but I've already shown that you've been repeatedly insulting and dismissive, both towards members of this forum and many populations of the world. You've also perpetuated the use of emoticons and truncated posts, childish prodding, and not answering questions that have been posed to you eleven times.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by SmedleyBurlap

Thankyou, Smedley.

As Cosmic has admitted in his previous post, he has also leveled this accusation against atheists in general, libelling a whole group, and then complains if he thinks he's not being treated nicely enough in return.

Yet the posts from atheists are intelligent, relrvant, and politely worded. The only failing with them is that they either get quoted out of context or left unanswered.

Obviously this thread was started with the intention of promoting, rather than discussing, a point of view.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
reply to post by PieKeeper

Hitler was a Mystic, a Racist and an Atheist... by his "actions" alone.

Ok, I'm not going to deny claim 1 and claim 2. He was definitely a mystic of some sort, he held mystical beliefs. He was also most assuredly a racist, history can attest to that. But where is the evidence that Hitler was an atheist?

You see, you're making a claim here that his actions prove him to be an atheist. Which actions? How are these actions typical of atheists? Where is your evidence for this?

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Kailassa
Taking things out of context like this is just one more way in which you lie, or "bear false witness."

this is also not taking things out of context by any means, I was simply telling everyone and in response to your inquiry... to take it up with Wikipedia !

Wikipedia is some peoples bible when it comes to online (facts) and the (fact) remains that it is stated right there and on Wiki that Hitlers religious views are in "fact" in Dispute

you can read it right here as I have posted the link already...

it is the 10th word in the opening statement ! (dispute)

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by Kailassa
Taking things out of context like this is just one more way in which you lie, or "bear false witness."

this is also not taking things out of context by any means, I was simply telling everyone and in response to your inquiry... to take it up with Wikipedia !

I'm sorry, but I've already demonstrated you doing this thrice. You took the subtitle of Darwin's book out of context (the context being the whole damn book that disagrees with the proposition that Darwin was a racist), you misquoted The Descent of Man, snipping Darwin's quote to make it look racist when it wasn't, and you took a provocatively titled National Geographic article as an attempt to show that some actual question as to the validity of evolution is being made, when the first words of the article itself, in big bold, 3/4 page letters said NO

Wikipedia is some peoples bible when it comes to online (facts) and the (fact) remains that it is stated right there and on Wiki that Hitlers religious views are in "fact" in Dispute

So our claims are in dispute, yet your are absolute fact?

you can read it right here as I have posted the link already...

it is the 10th word in the opening statement ! (dispute)

Dispute, what there is between yourself and the facts.

Once more, I ask:

Question 1: Where is the evidence in Darwin's writings that he was a racist? No, the subtitle of a book isn't enough to draw a conclusion about the material contained within.

Question 2: Where is the evidence of negative social impact with regard to Darwin's theory of evolution?

Question 3: Where is the evidence that Darwin's writings and scientific findings influenced any dictatorship? Please provide direct quotes from these dictators.

Question 4: Why would it be dangerous to teach children actual, fact-based science?

Question 5: Do you or do you not agree that Darwin's theory of evolution is the best way to explain the diversity of life found upon planet Earth?

Question 6: How is evolution a racist ideology?

Question 7: How is atheism in opposition to humanity?

Question 8: Where is your evidence that all atheist are white Caucasian Anglophones?

Question 9: How is "I do not accept your proposed idea" a belief?

Question 10: Where is your evidence that atheism is "the most abominable ignorance which hides in the darkness"?

Question 11: How is atheism "deceptive"?

Question 12: In what way could "Evolution" be considered a sign of ignorance?

Question 13: How is atheism damaging?

Question 14: How is atheism a 'faith'?

Question 15: How is atheism "the very nature of ignorance itself"?

Question 16: Where is your evidence of atheism being intolerant or disrespectful?

Question 17: What is the "Atheistic doctrine"?

Question 18: What are the teachings of atheism?

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

Pardon? I can find the exact post where you said exactly that

Link to this violation is here. And here's the quote:

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
reply to post by Kailassa

A teenager from the Kafir UK society, possibly has bone in nose and tramp-stamp, not even old enough to buy alcohol or get into a club.

This is what I can ascertain about you reading maybe 4 to 8 of your posts...

please do not show your knickers we are totally not interested

You attack me for using the words 'male bovine fecal matter' with response to a patently false accusation, and then you pretend like you didn't openly insult Kailassa.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:42 PM
I no longer wish to participate in this thread, as it will distract from the real meat of the debate. I want Cosmic.Artifact to answer some of madnessinmysoul's questions, which I heartily endorse. (Questions 17 and 18 are basically the same, though).

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
Let me help you out, since you seem to have forgotten what you wrote about Kailassa.

if that is what you believe then have the moderators remove the post...

certain teams are expert of taking things out of context, (well atleast they think they are) so I would read on at what has led upto that point and in my other topics about the generalization of Atheists.

you do not want me to go digging for comments some have made directly about me and Christians because I have a rack of them I complained about that were not removed.

If I have hurt anyone that may even be not of age to buy alcohol or not even be of legal adult age then their parents may want to consider paying more attention to their online activities ?

at any rate I am sorry then Kali even though I do not request an apology from you, I understand and am yet again sorry if I directed that at you. Consider though what you may have told or called me too please.

edit on 12/29/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

I might be mistaken, but I'm quite sure Kailassa is actually old enough to be my mother.'re sort of wrong. And I definitely didn't take that quote out of context. I provided a link to the context and quoted it in full.

Now, why is it that you're ignoring my questions when I've shown that your reasons for it were hypocritical? You have been more insulting towards myself, Kailassa, and every other atheist on the face of the planet than I have been by simply pointing out that the claim that the original thread intent dealt with education was fallacious.

I can even trace the ways you've adapted the thread title. It starts out:

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
Darwin has contributed so much to the world, the Theory of Evolution was the perfect tool so many Atheists and Dictators were looking for. Or did Darwin beget all these atrocities inadvertently ?

Version 2:

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
My intention here is to discuss the benefits of Darwin's "theory" of evolution and how it has been used. One must have a critical sense of histories timeline and what began to happen right after this theory had been introduced.

So you went from outright condemnation to simple discussion...within the span of two posts.

Next version, v3

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
I would like to discuss the possibilities of the negative aspects of Darwins theory and the positive and what it has contributed to science that we have benefited from since the theory took off and was used by many to justify their actions scientists or rulers ect.

Version 4:

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
Negative and Positive aspect of the Theory of Evolution please...

as I have stated in the thread title, the language is negative but counter argument is welcome.

So you went from a linking the works of Darwin and Hitler together to discussing a scientific theory?

Version 5:

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact
this is not a discussion about religion, it is a discussion about the Theory of Evolution and what it has offered to humanity.

thanks again...

Now it's about what it's offered to humanity?

That's just the five changes that take place within your first twenty posts in this thread. And not once do you mention children or education in those first twenty posts.

Hence the claim seemed like waste product.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by SmedleyBurlap

yes you got that right...

also the topic you have referred to "Atheists are people just like you" is only 4 pages long. a very quick and short read.

you will also notice I have now minimized the use of the words (you and you're) and refer only to "Groups" or always say "some"

I can not count the number of of times the word "you" is directed at me in that topic of only 4 pages... did somebody possibly ask me for my personal opinion leading up to that point in he discussion ?

peace guys... and lets stick with our own groups then so we can all have more fun around here... I was hardcore attacked on this site when I first began to post a little over a month ago and as I have stated multiple times "this is my response to it" lets all show better respect and respect for everybodys belief system.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 05:05 PM
Madness, you'll never get an answer to your questions because deep down even Cosmic realizes that he can't back up his claims...doesn't stop him from ranting ofc, but I just figured I'd let you know that you can stop asking him, he'll never answer questions he knows he can't answer without destroying his fantasyland worldview.

That's NOT an attack against Cosmic even, just stating a fact given that we're on page 31 of this thread and the questions have been asked tons of time...and he always ignored them.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
Cosmic.Artifact to answer some of madnessinmysoul's questions,

I will hold no discussion with my original aggressor ! I will not acceppt his ideology as truth or even founded in reason and logic.

I will not submit because he can not engage me in a normal conversation and chooses only to post page long one-liner responses filled with quotes.

this is not a way to hold a conversation and it is also very informative of ones character.

Jesus is my Truth !

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
Cosmic.Artifact to answer some of madnessinmysoul's questions,

I will hold no discussion with my original aggressor ! I will not acceppt his ideology as truth or even founded in reason and logic.

I will not submit because he can not engage me in a normal conversation and chooses only to post page long one-liner responses filled with quotes.

this is not a way to hold a conversation and it is also very informative of ones character.

Jesus is my Truth !

In other words: You're ok with starting a thread attacking atheists and a scientifically backed up theory, yet when people actually engage in a discussion with you and ask you to back up your that case you refuse to play ball.

Good way to show how much you're really interested in arguments and a productive discussion. You just want to use these forums as a rant platform to vent your anger against atheists, lol. Finally you're admitting to being a troll!!

Madness wrote pages after pages in response to your nonsense...and you ignored EVERY SINGLE point he made that contradicts your worldview. I think it's very dishonest and kinda lame of you to start a thread, and then refusing to answer even the most basic questions that are VERY relevant to your subject just because you believe the questions to be uncomfortable.

It shows how deep down you're not sure of the stuff you type on here...which gives me hope, because most of it was complete nonsense. Like the part where you blame Darwin for actions committed by the conquistadores even before Darwin was born

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